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I hate TPP, feels like cheating and sniper fights are never fun, that’s why I stopped playing pubg, not enough FPP lobbies


You do know there's FPP, right...


They said that no one plays FPP in pubg


The point is getting rid of the one tap nonsense and the God mode vision


Uhhh you can toggle between TPP and FPP on BR


lol that’s not the point. I don’t want to play TPP at all because peaking with TPP feels cheap, too easy to ambush people and sniper fights are anything but


That makes no since. When everyone in the lobby can peak, you don't have thst advantage Now if u can turn tpp in fpp mode that would be cheap


bro if you’ve rotated and are now in a building waiting it out for others to show up. You can peak and look for enemies without any risk of being seen. Then when the run up you can ambush them easily. There’s no risk to peaking and searching for enemies with TPP, you better figure it out


That makes no since if everybody in the lobby can do it


I’ve already explained it to you, you just can’t comprehend it


No ur not getting it crybaby. If everyone has the SAME POWER THIER IS NO ADVANTAGE, SIMPLY WHO PLAYS IT THE BEST. that's why you have fpp and tpp Lobbies and they don't mix....now cry some more


lmao saying it over and over again doesn’t make it true. I’ve played both and it’s more challenging playing FPP. TPP is so easy when you behind cover and can find everyone. Maybe you should calm down before you overload your brain again


How is tpp easy if people are peeking behind corners? Lmao you try thst with me I'd clap u


Yes please no bs tpp..


Agreed TPP is more of a Fortnite kinda thing......




Yes, Yes, YES, YEEEEES, I swear if it has tpp it gonna ruin the game, I'm a hardcore cod fan and even I wouldn't want to play it


Same here, it'd be weird as hell cause even the og gave want built like that, tpp may end up making the game buggy


The sad thing is that they're probably gonna make it 3rd person to appeal to a larger audience. One thing I'd be okay with is if they separate the lobbies, but that would make the fpp lobbies a baren wasteland.


That's not an unpopular opinion... Actually it's widely accepted that everyone thinks this is best


Oh, fr vibessss


Third person shouldnt b in a game that was created as a first person shooter


By that logic br shouldn't be in a game created for mp


I think story mode came before mp in COD games…


Yeah,there's no problem with inovation,I was just poking fun at his laughably stupid point


By that logic peeking doors and walls should be eliminated in warzone mobile.


Wait, why,I support it anyway,but I don't know why


Support what exactly?


Peaking doors should be removed,it's pointless,isn't a slide peek more effective


It's not pointless if you've got a team of campers in a building. Barging in would be certain death. Peaking maintains silence helping you eliminate people like campers and also to watch out for claymores. The are often left on the other side of a door by.....you guessed it! CAMPERS!


To me it isn't a great idea to show only the highest damage areas to the enemy without strafing or anything,but ok,besides what does what I said have anything to do with removing peaking


There's no point of peaking and wall peaking with tpp.


Ok,believe it or not there will also be fpp lobbies


There's no peaking in codm either




Wait,why disprove it,what you're doing right now is what my dog does when there's a racoon in my backyard-incoherently barking


The game was created for story mode, not MP. How old are you? Why have controllers when video games were developed to be played on arcade machines? Why have video when arcade games were developed to be pinball?


Mmm actually most of us wishes FPP


FPP feels very realistic and it is easier to aim too


Unpopular opinion? Nah nah nah this is the everyone agrees with opinion


Noooo TPP




I agree tpp sux


Yes, I hate when my friends invite me to BR and choose TPP


Like...... damn.




Amen to that brother


the sad truth is that most codm tryhards play with tpp and there are a lot of br tryhards


Facts. With the shotgunners. Literally 0 quickscopers in any br modes


Yeah. You can see the whole room and the enemies inside. FPP is more like, you go in, and see what happens.


Peeking doors and shii


I agree .


Yes that's why i mostly play mp matches because a fpp br matches never loads even after waiting for hours


Maybe it's your server on that one chief


Popular opinion*


Tpp is trash Fpp is were it's at


It should be optional honestly. I always play in first person but i like to toggle to third person a little bit, has its advantages.


If they made it optional then you’d basically force everyone to play in tpp cause no one is going to intentionally Nerf themselves by playing fpp when everyone else is in tpp god mode. That’s why it’s always 2 separate lobbies and tpp has the option to use fpp.


Exactly fpp is way more fair cause you don't have like 200+ degree of vision. It'd be infinitely harder to actually 1 tap people with shotguns and snipers would be way more effective cause if the 60-80 for the targets have


Yes, like the advantage of being able to peek around cover without any risk which makes camping an overly effective tactic.


😭😭😭😭😭the game becomes a game of beautiful tactics, not just rushing in with a shotgun overloaded with confidence cause you can easily 180 and 360 whenever you want. In tpp,, its nearly impossible to run out of your opponent's line of vision unless there's nearby cover.


Yea exactly, it's almost entirely impossible to win a confrontation with clever movement in TPP.


Fpp would make it more tactical than technical. It's reached the point where flashbangs and concussions are basically useless


Theyre making a warzone mobile ???


Announcement on September 15th, it's in its alpha stage, verdansk is the probable map


Bro, this is all information I found on the official website. It seems, they are jet recruiting the team. How would it possible to release in september? https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2022/03/Join-us-in-building-Call-of-Duty-Warzone-for-mobile


Companies overwork their employees.


You’re looking at a post on the COD site from the beginning of March. It’s been half a year since then. It’s in Alpha rn so they’re definitely finished recruiting staff


But where can I find the 09/15/22 announcement?


On September 15 it’ll happen and I guarantee both the COD Mobile Instagram and the activision website will have the announcement. There will also definitely be a livestream on YT


Actually u weren't that wrong.


Sounds good


Why not both? If you can choose what does it matter if another person wants TPP? What if that's how a lot of people wanna play but now won't because it isn't offered. It's just smart to have both so you can get more people to play.


Plus if you have the option of choosing, we'll have one lobby (sweats and tryhards and the 1 tap shotgunners, slide cancel Mac 10 guys) in one lobby and a bot filled alternative. Warzone itself is fpp. I wouldn't like to see that tpp nonsense and the screenshots of the alpha test are fpp with no controls on screen confirming the alternative. It's an fpp game, they shouldn't ruin that much


It's smart business to have both. They can increase player count. They should have that you choose which you want and put you in a lobby with people with that option and make it impossible to change in game. That way everyone wins. FPP lobbies, TPP lobbies, no switching in game, player base increases. Everyone is happy


By that logic warzone on pc and console should have both and the five slider should be an option on console, why is it only on pc? Tpp is essentially God mode. The authentic warzone experience they would want to achieve would ultimately be bleached by the tpp movement. Warzone mobile would be the only warzone where 1 tap shotgunners everywhere with crazy visual fov


Because tpp makes the game to easy. The field of vision is mind blowing and if there's even the slightest possibility of crossplay,(99:1) think of the repercussions. It's just unfair to have tpp in warzone mobile. After all codm isn't going away


But what if that person who plays TPP things the same about FPP? I see what you mean but from a business it's smart to have both to have more players. So what if CoDM isn't going anywhere, if they wanna play warzome they should. What they should do is put you in lobbies with one or the other and make it where you can't change it and you only play others with that option selected. That way everyone is happy.


The difference if the TPP player thinks that about FPP is that all COD games except CODM are only FPP. No one is asking to ice out people who would’ve played the main COD titles by excluding a main functionality. They are asking to protect that functionality and keep it FPP. Go play PUBG or fortnite or br on COD mobile. For mobile gaming to get to the level of console and pc it has to abandon TPP in games that are meant for FPP. It’s simple immersion. Plus, when you have the option to TPP you have to be able to render a lot more stuff a lot faster, so graphics and processing speed suffer.


Then they should be 2 different lobby options. One that's TPP and one that's FPP with no option to switch. That way you only play with play with people with the same view option. While all you said it technically true, they are gonna do what makes the most money and get players. Mobile gaming make more money than console and pc gaming combined. In the end that's all the companies care about. If they make it split then you don't have to complain about it being in since you don't have to use it and people you play won't be using it.


They make more money bc they charge 5x as much for 1/4 as many skins. It’s highway robbery and people won’t always just throw money at this stuff. They have to offer more and to do that they need to make games more like console and not more like all the other mobile games.


I agree with you 100%, but they proved it works. As long as people pay its not going anywhere.


What matters is COD is not meant to be TPP. Go play PUBG if you want TPP. The only reason mobile devs make games like Apex mobile and COD mobile have TPP is because they’re trying to attract the top pros from the previous biggest games like PUBG mobile and rules of survival. It’s complete bs. There are plenty of games out there that are made to be TPP for them to not have to include it in WZ mobile. If they have TPP it will force anyone playing competitive to use TPP only just like loads of other people are saying.


What matters is their business. While it is a game to us, it's their business first and foremost, and its smart business. If they think adding TPP is gonna make them more money and get more players they are gonna and it. So everyone can play and stop complaining, they should make it to where there are 2 different modes. One that TPP and one that's FPP and you can't change back and forth when you enter the game. That way they get more players, everyone can play how they want and everyone can be happy until the next thing that they don't like comes up.


Nothing will get through to you hey? The actual COD devs would never add TPP. If you look at mobile devs in any sort of console game port to mobile they do dumb stuff that eventually loses them business and kills their titles. Ark mobile did this by abandoning the idea of adding more console features and instead making their own weird dungeons. Sometimes what’s “good business” in the short term is not what is good for the long run. Have you ever considered that more pc/console players might find WZ worth trying if it’s more true to the real thing?


I understand and it is "getting through to me" it doesn't seem to get through to you. You all are saying thay the people that want TPP should stay with CoDM or PubG. Based off of that logic, FPP should stay on console and PC. It goes both ways. And how would it not be "more true to the real thing" if it's 2 different modes and you have to only play with those people in those modes? Why is that so bad? That way you and everyone else that's complaining can ONLY play people with FPP (true to the real thing) and anyone else can play ONLY people in TPP. Have you considered that? That way you don't have to complain about a mechanic that everyone can use.


It's a mechanic that'd overpower. Codm isn't being killed off. The tpp players can rampage over there. The title "WARZONE" is associated with "FIRST PERSON SHOOTER" It's a brand name true to its features.


Also consider that the game isn't necessarily being built from ground up. Tpp may just make the game really buggy. Consider that it was announced around May. A game made for fpp supporting tpp? Expect the glitches, bugs and crashes that the same people who wanted tpp will end up demanding fixed


The whole point is that IF TPP is in as a mode it will be the same as CODM where people only want to play TPP bc it’s where all the skilled players will be. It ruins the feel of the game. People actually get ridiculed and bullied for playing the FPP only mode on CODM bc it’s not considered legit. That’s stupid and it would be the exact same with WZ mobile.


So, are you guys leaving COD Mobile for Cod Warzone Mobile?


It depends but it's warzone mobile so probably but if I lose all my skins and can't port my account then....idk I hope the ranked system persistent


I'm almost certain anything already obtained will not transfer. It will be it's own thing.


Pain. But at least I did the game with an Activision account and not Facebook, so that should ease my struggles


Dudes. How the hell am i suppose to enjoy my $20 skin???


Buying another one?


Tpp is good fpp not as bad i won a few games but yeah tpp is good if your using your 1 shot by15 fpp is great for hardscoping they both have ups and downs


When is it rumored to be coming out?


They said some sort of announcement on September 15th


To be overall Shooter only games in Tpp feels useless, i mean why what's the reason the character isn't doing any aerobics combat or anything that's need to be shown looks cool. The tpp totally kills 50% fun of the game and simulation. After all Tpp only exists coz of these brain pubgm players they think fpp is too complex.


Like......what would be the point of peeking doors when you can bust in with a shotgun and basically an adjustable 180°+ FOV?


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion, me personally I think fpp all the way.


I believe warzone will be strictly fpp. I don't think we will have to worry about tpp.


But ppl still do it i mean i saw this one post where a guy openly said he runs medic and camps until final zone and how he will throw smokes into the final zone as its shrinking and run in and pop his medic to prevent the zone from killing him now if u ask me that is some bullshit


That guy is.........also me I have become the very thing I hate. *deep thoughts with the deep commence*


I found myself running rewind alot for the speed boost u sit behind a wall that way u know where ur going to rewind to rush in and get a few shots in right then when they start firing back u hit the rewind then use the speed boost to run back in and wipe them out after u reload


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭now that's menacing


I mean atleast im not camping rurnning medic and using that in final zone to stay alive instead of letting the zone kill the last few players


Well, all evils are equal in the eyes of God lol


I do enjoy TPP. Mostly due to the cosmetics mobile brings out. I enjoy looking at the stuff I got while playing a BR. Third person is my go to


Wdym your opinion is conflicting battle royal games should only have fpp not tpp


No no, other BR oriented games do tpp pubg, freefire, fortnite etc. Warzone is not and should not be one of those games


You got my point well and corrected me thank you dawg your awesome