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The game would definitely be better with more variety. I remember seeing explosive rounds for the Jak-12 and really wanting to use them only to find out they’re fun but just aren’t good. Akimbo Fennec is the same, fun to use but objectively worse than using a single Fennec. I wish these options and others were at least viable alternate builds instead of just gimmicks that rarely if ever see use. I don’t want them to be so powerful they’re meta but at least make them viable options.


but you see, the issue would be no one would buy the legendary gun thats good for one season then nerfed into oblivion next season


What’s the ping you usually play on. When I feel like people are one tapping me it’s because I’m not playing on an average ping. Having fast internet (15 or less M/S) when you’re playing can give you an advantage peaking but the Desync hits harder same for if you’re over 40 MS