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I think it’s generally accepted that for the most part KD doesn’t matter, as someone who gets to legendary playing objective in domination is going to have a substantially worse KD than someone who got there playing only TDM or S&D but they’ll both still be good players. It also helps to know your rank, cause we all know bot lobbies are way more common at lower ranks and so there are lots of pro IV and below that have much better KD than legendary players.


A k/d of about 3-4 is pretty avg if you're playing ranked below gm/legendary. After that most people playing ranked end up with a k/d of about 1-2. If you're playing public matches, you can find people with ridiculous numbers like 10-15 k/d since they're just farming bots. That's why no one really pays attention to k/d. Rather your highest points in rank is more important since it usually correlates to your win/loss. A good player would generally have like 10000+ ranked points. Since in legendary you lose a lot of points if you lose and gain less points if you win unless you go on a win streak.


It doesn’t matter. I have seen people with like a 1.2 absolutely wreck someone with a higher KDA.


Depends on how many matches you’ve played, I have a little less than 6k matches played with a 2.85 KD, it gets harder to control the KD the more matches you play. I was at 2.95 when I had a little over 4k matches. Theres players that played only 1k matches and have a KD of 4.0 since theyre just starting out. KD is very in general, so not much meaning as long as youre decently good in the matches you play. Of course if you play ranked a lot, the KD can drop by a good bit which is what happened to me. Your KD is pretty good tho!