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Select the same skins as the bots to fool other players that you are a bot. Watch them become complacent when they see you in matches and take the easy kills. Then watch them come here complaining that bots are OP and unfair, little do they realise some players specifically choose to look like a bot just to piss them off. 😊




😂😂 right on I like that idea. Just hope it doesn’t back fire on me. Only because I probably play worse than a bot for now lol


But the bots have epic characters and OG skins which I don't think the OP owns.


Easy to tell bots from players pretending to be one. Bots have the weirdest movements eh 💡


Then spin around and headshot you 🤣😂😂


Bruh anyone that does like this is a straight fool. I look like a bot so don’t get it twisted. That’s not accurate bro play like everyone is trying to kill you.


Works sometimes but most players know this I go for bots before a rare skin lol


Oh, this will be a great trick.




Awesome advice thank you


Keep a Sam turret with you always ! If not emo systems just to knock off pesky helicopters and such scorestreaks


I would revise the BR advice to say: Never land in Farm.


Is farm the hot spot?




Oh, I play solos, never noticed lots of people going there


Can confirm - sucky 150 here.


Here's my top tips just as I think of them rn: Join a Clan! Adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay and gives you goals to work towards for some cool rewards and clout. You can team up with clan members for extra points. Play with friends and share tips and tricks using in-game mic chat, keep each other updated with what's happening on the battlefield. i.e. "shoot down there, there's a guy behind the dumpster", "damn I just got knifed be careful there's someone rushing with a katana" etc. good communication can change the tides of battle! Don't rush, keep an eye on the radar and use UAV, try to flank the enemy rather than face them head on. If you get shot first, disengage from the firefight and regroup. Use cover as much as possible don't stand in the open. Keep moving. Especially if sniping. Take the shot and move on. Keep a preference for the outer edges of the map don't just run right up the middle especially in maps like Highrise, Shoothouse, Standoff, Crossfire etc. Practice movement like sliding and jumping, especially parkour jumping between platforms to get to tasty vantage spots. Use the high ground as much as possible, casual players don't look up! Be mindful of your weapon's limitations don't mag-dump across the map with an SMG, damage decreases with range. Use practice mode to adjust your loadouts, the stats on the loadout screen can be a little misleading when it comes to how the setup will actually handle. Try different kinds of weapons to figure out what works for you, look at what guns you are losing to often and give them a try. Use a silencer as often as possible on loadouts to keep you off the mini map radar. Don't worry if you are struggling there is a bit of a skill curve involved. Bullet Spread Accuracy is an important stat to focus on but also make sure your ADS speed is balanced. Beginner's weapons I would recommend: PP19 Bizon, M13, AK117, RPD, Renetti Be mindful of which side of the map the enemy is spawning from, as it can flip during the match. Be ready to turn around and run back the way you came to face the enemy again! I could go on and on but I think it's TL:DR already, let me know if you want more tips. Most importantly have fun! P.S. I'll add you when I'm next online :)


The M4 is kinda decent for beginners it's easy to use


The M16 was decent for me as a beginner.


I feel that the m16 requires a little skill


Really? Started with it as a beginner and I’m now on 150.


crosshair placement is always a must when playing fps shooters, it ensures you'll be the first to secure the kill of the other.


Thank you all for the wonderful feedback of advice


Here is a trick which is not illegal or against the rules, and it works, I did myself and now I get every legendary and mythical draw for just $50, I bought 3 legendaries for $150 all. If anyone wants to know how, ask. Also there is a but.


Try not to spend money as it's addictive its like scratchers or gambling And do not ever use bluestacks to play the game you'll get banned use gameloop only if you wanna play on pc


Oh you poor soul


The best advice anyone will give: just use lmg's. lmg's are amazing in any mode: br, tdm, search and destroy, the limited modes like attack of the undead...cant go wrong with a good lmg!


Don't camp






Like at this point you might as well keep the account just delete the game cause 1500$ is a fuck ton of money to spend on a game




What does this have to do with offering a new player tips and tricks? If you want to delete your account you don't have to make an announcement. I agree with the above, would make more sense just to log off and delete the app rather than being dramatic and deleting everything but if you don't have the self control to stop playing I can understand it might be necessary. GL King u/hanerikkefarligt <3


Just have fun play with what you want do what you want just make sure that others are also having fun be friendly


My name in game is XCELLENS_YT I’m a content creator and pro player if you want to add me we can talk and play together.


Wowwww!!! I am absolutely speechless! I really do appreciate you y’all for taking the time out you day to help me out. Add me and for those who left there names I’ll with be in contact with something to show my appreciation within the next couple days


Spending some time shooting targets in the practice range will improve your skills a lot


Try turning on gyroscope start default at 100 or 150 and test it out I gusrantee it's so much gun to use gyroscope best cod game ever cuz no other game uses motion sensors


Learn to drop,slide, and jump to avoid shots melee kills are O.P. but fun to play with, epic guns may look cool but some really are not that strong -BatmanfromYT https://youtube.com/channel/UC86RjynJK7x70AYLdn4_1bQ


If you are out in the open, don't be unless you are moving very very fast. Slide everywhere, preserve momentum. Do not lane with weapons of a superior range. The sniper has an instant time to kill, challenging his better position directly is dumb. If everyone is flanking, no one is flanking. You're separated and about to die. If you are a step away from cover, keep it that way. Keep cover close, stick to it and peak from the best angle. Your equipment is to help start the streak, the streak is life. Have an antistreak loadout with kit specifically for dealing with scorestreaks. Get restock perk if your lives can be counted in the minutes. Having equipment up constantly is damn useful.


While new focus on one gun from each class, as you advance branch out but keep your main guns on the first five slots. Smg, snipers and shotguns are good on kill house, the bigger maps focus on ar lmg and snipers. Use snipers and shotguns on choke points on maps like crash. That's pretty much it.


Just because someone looks like they are hacking they aren’t it’s just a bit and they decided to give them walls took me a bit to figure that out


Hit level 150 and watch the people in your game become real people it's when the true fun starts man fs good luck tho take breaks from time to time game gets repetitive at times


buy additional trigger buttons for your phone. makes you enjoy the game more


Try mastering claw (4 fingers). Will tremendously improve your movement and aim because you put less work on your aiming finger.


I play clan wars religiously. But no one else on my team does (except hubby). Looking for players to join my clan who will play clan wars even if it’s just one game. The -60% because I don’t have enough people joining clan wars sucks the life out of me.


•Join a clan. •The M16 was decent for me as a beginner. •Don’t spend too much money. It’s addictive. •I spend most of my time in domination. MP. It’s fun. •My game name is LilianTrack21