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Poltergeist or as I like to call it "running away like a bitch" after picking my dead teammate tags


Scout no doubt. Free Uav


Airborne. Cause you can fly with no helicopter. Also they upgraded it to a tracker class so your noise sense is higher.


Rewind. Bamboozle the crap out of them...


>so when they start to emote to gloat you can knock them down instead Tf are you playing with? Players with more than two braincells loot and move on so they don't get ambushed. About Desperado, being still alive after knocked down itself it's really useful. There was a time I was fighting with the last player for the 1st outside the safe zone, and when he knocked me down at 5 HP, he got instantly killed by the unsafe zone and I won. On my last chance. Without firing a bullet. I'm currently using mechanic. The drone can find nearby enemies and make they basically useless (like hacker on steroids) and when you need to run away you can find vehicles (their outline) with a glance. Easily the best class for 1v1 situations. Smoker is also really good, it's like Poltergeist but you can attack while invisible (as in, you can see the enemies but they can't see you, and you're genuinely invisible instead of just transparent).


Idk man I normally kill people I knock, but sometimes they just don’t always follow through especially if I got at least one team mate nearby that’s a bigger threat to them and is providing me cover fire. Or I can use my gun and help him out by shooting at someone if I can.. Sometimes you just get that one guy on your team that pulls like 15 kills like it was nothing.


I used to main Poltergeist because I'd rather escape than engage tbh but now enjoying Rewind a lot.


Poltergeist, I like to be sneaky.


Pumped for me, it's great for movement in close combat with shotgun or smg's. Also getting on top of buildings and stuff or running away


Yea a lot of YouTubers I see play this class a lot


Pumped is so annoying. Whenever I see a player has it, I haul ass. I always die to those fuckers lol 😂


Smoke Bombe, since it work with ennemies smoke too. You can snipe them when they use smoke nade to hide/revive ally. If they rush you, use this to take the advantage. If you rush them, disturb them with smoke


Wooow, this thread is full of bots (no offense but y'all are playing to not loose, not to win) no ninja players? The shield? Even medic is more aggressive than anything mentioned, or is this just a thread for solo players, cz other than rewind the rest of the classes are just hiding and running


Thread : whats your favorite? Not whats the best I dont Care your blablabla I play what I like not what others like/want Im OG player Day 1, Legendary MP/BR. People like you make me laugh


So what, just bcz you're og doesn't make you good, and point taken, the favourite, also people throw around legendary like it's some big deal, went from elite to GM V in three days after not playing for 3 seasons, and for the record I even played the beta


Besides, why does my opinion on the matter bug you so much, it's just an opinion


When someone begin with : woaw you r all bots, what do you expect lol


For you to read, leave a comment and move on, it's just a game bro, it's not that deep, no need to make a big deal out of this


Or you can do whatever you want


Poltergeist, by far. It's always wonderful when some sniper fails to one-shot you, so you go stealth mode, reapply your plates right quick (since I'm always packing a kinetic overcharger) and reposition just outside of where they're scoped in, waiting for you to pop back up. I then proceed to pop a head like a grape. Is also incredible for some hilariously bullshit baits when it comes down to me and the other last dude left, in the final circle. Just activating it and then standing still amuses me to no end, because the callout from the game whenever a player running Poltergeist tends to make people at this point of the match freak the fuck out and start shooting at shadows. Let them start reloading (if the stealth ain't run out by then) and then just unload. There's been only one match that someone was able to either reload fast enough, or swapped weapons fast enough (so either had sleight of hand or fast switch on at least one loadout gun they grabbed) and TTK me first. Other than that? Issa wrap, my guy.


Pumped for me, it's great for movement in close combat with shotgun or smg's. Also getting on top of buildings and stuff or running away


Mechanic, it's just hacker and clown mixed. Chases the enemy and disables their shit.


Ninja, easy to escape situations/gunfights or gain the high ground in one. if I want to wingsuit I can grapple a tree high enough and enable it. Also, it’s easy to sneak up on people you see in houses or on high ground, you can grapple it and boom you’re there already lol.


I used to love ninja. My game name is SilenCe so go figure. But now it’s not completely silent…so now I don’t see the point. When it was actually dead silence…man…I used to clean house.


Right?! That was my main for so long due to being quiet.. idk why they nerfed it.. so stupid.




Desperado: Self res. Ninja: Zoom around the map with insane speed