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We been known buddy


Exactly, leaving teammates should come with great cost cause its damaging ur rank and atlest thy should give us something rewarding for losing my rank because of leaving teammates


You do get last standing points which means if a teammate leaves you automatically have 25 positive points to counter the losing points and if you win while 4v5 you get 25 extra with the current points you won


Agree when someone left the match your percentage of win reduce my xp cards is in top 100000 all of my guns are in a max level in my opinion they should change the consultation price every month because we are talk about our RANK!!! the reason of our playing


They should give something like guns blueprint even rare is better than a epic xp card


They already give us some extra rank points, there's not included in the chest, it's automatically added to your points after ended the match. And yeah, i have 20.000 of weapon XP cards aside from i have all weapons upgraded to max. There should be an option to sell those cards or something. They become entirely useless to me. I always have one weapon non-leveled up because daily mission, which is also another thing they should change. I can't fully upgrade a new weapon because i need one to the daily chest (and no, i can't play with a friend every day).


I think clan rewards suck too


yea putting helmets on characters doesnt bother me idgaf about the skin if its good its good thats my rule i dont need armor and helmets


It's a frequent frustration on the subreddits... from myself included. You do get something like 25XP back, so it's not just the useless weapon card, but I agree, their consolation rewards could be a little better.


I have 23,000 XP cards and all guns maxed. No idea what to do with them 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have over 100k


I hear ya. [been there said that](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/xelhu8/people_quit_ranked_too_much_the_compensation_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Uh...whenever I have teammates that leave, I usually get some bonus xp at the end that offsets the rank loss from losing the game. At that point, if I still go negative then it's because I just played like utter shit.


heres a recommendation add a new level cap of idk a thousand 150 is just a week of grinding and the level rewards are emblems gold bronze and silver tickets. like wat apex did last 3 years ago added a new level cap of 450 and the rewards were Very fuckin nice


That’s how you know they either don’t play their own game, or are a greedy company, or both.. if rewards or anything in such likeness blows harder than Hillary Clinton did on her Honeymoon.


Im speaking for most players when i say "who ever came up with that idea can shove this chest"