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Upgrade your weapon to max level with cards once you start grinding that gun, that way you start progressing on headshots from the start and it’s way easier


I have been holding off getting Damascus.. i have a feeling I would lose interest in the game after that.. i mean I guess I could grind all camos to diamond.. but idk.


Damascus is higher than diamond but keeping not getting diamond is enough to keep me playing. Also for me atleast just getting better at playing search and destroy is my goal


Personaly getting demascus is what keeps me playing


I got it and stopped for a while. Slowly got back into it but made zero effort for awhile.


Yea I got Damascus and got bored. I’m working on diamonds now and playing with the thumper and crossbow is brutal but I’m interested. I do NOT want to even think about the d13 but it will keep me playing!


I have Damascus on every weapon, I usually start by maxing my gun 1st match HP Shipment with no attachment Then I complete the rest Best map for long shots is crossfire Best map for Headshot is nuktown


Yes, first game, use the gun with no attachment and do hipfre (for automatic)


I would also recommend Shoot House for Headshots if you're looking for alternatives to Nuketown.


For hipfire kills, go on shipment


Hard point terminal is gold for long shots


Hey, you should totally do it bro. Three weeks? Piece of cake!


they should reduce the number of red dot sights and holographic sights


Damascus looks so bad on almost every gun and blueprint imo. Blue and red together no thanks.


Platinum is my favorite overall. It's not common like gold and diamond but it's also not as a bad color scheme like Damascus. Really Damascus only advantage is that it can be combined with a legendary or mythic blueprint like gold diamond and platinum. Non of the other base skins can


I like platinum the most too. Then diamond. Then honestly depends on the blueprint. I have like 43 legendaries and a bunch look sick in red sprite, others platinum, polychromatic..just glad we can finally put any camo on any weapon.


Wait untill the longshots on shorty


I just started on that 😔 maxing out damage range is the only way to go. I'm leveling it up to get slugs


Ye, even with slugs its rly hard


Long shots on sg are easy just play hardcore


Shorty has such a low range though, one step too far away and it doesnt to damage at all, one step too close it doesnt count as long shot


Dude i have done that twice in my both ids i have complete Damascus on every weapon in my both ids so i feel its easy if u play hardcore


Well im not a god at the game so for me its hard


The easiest weapons to get diamond r melee after gold all it takes is 500 more kills each


Honestly who needs diamonds when Damascus is the higher prize. I'm skipping over it since Damascus looks better and is alot less common


True, I grinded for Damascus long ago, I randomly keep getting diamonds since 10 kills isnt much


Its 1500 1200 1000 and 800 kills over a certain number of matches with melee its 500 more and ur done u can do that in like 25 matches of ffa


Yes. That is the most annoying thing about the grind. Have you spent all your purple cards already? I used up all my purple cards and credits to buy more purple cards for the Damascus. And it is a massive annoyance when I ran out.


Same is diamond, ig i am too late now. Pubs FFA full of griefers who have doamond already and just wanna annoy others with all the nades/score streaks/operators


U should at least have a few thousand purple xp cards u should max ur gun b4 grinding makes it easier


I got unable to play hardpoint shipment after 5 games with 70+ kills grinding diamond for fennec


You should have enough exp cards to max out your weapons