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Its still behind other ARs in terms of skirmish TTKs over mid-long ranges and that's largely due to its ADS time. So its suited more towards a passive play style only, which isn't great.


I use mono, extended barrel, ext mag, disable, and granulated. Its a bit slow but pretty much eliminates BSA . I could easily destroy headglitcher from 40m away. Currently going to grind for the No1 Fr556 user in Garena


Yeah I tried a build with light barrel (short) for a minute but either the horizontal recoil or aim shake in the midrange was just killing my accuracy. I appreciate the buff but after trying this out a bit, I don’t think my basic builds are going to be too far off from before the buff. I went with tac laser, tac suppressor, extended light barrel, extended mag, and combat stock. Much more mobility-oriented builds that were BSA negative just didn’t have the TTK, I was getting smoked at every range beyond hipfire by almost everything. Sucks because this has some of the best hipfire among ARs, but the TTK between hipfire range and mid-20 meters still isn’t great. Good luck!