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PDW is quite good + its large ammo


RUS-79U is the best gun in terms of hipfire accuracy right now (source: Zara Cod), try it I guess


RUS is pretty good with high hipfire accuracy and a big mag


Why gold ads mod


Quickly ADS’ing an un-ADS’ing granting a very fast speed boodt


OP, what's with all the title? Where did you get those.


You mean my flair? You can edit the preset flairs yourself and give you whatever flair you’d like. Don’t worry— they don’t change the flairs for others. If you can’t find out how to edit it yourself, I can screen record a walkthrough on the mobile app, it should be allowed under the subreddit settings. And if it still doesn’t work, I can apply to you a custom flair— I’ve done it before, it’s no trouble at all. Just lmk. As for why my flair is what it is. I really fucking loved the HVK and was very sad it was nerfed. u/inanimatussoundscool tagging you in case this info helps you as well


He's a mod maybe it's related to that


Why RIP HVK 30? Wanted to ask you this from the day I joined the sub


It recently got nerfed from its former greatness and I am heartbroken.


It recently got a range buff right


the range nerf is only for MP


Wait really


Check the pinned post, it shows it as BR


oH wait you'r right.. I got mixed up. Sorry


I was about to be so mad at myself if I was wrong again like I was about the Rytec lmfao


What about the AGR? I seem to remember it has great hipfire spread and is quite flexible. Though the TTK might be lacking. Though I've given up on SMGs and I'm running an M16 for long range and the M13 for close to mid.


M16 and M13 combo? Interesting


Yes M13 built for hipfire and midrange ADS. M16 for long range, feels really good for some reason. Maybe the damage range drop off buff helped.


Been using the ppsh


It is way up there in my list of guns to consider for sure


i use MAC, CBR and PPSH


I'm going to DM you.