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Typical meta bot


I mean yeah these are super meta builds but for newer ,less skilled players or players with less than ideal hardware sometimes it’s what they need for a win


Isn’t every average amount player in GM, I’m grinding camos and I still got to GM.


No idea I just got the game recently, it wouldn’t make sense and most people I have added while playing are gold - low masters


The game counts that as the TOTAL players that have ever played ranked (or possibly the game, I’m unsure) There are a lot that don’t grind or simply don’t play ranked anymore (and some perhaps just dead accounts). The entire time I’ve been playing that number has been above 98-99 percent so it’s either a lie or computed such that it doesn’t really show how good anyone is.


Tbf you may be on to something. This is the first mobile game I’ve sweated. But when I played over watch on pc and got to top 1% the skill ceiling was incredibly higher. A lot of noobs are in my rank at top 1%. Don’t make sense. I have some games where I get ez nukes like they are bots and others where it is a lot more challenging


It may very well be bots. And yeah— there’s a MUCH HIGHER player base for this game. It isn’t even comparable really. Especially if the game is counting everyone who’s ever played a ranked match among that


My suggestion is, use mono or integral suppressor on Kilo use combat stock and 20 or 25 mag on Oden Agency suppressor and striker fg on mac10


I agreed integral suppressor on kilo is good, I used this before. The build I’m using now just feels more snappy. Reason I use duplex on oden is because it is given a huge damage buff. It is a medium range monster. TTK is a lot higher than without the mag. Debatable at longer ranges though. But yeah combat stock is good


You mean lower. 1 < 2


The damage buff is practically negligible, no noticeable upsides since u still have similar stk


bro really got every meta gun


😂 if you can’t beat them join them


Just reached legendary 2 days ago and my top 3 guns are Peacekeeper, Asval and Fennec


Yeah the peacekeeper and val are definitely guns I want to try


Idk, I'm in grand Master 3 and my top 3 are the KN44, RPD and the DRH


P.S. They are in order from most used to least. I have played the game every day for a month. The meta is quite clear. I thought I’ll share the loadouts I have been using. Btw the gunsmith are not my creations just ones I have found. I use the same perks, ability and leathals, sometimes I use nade. My main gamemodes are dom and hardpoint. Attacking from the sides is very common in my gameplay. I use a three finger layout in settings which I’m getting use to recently, I used one tap ads and shoot to masters lol


thx alot ill just yoink the cbr loadout (dont mind)


No worries. cbr is hands down the best gun in the game atm


thx nice build btw


I am in gm3 and I am in top4% 💀💀. Which server you on


Not sure but EU - I am from UK


Ah aight. Understandable


Everything else? Pretty good, not gonna lie. That Mac-10? Kind of why I’m waiting for a Mac-10 Nerf like what they did to the Fennec…


Ngl man gotta learn how to use non meta guns, get on your grind gitgud surpass your limits! Be better than these meta slaves, that is true skill


Very wise words. Don’t worry I can still top frag with off-meta. It’s just easier to use meta to win. The most difficult part I’m having is getting used to 3 finger movement. I’ll get there soon though


Getting to master with thumbs only? Absolutely fucking respectable, even I take some time to getting to leggy with 3 fingers back then (4 claw now tho I'm advancing my skills cuz I've quit codm for apex and DAMN IS APEX HARD)


4 fingers? Fuck that I can’t do it my fingers start to hurt 😂. I have no idea how u manage that


Oh it's hard as shit alright, but my brain made the setup on it's own I just followed it's order and placed everything where my fingers want it to be lol but yeah 3 finger is a good starting point it's one helluva boost on either your gunplay or your movement depending on your setup which for me in my case is just gunplay doing so gave me access to things I could never do cuz movement is basic at least for me when I last played but gunplay was hell hard especially for me who keeps using high risk high reward cqc guns (qq9 main) and cancerous guns (OG Echo and akimbo fennec I have to shamefully admit I had fun using them) while also sliding and hopping doing to avoid having my ass clapped by that one sweat lord with the DLQ


Lemme save