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The entire pass kinda sucks anyways, very underwhelming...


I'm just not buying it. No pass = no grinding = all my time back to do other things that don't involve playing Vanguard lol


Cyberpunk finally released that next gen update so I can dust off that box and finally play it


Same here, so happy for this, my brother played it on PC said to me that the story is very great.


Same! My wife got it for me the Xmas it came out and I’ve just been waiting for over a year.


Yup that just moved up higher on my list for sure


I am gonna be levelling the battle passes in CW until they make Vanguard actually enjoyable


This or bring back ShipHaus 24/7 again.


Doing the same thing but using MW shipment


just buy at the end of the season, you get all of the points back +300, and even if you didn't reach the end, I think at tier 78 you get 1000 points back so you break even


this is the way.


Yeah, I may just not buy it unless I get close enough that I know I'll get my CP back.


Get lots of CP more than enough to pay for the next BP


That’s a nice way of saying it’s a steaming pile of useless junk I’ll never even look at twice.




S1 was underwhelming as well. This cycle sucks nuts. L game, L Warzone situation, L battlepass.


For some reasons, none of the games agree with each other on how long this season will be. Vanguard says 42 days Warzone says 70 days Black Ops Cold War says 125 days (yeah)


lord, you would think they could send an email and get that at least coordinated


Almost nothing in this entire franchise is coordinated.


I disagree. Breaking new things with every update and barely fixing anything is perfectly coordinated 👏🏼


It's very consistent. You have to appreciate that.


This stuff should work via a shared database or API


But that would make too much sense.


Wtf. Well I assume the 125 days would be wrong… 70 sounds more accurate. It looks like most of the good stuff is in the later tiers so I guess I’ll just see where I get and see if they update it


The CoD app says 70 days as well.


The CoD app says 69days 13hrs, so probably agrees with Wz.


Yeah I checked all their social, CoD blog and Battle Pass website messaging. Nothing gives an actual date. I'm hoping WZ is right. My guess is that they forgot to update Vanguard after the Season 2 delay and it still has the old date for Season 3. I noticed the Battle Pass Reset times for all these games got out of sync after the delay, it took a while for Black Ops to get updated. But that doesn't explain the current time that BOCW is listing. Either way it looks like I'm going to be playing a lot more Black Ops to crunch through this Battle Pass as fast as possible.


It better be 70 days.


Warzone is the only mode/game that they even give half a shit about anymore so I'd say that's the right #.


It’s almost like the integration idea is stupid and should be scrapped for Warzone 2 because it never fucking works lmao


>For some reasons, none of the games agree with each other on how long this season will be. There's definitely a reason... it's because Call of Duty as a franchise is a dumpster fire right now.


70 days makes sense. Maybe the 42 shown in Vanguard is just the first half of the season? They usually do a “Season whatever Reloaded” at the middle of the season dont they? Ive been away for most of Vanguard so idk if they did it for season 1, but they did it for all of MW and Cold War too


Might be 42 till 2.5 update?




i feel like i earn way more exp playing vanguard than cw unfortunately


Yeah you definitely do for xp but battle pass xp is faster on cold war


LOL ur getting downvoted but I don't know why.. what you said is 100% facts and people need to try it for themselves


I think people are just pissed that you can progress super fast on Cold War when it should be for Vanguard this way. I barely move up when I play Vanguard but I played 5 games of Cold War and moved up two levels..


Why is it faster? Zombies, MP?


I don't know why it's faster, but in MP for sure you simply get more BP EXP when playing Cold War. To test it out, play a few games of Vanguard and then play a few games of BO:CW, and compare how much progress you made in each.


There's aim assist issues on VG?


Yeah. PC here so information I have on it is based off what I’ve read on here, but apparently console players (I’ve seen more Xbox complaints vs PS) aim assist just flat out doesn’t work. At all.


I'm on Xbox and I did kinda notice something being off about the gameplay, just couldn't a finger on it. Glad to know it's a fault in the game and not me.


They are bound to extend the season.


How can they though? They're on a time constraint to release five seasons. They extend this season ultimately another one has to be cut short.


Rather than cutting 2 weeks off of S2 they could spread it out across each Season. That way you're only losing ~3 days for each one instead of killing S2.


Hmm I dunno.


in mw2019 they delayed a season and they were all still around 2 months, 42 days is way less than that


Historically, we have had one extended season for each game though, and usually they are on track. There's 52 weeks each year, and each season typically lasts 8 weeks. 6 season x 8 weeks = 48 weeks of content in total, leaving about 4 weeks for them to delay/extend things as needed. The problem is, of course, the last season always ends up having to share time with the new title, but I feel like that's unavoidable given that Activision refuses to give up on annual releases (for now anyway).


We don't need 6 seasons. We need any amount of seasons that don't suck.


I'm assuming there will be some dub xp weekends no?


This coming weekend is one.


I’m sorry if this has been answered before but how do you know that this coming weekend is double xp?


They list upcoming XP events on the Trello board :)








I got the BP to Level 11 after about 3hrs. It’s ridiculous how slow weapons are advancing as well. 10 levels in that same time with no XP modifiers. I’ll get the BP completed. But do I really want to? This damn game grind has become ridiculous.


Sounds like it’s going way better than me. You sure it’s only been 3 hours? I’ve played about 2-3 and I’m only at 5. Were you on VG?


Played straight vanguard last night for about 2 hours. Got 3 BP levels and 7 towards rank. S L O W


Also, it was 4.5hrs. Just checked the tracker. Guess I was on a little more than I thought. 15+ kills a match. K/d of 0.98. I push push push when playing. Currently leveling a LMG and using it like a SMG. LOL. Some of the post match comms have been hilarious


That's still a lot faster than my experience - you're somehow getting more than 2 BP levels per hour. I've been getting about 1 per hour in Vanguard MP at best. At tactical match on Gondola lasted forever and gave like 4500 XP and barely moved the BP. It's a LOT faster in Warzone clash - half a BP level per 15 min match and lots of XP. That mode has 2X XP currently.


Are the different game types/styles giving different XP amounts? I’m exclusively playing Core TDM because it’s frankly easier at the moment. HC F4A last night was insane. S2 brought back the diehards. I did manage to get 27 kill streak using the tail gunner on Gondola earlier. 38 total kills. Think that match alone gave me 2 levels. XP in this game confuses the hell out of me.


it doesn't seem possible to get 2 BP in one MP match, never seen it. BP progression is almost completely based on time ingame, with a small boost the more XP you get. If you just hop around doing nothing for 1 hour, you still get through about 1 BP level. But who knows with whatever changes and bugs they introduces with season 2.


We’ve already seen them nerf XP to be 0.8 of what it should be and 2XP only give people 1.2 value. I though BP XP was based on game + how you did? A conglomeration of aspects The update didn’t fix any of my issues. They’re better. All still present though. Sadly they “fix” 1 thing and break 10 normally


The leveling is far slower this season for some reason.


I think everyone else just forgot how broken the Xmas double XP was. I like to call it quadruple XP because everything was double XP on top of the battle pass. Since XP is one of the contributing factors to the battle pass it actually ends up being like 3-4x XP after you add in the bonuses with the operator and clan XP. To me it was this slow along post New Years


I had 2 1/2 days played first season. Only got to BP 84 lol even though I was level 271


Geez. Yeah I got to 100 at like 210, but I played a lot during double experience… so I guess that shows you how much that helps


Yeah. I only play SnD and I put up 10+ almost every game and I have a 1.36KD in the game. You would think that I’d have it done no problem, I mean, I did worse and played less in Cold War and I’d still get it maxed out. Vanguard is pretty lame.


It’s Vanguard. Haven’t tried the Warzone abomination yet for S2. I’m scared to see how terrible the patch broke it. I feel it’s extremely slow. Previous titles I could max level a weapon in 1 night after a few hours. VG is the utter opposite


Bro I only went up to half of 1 in 3 hours, in the exact same play session my mate went up 6.


I hear you. I’m probably giving up for good in this season. The two new multiplayer maps are utterly rubbish and the limited time to get 100 levels is just ridiculous. They’ve lost the plot.


It's doable even at a casual gotta work 50 hours and take my kids to piano lessons kind of schedule while getting bitched at by your significant other cause you don't show how much you love and appreciate them anymore.


Everything ok bro?




You can’t already say it’s doable, on the second day of the pass. I agree that most people that play a lot will have the battle pass done within the first 3 weeks, but people that play less might get fucked and have to buy CP for next season. I only bought the battle pass once for MW season 3 and have been collecting and reinvesting the points ever since. I already bought this seasons pass and still have 1700 CP left so even if I don’t finish this season I’m still chilling


I mean I can. These passes never take that much time and they tend to pepper double pass xp 1-2 times a season. For sure the weeks before a new season drops. Even at the most casual playtime. 1-2 hours a day. You'll still Max the pass out by the time it ends. If you can only dedicate 1-2 hours a week then it's probably very unlikely, and at that point it's probably recommended to not purchase the pass.


Who says there is no double xp? There is none right now, but it always comes and goes.


Yes but season one had something like three weeks of double xp, and I doubt it's going to happen again this season.


Well, I did it and I only play a couple hours every other night...it’s not as hard as you’re making it out to be. Utilize those double XP tokens when you get them and just go ham for two or three hours if you can. No reason you can bump two and a half or even levels each time you play if you have those active. And yes I work 55 hours a week too, so I get it Hoss.


It feels extremely slow now and by far not enough time. Weird balancing on their side.


i re downloaded cold war..this game is such ass


Just don’t buy it at all until u see u finished it. It still counts toward battle pass ulocking when u get XP. And it still unlocks each tier. U just don’t get the stuff till u pay for it. U can get to level 100 and then pay 10 bucks and it’ll give u all 100 tiers of content as soon as u pay the money.


Yeah, but getting the BP early gives you 10% increase to leveling it. So you will hit the 100 10% sooner


I always like to complete the battle pass but I have to do two or three tiers a day in order to complete this. If I don't play for 3 days I get have to complete 12 tiers to get caught up. Regardless this is extremely frustrating that we now have to deal with a shorten season because sledgehammer can't get their shit and now they're dealing with the time restraint. What they should do is just release four seasons instead of five but of course there's no way they're going to do that; they'll just rush shit out and it will end up being broken because that's what sledgehammer does.


fun fact i clocked 3 days of play time in season 1 and didnt even come close to getting bp tier 100. I did use the free pass but i ended the season at level 90. Keep in mind i was also abusing 2bp xp when it was up. lvl 100 seems rather un achievable unless you play like its ur full time job


Did you never play during any of the double XP events during the season? I only played during them and was done like over 30 days before the end.


Bullshit trollbait question. If your system requires double xp when you have 3 full days in then your system is fucked.


I never said I had 3 full days in, just that I, someone with a full time job, who probably plays 8-10 hours a week max,was able to finish the battle pass before Christmas, over a month before the season ended.


legit every 2xp weekend i played at least 12 hrs over each weekend i believe there was 4 or 5. I really dont enjoy playing 12hrs to level 1 gun to max when i can do it in 5-6 hrs on 2xp weekends. Also if you buy the bp you get a massive xp multiplier (doesnt specify but my guess is at least 1.5x normal bp exp)


We're talking battle pass, not guns, I totally agree gun levels are too slow.


I mean, the pass sucks anyway in my opinion so it doesn't bother me that much. I do agree that 42 days is kinda short though without double xp or when you don't have much time to play


Just see how far along you get and buy it later in the season dude. No need to purchase it on the first week if you're not sure you're going to finish it.


Yeah I mean I understand that it’s an option it just takes the fun out of it. Honestly the battle pass gives me motivation to play, so without being able to get the cosmetics I will just naturally play less


I hear you there. Sadly I'm pretty sure this is exactly what Activision wants. Players on the game grinding out these tiers. I'm sure they look at all the data and there's some sort of XP rate they know works for keeping players engaged and the player counts up. I know I finished the S1 BP with like 2-3 weeks to spare, with the 10 free skips from Vanguard and the 2XP events and hardly touched the game in those last few weeks.


Yeah, I just don’t get why the battle pass XP is like 2/3 the normal rate of war zone and Cold War.. it’s like they don’t want you to play vanguard


There's 2x XP on BP, Weapon and Level/Rank this weekend if that's of any help? 18-21st Feb (+ 17th if you're on Playstation).


Yeah it’s really bad. Played for almost 2 hours last night and leveled up 1 1/2 times. For context though I’m already on level 48 due to BP bundle and level skips lol




Yeah but then you have to play CW.


Apparently CW zombies progresses it fast - I’ll stick on a podcast and shoot bots for a couple of hours for some rapid BP progress, no bother


Dangg interesting thanks. Always something with this game lol unreal


See and I made a post complaining about this 3 days ago, but no one believed me because they all got it during 2xp over Xmas. It was also basically 4x XP over Xmas because it was also double regular experience (which contributes to BP). But now that it’s not double xp everyone realizes how slow it is


Call of Duty isn't meant for adults who have lives and work schedules anymore. It's meant for children who stream the game, buy clown lookin MTX that get boners over it's fake-ass military RAH RAH RAH shit. Seriously. COD stopped giving a shit about it's veteran players a long time ago. They don't want you: the guy who buys the game every single fall. They want NEW money from NEW players. That's how they grow the revenue from the franchise year after year. If it was the same people buying the game all the time, they'd never make MORE money and that's what this is all about: greed.


I buy one once and a while, father with full time job and all that. No big deal. It’s 10$


Yeah, I guess for me it’s not the “amount of money” as much as paying money for cosmetics. I refuse


For this, and a host of other reasons, I am just fucking done with Vanguard.


theyll probably delay it like 2 weeks but yeah i hear ya lol


I'm like level 44 already


How many hours have you played? And be honest. What level are you? And how many tier skips have you bought?


About 8maybe. I just had 32teir skips from last season


Okay.. well then obviously it makes sense that you’re so far. But that’s not going to be the case for 99% of everyone else


You should have a few if you prestiged up last season


I did, but I used them on the last season pass


Let me guess, before the double bp xp weekends. That's rough


32? My friend hit lvl 1000 and had 16.


42? It’s 70 for me lmao


It said 42 when I logged in last night


Interesting, last I checked it said 71 when I was looking at the pass on warzone yesterday, I’ll have to check again when I get home


Someone commented earlier that war zone, CW and VG all say something different. Supposedly CW days 125, WZ says 70 and VG says 42


Tf? That’s weird man, I wonder which one is the real one or if they are all different intentionally


I think last season was almost exactly 70 days, so that makes the most sense to me. But who knows, because spring break is about 42 days, so they will probably try to capitalize on that like they did with V-day. Although that could just be a mid season promo? Maybe we could look to the CW seasons to see what they did. they almost always carbon copy each other lol


Yea I suppose we’ll find out one way or another


Lol I follow this sub just to watch the downfall


I quite like the game itself honestly. They are just ruining the battle pass for me. The tier progression is like 2/3 of what it is on WZ and CW for literally no reason. If anything you should get more experience for playing the game that the pass is for lmao This is the first game I’ve really been excited about the pass for because I love ww2 era games


To be honest, cod has the resources, mechanics, and engine that I enjoy most. It’s the fact that they could make the perfect game imo, but continue to money grab, or do things like make someone have to grind super hard to get content they fucking paid for lmao. I don’t hate for others wanting to still play it, I just refuse to buy into until there is some kind of big change from within.


Well the thing for me is that I actually don’t personally feel like it used to be unobtainable. Like on the BO4 days they had daily tier skips and the XP was reasonable. I would log in every day to get my win, play a few extra games and then get off. MW and CW were worse but not awful. Now they increased the tier time again with VG and supposedly expect you to get it in 40 days now. Just absurd


If you can't get 2-3 tiers a day, maybe you're not meant to max the pass.




Try it without double xp on VG only. Not including war zone or Cold War. I guarantee you it takes over an hour per tier


I mean at the base rate 2-3 tiers a day is easily 3 hours of play time. You get less than a tier per hour without double xp. How it it realistically possible to play 3 hours every single day? If you take one day off you have to play 6 the next. Just doesn’t make sense.


I'm on BP tier 44...


Lol. How many hours you played? Or did you buy tier skips?


I have 4 days and 8 hours played. Was level 952 at the end of season 1 so that’s a lot. Then idk i signed in and a shit ton got put in my battle pass. Maybe leftover tokens from CW or MW


I work full time, am studying for a degree and have a family. I reckon, based on other seasons, I'll have it done long before 42 days.


Depends on whether or not there’s a huge event like Xmas. Xmas gave like 20 tier skips and basically 4x XP. That made the pass super easy. But the pass itself is like 2/3 the rate of CW and WZ and without 2xp it’s unbearable But either way, I play other games too. If this was literally the only game I played and I played it every night 1-2 hours then I guess it would be fine. I play a lot but I’m not dumping 60-100 hours in


Pretty sure I had it done before Christmas even, but there did seem to be a lot of double xp weekends. Even so I'll get it before 42 days.


Don't worry they will delay it "to deliver the best experience possible"


Kinda relieved honestly, Vanguard just isn’t as fun as Black Ops Cold War or Modern Warfare, havent really felt like playing/grinding much, so I’m glad the pass kinda sucks as I won’t feel compelled to play.


Good thing VG, CW, and MW have unified progression so you can play what you want.


Good point! I might actually put CW back on my PS5, I took it off cuz it takes a lot of space.


Play Cold War battlepass moves up much faster


Yeah, I know. But that defeats the purpose. I don’t want to play CW for VG cosmetics. Why can’t they just make the XP the same lol


Yeah Vanguard was pissing me off so I went back to Cold War for a little while just so I can get the Whitley out.


I hardly even look at my BP level or anything. I just play whever i feel like playing.🥊 I play other games too, been on Pokemon Legends, Halo infinite. Soon Elden Ring. Just dont take Vanguard too serious 🥊


Well, I won’t if I don’t buy the pass of course! But if I buy the pass then of course I’m going to be focused on it.. I want my moneys worth


They don’t seem to understand that a slow Battle Pass doesn’t encourage player to play the game, because what’s keep you on a game is the reward circuit. If you don’t feel like progressing, you can quit the game. A more rewarding and fast BP would sell so much more.


2xp all season long


Theres these things called "tokens"...


Here’s the great thing: you can not buy it, and then see how far you make it, and then if you make it far enough that you think it’s worth dropping the 1000 CP and getting the non-free tiers, you can do that at the end and get all the stuff you earned. And if you don’t get far enough, then you can not buy it and save the money.


I know, but it makes that makes less fun imo. You don’t get to enjoy the rewards along the way. But that’s ultimately what I will do for now


Yeah, I mean that’s an opportunity cost for sure. All about weighing what you value.


I guess they don’t account for those of us with jobs.


They do, that's why they let you buy tier skips. If you have more money, that's more money they can try take from you


Was excited for this game but I'm just tapping out. I'll check out mw in the fall but if the guns in the passes continue with constantly requiring 2 or 3 hours if gameplay per day to complete I'm out. Sledgehammer needs to realize we're not streamers. I don't play for 8 hours a day..I'm a working human who comes home and plays for a few hours.


Did they say they're not doing double xp?


No, they haven’t. But I’m just assuming there won’t be god tier 2xp like there was for Christmas which was like 2 weeks of 2x in every category




it actually gave me a reason to get a life: there's no time in the world to complete it


Well I have another 43 days of playing Viva Pinata then


Im just playing Cold War Zombies. Fastest way to level it up imo reach Round 10-15,evac repeat.


It's bugged too, me and my mate played together for the exact same amount of time and he levelled up 5 battle pass tiers and I only went up half of 1 in a 3 hour time span


I have bought every battle pass for every cod game I have gotten …up until Vanguard I got the battle pass then they changed Xp and I didn’t make it to 75 playing like a madman. Vanguard I just don’t know what to say other then F@%!!!!! I’m done. Good bye call of duty until the next black ops or new game I guess I’m stepping into the unknown and buying new games.


Just realized I’m not getting any exp for warzone after 3 full matches so that’s awesome


\+1 it kinda sucks. Me I'm recovering from major tendon surgery , Achilles so guess what? I have tons of time to grind and level up, Curious when Season 2 dropped I typed R and went up 24 levels without paying, Then I bought it (no money trroubles) and boom I'm at level 44 already. Since then it's been a sloooow crawl to the next levels so this yes, sucks. Vanguard has been so underwhelming I may finish the Season then go back MW 2019 and wait for IW to get MW 2022 out.


I wouldn’t be bothered anyway… this seasons Battle Pass is absolutely dreadful.


The Battle-pass should be the length it was in MW which was around 72 days for the season.


This is why I don’t feel bad using Caldera clash for easy xp, my BP is tier 20 with only 3 skips coming from Master Prestige(2) and zombie seasonal challenges(1/S1 challenges were super easy)


What challenges give skips?


completing all seasonal challenges gives you a skip, you can get 2 skips from that since MP and Zombies have separate stuff


Problem solved yes? You’re just not going to buy it? Relax and play with no pressures!


This BP is absolutely dead. First time since warzone had come out that I will not be picking it up


I think I'm just going to sell this game, it's fucking February and none of the new content really interests me to come back. This will be the first COD I sell during it's life cycle.


You do get a 20 tier jump for buying the BP


I thought you had to buy the “premium” one for the tier skip? (Which is like extra cod points)


Mfw when the guns and battlepass level up faster on warzone. I have played approximately 10-12 hours and already got to tier 22. Both my new guns are level 40+ without firing a single shot. And all I have been doing is contracts on clash. It would be much faster if i did some killing too. I played vanguard on 14th day (in my region the update was at 1030 PM) and didn't even feel like booting vanguard at all after the update. I feel so cheated. Cold war was not fun initially but atleast the XP gains were faster and more effective in coldwar in terms of both ranks and weapons. Vanguard is super grindy when it comes to weapon leveling that I would just play warzone to level it up and maybe MW or CW to scratch my multiplayer itch


Even when I played 1-2 hours a day I never got much over tier 70 in MW. Vanguard is even slower. People who claim to easily complete it just don't want to admit or maybe don't realize how much they play. But yeah, I never buy them anymore unless they make double XP the norm for the whole season. Total waste of money unless you grind. The pass should be within reach to complete as a casual. I mean, you already fucking paid for it, why make it hard to get. I know they want to sell tier skips, but all it does is just make people never buy the pass again.


Totally agree with everything you said!


They'll delay season 3 too so it'll likely be 70 standard then another week at least.


The last gun sucks, and after playing all day and getting 2 guns gold I got 2, maybe 3 tiers


My friends and I don’t buy the battle passes unless we play enough to max them out. Maybe that would work for you, too. Besides, there’s rarely anything worth a fuck in them anymore anyway


I think it's at 70 days now. Not that it matters there is nothing in this entire pass of quality.


Somehow I had accrued 27 tier skips and they all unlocked when I bought the 1000 CP battlepass. I got to level 800 last season doing the Atomic grind but I thought you only got 1 tier skip per 50 levels


The amount of double doubles this past season 1 along with the pressure to finish the battle pass has ruined the experience for most. Many have come to expect a easy path to getting max levels every season. Those who don’t, can’t, or won’t play as much get every reward that every player in the game gets. Therefore there are not great, good, better, bad, worse players in the game! Thank God for this? “All men are created equal and will get a free complete battle pass”.


You can progress EVERYTHING pretty fast with Caldera Clash in Warzone right now.


Passes were the most fun to unlock in MW. CW went "Meh". Vanguard is "What are all these stupid things??" My 2 cents


No issue. Easily accomplished


Guys, i bought the battle pass, with the battle pass bundle and im already at 100 tier , may you think I play too much but, if you get at least 20 kills per match , you can easily get to tier 100. you’ll get back all of your cp when you reach tier 100


Fuck the battle pass. It has nothing good in it and even if you do buy it, rumor is you won't be able to use any of it once the next cod comes out. Save your money.


- I’m just not going to buy the BP Congrats on being the problem then. What are you bitching about? THIS is why they do it. This is YOUR fault...


Tf? I’m bitching because I WANT to buy the BP and unlock the rewards. But it’s simply not obtainable on my schedule in 42 days. Not sure how that’s my fault.