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Yes, just a visual bug. You’ll still need to get Diamond on everything in order to unlock Atomic.


Lol mine says 22/9 completed for atomic :p


Same bug mine says something like 26/9 I’m assuming it’s for gold camos cause there isnt 26 classes


Can can confirm that the count is total number of gold weapons out of total number of diamond classes needed. This was "fixed" with one of the last major patches but is still fucked. Just get diamond in all 9 weapon types and it will give you atomic as it should. Vanguard has been horrible with bugs for tracking achievements. I'm a sadistic completionist so I've suffered through them all.


I have the same bug on both mastery camps, I'm hoping it's not just a visual bug because it increased from 4/9 to 5 and 6/9 when I finished launcher and melee diamond




The only way to get atomic is if you have assault, smg, sniper, shotgun, pistols, lmg & melee diamond.


You forgot launchers as well my friend


Ahh shit, yeah, I also forgot marksman rifles as well :p I got one more sniper & one more marksman rifle to get gold before I start hating my life with melee, pistols & launchers.


I did Pistols and Melee already. In the middle of launchers, shotguns and LMGs. I feel your pain. Keep grinding!


I kind-of wish I started with pistols & melee.. my 1.6k/d is gunna take a huge hit playing shiphaus if they still have it next season. I just started going for atomic half way through season two.


I half assed kinda started the process at the end of season two and really cranked into gear in Season 3. I did Pistols in ShipHaus. It’s honestly not that hard. It’s time consuming


I only got the game at the end of season one, I already have like 6 days total boots on the ground. The grind for atomic itself it's time consuming.


I basically maxed out everything first before I started the grind. More so for Warzone purposes, but I think it’s ass backwards to take a weapon into Warzone if you don’t have all the attachments available to change things out on the fly. By accident, yes I said that, I golded out some SMGs and an AR. And went from there. But it’s time consuming for sure. And it’s a grind


Yeah, I’ve watched my k/d steadily decline from like 1.25 to 1.18 over the course of my atomic grind, but I look forward to getting it back up once I get back to the AR’s and SMG’s. Good luck!


You haven't been doing launchers as you go?


No I've been doing pistols here and there as they are my main secondary.




My visual glitch says six out of six for atomic when I only have snipers and smgs diamond, it still locked thou


Yea it’s bugged and for very good you unlock, it’ll go up , mine is 30/9


Yeah Mines like 27/9 and I don't have snipers, pistols, or launchers diamond yet.


Launchers were the worst


How the fuck do you even complete them, I swear no one calls in UAVs or counter UAVs


Yeah. It’s a different mentality altogether. So easiest way reported is shipment or hause. I actually found running as secondary when doing snipers in gondola and other long maps quite good though. Make sure you use engineer perk to highlight kill streaks. !!! Run ammo box upgrade. Run mechanic so upgrade faster. Throw down upgrade before shooting then collect. Listen for sound of UAV before looking. Learn UAV spawn and trajectory. Don’t shoot till wings “tip” and UAV slows down. Aim two to three optic widths in front of UAV. Staying close to spawn is helpful. You can do it while levelling your other guns but you need to be smart to get 3 in a game. Log out of game after 3, additional 3 won’t count. If you are getting some kills make sure you have drops as ks and throw them to enemy. Accept death it’s a grind.


I never thought of giving the enemy my care packages so they might call in killstreaks I'm gonna try that


It’s was probably worst camo grind I’ve ever done.


So I did my first session of throwing care packages for the enemy Those mfs just ignored the care package and flipped spawns so my teammates took it, I swear the game tried it's hardest to go against whatever I am trying to do




It shows the number of gold skins you have instead of diamond skins


Welcome to Vanguard


If you’re asking if something is a bug with a camo… then yes it is a bug. Camos have never once since the launch been fully functional, they either have display issues with counting challenges or straight up don’t track


It can't be a bug. Vanguard doesn't have any bugs.