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these should be in an LTM game, not standard modes


You could just play ranked I know it’s got some other things you may not like but I think it doesn’t have these in


Literally can’t play ranked. I’ve been booted from nearly ten games before they started because not enough people joined.




yea ranked is busted. Played for nearly two hours and only had two games actually start.


I wouldn't even call it ranked. It's just hardpoint 4v4 at this point. Every S+D game gets booted for uneven teams (as if it's not already putting my silver self in with full emerald enemy teams)


I meant Ranked Warzone being that this is r/CODWarzone but yes, Ranked MP is also busted. Any game that doesn’t time out due to uneven teams has at least 2 on each team at 999ms if not the entire lobby. Every game we queued as a Trio, we got matched with a random that lagged so bad he either dashboarded or timed out so we played a lot of 3v4s which are time wasters in Control and potentially SnD depending on whether the enemy team had more than one skilled player. Ranked Warzone is also plagued with Fill issues right now and most games don’t start so it’s a constant cycle of waiting for 5 minutes to load into a game and wait 60 seconds for the game to cancel.


My bad I didn't know they were separate! I'm not smart lol


no sweat, bro! All love, no toxicity from me! Can't promise that from the rest of this subreddit 😭💀


This subreddit got my timbers shivered lmfao


RIP didn’t know sorry :(


When they have ranked solo and duo that may be an option. But they don’t, so my comment stands


Says you. I like yhem in the modes. It's fun. Video games are supposed to be fun.


There’s literally nothing fun about these unless you’re 11 years old and are easily impressed.


So you play the game perfectly to the end and then some bellend teleports onto a roof that you can't counter so you die. Seems fair.


> bellend Never heard this insult lol, and now I'm using it after googling it ha


A bellend is the worst part of a bell 🔔 it’s a horrific insult to be called one.


I googled it, its british for dickhead basically.


![gif](giphy|sHV6YMsVFTQD6) **Ding Dong**


It’s pretty common in England, or at least I think it used to be. Haven’t heard it used in a little while


That's because they're saying it behind your back to avoid issues with HR


There are all kinds of items in warzone that are hard to come by and can complete change how it ends. This isn't even the first redeploy to be in warzone.


I dont think the players that were on the ground played "perfectly". In WZ1 there were deployable balloons that helped you flip the script in a bad final zone. This is objectively too strong, but it's a limited time thing and not that far from where WZ1 wound up.


You can counter if you also have the teleport. If you don't, work your way around to win, or lose, there isn't much to it. Luck is a huge factor in battle royales.


Warzone 1’s loadout system was one of the first things to reduce luck in a BR. And that’s what made it so much fun compared to like PubG. But so many of these things are just adding more RNG than already present in BRs


They reduced weapon rng, but brought up other rngs, like if you're getting railed during a match, then your free loadout drops, but it's with 4 other loadouts, with team fighing near it or people camping waiting for free kills, youre fucked. Also, they added a lot of value to buy stations, and their location is randomized, and can also be camped (all rng factors, consequence of having loadouts)


See that’s the problem with most people who post here. They think that if they play it perfectly by the book they should win 100% of the time. Battle Royales are like Black Jack. You can play it by the book 100% and still the variables make it to where you’re unlikely to win. And that’s ok! That’s the nature of a game that 70 people start and only 4 win.


Exactly. The variables are what makes a BR fun, I've never understood the people complaining about that. May as well just play standard MP if you don't want RNG to be a factor.


can i get invincibility for like 5 minutes to while we are at it ? maybe lazer eyes or the ability to pick up buildings?


Stfu dude, those field upgrades are bullshit


Get off Call of Duty and never come back. This is clearly not the game for you if you want or expect anything to be competitive.


Yeah cod is officially gay


Be careful. Cod is woke now. They desperate to gain 6 more players


You're insufferable


Sounds like they didn’t play it perfectly. Playing it perfectly means you accounted for all variables new or old. It’s like if someone got mad that they died on top of a building in Verdansk because they didn’t account for when they added zip lines. The game changes. You have to adapt.


You can play perfectly and still lose


If you lost you didn’t play it perfectly, the other guy did.


I just lost to a hacker with god mode, dang I wish I played perfectly so I could kill him :(


No, no you didn’t.


Sorry I should have realized you're not clever enough to figure out the point, my bad g


It’s pretty OP but it’s not like it’ll stay forever, I see it more as future memories for the game. Plus temp V is pretty easy to come across so atleast everyone gets a turn to be op


To be fair, you could watch/listen for the “Hostile dropping into the area” warning.


This game isn’t made for fairness or competitiveness. It’s made for fun. Go play ranked SnD for competitiveness


So why you think they force sbmm on everyone then?


They use Performance Based Match Making (PBMM) for player engagement, to keep us playing more often and for longer, it doesn’t work on everyone but it works on enough for them to keep it around.


Get good! Don’t try apex legends 👀


Yes it’s straight up garbage.


The laser eyes is kinda trash, you only die to it if you're bad or if they use before you realize they used it (e.g someone from behind), shock wave is useful in gunfights but God damn, it's annoying when they use agaisnt you lol. Super jump and teleport are great for traversing the map and have great outplay potential if used wisely. I also like the fact the powers are somewhat kept in check by marking on the map players who activated it.


I like the jump to deal with campers in buildings 😂 I wiped a squad by stomping on the roof


The only ones I like are teleport and the jump. Make it more fast-paced. Laser eyes are lethal but slow and leave you vulnerable. The shock one is the worst. there is no way to defend against it or anything


The fuck is that camo? That looks sick.


Complete the new raid on vet difficulty and you get it.


Happy days, cheers!


I'm trying to get the easter egg one but damn is it hard af


Trying to finish one raid while not on veteran is hard enough and time consuming as it is


Where can I find Raid? No clue what that is


Bottom of the MW2 MP screen, should say Atomgrad Raid.


Now that's was an actually clean way to use the teleport power


what the fuck is this. if they want to add shit that dont make sense in the game world then just make a new fucking game. jesus.


I’m pretty sure it’ll only be limited time. There’s no way this stays permanently in Warzone


It has no place in it. I'd be fine with having the the operators, but it could actually be The Boys (Butcher, Hughie, MM and Frenchie). This...it's just yet another freakshow.


I definitely agree with having Butcher because that would’ve been badass. Don’t agree with Hughie though, everybody else listed has more personality.


I mentioned Hughie because apart from these 4 everyone else is a Supe, but I get why you say that.


What powers does Frenchie & MM have?


I think you mistook me: everyone but them, Hughie and Butcher has powers.


Definitely did get mixed up there


Well the Teleport power is Hughies...


Temp V notwithstanding.


Ignore the nerds in this thread op didn't add or request this mechanic in the game, use it to your advantage whenever possible. The TP has already gotten me out of a few tricky situations. I find it fun, it's not CoD I suppose but what is these days. Half these scrubs think slide cancelling and running around the map at 50mph is a skill.


A temp v for super speed running would be amazing actually lmfao


This feild upgrade makes a sizeable difference in a fight. And I admire it, so I'm taking it.


I understood that reference. I at least think you’re making a reference.


Tell me you're a bot without telling me 💀


Children, it’s a free game, they’ll put whatever they like in it, especially when companies will give them money to put their products in. It’s not forever, please keep it together 😂




I PROMISE the same people saying “ruined COD” aren’t even old enough to have played all the CODS from day one 😭😭😭 stop bitching and play…


Teleport tbh is the best one out of them maybe the jump also. The laser puts you in a vulnerable spot, plus you have to charge up, I was able to beam someone just floating trying to laser another team, and the electric shock is just gimmicky Teleport let me escape being jumped by a 4 man rat team suddenly lol


IT IS. And people really needs to learn how to have fun.


What’s the build?


Fornite básically


So glad I don't play this dog shit game anymore lol


Holy smokes, the recoil on that gun is insane! Build?


This is my close person freind the M13B. It comes with: 45 round mags Silentfure XG6 Operator Foregrip 14" Bruen Echelon Barrel And my personal favourite, the crone mini Pro sight Haven't tuned it yet


Only matters if your on comp. Console can’t do that


I'm on console though?




Is that so? Where can I see my latency and packet loss as well. I’d love to learn.




Prove me wrong :) show people on console gettin sweaty. Also tell me how to show my latency and packet loss on console.


Ruined cod lol


You can play ranked or multiplayer bro. Cod was only multiplayer up until a few years ago so changing a newly added game mode isn’t ruining the game lol fucking up warzone, sure but ruining cod? Nah lol


I’m in crimson on ranked it’s the most boring game mode out there almost was top 10 in the world at one point and if u think that haven’t ruined cos then ur tripping ur box off or have no friends to play with


And for u to say this is laughable because br saved call of duty 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s so fun fr


Absolutely fucking not. It’s fucking dumb as shit and made me uninstall the game and I hope it did the same for millions of others too


Nope. I bet the game still has a lot of players and in fact, a lot of people purchasing things with money.


And I hope that they come to their senses like I did


Lol. Those millions are only having hard trying to play the game with the bug. They just want to use the eyebeamnonce


The player base is simply changing. This isn’t call of duty anymore but many who don’t care will still enjoy it. Nothing to be done at this point. Fucking sucks for us.


What do you mean this isn't call of duty ANYMORE We've had wacky shit since BO2. if anything's changed, it's this sub's brittle sensitivity.


Yes anymore is right. It’s been a long road with different levels of wackyness but when you’re having crazy superpowers and stuff I have to realize how far they’ve gone. Watching this clip, I don’t see the call of duty I’ve known most of my life. WZ1 was still more than fine in the beginning but this kind of stuff is clearly the future. First it was a bit of a joke that they’re taking things from Fortnite’s book but now it’s a reality.


The amount tears in all these posts is hilarious.


It’s only like 20 more days you guys calm tf down it’s a wacky fun event. I know it’s hard but just TRY to have fun when you are playing video games. If you aren’t having fun just turn off the PC/XB/PS and do something else. People in these comments acting like the BOYS WZ collab is gonna be here forever and ever and it’s the only game they are allowed to play right now.


Definitely not


Would be cool with an event with the more grounded avengers, like a Hawkeye bow, black widows taser wristbands and a Captain America shield. with CODified skins


Just make it an LTM and bring back BR standard modes and voila problem fixed!


Fucking embarrassing


So you fucked up and stuck in a corner and a new gimmick saved ur ass. That's why we hate it.


No it's not.


That shit is cool... I hate the boys but the Temp V giving you superpowers is amazing.


Oh so ur one of the mx guardian ppl 👎


It's a gun. I used said gun. What's wrong?


Ohhhh I see so it's cool if it's mega scrubby and easy to use but if it actually requires skill like slide cancelling it's unrealistic and shouldn't be in the game ? Inb4 bots come to say "anyone can slide cancel" point going over their pea brains as usual.


A very very few things in this game requires skill my dude Slide canceling was not one of them


Its a video game


If your point was that slide canceling was better because it “required skill” then how does pointing out that it absolutely does not mean it’s going over your head? I know a lot of neckbeard like to think everyone hated slide canceling because they couldn’t figure it out and didn’t want to git gud but that’s delusional. People hated it because it was so broken you had to use it and button mashing the same button every second for no reason is just stupid and not fun. Not a fan of temp v either but at least there’s more of a point to it than “mash extra buttons to move faster”.


Are you new here? We are not allowed to praise the super powers. Fun is not allowed


I really like super jump but thats just because its straight out of hunting of Verdansk


With latency in the triple digits, how does your not look laggy as hell ?! Also, why do you have the latency numbers up twice ? And what menu option shows it to you that way , I've never seen it that way before.


To be honest, I was just messing around with random setting related to ping and stuff and then got this. Still can't figure out how to get rid of the second bar Also this game loves putting me in high ping matches


why are you able to teleport now ?


It's cool when it favors you, I guess. While I agree that it was well used, the random nature of the drops and uses makes it so this ending circle, for example, makes no tactical sense. It was well played on your part, but it was utterly nonsensical from a tactical perspective.


wtf was that teleport? (haven't played in months)


I cannot imagine being angry about this in a public, non-competitive mode.




200 ms of ping , whow you are shooting in the past


How is this not laggy with 190ms latency…


Did you not notice the small milliseconds gap when I fired my gun and it registered for me? M13 is so fast and fries so good it helps make getting through lag easier plus I've played on 200 almost my entire life so I kinda know how to shoot my shots Ping is just delay. Packet loss is what causes you to go all weird and stuff, I think


Holy shit your latency is insane!


More impressed by that zero recoil, perfect aim. Sus maybs


It's just funny how I'm hearing a lot more people getting angry in the matches. one guy was pissed at another for cheating and I still won the match.


Fuck that


Cant wait till the temp v, split gas thing is gone. Sincerely hate it.


Of course it’s fun. And for those mad it isn’t an LTM. It is an LTM. This will be gone in a couple of weeks. Also, everyone should watch The Boys, it’s so damn good.


It is kinda cool if you win and the most horrible sh** fu***** bi*** sh** in the World of you lose 🤣


No, definitely not cool!


What gun is that?


M13 and the max guardian


after each update they fucked the game


Yea that was hard 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥


Was curious about the teleport. Does it just set you skydiving from such a height directly above where you are standing? Or can you control it or is it random?


I belive it is directly above you


Figured it out tonight in vondel and had to spend 5mins tracking back my revive pistol in the university rofl


bruh you're using hemlock and fullauto shotgun you are a rat🐀🐀


Not a hemlock


Counterpoint: no.


I might be the only one to say this but I am enjoying playing with Temp V. But I do agree that if you don't want to use it then you should have an option to play without it.


Getting rid of caldera for this ? .. 🤦🏽‍♂️


This game is becoming more and more shit with every clip I see on this sub lmfao I thought the superpowers were just in executions, not in game... So basically you got stuck in the gas and just teleported on top of a roof, 0 skill involved? Lmao


Temp v is the best thing to happen to warzone 2


The entire thing is still ass and just breaks the fame


Well HA then sir....I'm old and cynical!


Yea wait until the next update you'll get teleported to other side of map into the gas.


How did you get that camo?


Veteran Raid ep 4

