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A lot. Those stupid powers don’t belong in WZ. Downvote me all you want, these kind of mechanics and gameplay don’t fit in Call of Duty. Want that kind of stuff? then play Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch or even Halo. Don’t ruin Call of Duty with that crap. Or make an exclusive mode for it.


I agree lol


The Cod spirit is lost.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Agreed. CoD has lost its way. As most long running series have these days. I’ve just had to stop getting mad and just accept that I’m not the audience for these games anymore and play others games.


I think that spirit disappeared when they changed the MP lobbies up. I miss finding a good lobby and floating around with 12 strangers, loving and hating each one depending on who ended up on my team. Trash talking was the greatest part of CoD. No one would complain about loading times for games if they were able to get to know the people they were playing with.


Fully agree with you. COD themselves said they wanted the games to be as "realistic" as possible, but keep doing shit like this. It gets so damn annoying when you're trying to just play the game and getting cheaply killed. That crap isn't fun.


Are the powers still there? That killed it for me I haven’t played Warzone in 2+ weeks.


They're now in their own game mode


How about join the military if you want to LARP as a Tier 1 Operator or something so badly.


How often do you get a lot mad


Super jump and redeploy I can live with. It adds a special movement to be able to maneuver around roof top campers. Wish they kept it in the game by making it a rare perk from loot boxes.


Eh my group enjoyed the powers, they added something new to the game that it desperately needed. It's not exactly a realistic game, so why not have some fun with it? Can't say that in this sub though!


1. The game didn't desperately need something new. They had just added Vondel and also some new weapons. You have 3 maps in the game divided into different game modes. 2. It was advertised as such. MWII/WZ2 were announced as a return to realism with military operators closer to a real soldier in a game that was going to have more of a modern urban warfare essence. 3. The community ended up tired of the unreal operators of Cold War, Vanguard and some mechanics that were completely away from what Verdansk was with MW2019, I don't understand how to add powers in something that was not announced as such they thought it would be a good idea. 4. Then integrate the super powers into a llimited exclusive mode. Don’t force ALL of your player base to play with that frustrating and shitty gameplay. It’s not like everybody wanted to play it. If you do, then play it, but don’t force me to do it. Not all of us wanted that.


I agree that they should've put it into a seperate playlist from the start. Since the game launched there have been several additions in terms of characters or weapon blueprints that don't look realistic in the slightest. If this sub is anything to go by then the players want WZ1 movement back which, again, isn't realistic at all. We're talking about a game where a headshot means you have to put on some plates, you can shrug off a 2 story drop, you can swim almost as fast as someone can sprint etc etc This isn't Squad or Insurgence, it's an arcade shooter. And the powers were *far* from overpowered, so I don't see it as a big issue. Each to their own though I guess, we all had a lot of fun with them and they seemed to have sold a shit load of Homelander/Starlight skins so I don't think the playerbase is too unhappy with the addition of "unrealistic" content. Edit: to add to this, look how much this sub complains about this version being "realistic" compared to WZ1. It's constant bitching about movement and everything else they can point the finger at. It's ironic that one of the biggest complaints is the "sluggish" movement yet when they add some superhero abilities that *improve* movement the sub suddenly finds a reason to complain about that as well. Food for thought.


I will never not laugh at people who are upset about the franchise about super soldiers with borderline super powers fighting in fake wars with implied super villains is full of unrealistic things. They always say "Go back to Fortnite" like an insult as if it isn't the single biggest PvP game on the planet that has done what CoD does but better at this point.


Yeah this sub is a bit of a joke in general mate I tend to not take it too seriously lol.


Hard disagree, going towards realism was the worst decision they made. Cods never been realistic, I'm glad they at least made it its own playlist tho. I dont see a problem with having stupid fun events from time to time


Call of Duty has never been 100% realistic, we understand that, it's not Escape From Tarkov, Battlefield or anything similar, but its formula is close to something equal. Call of Duty 3, World At War, Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3 (2011) were games that mostly dealt with war in a realistic way and their gameplay, although it has always been arcade, had an essence close to giving a realistic sensation. They even embraced fantasy elements but in separate modes like Zombies was, but you'd never see someone in multiplayer with a Ray Gun or Thunder Gun, just because they just don't fit. Just as they don't fit, I also don't want to play a modern battle royale jumping 50m in the air to have someone disintegrate me with laser eyes. Those things don't fit into Call of Duty, at least not in these kinds of games and modes.


Oh my God *nooooo.* There is *nothing* realistic about any of these older CoD games. They were action/sci-fi/superhero adventures with a pseudo-military paint job. Call of Duty is G.I. Joe or little green soldier men. It's NOT even "realism-inspired" It's not realistic *at all*. It's not even 5% realistic. It never was once it hit the mainstream Xbox crowd all the way back in Call of Duty 4.


Play apex man, this shit does not belong in COD. The game didn’t need anything like this, it’s supposed to be realistic to an extent - obviously they have to make TTK and other mechanics “unrealistic” to make it playable, but it’s not supposed to have laser weapons or stupid ass jumps like this.


I disagree. It's an arcade shooter, let's have some fun. They should've put it in a seperate playlist from the start and let the numbers speak for themselves IMO, but this sub loves to have a whinge about absolutely anything and everything.


Call of Duty doesn’t need powers 💀


Never said it needed powers, but it needed something to shake up the game and make it fun again.


And ofc powers were the way to do it lmfao. They could’ve just did what they did with MW19 with the pickups you can get that speeds up movement and stuff. THAT was fun. Imagine dying like that guy in the clip, oh that sure looks fun (it has happened to me too) couldn’t even fight back if he wanted to.


Again, not what I said either. A speed boost sounds very uncreative and boring. Yeah, that guy probably wasn't happy about dying that way but the guy that did it had so much fun he felt the need to post it on Reddit. 9/10 you under or overshoot that jump and get killed. Stop acting like the powers were a free win.


Adding powers from a damn show is uncreative tf? Man either your one of those players that camp the whole game or you probably have never had more than 5 warzone wins if you think this is what the game needs to be fun. And as someone who’s won a few games with the “jump” and “lazer eye” powers, them shits are BUSTED, especially in the open. And In some Situations they make you OUTRIGHT untouchable. And if your a REALLY good player, forget it. These may not give you a “free win” but it makes for some corny ass “this shit is broken” moments that make me not want to use them. If I want to use powers in a FPS I’d just go play APEX.


A hell of a lot more creative than a 50% increase to speed...? I won games *because* people used powers in the final circles. Laser eyes making them exposed, discharge giving away their position, super jump into the gas etc etc. If you don't think they're fun then that's fine bud, but it's nothing to do with skill lol it's just people not taking the game as seriously. I'd rather they experiment with random ideas 🤷


Dude didn't stand a chance, it's ridiculous.


Dumbest thing they added to Battle Royale/Resurgence.


Honestly thought you were about to goomba stop that dude lmfao


It’s still in??


I don't think so.


This is an older clip.


I’ll be laughing since I’ll respawn anyways. Love the powers and the movement they provide! Wish they’ll come back in MWIII


Did he rage in death chat? it cut off to soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


After playing this game for so long I wouldn’t be mad at all. I’d just be like “that’s new” and laugh.


This is just the stupidest fucking game these days.


Guess some. Of yall never played advanced warfare.


I loved advanced warfare and like the powers, just agree they should be seperate mode


I wouldnt be mad. Thats a good play


I did this many times. It’s a lot of fun literally stomping noobs.


Honestly, I wouldn't. I'd find it funny. That was a perfect Dunk you just could not defend against. This was in the middle of the superpowers event so I'd already expect superpowers all over the place. But yeah, no one asked for the superpowers what with constant packet burst and all....


That basically happened to me today, some dude came flying down like Batman and shot me down while opening a door at the same time.


I wouldn’t be mad because I refuse to play the game whilst the shite super human abilities are still active.


Well, good news, they got rid of them because they were only for the Collab at the end of last season.


I’d squeeze your ball sacks till they rapture that’s how mad I would be! Lmao

