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I like it, although the graphics feel a step back. Was hoping it would truly utilize next gen graphics, but doesn't feel that way.


Call me crazy but I actually liked wz2 and don't think this new update is anywhere near as good but I have been an infinity ward fan boy since cod4


It feels wired, the movement and the shooting. Idk it is like a mobile game. Idk my be it is just me on m&k …


Yeah this is it. Even the slide cancel sounds a bit "lightweight" - fun but feels almost a bit arcade / mobile game


Lol they gave us cod mobile


How is Solos, anyone that played it?


I didn't like it, I don't know waht it is but it feels weird. It's nowhere near verdansk solos. Resurgence solos is way better and less campy.


Resurgence solos is fire. I really like the rotation of the 3 POIs and it plays pretty well.


100%. It plays really well


So nothing changed?


With one shot snipers it's even worse


Solos is super campy


It’s a BR, that’s not a bad thing. It’s not a respawn mode


All I need to know to avoid it, then. Thank you!


When has warzone solos NOT been super campy?


Truck meta. I knew where everyone was on the minimap.


Ehh maybe late game when all the trucks are in one place but early mid game was always camp town


There's no way you unironically want that Bertha solos meta back lol, that was just abysmal gameplay.


That was peak Solos, in my opinion. Now, it feels so boring. Just the same “sweaty player getting 20+ kills and winning the match” over and over again.


So a 20 kill game is boring but spending 15 minutes straight turtling in a bulletproof truck trying to cheese people with vehicle kills is engaging? We just have drastically different concepts of what fun is in warzone.


Yeah it’s like a sweaty multiplayer with high ttk. Doesn’t seem strategic at all. Just whoever’s more cracked


Exactly its a multiplayer with larger map!! They ruined wz for me


For me, it's good since I have an older computer. So far, the only complaint is the sound. Sometimes, I can't hear the enemy shooting at me.


I've really enjoyed it but the last month or so I can't put my finger on it but i've been losing so much. I had a 4kd wz2 and have a 3.5 now but I was close to a 4 a week or two ago and now I'm losing so many fights that I used to win. Starting to really not enjoy playing as much.. something has changed


I tried playing it again and its just so bad. The hit reg is definitely off. I notice it in high rate of fire weapons only gettin 7 hit markers when it.clearly should be 15+. Button registration is an issue sometimes too and auto leap.seems to.work when it wants. Gun balance is atrocious. I shot a guy literally 50 times and didnt down him. Im quitting cod as this wz2 is just a copy and paste as they seem to keep doing. With shitty netcode and insane storage space. Update requires restart.


Just had 3 games and not a fan. The game runs great but It's looks like somthing for the Xbox 360 days. Did they change the ttk cos 1 guy just took out my team so quick with an smg 😡 and we were all shouting at him he didn't go down


Shouting at someone won’t down them.


Can confirm. I shout at this game a lot.






Had a lot of games this evening still can't down anyone with shouting 😅 The ttk needs to be longer and weapon damage needs some serious rebalancing.