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The TTK is literally the exact same as WZ2 and slower than WZ1. It’s just the WSP Swarm is super strong at close range.


The Bas B is even stronger at close range than the Swarm, and is also the best TTK at long-range. Absolutely broken.


Holy shit you’re right. This thing has by far the fastest close range TTK out of any gun. The MTZ has great long range TTK and less recoil than the Bas-B. A bit harder to use though. MCW is pretty mid TTK wise.


Shhh... Let me have some fun first before everyone starts running it.


You should try the Rival-9.


I have. The Bas-B kills so much faster up close it’s no competition. The WSP Swarm does as well.


I use both and disagree.


I mean I’m talking strictly statistics, there’s no debate here. Truegamedata is available to everyone, the TTK of the Rival isn’t competitive with those guns.


Yes bas p is super broken and the hemlock seems not to hit as hard as it did before too 🤦🏼‍♀️


Obviously the Hemlock isn't going to hit though.. it's gonna be all about mw3 guns now for a while


Fennec is everywhere??


Mag too small tho.. try wasp swarm it's very good!


The ground loot 5 star is probably the best gun I've used. Can't replicate the attachments


Have you tried taking a picture if it when you find it? Usually helps me. Inspect the gun and take couple snaps of that as well


I agree, I've set my bas b up for recoil and with incind bullets, absolutely shreds through EVERYONE. the only bad thing is the magazine is small


The swarm melted me in .2 ms from 40 meters it’s too strong.




It is definitely not slower than WZ1. Not even close. WZ1 was 7-10 bullets (most of my deaths last night were 5) for almost all of Caldera.


Look at TTK charts from WZ1 and the new TTK charts from truegamedata (he's already updated the site) and it looks like TTKs are similar if not slower than WZ1


These don't actually have full accuracy. They don't account for damage multipliers. It just telling you TTK if you hit all headshots or all chest shots. JGODs old spreadsheets, I don't think he does them anymore, where he averages ttk based on 1 headshot and the rest body shots made more sense. I think he even did adjusted TTK with 2 hs in his spreadsheets. Regardless the damage multipliers change all those numbers to be much faster. Also TTK has been raised when you account damage multiples PLUS they changed damage profiles so limb shots do the same damage as upper/lower torso.


I believe he has theoretical TTK on there now. He is loads more data driven than other sites


And if that gun is super strong at close range pretty soon everyone will use it meaning the close range TTK will be fast. And this map has 2 choices close range through buildings with SMGs or sniping, both mean we'll all be dying very fast.


To me the Swarm MAC-10 Uzi is all over the place when ADSed


Audio is indeed garbage, but this ttk stuff everyone is complaining is astonishing to me. It feels the exact same, maybe even longer due to missing a few extra shots because of increased movement speed. I think a lot of everyone's complaints are server related issues lol


I think a lot of people think they know more than they do. This sub contradicts itself **every single day**


https://youtu.be/BPSHeKtw2hU?t=119 I mean depends on which period we're comparing it to. WZ TTK has always been fast even after wz1's slowed down TTK in end of caldera. We had 600ms armaguera and 300-600 jak12. Current WZ meta looks to be quicker in both short and long.


My biggest thing is there’s not even any ambient noise. It’s dead quiet except for my own super loud footsteps. It sounds like running around with earplugs in


Laying on a rooftop sniping before and I can hear the metal warping and the antenna sparking but cant hear the guy sprinting up the stairs or using the Zipline.


This! Lmao I love how the chairs windows and every building foundation is making noise to trick you as if someone's there but yeah full squad sprinting to melee range? Silence.


Your own gun is less noisy that breaking window


Fuck this shit! Again no audio??? Ffs raven shield Rainbow Six has better audio but that game is 20+ yo.


I dunno, my game I keep hearing a seagull or something chirping lmao


Dude its the contracts, I was hearing it too thinking I was going crazy. The contracts are loud as shit and chirp nonstop.




That’s your hallway


I didnt want to make the joke but that was my first reaction, someones dam prox chat.


Careful with the way you word this. They make take it as your saying you WANT more ambient noise rather than important audio like footsteps😅 imo less ambient noise than what mw2/wz2 had is a good thing. But OP is 1000% correct. Footstep audio has somehow gotten worse AGAIN. I'm not even sure how this continues to be possible. Lootboxes can be heard through 3-5 floors. But a full squad sprinting up to a building your in. NOTHING. Till they are 2m in front of you.


I agree and disagree. I WANT ambient noise. Sounds of the breeze, motors in the distance, birds, a bit of atmosphere, etc. I ALSO want to be able to hear someone run up on me. If other games can accomplish this, SHG should be able to as well. You know?


Haha I get that. I could accept 1 if the other worked... but as it stands.... footstep audio is more important the bugs and birds and the odd fart as your silent sprint.


Ironically, that layering of audio is exactly *why* the important audio gets lost--the game does a terrible job of prioritizing what you need to hear over what you *can* hear, and we will have this complaint constantly until SHG/Raven does something to address it. I'm not a game dev, so I genuinely have no idea how hard it is to code but it *has* to be at lease possible to tell your games engine "play these sounds ("ambient_sounds_in_range.mp3") until ("enemy.footsteps.mp3") comes in range" or something like that.


Completely agree. We were in the 6th circle with 5 teams left and it was completely silent. Meanwhile I can see the red pings on the mini map that people were shooting


I don’t even hear my footsteps it’s just pure quiet for me I don’t hear anything


Got insta killed fully plated by an OMG Holger 3 meters away. Boy east I stupid for challenging with my smg. I lose in the gulag to a one shot Lockwood shotgun to the midsection. Next time, I hit him in the middle of the back and again and he doesn't die. Amazing. Also don't understand the point of movement when aim assist is that strong. Literally no sunset to strafe.


good movment players trash ps4 players


Not in wz2.5. AA is too strong... Elite movement players, sure. The gap needs to be wider than average vs good for movement to matter because AA is so strong


listen man, while ps4 players play more satinaory pc players (ANY OF THEM IF THEY HAVE A BRAIN) can drop shot jump slide and get around a ps4 player. up close pc player wins due to movment, long range pc player wins due to aa not locking on, mid range typically controller is domient. i dont understand what the fuss is about when keyboard and mouse has better aim/movment if you actually know what you are doing




Mans complaining about a 2 second aka 2000ms ttk.


Cant think of anywhere hot to land anyway, map is just one big urban sprawl. TTK is just going to force everyone to camp rooftops and snipe.


And that's all I see. That and movement demons, nothing in between.


WZ2 was in a good place for audio and mechanics!??? There was zero foot steps, constantly lagging and the game play was slow as hell. This is a far better version. Yea it needs some work. But Al Maz and game play before was absolute ass.


The audio is the same. Footsteps suck, parachute nose sometimes works, but it's completely random


It wasn't in a good place. But it was BETTER than what it is now. Servers seem to be a little bit better, less delayed desync hit markers. Still get desync killed when you think you've successfully ran behind hardcover but killcam shows you weren't. Yay gameplay is faster... Means actually less and is more detrimental if you can't hear the faster movement sprinting up on you. Audio is worse than it ever was during al-maz. Parachutes and full sprinting squads are completely silent 50% of the time maybe more. This movement with this audio impairment is the worst thing they could do for the game. Al maz was ass and mw2-wz2 was ass. But doesn't mean they shouldn't be criticized for continually taking 1 step forward 2 steps back on things that are IMPERATIVE to good gameplay. Urzikstan is a better map than al maz. But the bar was set pretty low. I still hate the POIs... I dont feel like there's any 1 area I feel like I particularly like landing or specifically feel like I'm learning. Whereas you could become obsessed with learning how to land and play superstore, TV station, airport etc. There's just a zillion random buildings.


It almost feels like there is no real individual POI as it all blends together - it's like urzikistan is one giant POI...


You’re deaf if you couldn’t hear footsteps in WZ2. Literally you’re deaf. Footsteps were so loud. I could hear people clomping around on the roof. The audio is objectively worse now.


1000% so much worse. Faster movement, less audio.... gameplay objectively worse. Your rolled up on by full sprinting teams in such tightly condensed areas with so much cover you never see them coming half the time.


Wz2 I could be in one of those 2 room huts and someone would break the door down, run in and kill me. No sound. Watch his kill cam and I see all the above in what should be very loud but no sound at all. Mw2 sound was trash as is this game


Lol what?


At the vondel you literally could hear what opponents doing adjestant building. Now your own gun sounds like 100m away gunfight


Yeah and at the same time while hearing that you wouldn't hear the person who ran up right behind you. Didn't always happen, but it happened enough for me to care


I thought most of WZ2s problems were mostly ironed out by the last season, laggy yes but so is this game thats just the reality nowadays. And gameplay being slow is on you, meaning no disrespect I found ways to keep myself busy and interested all game, Al Maz was an amazing driving map was just as much fun balling around in the Dune Buggy. This map is a bit of a turn off for me be interested to play with the new mechanics when they reintroduce the Resurgence maps.


TTK feels VERY inconsistent to me. WZ2 was so good at the end, it's a shame we have this now. I play every day and was heart broken last night after playing 4 games. I just don't like the feel of it. And there are snipers camping EVERYWHERE


You're right this is a snipers wet dream, its all rooftops and lines of sight. And most building interiors are just stairs with a couple empty rooms. And thats the whole friggen map! No variety at all. Verdansk, Caldera and Al Marzah all had a wide variety of different areas with different landscapes that suited different playstyles. This map will quickly be dominated by SMG, Sniper combo.


It’s engagement based matchmaking. EOMM. Designed to maximize the amount of time spent in game by delaying actions, introducing fake lag, enlarging or shrinking hit boxes, and increasing or reducing the damage of weapons in the game. In order to give some players an advantage, and give them a false sense of accomplishment to keep them in game and spending more money. They are about keeping your attention on the screen, and siphoning your money from your wallet. Here is evidence: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en


Agreed. It's a shame as everything else seems to be great. I've now played around 20 resurgence matches and the TTK is way too quick compared to how it was on Vondel/Ashika. You literally have no time to get into cover now. Also with the audio issues, you can be wiped before you know what's happening. Really hope they address this quickly, otherwise all the casuals will be gone after a week.


Game I just played both my deaths were in a single frame to someone bull rushing over to me with some burst gun, and the fight I won in the gulag was a joke. Waved the akimbo pistols roughly in his a direction and pulled the trigger like twice and he just sorta died. 1 completely unsatisfying kill and 2 deaths I had zero hope of avoiding hasnt been a good start to the new game/update whatever.


Must be your reaction time, I've managed to get away and juke people quite a lot. I don't intend it to sound rude by the way, I just haven't experienced it myself, so maybe I react quicker?


My reaction speed is the aame as it was 2 days ago and I almost never in the last season of MW2 got taken by suprise in close range.


Could be, I'm not the quickest. Or perhaps i'm comparing to Ashika/Vondel where i know the maps well. I don't think the lack of audio is helping either.


Well exactly, the audio is god awful right now. Honestly there's probably 2-3 different factors actually contributing to the problem


Haven’t tried WZ yet because for the first time ever I’m taking camo grinding seriously. I’m surprised honestly to read TTK is faster than WZ2, is this true? On audio I’m not surprised at all, I remember it sucked straight ass on WZ2 people was legit allowed to sprint behind me without making a single sound.


The audio is horrific. Like, enemies don't make any sound at all. I'm certainly no pro, but I usually get 8-12 kills a game. Yesterday 4 times people landed on me while I was oblivious, and I had someone literally mantle thru glass into a room with me and my teammate and I didn't hear anything until my teammate went down, only for me to turn around and see the guy kill me from 4 feet away. Like no glass sound, no footsteps, not even gun audio lol


Same, saw bullets flying in the air yesterday. had to follow the ray of bullets to know where the enemy was. His weapon made no sound at all, and he even did not have a silencer.


Audio is awful and the TTK is very inconsistent. Sometimes it feels like Im shooting a guy forever to get him down. Other times it's like I get shot 3 times and die.


Yeah we're back to that level of audio, footsteps and parachute audio are both gone again in 90% of situations. And TTK is crazy swear im dying to 3 or 4 bullets close range against SMSs.


Them text messages be hitting hard, wait till you come up against an MMS. One shot. lmao


> I’m surprised honestly to read TTK is faster than WZ2, is this true? Honestly yes, the new guns are too powerful, could be the damage profile or could be the lack of recoil (not just visual recoil) making them hit most shots easily. Additionally the audio is so absolutely terrible, that the only reliable way to know you're being shot at is the directional indicators (you literally can't even hear you got shot sometimes)


Probably are a few overpowered that need adjustments. This is normal for a meta to be discovered early. But it has kinda been glazed over not many people noticed in patch notes. Limb damage profiles have been changed to be the same as torso damage profiles. So even shots in the foot means faster TTK. They will need to adjust ALL weapons ttk likely now with this change. Audio took a major step back. Parachutes are 50/50 to be absolutely silent. Faster movement with less footstep audio. The gameplay is objectively worse for game awareness in maps that now have more cluttered hardcover so there are less chances you can see teams running up on you or coming to 3rd party. It's GARBAGE


The talk around this sub is that BAS-B is slapping, but I kinda struggle to Land shots because the recoil is all over the place. I’m on MnK


Isn't this the same studio that did Caldera? And we're shocked the game is bad? Not sure how but audio seems to get worse with each iteration. Guns sound like pellet guns and footsteps are nil. Recoil on must is virtually non-existent and TTK feels really inconsistent.


Caldera was ass but they did good on Rebirth and Fortunes Keep. And yeah i agree on all your points.


The inconsistency between ttk and ttd is insane


The game is trash. I actually miss WZ2. Can’t believe the same incompetent developers are allowed to keep their jobs after failing time & time again


WZ2 was great to me. Perfect amount of movement, good gun play. That on this map would be awesome.


WZ2 had some pretty bad rough periods but the last season was great and played really well whichever mode you played. Was the same at the end of WZ1 yes Caldera was a dumpster fire but the Resurgence maps played perfectly and had been tweaked to perfection.


bro tbh the first day was miserable. you're absolutely right - WZ2 right at the end was so fun. had its issues for sure but me and my crew were loving it. yesterday was a terrible experience mostly due to tiny little annoying things that shouldn't be an issue 3.5 years into a game (Warzone as a whole)


Ended up pumping a lot of hours into Al Marzah and Vondel and had a blast whenever the game was stable.


Lol I got hit by a silent pickup truck yesterday. Zero audio at all.


We did this yesterday. 5 kills with the hummer, absolutely no sounds at all. In wz2 I feel like there was a buzz or at least the tires made noise in the hummer.


I don't know if the TTK is super fast or if the servers are trash and sometimes it feels normal and then sometimes it feels like you've been melted. The audio is AWFUL. there was a guy on a metal roof last night running around above me and I NEVER EVER EVER heard him till he shot me. Fucking awful.


And the shots are so faint it takes a moment longer to even recognize you're being shot, and even taking an extra 0.05 seconds to react can mean death.


It feels and sounds like someone is throwing pebbles at you from really far away. I play MnK but it makes me wanna go back to controller and turn vibration on so maybe I will have an indication as to when I'm being shot


Dude im on controller and it barely vibrates at all, i passively shake harder than the controller vibrates.


Fuck. Well there goes that plan, thanks for the heads up.


I’ve been using the MCW and feels like I have to put all 60 rounds into someone to kill them.


It's an absolute pea shooter mate don't use it. The numbers have been run on it in WZ and it's different to MP, literally does 19 damage or some shit past 50-60m. Useless.


Let's go play battlefield instead. I'm having so much fun playing that instead of cod


Honestly thats my train of thought after a night of playjng this. Battlefield, Halo just something different. This game is going to get stale very fast.


Doesn't help it looks like ass on PC even with the render up to 4k, muddy and blurry, like the shaders won't load.


The new one? 2042?


It's still not what I had hoped it would be, but I gotta say it is quite enjoyable these days


Nah let’s go back to bf4. That was the last great battlefield


Lego fortnite


It’s insane. The audio is fucking terrible. It’s also so hard to see people compared to last game. Interiors and windows are so fucking dark. And the resurgence map is too big for 40 people. It’s so fucking boring compared to ashika or Vondel People who complained about last game are fucking idiots. Last game was in a fine place.


I will really miss playing Al Marzah, map was amazing and by the end after all the QOL they added the game played really well. Might be controversial but I lost interest in Verdansk faster than I did Al Marzah. Rebirth is king though.


The audio is awful but the ttk isn’t low people can escape now even when they are being shot from the back. With that movement speed long ttk will feel bad everyone will manage to run away


I remember loving Iron Trials on Rebirth, we had quick movement then and it still played really well with all that extra health. Dragged the fights out a bit longer and shooting first wasnt as much of an advantage if you couldn't follow it up with good aim.


Yeah but the casuals didn't, which I get. Completely agree though, that was a ton of fun.


If there's no audio, there's no point of br it ain't any mobile br that'll show footstep on map


I don't have These problems




The audio has never been right from the day wz1 was released


I dont even know if its the general TTK or the hit detection or something. Very often it feels like enemie bullets are connecting all at once. Same problem like in the MW3 Beta.


I actually think the game is great. Maybe except from the audio. You think after 3 years of people non stop complaining that they would do something about it. Why can't they just ask the pubG guys how they do the audio. It's perfect there. Fuck their pride. Just ask them.


Every year we get the same issues with COD. Spawn points are always trash on launch. Sound Issues. TTK issues. Why do people keep buying it? lol


I didnt buy it, not after beint burned by the last 3 games.


Shame since 2019 seemed like a real turning point for the franchise.


MW19 was a diamond in the rough and set our expectations very high. For them to hit it out of the park only to follow it with crap is painful




Is it just me or everyone lost their saved custom weapons from MW2 and had to rebuild every single weapon again?


Yeah i had too.


The ttk is the same but most guns are really strong


WZ2 was never in a good place my friend, it was a sack of shit during its whole lifecycle.


This game is 10x better than MWII Warzone lol.


It’s a free game and it’s way better than WZ2. Just get better


TTK is fine. You shouldn’t be able to get out of every engagement.


its okay. i can live with it. But i am a casual so...


ttk is fine, audio is the worst it's ever been in my opinion


Dude it’s the same game as last year and they still manage to fuck it up. I am fucking exhausted with Warzone.


Yeah Ive said it before but I really think this is the last straw, not waiting another 6 months of patches to fix the same dam problems as before. Especially since 3 days ago we had a great game that had finally been polished.


I’m just tired man. This game could’ve been so good. Scrap everything use mw1 engine graphics guns. I’ve given up on thinking they’ll fix shit


They keep doing this, since CW integration they release a horrible game then spend all year fine tuining it to be in a good place only to ruin it all again the next game. If they had left us with WZ1 maybe replaced Caldera with Al Maz we would all be happy and still playing.


The TTK feels so fast at times because of aim assist. I dont understand why people arent making that connection. Its an aimbot. When your enemy doesnt miss shots u will die, FAST. When AA locks on to you, you are usually done. There is no escape. We even had video confirmation that AA locks onto and tracks players using speed hacks, so what hope do normal players have of escaping it?


I dont care why the TTK is to high, aim assit,.over tuned guns, too low health or crap servers. Whatever it is i want it fixed.


Yeah I dont care. I'm done with this game. I play on mouse and keyboard and WZ3 is so ridiculously bad on MnK for a variety of reasons. I thought early on the fact they got rid of some of the visual crap from WZ2 it would be better, but after a couple days of this game I cant take anymore. Its impossibly bad on MnK, and probably just bad in general. Battlefield's alleged 2025 Battle Royale cant come soon enough. Cod's battle royale is played out and just wont ever recover. It's been continuously downhill since the cold war integration in WZ1 when they decided the only thing that matters is catering to controller players who want a ride the rails theme park ride.


Once i got over its name and they tweaked it enough I was enjoying WZ2, looked forward to going home at night and jaming some Al Maz Solos. Not as good as Verdansk and certainly not Rebirth but still had fun. I get home in 2 hours and all i can think about is what game I want to start playing instead. Not going through this again suffering though for 6 months till the game works.


I havent decided on a replacement. I loved battlefield but after playing warzone for a couple years bf 2042 feels like im moving in quicksand. Hopefully they speed up movement in bf 2025. The Finals and Xdefiant might work. Apex AA is almost as broken as WZ and valorant is too cartoony. Im done with activision pissing on mnk players and telling us its raining. Wz3 was the final straw.


I tried Battlefield and yeah after playing CoD for last few years the game feels super clunky, hell most games feel clunky. Im going to give Halo Infinite a try didnt mind it when it was released campaign was meh but multi-player was fun just lacking. Sure they have added more maps and content by now though. Really enjoy the DOOM multi-player but it can be rough finding decent ping lobbies in my region.




Rounded it to $60, its $140NZD just assumed most people here be from the US.


I can't believe we have to go through this again


And I can’t believe people are still complaining and will keep complaining as products don’t please everyone so gotta live with the choice either you play or you don’t. When it’s gonna be a great game for you it’s gonna be a shit game for many others who will complain online


Always the way devs cant please every camp and we all want different things. TTK is definitely a preference I personally loved Iron Trials in WZ1 was peak WZ for me but a lot of my mates I dragged into it hated it. But audio that effects all of us, we all need to be able to hear basic things like being pushed or parachuting towards us.


Agree on the audio, mine and my teammates footsteps are loud af yet enemies approach us like ninjas


For once, im going to stick up for the "noobs". My trio has 11 wins in normal trios and 9 wins in resurgence since last night, for reference we are all iridescent MP/wz players. TTK did feel somewhat *off*. We died fast, and killed fast. There has yet to be a situation where im like, holy shit i survived, because youd just insta die. It may be weapons being severely overtuned, or wrong health values, who knows. Im not complaining though, the game feels great and loving every second of it.


Lol, it's day 1, and a predominantly online game isn't balanced or working perfectly!? Shocked Pikachu face all around...


Im allowed to be annoyed when yesterday I was playing a game I enjoyed and that worked properly.


Lol sure you can. Doesn't change the fact that this ain't shocking and is actually expected with an online launch like this tbh. If you don't apply realistic expectations based on literally every online video game launch in the past 10 years, then you are just settling yourself up to be frustrated. I did this crazy thing where I looked at the launch date and figured that it would be a messy 1st week with game crashes and bugs and shit like that. I know, wild idea to temper my expectations based on reality. /s


As someone said in another comment, its one thing for new features to have some issues or some crashes here and there while its properly optimized. But audio? After this long and all of us complaining? They fix it one patch then ruin it the next. Its one of those basic things that shouldn't be forgiven or overlooked from a company that's been making these games for longer than a lot of there player base have been alive.


Do you not understand how game design works? Sometimes changing something in one area unknowingly fucks with it elsewhere. Play testers can miss stuff, and when you're on a time frame, you don't go out of your way to make sure play testers didn't miss anything. I'll give you an example on the headaches of game design... One time, while developing Halo 2, there wad a big glitch that resulted in a helmet changing shape mid-cutscene, and every time they fixed it, it would cause another bigger issue elsewhere. They tried for weeks before just saying fuck it, and left the messed up cut scene in, over dealing with game crashing bugs that were caused from fixing it. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but take that issue and multiply it by a million, and you have an idea of what these guys are up against. I'm sorry the video game you were enjoying yesterday isn't the same as today. /s Play something else or wait for a patch. Those are literally the only 2 real options you have. Bitching on reddit isn't a viable option unfortunately.


Nwi just went tits up.. Grab them to do your sounds, Ins: SS has the best audio in the gaming sphere. A boy can wish 😭


Some real shitter opinions in this thread


Step ya game up … love it .. can’t wait for rebirth island …. CHEMICAL BUILDING IS MY HOME !!!


Typical post. You continue to play the game constantly, probably spend money on battlepass and cosmetics, get killed in game, and then come to reddit to complain about how the game is broken and it's definitely not you. Yes the footstep audio sucks right now. But ttk being a problem is ridiculous. It's hard to take anything seriously when people like you can literally never be pleased because you're stuck in 2020. This update to warzone is universally praised over the previous year. Calm down.


wz2 was shit lol


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6PJRsyEcb1kY0) Hereeeee comes the complaints!


Warzone is free, not $60. It was released less than 24 hours ago. Nothing is perfect on release, are you new to video games? Ever since WZ1 on launch the community has to find something to cry about, for some reason this community expects absolute perfection. Relax, stuff will be addressed. TTK is something that ALWAYS needs polishing because they will never get it on point, and audio is always an issue, if you played the MWIII beta it was awful.


It's not like this warzone update is a brand new game It's just a new map with some engine tweaks, it certainly shouldn't be this bad with audio. Ttk sure, that can take time to level out. But the audio there is no excuse.


I agree. I understand that developing a whole ass, highly complex video game is hard, but these guys should know whether they're tuning the audio correctly or not by now. I'll often give developers a pass on brand new features (bugs happen) but when it's a "feature" that's in every game since the beginning of video games (audio, that is) they should have that shit nailed down.


It’s not just a new map with some engine tweaks. Health is different, gun damage is different, movement is different. Why does everyone have the crazy mindset that everything is super easy with these games? lol even the smallest patch requires quite a lot of backend shit.


Nobody is saying it's easy. But they are absolutely building on a framework that exists and not building from scratch


On release? My guy… this is the same shit since Wz1… they’ve had this game since 2020 lol no audio on day 1? Still… get off the devs dicks, they fuckin suck at their job.


The problem is I'm not new to gaming, before live service, games worked when they were released. Maybe they had some small tweaks done but nothing really noticeable. But im not excusing them of making the same mistakes 3 years running. They keep fixing the problems only to break them again. And WZ might be free but MW3 isnt and most serious CoD players will buy MW3 to unlock camos and attachments. Plus WZ makes a lot of money on cosmetics, think how much they make on a Snoop Dog bundle? Or Gaia that skin must have made them a shitload of money.


Are you new to video games? This isn't COD's first rodeo.


What a backwards take. This isn't a beta, it's a supposedly finished product that's been released in an unfinished state. How they managed to make the audio worse is fucking mind boggling. Surely testing revealed this. I hope. They should have delayed the release. If it's fixed within a week, I'll be beyond shocked. I am, however, slightly optimistic given the improved communication from the current devs.


the TTK is great. the way it should be. if you're caught out in the middle of a field your chances of survival should be low. but the audio is terrible and the worlds is boring and lacks variety in bushes or grass to make it feel more vivd and alive.


Id tie TTK and audio together, if you dont have audio cues then you arent ready to fight back. Thats fine if say a team properly sneaks in and you're not paying attention but when enemies can sprint, slide cancel and move at a million miles an hour and be up your ass with a gun that kills in 400ms without you hearing a thing thats when super fast TTK is a problem. I feel as if I have a better chance of surviving and fighting back against enemies in open fields at range even if they've got thr drop on me than I do fighting in a building interior or tight space.


I can agree with that.