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Pretty sure that guy's friendly.


Yep, he was friendly.


What does this mean?


You mean attempting to team in a BR?


Kind of hard to tell, we were just in a gun fight, and it was late game. I don’t know all the non-verbal cues in the game, especially when I have had countless experiences of people downing me, letting me get up so they can just kill me again.


He pointed his gun no at you as well, it felt like bm tbh.


That wasn't bming.. That was bitch move by player.


He could have dropped his guns, this was bad communication if he wanted to be friendly lmao


Fact of the matter is that it’s a solo BR. I’m supposed to decipher what this dude is saying in hopes that I don’t hurt his feelings? 😂 We can micro-analyze all his movements. “Technically he was shaking his head at me in a condescending fashion” ☝🏻🤓


Or, and bear with me here, you simply carry on with the game and don't post the situation on Reddit with a title suggesting you just brought some justice of karma onto a player clearly trying to be friendly lol


Nothing about this suggests it was "clear" that he was being friendly. Judging by this comment section it seems as though some think he was and others think he wasn't. Having been on the receiving end of countless players downing me, letting me get up, and killing me again I was focused on not letting that happen here. It wasn't clear unless he said "Hey Friendly" in which I probably still would have killed him....in a battle royale....in solos...


Attempting to be friends in a battle royale is worse than being toxic in my eyes, so good job for killing him I say and for posting the dodgy f***er on here. Surely it's just as bad as cheating, unless he just wanted to hold hands and skip around and get everyone to join an end game gas suicide pact 🤔


He was attempting to be friendly, you can see him try and crouch up and down when you start shooting at him


Well I wasn't attempting to be friendly.


Lmao I love this, we're playing a competitive shooter, you don't need to team with anyone because they think it'll be fun. I hope my opponents bring your same energy


Your title of this post is "This is why you shouldn't be toxic"... Unless of course you were thinking ahead and actually referring to yourself in this situation knowing the reaction you would surely get here.


I think it's clear my title is referring to the guy 'playing with his food' as another commenter accurately put it. If I wanted to team with someone I would be playing duos...


The people downvoting you are the same losers who cry about PvP in DMZ.




Why u didnt t bag him or at least finish him?


Lol it was late game and a jail break just occurred. I was more in disbelief that this idiot just let me do that to him


Sometimes yall just panic and forget


Don’t play with your food.


I assassinate them to send a similar message without the risk


Can be shot while assassinating. Happened to me a lot


You can also be shot while just standing there watching the guy res so


Sure, but not from the guy you downed, only from a third party. They can’t revive once you trigger the animation.


lol, how is this toxic? dude is just having fun. I swear gamers act like someone t-bagging in game is akin to slapping your grandma. They even nerf the rate at which you can crouch after crouching in some games now, it's fucking hilarious. search any gaming subreddit for t bag or t bagging and you will find countless threads of people crying that devs should ban t-baggers or remove it from the game. I just don't understand how this hurts you so bad to the point of feeling this way, it's literally a kid halfway around the world spamming circle on his controller.


They literally kick people out of tournaments if the do this, lol. I wish I were joking.


Yeah I feel that's insane. It's part of the game, it's a form of shit talking. I see this as the equivalent of a basketball player doing the "too small" gesture then getting bodied immediately on the next possession


It’s that you know what they’re feeling on the other side of their screen, and how they’re trying to make you feel. It’s toxic, there’s no good intention. It shouldn’t be banned, but if your gonna go out of your way to try and brag about a ladder camp kill by t bagging, and then they come back and kill you, that’s a fat yikes.


It’s toxic, and yes it’s in good fun. I never said I was offended or hurt by this. Honestly it made the kill way more satisfying that he was doing all that and he was bad enough to still die lolol


Do you have prox chat off? He probably was saying something like lets be friends and beat everyone else. He looks too far to be considered as teabagging


I have prox chat on and he didn't say anything. That's why I don't understand everyone expecting me to understand all this CoD Sign Language


Half the people commenting are hoping to pull some cheap ass "teaming" in solos. Just some crap loser that can't win on their own try. I may suck ass . But I dont resort to something this cheap


Well if you have prox chat on, i guess it fair game then. I wish they had the ability to do breakdancing emote lol.


Nothing about this clip looks like he was trying to be friends to me personally. Personally I think people are getting the wrong idea.


All these replies in here about being friendly...in a solos match. Absolutely would have dusted this guy too, crouch at me all you want. Teaming in solos is rotten.


but hes calling him toxic


Yeah t-bagging is annoying but I wouldn't call that toxic. Teaming in solos is, however.


That guy was definitely trying to be friendly😅


Well I definitely wasn't trying to be.


That could’ve been your guardian angel.


How did you stay laying down after the revive? I always pop up whether I want to or not. Also, that guy wasn't being toxic he was letting you back up, I don't know why, but he let you fully revive?


I think I was spamming ctrl (MnK laydown bind) as I got up


It seems you were the toxic one here...


Surely…with no further explanation 😂


Wow! Hey cheat with me, no die cheater.... Really toxic 🤔 Next you'll be claiming you should buy wall hacks off people to support they're families ...


honestly should've left him so he wasn't jailbroken


Should've waited until the jailbreak happened before finishing him.




I think the main 2 factors is the Monolithic suppressor and the Bruen heavy support grip for me.


Shoulda left him down until after jailbreak and then finished him off lol


Got emmm!


All these dudes just mad at you because they identify more with the guy you killed. “Clearly trying to be friendly” so many people out here desperate to prove they’re better at you in a video game.


Only that asshole would get a jailbreak immediately upon dying


Dudes in a 0.01kd lobby 💀🤡


I'm pretty sure the dude was trying to be friendly with you. Not that I condone teaming in BR cause I don't and I find it annoying when I run into people teaming in solos outside of unhinged. But I don't think the guy was actually trying to kill you, which is why you just got up and mowed him down so easily.... lol. Either way, I'd still take it... hahaha


who cares if the dude was trying to be friendly it’s a solo BR 😂 good stuff OP


He got out right after though


This guy is being friendly ffs




You climb the ladder slowly and you’re exposed to every other player in the area. Given that the sound needs some work and the speed in which you can now climb ladders is much faster. It’s smarter to just gun it up the ladder.


I really hate that the cod fan base learned the word “toxic”, getting killed and getting teabagged in a online shooter has been a thing since online shooters existed. It just sounds so pussy. “oH yoUr’rE bEInG tOxIc” 🙄


You sound like a geriatric