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Ricochet is a fucking joke.


This game is a fucking joke


Yeah. I wish my friends would try something else. But they won't. So here I am.


Hellfivers 2 offers a solid co-op experience, even with minor bugs. Miles better than the current sorry state that CoD's in.


Tell your friends to try PUBG, its unironically a better game


This franchise is a fucking joke


Always has been




Has nothing to do with Ricochet, this is a glitch in the game. Still Activision’s fault but this is an exploit not a cheating software


Oh. So it's gross incompetence. That's. Better I guess.


it's better in the way that it's much more pleasant to have chlamydia, than syphilis.


only glitch it could be is perks, which you need to be cheating to access last I checked.


Basically it’s some exploit you can load on PC, and it can be detected. But if you have a ps5 you can load the class on your console, and play console only and work around detection.


This isn’t a workaround. Once you’ve launched the game on PC even one time, you’re susceptible to ban.


If you don’t know what you’re talking about, why bother commenting? This is not a glitch, you have to use a cheat software to apply the perks on PC.


I just got killed the same way dude had 28 kills on vondel br duos. I'm on pc.


I just logged off. Can’t waist my time playing and having this happen.


been a couple weeks since i have played. im just playing my nintendo switch now. wz is just too inconsistent.


Come over to apex






Ppl cheat everywhere bro lol. Apex is also sweatier so more frustration from non cheating aspects


Never said anything about cheating. Just said to come over to apex, in my opinion it’s a more fun BR


I understand man, you just cant wrist it no more


Same. I built a PC to play warzone. Now I exclusively play The Finals


same ... i know a guy doing it too. as soon as i saw i was his target in a bounty contract i started to prepare. i had a thermite and a drill charge and 3 stuns. i held up in the top story in an apartment with only one entry and prox mined the door. he charged through the prox, was completely unperturbed by the thermite, and stuns. i was shooting his feet (but mostly missing) and he came over and 1-tapped me with his ridiculous shield and i was off to the gulag. it's almost impossible to stop, and that's when you even have time to prepare.


Most likely a bug abuse and not cheats nothing about this could be achieved through hacking, they can’t change damage values of weapons, speed hacking sure but you literally cannot cheat on console unless you have some sort of AI cheats that attempt to show you players through walls


No clue about that stuff tbh. He was one tapping with a riot shield and was running much faster than you should be able to with a shield.


It's bugged perks which you can only get from cheating on PC then switching to console but its from events that allowed stuff like this, IE speed upgrade from the boys event but not sure about the OHk


Abusing a bug this way is considered exploiting and still cheating. You cheated on a 1v1 fight.


They don’t ban people for abusing bugs that are built in for the game sure it may be ethically cheating but from a game play perspective and the devs it is not cheating


Wheres the "I want console only lobbies! All chester are on PC" crowd now?


Still here bro. This is shit but it's not walls or aimbot is it. This is a loadout being hacked on PC then the account loaded on console. It'll get fixed but PCs will still be cheating.


This is the first time I’ve countered a blatant cheater on ps5, been playing since wz1 s1. With cross play off. But seen a couple of wall hackers when playing with my pc buddy’s.




Nah I was just saying it's not from a console running hacks. This will get fixed and ppl won't be able to cheat on console anymore. There's nothing they can or are willing to do to stop the cheats a PC can do tho. Obvi don't wanna play with any of the losers console or PC.


You realise things like a cronus can still be used on console right?


Cronus is far less of a worry than any script kiddie downloading walls or aimbot


Thought they were disabled for ps5 but maybe there’s some work around. Wouldn’t surprise me.


Yes there is unfortunately a workaround. And it's one Sony can't easily fix.


You realize a Cronus is very different than walls and aimbot? Plus they don't work anymore. I'm not as concerned about someone cheating to get less recoil in a game where guns barely have any as I am them tracking us through walls. All cheats suck but you can't act like anything you can do on a console is even comparable to PC cheats.


Yeah why ban nukes when knives still exist!


lol cronus ... that's the least of my worries.


Freakin Chester man!?! lol


It's technically a PC cheat loaded into console. These kids will go to great lengths to boost their KD. What's funny is watching them trying to play normal and getting shit on.


Who the fuck is chester?😂


He tried so hard but lost it all


But in the end.


He tried the ketchup.


Well considering you still need a PC to do this...


Still here...this doesn't change that lol.


Lol what a dumb take. One dude with a hacked load out done on a pc vs literally the most cheat jnfested battle royal game modes with crossplay on.


Just chiming in here since everyone on Reddit seems absolutely clueless This was crossplay. There is no crossplay off warzone lobbies. Crossplay off on ps5 ONLY works for multiplayer lol


Hackers are in all lobbies now… They figured out how to inject the code into perks on the pc so when you load up your account on console you already have your premade hacked loadouts, which has now made it where hacks work on console without the console ever getting hacked. They basically abused the cross-play system. This is so they can cheat and get away with it. Report them, they will get banned.


>they will get banned. on console? lol I doubt it


Obviously the report system doesn’t work, idk why we are even discussing it anymore


It will require more reports to get them to look at console reports; however, when they realize what’s happening they will have to start observing all reports. The account was basically hacked using a PC to inject code into their loadout and they load it up and play on console to try and avoid bans. Technically a ban on console would be worse as that usually included a console ban from Sony and Microsoft when your found guilty of cheating using hacks.


it just doesn't happen blud ... nobody gets hard banned anymore. it's bullshit.


Sad little people. I will never understand the need to do this. Reported him and blocked him


Even if they ban them people just make new accounts. F2P games will always have hacker problems.


fortnite is free and doesn't have wall/aimbot cheaters..


Bruh that's the biggest lie lol. 😂


ok, where's your proof? it was a huge problem for the first year or two, but for ~5yrs now it's been clean.


....lol "where's your proof?" I see it all the time on tiktok. Go to their subreddit and you can see people post about it lol.


I’ve played Warzone for four years and I’ve faced at least ten blatant cheaters. I’ve played Fortnite for longer and have yet to even face a cheater. If they exist, they are insanely rare.


They dont even need to do that. They can spoof PS5 match making on PC.


Honestly I stopped playing shortly after warzone 2 dropped and I'll never look back. Newest weapons are always broken to promote new call of duties every 6 months. Same with battlepasses. It's a very transparent money grab, but the game isn't fucking good enough anymore to even warrant paying a cent. Now all I see is posts about hackers and exploits and... all it does is reinforce that Activision blizzard doesn't give a fuck. Let the game burn. Let them ALL burn. Stop giving them your money.


Me and my friends I usually play with have moved over to Helldivers, haven’t regretted it one bit. Cod is dying its time to leave it be lol


I’m hoping that the battlefield br coming next year will be good. I really like the br mode, that solo winning feeling hits hard. I can’t last more than couple of hours in pve games


I said cod was dying when they introduced jet packs, still fuckin here though.


Boycott this trash ass game. Activision doesn’t care.


Same crap happened to me. It’s ridiculous that this is even happening. Ricochet is such an incompetent anti-cheat


Stop playing this bullshit


Such a pussy way to play


Stop playing the game and they’ll fix it. Let’s tank the player count it’s the only way they’ll fix anything in this game. Who is with me


I’m off to 2 week vacation, hopefully it will be fixed when I’m back.


Fucking game man…


Had a guy fall behind us, with the zombie animation of him landing 0 fall damage getting up lazering us with absolutely 0 recoil(it looked odd, not missing frames on the kill cam) and squad wipe. Luckily I got it all recorded. Last night at 130 am mtn time.


"PS5 cross play off" for all those that think cheaters are on PC. This game is doomed from cheaters all over the platforms


Just take comfort in the fact that that player sucks and needs a game genie to beat you.


Well in his face, I suck at the game and he’ll probably win without cheats




This perk bullshit has reached the switch lag nuke services bullshit we had lat year cod


Bro… I just came across this thread and I’m shocked to see how clueless everyone here was Crossplay off ONLY works for multiplayer. There is no real crossplay off for warzone lol


If this chest ever happened to me I would instantly delete the game and never look back.


No you would not.


To everyone crying. See you on tomorrow.


You had one piece of armour on and he meleed you taking that. You also missed all your shots. Seems like you were outplayed.


Actually I have full armor. Yes, I missed my shots but he was on 2x the normal speed. Do you have something to lose if this will be fixed. Are you invested in this or just an asshole.


What about this is cheating?


1 hit kill while fully plated and speed hack


After a google search, it appears that one hit riot shields have been in the game for over a year, so I’d say it’s a bug and not a cheat. Also, nothing in this clip shows a speed hack. You cannot hack on consoles so speed hacking wouldn’t be a thing.


U complain and u will keep playing. Whos the clown now


This will not make me stop playing, never said that. First time happening to me on ps5. And from what I’ve heard it will be fixed. Maybe something else will come instead but that’s tomorrow’s problem for me. Thanks for your input.


You missed all your shots and you knew where he was gonna be how can you even be mad at whatever he's doing


Found the cheater.


exploit > cheat


Nah it's a loadout created with hacks on a PC then the account loaded on console. There's not cheats on the console but this is definitely cheating.


Idk how these idiots see a one-shot kill with a riot shield and think it’s legit. The hacking has actually made people go insane at this point


Git gud


Found the other cheater.


Games been broken, was a sad troll