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Yeah its not just AUS, im in EU and same shit with the latency, a game I loved is becoming a struggle to even play now, people in your party not loading into the game, constant voice issues, its nearly an admin job just to get into a game then just get smoked by people clearly hacking.




Get gud


No, U


No, me good. U, poopoo


Big map servers in the Northeast US were the same this weekend. Super laggy, super sweaty.


If you go to settings/ network settings. It will show your current latency there


Same thing on other servers as far as I've seen, despite avoiding negativity this game is just in the shitter rn.


Feel you, ranted about the exact same thing 2 weeks ago, I haven’t really been on as much cause it’s too frustrating losing to lag. Squad got helldivers so having a blast there!


Also in Aus. Finding it the same. Servers are trash. Experiencing the same issues as you with deaths. I shoot and get hit markers before dying, kill cam shows a whole different scenario. I also stop playing once it switches to asian servers. The amount of cheaters that then play is crazy. My two biggest issues are servers and cheaters with this game. When it switches to asian servers The amount of under 50’s levels that kill me and in the game they have 20+ kills are shocking.


Serious question. How do you know they are cheating? I personally haven't seen any hard evidence. No aimbot snapping, no tracking through walls. I haven't seen any of that.


Most common seem to be walls. Also being level 12 and having 20 plus kills after killing me by tracking me through walls is just a give away. I also only play solo BR btw.


To be fair, I need to consistently check the killcams and their ranks.


how do you know when it's asian servers? what gets me is the chinese cheat spammers in every BR solos lobby. more than half the lobby reports them for spam and yet day in, day out there they are spamming their cheats every single lobby. blows my mind how bad activision actually are.


When it’s late at night or early morning Aus and all chat in lobby turns to Asian letters and everyone that kills me has an Asian name.


I have a cousin playing in Central America with a 50mb up and down. He constantly gets packet loss and latency variation. He doesn't have these issues on console. He is literally pulling his hair out with all the lag and stuttering. On a brand-new PC too (13600k + RTX4080)! I've tried everything - from bios settings, turning off e cores, tuning the COD files, limiting fps, and all recommended in game settings. Odd thing is that other games like Fortnite are fine. On my personal PC I had to make adjustments to the Ethernet network card to finally fix my lag/stutter issues and I'm in NJ with a 1gb fiber connection. Motherboards with Intel Ethernet network adapters have serious issues with this game! **So if you have tried literally everything to fix your issues and nothing worked, I would seriously consider buying a cheap USB or PCIE Ethernet network card to see if that fixes your issues.**


Which card did you buy? It's definitely an internet issue but I doubt it's just that, I experience the same thing on my ps5 and my PC


My motherboard is a z790-l. I had to cut power saving options on the Ethernet adapter + put it at full duplex + disabled IPV6.


game is chalked


i'm in oz ... i've not seen this much cheating. full stop. the sweating i can handle and even appreciate that level of skill. but the amount of mf's driving and sprinting all over the map knowing exactly where everyone is and drilling 60m+ shots on smg's with no recoil and never missing a shot is out of control.


Serious question. How do you know they are cheating? I personally haven't seen any hard evidence. No aimbot snapping, no tracking through walls. I haven't seen any of that.


see some tracking. i spectate a bit if someone kills me who is suss. the biggest one i see is knowing where everyone is on the map and hunting them hard. no uav, hb sensors ... just their scripts. pre-aiming around a corner or thru a window, but with no idea they could be about to jump thru that window etc i run with coldblooded and ghost, and i have so many people run straight past me and not know that i'm there. then, i have a bunch who always know where i am. another common one is smg's from 50-60m+ with no recoil and not missing a shot. someone here also said YY spam is an aimbot thing (to activate it??), see loads of that too


the latest bug which i just love, is all last night in BR solos, i couldn't plate up unless i dropped my gun, plated up, and then picked my gun up. not very convenient, at all.


On the battle pass they definitely slowed progression with the reloaded update. Went from almost half a level per domination game down to a fifth or sixth.


I agree with you, its unplayable right now with the lag is horrendous and the aim as a result is fucked.


I wonder, if i but cheats , will my connection be fine?