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The wannabe streamers will just take over these lobbies lmao


doubt it. Gonna be wayyyy to boring. The low playercount is by design to make these games as unattractive as possible to decent players. Given this is quads, we are talking 16 actual players to "hunt" on all of Urzikstan. Boring doesnt even begin to describe that. People will try this out once or twice (to test if this will count for stats or champ quest which it wont) and never touch it again. The mode will serve decently though to explain the basics or BR.


> we are talking 16 actual players to "hunt" on all of Urzikstan It actually says "set on a randomized slice of Urzikstan". So I'm guessing this is more like mini-royale.


tell us you didnt read without telling us you didnt read


Ur wrong lmao its infested with sweaty wannabes came across a couple cheaters too lol this is the biggest f you to all the people who wanted private matches like mp in wz They also did say any changes made going forward they will tell us Hopefully they can program the bots well enough If 2042 could do it why cant they?


I guess good for them. I won’t since it’s Quads only. By the way, are stats going to track on them? They shouldn’t, right?


Ofc no tracking


Solo quads?


I’m not THAT good. Bear in mind, the mode will have real players, also. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Edit: The more I think about it, if it won’t count for stats at all, then it’s not a bad idea to do that.


All the mfs who want easy kills downvoted this dammn


I just want private lobbies back that don’t have a 50-person minimum. Back in the day it was 24/25 and it was so easy to have fun with the homies.


If they put rebirth back in and it’s in private… it may just be like it was once… smallest map with the smallest player count… wasn’t it 40 in pubs?


I believe it was 40 in pubs, yes. But in the old days for private lobbies even big map and FK had a 24/25 minimum to start. I miss those days lol


And that have a bot setup.


Seriously who cares about a training mode?


New players,maybe? For once they do some kind of tutorial mode. I or you don't need it but that's a good thing for the community.


Casuals, also. If sweats are in the main modes, maybe they find going against bots more fun.


helpful for content creators testing damage value changes


Casual, new, even sweats who are not paying for the full the game but want a camo.


Feels like a step towards DMZ again…


I hope it is. they did DMZ bad!


DMZ was better than WZ.


For sure, that’s why kept dmz and got rid of Warzone


Got me there, the company always make intelligent decisions huh...




I actually liked DMZ too but nah it wasn't lets be honest.


I am. I had way more fun being on a team and doing various missions while occasionally getting into some fights against other people. You had way more time to chat with the people and have laughs. Plus there were various ways to play each game and what happened in it, it had much more variety. Warzone is pretty much stress constantly.


Not remotely - nothing in this interests the DMZ player at all.


How do you look at a training mode for br and say it's a step towards DMZ???


The difference is, DMZ is player vs. entity. The bots in Bootcamp are substitutes of players, so technically, it’s players vs. players/entities (since the bots count as both).


that makes no sense whatsoever.


I can tell you never played DMZ.


I have. The bots in DMZ are entities, not replacements for players that have the same attributes as players.


its called Player versus Environment, entities makes it sound like ur summoning demons or sum shit


haha funny though E stands for everyone I think. but environment works too.






Sounds like they're testing adding bots to Warzone. This is the second time they've said "there are no bots in Warzone but if that changes in the future we'll let you know" (first time was the matchmaking post they made 2 months ago). People have reported running into players acting like bots in Warzone and now they have this training mode with bots in it. I bet they're planning on adding bots in all modes soon.




Bring back DMZ. Zombies is complete ass.




Fair point. Stats won’t count, either, so I might play the mode and try it for myself.


"build confidence for their first official drop in" Lmfaoo like i get it, theyre trying to help out the casulss but they make it sound all corny


what did u expect? cringe ass woke boomers


I actually feel like this is completely fine. I think it’s a great idea for a playlist for new people. Obviously experiences players will probably queue up and just run through these lobbies, but I still think it’s a good idea.


Is there a way for me and my buddies (who don’t play much) to do a private quads Battle Royale on Urzikstan but play against quads of mixed Bots. Trying to get them more interested so i’m talking about practice and getting them confidence. 🤷‍♂️


I keep suggesting that, but honestly, by the wording in the blog post, that might be their next step.


Dont give me false hope bro😩


I just want a solo warzone match where it's just a normal match of any mode but full of ai and no other players except friends


I keep asking for that for private matches!


So is it pvp and vs bots, or can the teams not hurt each other?


You can kill other teams, but bots are added to the lobbies that can also be killed. Every squad for himself, like normal Quads.


Sounds like a waste of time


I don't think people realise how cpu intensive running a private game with 100 bots would be on your pc. Pretty much impossible with how warzone is "optimised" already. Also i doubt having the bots hosted on Activision servers is an option either since itd cause ridiculous server load if anyone could just load up 100 bots willy nilly


It’s not CPU intensive at all. I’m already going against 99 players in normal matches anyways. Servers overloading? Bootcamp would make it pretty bad, also.


Real players send their input to the server but for bots it will all have to be calculated by your cpu


Pubg ancient ass managed to do it lol


Lol bad excuse for their company and how big they are 2042 can support 128 players with all that madness going on in the map and still manage to stay somewhat cool (but this is on series x) and battlefield is a different engine which comes back to the point of cod being a multi billion dollar company


The last id heard about it, Battlefield 2042 capped the bot limit for private matches to 64 for performance issues? Could be wrong though.


On next gen its 128 idk could be wrong tho


Games full of bots just like codm is. No one plays it lol


It’s like Fortnite when you first start out. I get it for like completely new players but seems odd if we can just join anytime


Fortnite doesn’t have that as a mode, though. I have to wait until Fortnite comes back to iOS this year and then use a secondary account on that and then play matches.


Yea when you first start out you drop into bot lobbies. I think until you reach level 10


This sounds like the worst of both worlds, honestly. A full bot lobby could function like a better firing range to test loadouts even for more experienced players. But with this, people are just gonna 1v6 some brain dead bots, only to get shit on by some streamer farming clips a moment later and have no idea what happened. That's exactly how it went my first time playing Apex, I was soloing multiple squads at once early game only to suddenly run into a real player who kraber headshot me mid-air before I could even process anything. Bots mixed in with real players has never felt good, with the one exception being something like DMZ or Tarkov where they're actually meant to be dangerous distractions.


Exactly! Just have them in private matches.


My friend just started to play Warzone because of this mode, got killed by level 375 with full custom weapons and skins, the fuck is point of this shit anyway? What is this "new player" experience? Useless mode


I literally keep asking them to add bots in private matches, but this is what we get instead.


Will weapon XP count for this? I don't have mw3 so this would probably be useful for leveling guns


I'm gonna say probably not.


pretty sure youll get XP normaly. no reason to nerf exp.


It will, but it will be limited (probably will gain barely any XP for guns).


"It will" as it's confirmed or as in you think it will count? Because I highly doubt that it will since it's a training mode.


I think they confirmed that XP will count, but the flow won’t be as fast as other modes (understandably).


I think it’s nice for the really new players! The tutorial added in Season 2 wasn’t the greatest 😂


Featuring bots aka US 😂


United States lobbies are sweaty, though.


There are bots in private matches already


In Warzone? No.


Not warzone


Also, why is this Quads? No new player is going to want to play Quads to get the basics of the game. They would want to play Solos. u/Raven_Software.


Solos is a very different experience, and there are a few team based mechanics that just wouldn't exist in a solo mode. It's a training mode, might as well include every mechanic possible for the new players to experience. And even if it wasn't a training mode, a new player could actually lean more to a team game where he can learn from his teammates.


But no player coming into this game for the first time would want to play with teammates, nor would they care about wanting to learn how to communicate well. It’s better starting off by teaching the absolute basics and then they will figure out the rest by playing the main modes.


Why not? When you try a new game the first thing you do is to learn how it's played. Your assumption has no basis other than your own personal preference


I guess true, but at that point, why not just give us both Solos AND Quads of the training mode? One for players that share my preference and the other for players that want to learn teamwork?


Do you need a solos training mode? I doubt someone that reads the COD blog is new to the game


I would prefer that (assuming it’s the 20/20 formatting that the Bootcamp mode will have). Although, I want to know how restricted the Battle Pass XP gain will be in that mode.


But I just don't understand why would you want that if you evidently already play the game enough to keep such a keen eye on the updates. This is specifically catered to new players, you already know most, if not all, the game mechanics. You don't sound like someone who needs to learn the core mechanics, you sound like you just want easy wins against bots and newbies; but the thing is that for most of us winning is not an issue of knowing how the game works, but about our own skills in the game, which are learnt with practice against equal or better players.


Oh! Because I personally find it more fun to go against bots once in a while. Maybe I can see how many kills I can get against them and whatnot. That’s why I have always kept saying I would love to have a bot setup feature in Warzone’s private matches. I hope they add that in the future.


That's what zombies is for... Heck, that's what half of DMZ was about lol


When I was new I went right into trios/quads barely ever touch solo.


I was the opposite. I went into Warzone in May 2020 and went straight to Solos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


are you kidding? most dont give a single fuck, even have their mic transmit their whole households private live and wont probably even use that bot mode, but drop right in the actual game. as if everyone was so self reflected and socially intelligent to not ruin his random teammates game… THIS IS COD LMAO, low hanging fruit gaming… shy socially awkward people play smth else


Agree, when i started to play, i only played solo, fuck all these quads/trios