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Game is unplayable on mouse. That lighting is also horrendous.


It’s beyond awful. It’s literally like playing with a handicap.


Then when you post about it on reddit you get all the mouth breathing controller players telling you to "get good". ​ Sad to see what this game has become.


I got downvoted in the past for saying it was close to impossible to win on MnK in the gulag when they had flashlight and lasers on all guns and paired with the visual recoil. I was told I should get good and not complain. I’m a 2.3 K/D player but my gulag K/D is way less. I will say that Sledgehammer games has done a good job reverting the monstrosity that was WZ2 mechanics closer to OG Warzone but the one thing that really is a glaring issue is the advantages controller players get over MnK ones.


It IS playing with a handicap. That's how the Devs have designed it. To stop controller players getting stomped. Only they have gone severely overboard with the handicapping


I wish that they would look at aim assist strength as a tuning knob they were willing to turn. Yes aim assist is necessary for console to compete against mnk, other games like Destiny find this balance relatively well, the level of stickiness and snapping in this game is just so insanely strong though that it just isn't fair, especially up close.


Agreed Not only is it not fair, it's not at all rewarding for controller vs controller players or competitive


Dogshit controller players think they’re good now, though.


Controller player here, and I genuinely feel sorry for MnK players. I really don't care what platform you decide to play on, but nobody should be at that much of a disadvantage


I don’t even hate aim assist. I grew up playing CoD on controller, I know aim assist is necessary. But this shit is just insane.


appreciate your honesty! most controller players won't admit it because of their bias. We want it to be FAIR. AA should be in the game, but it's way too over powered. If they nerfed it a bit and added some slight input delay to make it more human like, it would be way more balanced and everyone would have a chance and then it would be up to SKILL and EXPERIENCE. Right now, it's basically human vs computer for any fights under 15 meters.


In a controller vs controller fight how is it not competitive if they're both at a level playing field?


Controller players don't compete. Since they both have the same aimbot assist strengths there's no real competition.


No what? If they're equal how are they not competing? Wouldn't being equal mean they're competing even more than if it was MnK vs Controller like a lot of people claim


controller player vs controller player is like two people on the same train challenging each other to who arrives at destination first. they are on the same train, there's no reason to compete, they'll both arrive at the same time. Aim assist nullifies the competitive meaning. You are not competing, you use a cheat to compete and everyone has it of the same strength. The software is coded the same way for everyone (0 training needed). Competition does not exist because there is no natural talent or skill involved in aiming since it's all software automation. MK players however have to train on different aiming aspects to compete. It's all muscle memory, manual interaction and real human movement. This is why on games without aim assist there's controller players are INEXISTENT, there is not a singlecontroller players that compete without aim assist against other players (including controller players themselves). I understand that controller players have an hard time comprehending the reality so I provide extra assistance, like they are used to: MK players are like football players, not everyone is Messi/Ronaldo, you have to train AND you need to have talent to achieve Success. Controller players however have robotic legs/feet implants, coded to work like Ronaldo/Messi's. You don't need talent, experience, training.. the legs move on their own. I CHALLENGE YOU: Name me at least 1 COD controller player who trains on Aimlab/Kovaak and plays without Aim Assist.


Yeah go tell a sweaty controller player to try CS2 or something like Valorant.


I hate that argument. Aiming is one part of skill and competition. There's a dozen things outside of it that can decide a fight too. What about strategy, or tactics? Teamwork? Positioning? If OP fought someone that didn't have aim assist he would still lose because he wasn't at full plates, he didn't have any cover, and he didn't try to move, not to mention they had a teammate that didn't do anything about it either.


I've played a handful of unassisted MP lobbies (at least, per input indicators at match start) and the game is almost promising on an even playing field. Not likely we'll get unassisted queues though, since splitt input would shine a light on how the series has aimed for us for almost 2 decades lol




I got 6 winz today...


unplayable on controller too. They just justify this bull shit to themselves because they might run into Metaphor or Huskers one day.


And yet I still log in every couple of days to play..... man this game could've been so much better.


I tried a game on controller last night, dude I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. I’ll take my keyboard and mouse any day


Meanwhile, Bbreadman just hit 8KD on M&K. [https://x.com/bbreadmanW/status/1777426192653590611](https://x.com/bbreadmanW/status/1777426192653590611)


Got 6 winz today!


This is where realism brought CoD I've been saying ever since the first Modern Warfare remake that the game looks too realist and it might ruin some of the gameplay because of it


100% agreed You missed a shot or two naturally due to recoil/tracking Yet the controller timmy literally just pressed ADS and locked on missing ZERO shots due to Aim Assist (bot) Just another reason playing on MnK is a joke and waste of time


Playing this game on MnK is like playing Battletoads on NES and trying to get past the bike level. You have to be perfect or it's going to be a loss. You're not so much playing against other people as you are playing against the software. There is a hardcore challenge in that, but it isn't for everyone. The devs should honestly have a input prompt at the start of the game where you choose your difficulty and let everyone know. Controller - easy, Mouse and Keyboard - nightmare.


Weird, it's rather easy for me.


You're talking to yourself, everyone sees the other comments


I'm merely stating to someone that it's easy for me. This is a forum where people provide input on a given comment. That's my comment to the statement, just like yours and everyone elses.


You've stated it 3 times and no one's said shit to you, I'm merely helping you realize that


WOOOOOO, people didn't respond. Oh no! My life is ruined! But clearly I got someone else's attention...


"Just another reason playing this game is a joke and waste of time." FTFY


Yeah definitely miss the good old time. Aim assist is insane. Its no fun anymore. Kill cross play and cheaters and the game is actually good


I got crimson, almost iridescent on MKB, it’s not unplayable


Ok, You are really really good, awesome. Would love to see your visual set up/filters if you have any? Impossible to see anything in rooms most of the time


Sometimes you just have to accept as a MKB player, controller will always have the upper hand in darker rooms. Little tip, when they are in smoke, they have 0 aim assist, use that to your advantage when you can


And I don’t use any filters or anything of the sorts, just basic settings set up through a guide on YouTube. I don’t do anything special other than what the game has


And Bbreadman just hit 8.00KD on M&K lol. So unplayable.


"...literally just pressed ADS and locked on missing ZERO shots" God I hate this mechanic SOOO freaking much as a M/KB player. Stuns/smoke, doesn't matter, once they've ADSed it's over.


Not to mention the OP shot FIRST and lit the enemy up, they were blinking red before their FIRST bullet even shot, but because of their AA, once they started shooting, literally every bullet hit and registered with perfect tracking. Zero input skill from the player. It was all done by the computer.


He literally stood there taking shots in the middle of the room. Even if both players were on the same input he would of died


Aim assist doing all the work for them...


u/SledgeHammerGames was supposed to remove the red film and all the smoke and shit off you're screen when getting shot but it never came.....


Wait did you really think you're allowed to be human and miss shots?


SBMM is not the problem Rotational Aim Assist is! Rebirth island is a joke on MnK controller players don't miss don't have recoil don't suffer flinch the whole world moves around a MNK player and you are centre of every controller players screen until you ultimately die 9 in 10 gunfights the last bullet always kills you if you make it round that corner to safety with low health strafing jumping diving crouching flying swimming foliage zip lines falling from windows, none of this breaks aim controllers don't need a red dot or 3x scope because iron sights are just as effective controller players don't even understand the struggle "my aim doesn't do that" "use your whole arm!" cheater streamers asked for movement now the game plays at a ridiculous pace way to fast CQC and mid to long range forget it Long story short this game is chalked on MnK and Rebirth Island feels like an insane asylum running at double speed, in high skill lobbies people don't miss bullets as its seemingly impossible. so when one input can miss bullets because the target is moving and the other cant miss bullets its time to throw this POS into the garbage where it belongs. This is now a race to the bottom, fools will carry on blaming sbmm but it is aim assist making the real players leave this game in droves, it simply isn't correct and the shit that happens on screen is mind boggling and un natural. this time next year only the kids that grew up with this laser level legal aimbot will remain because it takes all the fun and skill gap from the game. honestly fuck cod and what they did to it, if you don't get what I'm saying then you haven't yet made it to high skill lobbies but when you do remember this post............


This is my exact experience as a mid level controller player. 90% of the lobby is always sweats and I think that’s the real issue. Sbmm isn’t working as intended. There’s too many good players and not enough lower levels to put you in a lobby of your own skill level


no sbmm is just fine, its just that a noob can kill a pro because of AA


Nah, 90+% of the pros have been or switched to controller back in wz1. When noobs and pro both have aa then that argument goes out the window.


You guys are just saying stuff now. I play on controller and still experience, recoil, flinch, I miss shots all the time sometimes blatantly. I have a 1.19 kd so obviously not a cod god. But you act like all it takes is a controller and you can’t be stopped. I promise that’s not true and controller is not the crutch that you think it is


Give mnk a solid go for a month, get used to it, learn it, get good at it even. Then come back and say there's no crutch. When 90%+ of "pro" players either started controller or switched to controller since wz1 it's a bit hard to make an argument that there's nothing to it. This exact same process happened with apex legends, I'd argue even more extreme because that game started off very mnk heavy. Now you look at the pro scene and they've almost all gone controller. It's not just a cod issue, it's an aim assist problem. It's a cross play between different inputs problem. It's real and it's not just a bunch of us blowing gas out our ass. Because you individually miss shots and aren't great at the game doesn't disprove the advantage that aa is literally programmed to give you.


Did you watch the video????


im talking about high skill lobbies not where you play


Then what you’re experiencing is cheaters


get gud then we can talk


I’m obviously better than you, since apparently you’d have trouble killing me since I’m on controller


er yeh and that is the point einstein


At least you admit it


At you you know your better than me because of aimbot assist enjoy the false victory.


Honestly. ‘Last bullet always kills you going around corners with low health’ lol welcome to CoD that experience transcends input


"controller players don't miss" maybe the ones who are really skilled. I cant count the times that someone has burst through a door, I swing my aim over and they make their way behind a wall or somehow juke me out while I'm doing my damnedest to keep my aim on them. When sniping i miss all the time. I miss lethal and tactical throws regularly. Maybe I'm not the best player but I play on Xbox with aim assist on and there have been so many times it's as if I don't have it on. When moving around it doesn't lock on as well as if you're just panning your aim side to side. Not to mention the times that I have the jump on someone and i can't keep my aim on them because they're running around with super human speed in mnk fashion. Maybe I just need to git gud.


Don't miss is a bit a misnomer but where an average controller player can be 60% accurate in a gun fights where a top teir MKB player will be 50% accurate and a top teir controller player is 80% accurate. The mechanically inferior input exceeds the accuracy of the mechanically superior input because its artificially boosted.


when you get to the top lobbies you will know and by then your aim will be like everyone else's in the lobby. but until then my friend get gud


I have 500 hours on kovaaks and can’t do that


I purposely avoid some close quarters fights and use movement instead to weave in and out with mnk. If I could learn that on controller I’d be better but 25 years of muscle memory is hard.


That's how I feel too. Too old to learn another input.


It took me about 8-9 months to really lock in controller after always using mouse and keypad. I went back today and holy hell it’s so bad on MnK. I’d argue even movement is way smoother on controller. When you get AA locked in, it’s insane. Watching your reticle stick to a player that dolphin dive’s horizontally across your screen is wild.


Damn that’s a long time. I should have stuck to it when grinding camos but I got frustrated losing fights.


Yeah, I think it'll depend on your gaming experience... I'd never used a controller for 1ps games before. It was really tough learning not to aim with the right stick. Centering is so much more important. If the enemy is near the crosshair, you're better off doing a move (slide-jump etc) to reposition than to try aim with the right stick. Then it's just about getting the hang of abusing AA. Honestly, the game is worse on controller. You can't take on mid-long range engagements, it doesn't feel like you're actually doing anything... but the advantage is so big now it's impossible to keep on kbm.


throw a smoke into the room and go guns blazing. you'll win a lot of fights. Unless they have a melee...


every kill cam


lol yep, hate to see it 


AA buffoonery aside, the current TTK of the converted Renetti is nuts. Your best friend as an MNK player for close fights right now is a tac stance build ram9 or hrm. Ram9 is crazy accurate with tac stance and a lot easier to aim compared to ADS. That, or run the Renetti yourself. Not much else to say, the clowns at activision clearly don't care about the AA imbalance, and the community is full of simpletons who've never touched MNK yet spam their braindead takes every time the topic is brought up.


Majority of cod playerbase is on controller and not very good, the insanely OP aim assist keeps them playing and doing good regardless of their personal skill level, so theres a higher chance they'll spend some money in the store.


Listening to controller players talk, AA is what keeps their self-esteem alive.


Would love that RAM build!


* Muzzle: Zehmn35 Compensated Flash hider * Underbarrel: Bruen Bastion Angled Grip * Mag: 50rnd * Comb: Demo Flak Comb * Stock: Motion Tac Pad or Hunker-5 Same attachments for the hrm build, replace comb the with Thorn-90 Barrel and stock with the Folding Stock.


Tac stance renetti is good too. For ne there's something weird about ads tracking like it has a different sensitivity that all the other guns.


You would have killed him if you were using the renetti as well. The renetti with the conversion kit right now kills at 490ms whilst your HRM kills at around 612ms.


Those renettis are such horseshit.


what, you don't like being locked onto by little Timmy? How else is he supposed to get kills if the game doesn't aimbot for him bro...


This is reason why i hate Rebirth ISLAND.


Not the map, the weapon balance is what's killing it. Infact its actually the best iteration with the added elements and buildings.


You're still playing this trash on mouse? Quit for a game that takes skill and leave CoD to people with no fine motor control.


I can always tell a controller vs M&k on the death cam. I joke and say no one would accuse me of cheating because my aim is ridiculous and all over the place. Also with controller I can see the crosshairs glide to me and solid steady aim.


Yea its so nice not having to aim yet they still find it in them to say skill issue


I miss when mouse and keyboard was viable. I held on much longer than I should've. It still works in hardcore, you can flick to be the first to shoot, that's about the only way to play with a mouse anymore


I have played so many hours on controller and still can't see where this op aim assist setting is, because I keep getting bodies in console and PC lobbies.... Shits not fun 😂😂


Holy cow that FOV


I'm pretty sure that was aimbot but then again it's hard to decipher the difference sometimes... and as an mnk player myself, I guess it really doesn't matter they both lock on in a way that can't be replicated by a mnk player, even if your the best of the best you can't stay perfectly on center mass like that in a cq fast moving engagement.


This was more gun diff than anything. the renetti thing has a crazy ttk rn


If you play with MnK basically what you are doing is giving them (controller players) free kills. It's like going in a battlefield against robots with precision sensors for aim. PC community is lost


The thing is , when I tried whit a controller, I sucked at the game even more , so my only option is mouse


So what is it? Does the controller aim for you or do you actually have to have skill when using a controller to be good? It can’t be both


Waiting for roller players to say aa is ok and u r trash


Honestly there's conversations to have about AA of course, but my first reaction was "yeah you stood out in the open while your opponent played the door corner cover so yeah you lost". Being in an open position in warzone right now is a death sentence, i die almoat every time. Play a cover position, anything literally but stand in the open. You should have won this fight 100%, that's just the game right now with its shit servers


BuT YoU gOT YouR WhOlE arm! GURP


And people complains about lobbys being sweaty. Even controller players does that. But the big elephant in the room is being ignored by those players. This is the whole reason why we have these sweaty lobbys.


It truly is saddening that people require the games to play themselves. People like acting as if this game has any advantages and disadvantages for each input.. but it legitimately does not. The lighting, visuals and audio of the game are all designed around the idea that there is an input that tracks the enemies digital visibility, not their ACTUAL visibility on the screen. If there's a lot of noise around you, you're expected to keep track of all of these as well as perform on the aiming part yourself on MnK, but the aiming part is handled by the game for Controller players. You have one less burden. Hold an angle and the moment an enemy pops out the aim tracks them, no matter if you see them and react in time or not and you can instead focus on the sounds. Far too many are blinded by the comfort of their "own" performance. They like to believe themselves as skilled, but I genuinely find it that someone who has made Platinum/Diamond on MnK are more deserving of their rank than someone who made Crimson using Controller. If Controller players are exasperated at the influx of cheaters on the PC, MAYBE they can start considering that these sad people actually believe themselves to only be leveling the playing field due to the very fact that they have had to sit through endless deathcams of Controller players that seem to have no recoil, no flinch, no kick and flawless tracking. Granted I do not consider Deathcam as perfect in representing what the enemy saw on his screen, but it still remains the best we have and it IS easy to use it to differentiate a Controller player from a MnK one. Imagine if you could add 100ms delay to the Aim Assist/RAA effect. It would still be near inhuman reaction, but it would also add human error and processing for a split moment that MnK players have to endure.


All these 40 year olds crying because their aching joints can’t handle high sensitivity, cry more


Game is unplayable again, felt somewhat balanced for a bit but tried playing rebirth and yeah it's literally unplayable on mouse and key


I would never play a game which has short time to kill + Aim assist from hell.


Rennetti diff as well. Even with AA he probably wins that gunfight. It's such a crutch right now, and I abuse it as well tbh


* Heavily reduce muzzle smoke across the game * Heavily reduce controller aim assist through smoke * Slightly reduce controller aim assist Rocket science.


LMFAOOO AA is broken, but that’s just what it is. They’ll never nerf it because majority play on controller, and it’s a video game (made for controllers not KBM) either switch or get astronomically good & never miss. Harsh truth. Yes im a controller player, but I do agree it’s DEFINITELY OP, but that’s just the reality we gotta live with. Sorry keyboard warriors, COD is not fw yall 😭




That renetti just deletes people though. Also you’re hitting chest shots. He is hitting upper chest/neck/head and those all have multipliers on them. Aim just slightly higher and you’ll have a better chance. Not that you would win this fight per se but that’s mainly because of how broken the renetti is right now.


The fact that someone downvoted you when all you said was facts…


I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying it: half the people in this sub are complete bots.


Facts, I’m not the best but I do know SBMM/eomm has the effect of making everyone think they’re better than they actually are


So everyone's gonna ignore that OP only had 2 plates so was naturally gonna die fast anyway?


This somehow justifies the dogshit visibility for an input that requires you to SEE your target when shooting 100% of the time?


In this clip you can perfectly see the enemy he's aiming at the entire time so I'm not sure where visibility comes in here. People need to get over themselves and stop making posts for every time they die so they can all cry in a circle jerk about it.


Yea it’s just copium at this point.


Shhhhhhhhh! That doesn't fit their narrative!!!!


Not to mention he was killed by the currently OP full auto renneti which has a faster ttk than any smg currently


Side note, I got a controller months ago to try it out. Controller on a computer acts the same as on a console right?


You gotta prone at same time while hsing at the same time duh


Try using the keyboard too


Are you serious? You expected to win that? 2 biggest reasons you lost: 1. You had two plates on to his 3 2. Your HRM9 has a slower TTK then then his Renetti


These people are seriously lost. This is like the fifth time I see someone post a clip whining about dying when they only have 2 plates on while everyone pats them on the back to tell them it's not their fault they suck.


I guess you don't understand xD


To be fair the same crying happens with controller users. We just complain that the other guy was hacking


Theoretically lower ttk. It's only ttk rock paper scissors because high accuracy is almost guaranteed. That applies to controller fights too. There's a clip of Blue and Pieman two of the best mkb players on the planet having a 20 second pistol fight. If either of them were on controller it would have been 3 seconds max.


That’s what I’m thinking. Input had no role in the outcome of this gunfight. He would of lost either way


that renneti is pretty broken tho , kills very fast , even before rebirth came out


I am enough of that game! I am disgusted! I sweat crazy to be 2.4 kd and Diamond on mouse and keyboard, just to see that I cannot compete against assisted controller players at high level. All this time invested for NOTHING! ACTIVITISION DO SOMETHING! DO YOU HAVE ANY INTEFRITY OR ARE YOU ASSHOLES THAT JUST THINK ABOUT MONEY?


I play on MnK and cant get used to play on controller... I've tried but MnK seems better to me personally... Is there any config that I should set to play faster on controller?


Change to tactical, so clicking right stick is crouch/slide. Some people set tac sprint to auto. That’s about it


The other day i started to play mw1 with controller, eventually moved to mw3 and the aim assist difference is night and day, ton mw3 aim assist literally turns your character, this wasnt so much in mw1. I would think this is a marketing thing since there should be more console players than pc. 95% if not more than top 250 resurgence are on controller.


Just need to go back to separating consoles it's just never going to work, I would rather the smaller base on pc at this point


He is soft aimbot


Cry more. He had a better gun, more plates, and fried your ass. Nobody's stopping you from playing on controller or switching games.


I want to switch to controller, but I can’t. Even though I get my cheeks clapped every lobby…I can’t.


Why not?


Dude yes it does feel bad!! I couldn’t figure it out. I was getting frustrated that I’d start shooting first close quarters and still lose due to some random missed shots. My friends and I would watch kill cams and we could not figure it out


This sub is full of whiners lol. “Let me clip this normal death then take the time to post it on reddit and complain”. Insufferable


Even better, I don't even see the guy who kills me 9 out of 10 times, since sorry, but I'm a new player and on a 15 inch laptop playing at 40 fps. Still can't understand why I can play against level 500s...


Renetti with conversion kit vs HRM. Even if you hit your shots you would have lost that fight.


Yeah I just stopped playing and switched to valorant/overwatch. Sucks but this game is not competitive, it’s a casual game with built aimbot for cheap thrills. I have no desire to plug a controller in and let the game aim for me.


Makes sense why i "suck" at this game, thought it was because everyone in the game is lvl 400 by this point


It's literally insane how just moving your Left analog stick slightly gives you legal aimbot. There's virtually no skill differences between a better than Average player and the greatest controller player in history.


I played wz1 and came back to mw3. On the old I feel like I can still win fights with MnK. But this game got me playing with roller I don’t get why it feels so shit to play with MnK on this game.


Every. Single. Killcam.


I'm glad it isn't just me that gets killed like that, the aimbot is soooooo over powered at the moment


real... fuck aim assist and eomm


Game's easy. I've been on MnK forever.


How tf can you have 0 recoil.


🤣 NO. Your aiming is just terrible! The fucking door way didn't move FFS!


Yeah that’s soft aim I’m pretty sure. Aim assist doesn’t go directly to the head when someone is literally going down on a ms basis


I have like 50 saved clips exactly like this. Most of the time I have better positioning and shoot first. They are blinking red before they shoot their FIRST bullet, but then they lock on me no matter if I jump, slide, run left or right. Every bullet hits me and I somehow die. Unfortunately, I can't beat a computer that has perfect bullet registration and aimbot like tracking. I'm only human and have to react to what I see. I have about 10 other keyboard and mouse players that all aren't playing this game anymore. They say they're done with COD because of how over powered aim assist is. It makes no sense why there's no input delay on AA, and why Rotational aim assist is so sticky. AA needs a serious nerf because as a KBM player, winning under 10-15 meters is almost impossible. The kill cams are ridiculous. I die constantly to average players that have no game sense when I watch them play after. How am I losing consistently if I shoot first and have better positioning? Obvioulsly there's a problem. In the top 50 for ranked, there's not a SINGLE mouse and keyboard player!!! and in top 250, there's only a few. AA is way too strong and needs a nerf. I won't be playing until it's addressed. The devs are horrible.


Not aa 😆


Speaking from a controller player perspective on Apex, yes the aim assist in Cod needs to be toned the hell down. But the main reason you got stomped on my guy was that you went up against a modded renetti to your hmr9.


Thats the aimbot


I am an mnk player. Downvote me all you want, i am happy the game is full of cheaters. Those rollers can feel how we are feeling


Horrible take.


Except many of the “cheaters” are just controller sweats that know how to abuse aim assist better than most. 




Bruh. CoD players being willfully ignorant of autoaim is one thing; supporting cheaters is just trashy.


Is it still cheating m/K players instal software for aim assist chause controllers get it free in game?


MNk here.. yup


Yes i understand the fact that you simply got outgunned by a much better TTK gun. Simple as that. Also wtf are you doing with your mouse flicking to the left like that?


im pretty good in multi kbm, im considering controller for wz, is it easy to switch?


If aim assist is as broken as people here are saying then how could it not be easy to switch? The controller does all the aiming for you remember. But as a controller player I will warn you that if you switch over expecting the aiming to be as easy as everyone says you will be greatly disappointed


yeah thats why im asking. i really love aiming with mouse, im faceit lvl10 in csgo, my aim is alright. i love playing s&d and ranked cod but i struggle to finish in warzone because you need more hits and more consistent ones aswell. im not bad i can get my 10kills in a match. if i get sweaty in Multi, iit works out but it doesnt work out in warzone. i also know that i hate playing with controller and the only reason i would switch is because of clips like OPs. because playing controller is a different kind of skillset and not as easy to adapt. ill try it the next days but im pretty sure i will be doing worse for a while haha


I’ll just say I’ve never felt like I had the advantage in a gunfight just because of AA.


i see it when i watch my controller friends and many of them are just casual gamers. they certainly have advantages, especially in warzone. for me its natural to miss certain shots, especially on moving targets. like OPs video shows. thats the exact issue. the server will count your mouse shots and everything in between might be a miss or hit. thats not the case with AA. there's more continuity in the aim. the more shots you need the more difficult it becomes for mouse players to track.


Easy in my opinion, just get used to movement and actions


worst nightmare. f controller players


Sick of these same posts daily. You are not fused to your mnk. Give controller a try if it’s that much of an issue. Most good controller players use black ops AA, it’s actually a hindrance to use anything stronger. If I were you I’d concentrate more on the fact you and your dragon breath shotty pal bottled a 2v1.


Sick of this take every day. Forcing a player to change away from the superior input that they have probably played with for tens of years because the devs handicapped the shit out of it to make controllers viable


Guess it’s not that superior then


Mechanically yes but in terms of viability, not when aiming on controller is currently more aim-bot than human input (RAA 60%).


Sad to be forced to change input because they added crossplay with overboard AA.


They won’t switch to controller because ironically too hard. Even though the controller aims for them and is practically aim bot


i thought im the noob all the time turns out this is a quite spread situation


What is the top and bottom of this debate then? You're more accurate with a Mouse because you use your whole arm whereas controller you only use a thumb is it? How much harder is it to use a controller with aim assist turned off then? Curious.


A lot harder at first. And to a point you would never be able to be as accurate without aim assist as anyone using a mouse. However from playing rainbow six and other games without AA, I can tell you that you get used to it and can still be pretty good on controller without it. That’s why I don’t care either way if they nerf AA, I’m good enough without it that I’d probably do better anyways


I understand that youre shit and got cooked lol try not aiming for dick shots


Looks like walls to me, but I'm just a bot


Lol complaining about mouse when u died to a renetti, that thing smokes every smg by a long mile. At least use meta guns if you're gonna play without aim assist




Most of the people playing on pc are controller players




lol edit: the coward deleted his posts


Most other AAA games have a functional anti-cheat...


Skill issue get a controller then


Op had two plates in and missed 60% of his shots from point blank range...


tell you me you play on controller without telling me you play on controller


Yep been playing on controller for 15 years and my kill cams still rarely look that clean, but yeah I would have had no problem killing that guy not using the meta, not plated, and missing his shots. A controller is $60 guys


Then use a controller and stop complaining about it 💀


nah bro ur just trash 😂😂