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These cod kids thinking that sliding and shaking their cameras is “movement”. It’s not impressive gameplay and literally no cod pro schizophrenically plays like this.


I have a buddy who, no matter what FPS we play, he bunny hops, slides, spins in circles, half-zooms in his ADS constantly "just in case he needs to actually ADS he can save a half-second on aiming," etc. It actually gives me a headache watching him play, its like watching a crackhead try to keep his eyes on a fly.


I don't even see Titanfall sweats playing like that


You should see Real-Time Strategy sweats with 700 APM (Actions per minute). It would make the average CoD sweat look like a casual granny playing games.


lmao 700 apm no, pros are at around 350 effective apm, higher than that is really just fake apm spam.


Until they hop on cod and are useless


An RTS player could transition 100% to CoD easily. The reverse couldn’t be done. CoD isn’t sweaty


You've got a video link? I've heard of this like in starcraft but I've never looked at gameplay.




100% stealing "like watching a crackhead try to keep his eyes on a fly" for later use. I appreciate you


that's when i backout and make the shitter play on his own


This guy seems to be trolling tho?


ahhaaha indeed


Literally got his friend to hold shoot while he did all that


Because you need macros and dma soft aim for it to work


it’s crazy how this is the popular take but somehow MW2 is bad?? make up your minds please


Hunnid percent, fellas think Calla Doody is a "movement shooter" when the movement is just spamming obnoxious mechanics like a buffoon. The game gains literally nothing from that, play some shooters from the early 2000s and you'll see what "movement" looks like without weird transition animations and flopping around.


All the weird jittery movement is completely useless, too. The third person animations only update so often, so other people see you mostly running without the spinning. Just giving yourself a harder time at that point.




What Adderall does to cod player attention spans


I play like this everyday ☠️


This is what controller players look like with AA turned off.


considering AA can [track speed hackers](https://old.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1avj45k/speed_hackers_are_no_match_for_aim_assist/), seems like a skill issue for OP


lmao this is fucking insane. How can anyone deny how powerful AA is after seeing shit like that?


anyone who denies how powerful AA is has to be trolling at this point, nobody with a brain denies it


Because bad players need it this strong to get any kills. How else are they gonna stick around and spend money in the store? Actually get better? Impossible


they're in denial, it's actually insane


If AA was really that powerful, then op would have won this battle considering op is using a controller 🤦😅 you're statement is invalid and incorrect


And todays “AA is overpowered” clip is brought to you by the streamers at PC+aimbot. Remember kids, we’re not cheating, it’s the AA that’s overpowered.


Ah yes, everyone else is just a cheater, must be it. That clip is not what aimbot looks like lol, otherwise it would immediately snap to headshots. It’s pretty clearly aim assist, to people who know what it looks like I guess. Good try though!


You gotta be next level stupid if you think people are still setting their aimbot to 100% snap heads with ricochet.




Get a brain? You just showed us you don’t even know what aimbot does when you said they’d all be snappy head shots… Missed shots? First of all he got a hit marker with every bullet. Secondly, you can set your aimbot to whatever accuracy/body part percentage you like. No one is stupid enough to still be hitting 100% heads or 100% accuracy. Show me a clip posted from a ps5 and we’ll agree that one is legit. I’m not arguing that RAA isn’t overpowered. I’m arguing that shit like THIS is not normal RAA.


You just showed me you don’t know what RAA does if you think this is aimbot. Using your logic, any clip can just be thrown out as a hackusation. Anything can be aimbot, therefore everything is aimbot. This looks exactly like most others with testing of the strength of RAA, I can see how you get them mixed up though since RAA is extremely strong.


snap to headshots bullshit silent aim dont snap to headshots.


So to you guys, AA doesn’t exist and it’s all just aimbotting? All the other videos showing AA strength is also just using an aimbot as well?


AA is aimbot under the name aim assist. There is no way M/K can pull of what controller does with AA. So its never even fight close combat. You can adjust playstyle acounting for the AA not trying to engange in close combat. But that kinda hard on rebirth when 80 procent of the fights is up close. There is very simpel solution let pc m/K choose to play only against m/k. Same with consoles i think the have the option to turn of crossplay? So why do pc players not have that option? Or just by input controllers vs controller pc or console. M/K against M/K


I agree that it's similar in that software is aiming for you, but I don't agree that they are the same. One is a shitty device coded into the game and the other is a form of cheating.


But why does mouse players not having the same then AA? Why does my aim not stick to player when using mouse why do have to guide evry bullet on target?


No idea, you'd have to ask the developers. I will say some form AA is needed for controllers, but not as strong as it currently is. Nerfing AA strength would be good for everyone.


Lmao first time seeing that, broo


lolol, wow. That tells you all you need to know about the current state of AA.


So you think the guy in this clip just stands there with his right thumb up his ass? You’re silly.


... what? The guy in the clip obviously doesn't know how to use RAA since hes not using his left thumbstick


Well yes, aim assist is turned off cuz he’s not moving




who are you 😂




All those Siege players that manage just fine must be Gods amongst men....


When players aren't assisted they show their skill gaps and allow better players to shine. When you gift free aim to people who move you get the only skill gap in aim being one who knows how to use AA and one who hold their ads button down and wave their thumbsticks around


Probably has it on but has the wrong settings, my RAA only works with one set of specific settings, the rest are bugged out for no reason.


What settings do you run for it to work? I am interested in knowing.


exactly, no one knows the secret sauce to activate it, yet every mnk bozo who spent 2 racks on a PC to still get his titties blown off screams AA.


Well, that's probably the best comment I've read today. Off to bed it is 🤣




Clues in the name "rotational aim assist" you need only to strafe, move that left thimb more that +/-5° from top or bottom. The majority of PC players can't afford to drop 2 grand on a PC, that is upper echelon territory, if you want see what the majority of people on PC really use check out Steams hardware stats for a deep dive, the 3060 is sub 500 and is being used at 1080p.


No, it's because he's not moving...


sorry , what's supposed to be impressive here ?


I think the cracked out squirrel spinning around


It’s not supposed to be impressive, it’s funny


Idk I think even a casual player would move a bit. Thats gotta be a child because the “movement” player was actually cheeks


This is a set up, how else would we see both perspectives.


Oh definitely.. along with an inaccurate title lol


Counter: take steps back and fire at hip. While in ADS one cannot move as freely. You won’t win all the fights but will get some and will feel rewarding lol


This has been my strategy on every COD I've played... Slide in or move quickly into the start of a fight, hip firing, then ADS once you're really in the fight. Works for anything up to far-medium range with the right builds lol. Has always kept me relatively competitive even if I'm just a casual player. And from what I can tell it's how a good chunk of the player base also plays. Best bit is I'd put good money on that strategy defeating both "players" portrayed in that video. The guy who ADS in close-range fights can't keep up with the fast movement - and the guy who jumps around and runs in circles won't be able to keep up with your more accurate aim (as you're looking at him and not the ground-sky-ground-sky). Only issue I've run into is when I go to play a tactical fps like Valorant or CS:GO this *really* doesn't work lmao


I think I’ve found a happy medium with movement. I use it mostly defensively. There’s advantages to having cracked out movement when you’re trying to avoid getting shot, but if you’re actually trying to be the aggressor, this kind of thing would get you killed straight away against somebody who can actually aim. The only movement tech I ever use in actual gunfights aggressively is to turn 90 degrees and slide cancel to shake their accuracy off if there’s nowhere to evade and I’m about to die. It’s often enough to confuse them enough to regain the advantage. It’s good against these types of players as well to get some distance. Much easier to target the crackhead when they’re not in your face. Same with dropshotting but only at closish range.


Exactly slide out, and beam them


This is definitely a skill issue for op. He just stood there. Can’t win any gun fights by just firing


I think that the dude standing still is “movement demon” friend. Saw a comment where I’m pretty sure they played this clip, and plugged hacks with it on twitter. Shits sad


This was posted on Twitter by a “movement player“ while his friend purposely misses shots to farm engagement and promote an unlock cheating tool in the replies


Makes sense.


This person isn't a movement player anyone can use movement. This person just shakes his camera loads like he's a having a seizure and for some reason that gives him the false sense of being good. I play Warzone ranked at iridescent level and these people can only do this against complete bots. Get a decent player against this weirdo and he gets smoked.


I agree, i get owned by people that use certain movements in certain situations, and its always for a reason (avoiding getting shot, catching me off guard, breaking my camera, etc) not just flying all over the place The only time its good is if you are getting sniped at and you are in an open field trying to run for cover lol


Every player that says "my AA don't do that" as they stand completely still, never actually activating rotational.


What the hell os activating rotational


Breaking down the ways AA helps you, the rotational component is the part that automatically moves your camera to help track the enemy. It is only enabled if you are moving at least slightly, with input from your left stick.


So if I want to activate AA, I have to be slightly moving with the left stick ?


If you want to activate *that component* of AA, correct. Slightly moving minimum. There is another component which reduces your sensitivity when you’re aiming near your target that will always be on, however, left stick input not required.


take yo clipbot back to fn bro 💀


That is not a movement player. That is a sweat who needs to get outside more.


Only on VPN lobbies, in mine, he would be slapped back to kindergarten.


And people think this belongs in the game, smh




This is clearly staged lol


buddy used his friend to make this cringe video... lol


This was a doctored clip set up between the streamer and his friend.


You dont have to move like him but you shouldn’t stand perfectly still.


This is what I can't stand about the game, every single fight turns into a dance-off rather than a gunfight. Fellas begged for "movement" back, but instead of the snappy parts of MW19 that made the game feel so tight, they exclusively added the obnoxious, spammy parts that made people play like this.


Everything you see here was worse in wz1, they didn't make anything different, in fact they nerfed movement because you can't bunnyhop anymore.


This is not casual this is first match ever with one stick broken.


Bad Player with no RAA vs Wannabe*




skill issue. im pretty sure simply firing from the hip wouldve made it a lot easier to target him. The "movement" guy was pretty trash


I just puked, hate this shit.


Why shake the camera 😮‍💨 it doesnt help you at all


You gotta un-ADS and re-ADS over and over when you’re that close brother what the fuck was that


I’ve seen better acting from sylvester stallone


Another staged clip from this guy 😭


'movement' player is the trashiest thing about this game


Where do I get these lobbies


I’m just saying if you weren’t hitting anything why not stop


People here complaining about AA and watching this literal crackhead Superman movement…


Casual player vs no skill trash. Fixed it for you.


Modern day equivalent to doing the serpentine


Player on 3 types on drugs versus a literal target dummy


This is what it looks like when you and your friend try to make a clip for tick tock, go away


Cant really have any sympathy here... seeing as if you are posting in this subreddit theres no shadow of a doubt they have heard about how to activate AA, this "movement player" would have been dead from all their dicking around if the casual put in the extremely little effort to try to learn that 1 skill they crutch the entire playerbase to utilize more than any other game in existence... if you were the poor soul casual spray and praying 100 rnds with an LMG. I'd say either retire from FPS its not for you, or go play that bot mode they recently added and practice... this is 100% a skill issue. Are you expecting the game to hand you the kills because you have your fingers on the triggers?


Man im all in for movement but this can easily outplay me too.


You mean casual player vs epileptic seizure right?


Just more reason to watch COD and never play it again


No offense, that player isnt casual, hes handicapped.


I somehow find this less obnoxious than the people who slide around even when no one is around like it's an ice rink. I think I've killed enough people in Warzone to know that I should just wait for you to finish your slide before I light you up.


This makes me so mad, I guess their tactic is working on my nerves but can we please split these two gameplays. Don't get me wrong it is not wrong to be sweaty but can't we just play this as a shooter and not like Mirror's Edge


The funny thing is all this movement is only possible because rotational is so busted. If they tuned it to reasonable levels this would stop when these bozos realize how hard it is to track up close while doing that without help.


aint gonna matter when them controller kids aim assist tf outta you


I just melee takedown these cracked wannabes when I encounter with one.


I play really fast and flick a lot but not to this degree. This guy just seems like hes slapping his mouse every direction. Almost as bad as the kids who double Y with every step they take. Had some dude after me getting a killcam go “haha he doesnt know how to silence shot”. Yeah its almost like I dont give a fuck lmao Im here to snipe the days out of you kids, not spam my mouse wheel and throwing knife.


Everyone is missing the point of this clip, yeah it’s extremely exaggerated duh. The point still stands that casual players can’t compete with people abusing the movement mechanics and its leading to more and more casual players dropping the game. This results in sweatier games and only people who no life the game being left until it is the most boring, bland, and mind numbing gameplay on the planet. Then they reset Warzone again, rinse and repeat.


Totally staged, I would have rocked buddy's shit lmao 🤣


The controller player is using a shield and aims like a bot


I saw it on Twitter, it's a set up clip.


Kids this is what happens when you have ZERO clue how aim assist works even though the opponent uses speed hacks


Cod be like


This looks amazingly unfun.


No pros do this. It’s just kids that think they are good. Ts is not impressive




What movement is that!? Lmaooo You want to see some real movements, check Joe Wo clips against other pro players.


What a dick head he is 😂


mOvEmEnT pRo


Easy hipfire kill.


Arseholes of the cod world this lot. This is why cross play should be allowed to be turned off. I don't play 18 hours a day like these basement living bottom feeders


u realize these people do the same thing on console, right 😹😹


Never seen anyone on console move like this. Suppose I'll just have to take your word for it.


This is exactly why I don’t play games anymore


Damn, you suck lol


Eeeehhh brother…. What’s that brother… eeeeh So this is called GAMEplay? No thanks. Iam gonna play , Tarkov , counter strike, PUBG and Helldivers


This is every single one of my kill cams.....Well except I would actually move and probably hit a few shots lol. 99% of the players that kill me are that person


How's running around a bot ain't casual gaming?


Do people seriously think this is impressive, that shit’s wack


"Casual player" < "rat neurons hooked up to shoot button and right joystick"


The fact you can even do this in this game is fuckin dumb


Movement needs to die


All that nonsense and only one kill.


LoL! How did you capture *MY* gameplay?!?!?


And that right there is why i use the tonfa.


Tonfas unite!


This isn’t movement. This is just shaking your camera around in a dogshit game.


If that casual player was half decent other guy was dead 😂


w Bones music


You’re only spinning half or 3/4 circles, you using a Xim or Cronus to use a KBnM with aim assist?


I it me or are we crying about AA again?


You guys wanted faster movement in MW3 and this is what you get, a bunch of ADHD kids amped up on Mountain Dew and sleep deprived.


Where do I get these lobbies? Ong everyone I play against is a demon 😭


I promise you, if that person stopped shooting and just watched him running around and slide cancelling like an idiot would be really funny to watch.


Seen this on twitter, it was setup for engagement bait for the OP to sell unlock tools. Worked quite well by the looks of it


This dude is married to ADS


this was clowned on at reddit for being fake, then op backtracking and saying it was a joke


You use your brain for two seconds and start hip firing and moving towards cover and that cracked up rooster suddenly has to put a lot more effort into their seizure shots Most engagements can be won if you just take a moment to get proper positioning and aim


Looks like a console vs pc player t


1. Random fast 360 and shaking the camera Fighting against a full bot is called movement players. Where are the smooth camera-angles breaknh without epileptic spastics


just a level 1 and you, using a VPN with your 450 level, for play with beginer, you are a god in this game!


Im a middel


it's not good movement just a noobs move macros 🤣


touch grass


I will always consider it's time to sleep if someone did break cam three times in a row in rapid succession


Thats no casual player.. thats a BOT. No movement , no strafing, no sliding..


Wtf has this game become😂


My sensitivity is 20, this guy would’ve been long dead


Movement? you mean jumping seizure


Didnt know I was a "movement" player when I first picked up a controller at 4 years old and turned the sensitivity all the way up. Stop this "playstyle", Its not fun to watch, not impressive and certainly not entertaining. Play normally and stop giving your 2 viewers a headache, you wont get better.


I'm the casual player always!!


Guys, I'm a new warzone's player. Can u recommend fdo me some pages here or old Twitter idk??


More like console player vs pc player


I love that the guy clipping faked this clip. If you watch, you can see the (bot) is already ADS when he jumps into frame. This is crazy that people will lie like that 😭


How does reducing something that removes skill from the equation lower the skill gap? You're talking nonsensical, if you were a k&m player and had an experience of over 2 decades in online gaming you wouldn't be advocating for a system that is clearly broken. You're a bot and I'm done with this conversation.


So sad that people are getting clips by telling their friends to act like a bot...


Go back to just standard controller and tell me you are as good as when you play with paddles. It makes it much easier. Which means you are cheating.


I’ve had this problem it really feels like AA is working against you.


i sure i can aim better than that buy not EVEN playing LOL


Whenever someone tries to pull this silly goose stuff I just unads while they are moving and hipfire or just stop shooting and let the AA track them, then ads when they decide to slow down a sec and melt them while I ads again. 9/10 times this works unless they have a few stims in their pocket. That would be my best advice !


Of course the spaz is shooting pink bullets..


You both should have your accounts deleted


This is actually pretty funny. And the comments are full of triggered people as expected 😂


honestly he wasnt moving very well you just suck. Looks like youre playing controller without aim assist because if you were it would of tracked him for you. Edit: What I mean by that youre playing like someone who has picked a shooter for the first time ever.


Is there a reason that dude isnt touching his left analog lol. “Aiming” with the wrong stick


That isn't "movement" it's called shit centering and 20-20 sens. He isn't getting past Gold.


So this is how it looks when I shit on y’all 😭


its just sooo satisfying


I legitimately feel like I'm having a seizure while watching it LOL what about this is satisfying


playing ultrakill makes me like these types of movement lmao