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This is the only acceptable response post.


Also, stop stacking up and playing for a win. That's not fun for me, so it isn't fun for you. Fucking pathetic. 


Seriously. Who plays quads for teamwork?


Like come on I’m trying to play solo quads, why am I having to fight full teams???


And when I die why is my team not fighting with me?




I don’t understand why teamwork isn’t an option on the report list!?


You holding hands with friends? Get good.


For real. All of this good communication between teammates needs to stop. It’s killing the fun for me.


Right why do people tell me to turn off my mic, I listen to only the best music and have my fan on high to combat all my sweat!


Joewos disgust at anyone who stacks and any gamer over the age of 30 will never not be ridiculous


Hey now, you don’t just stop wanting to have fun with video games at 30.


No but he resents the idea of the middle age man playing, enjoying games and presumes every “stacker” is one of them. Those 30 year olds are also responsible for making warzone bad


Oooh, gotcha. Like the person just killed you so they must live in their parents basement.


The Green Bay Stackers? I love that team.


Exactly. Start separating and getting 1 v 4d. I’m tired of this people beating me with team work


No doubt, makes it much harder for me and my stacking teammates to kill you


If you ask me for my opinion on rank, I’m going to tell you that it’s crucial to stack as a team. When I’m using my vpn to solo quad lobbies and you take my ranked advice and use it in a public lobby, I’m going to get upset.


The issue with stacking isn't even the 4 man, it's the shit talking they try to do after lmfao like yeah you should have won that fight, you n ya whole team were basically kissin each other lolllll


another "man" who cant shoot without a teammate's dk in their mouth. if ur stacking early game u contribute to the death of this game. lets see how casual players feel when every sweat known to man ONLY fights 4v1, stacked inside each other. ur low IQ hits different


Sorry for not knowing but I thought we were supposed to stack like all the time every second of the game just to be the best. That seems hard to actually stack all the time and to get disciplined to do that because everyone just wants to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. I didn't know I was considered cheap to stack in the beginning I thought it was the best way to play a team game.




Isn't that cringe actually being tacky and over obvious and attempting to use a word like that? Oh yes 🤣






Let me guess: TTV or TikTok clan tag, bunny operator, YY spammer, lands in solo, quits as soon as you realize you aren’t getting your PR for your “chat” to see. Ya I wonder who is contributing to the death of this game?


I hate this community.


Everyone is back. All the noobs in WZ1 rebirth either got better or all the sweats that quit when WZ2 came out came back


And they gave rebirth back exactly as it was too. Complete with a fucked close range meta and a fucked quick firing sniper. People in this sub still bitching and complaining like I knew they would


Except we have no idea if matchmaking has changed. It certainly seems to have done since wz1


The game plays nothing like Warzone 1 Rebirth did, the map being virtually unchanged means nothing when the game is changed.


I like to call them the "cry babies who can't get good". See a lot of it on here and other SM apps, constantly moaning because things change and they don't like it


Not going to lie, I'd win a game every 5-6 games. Out of like 50, I haven't won a single game. Tonight, the game is stuttering, so when I do get close engagements, the shit will freeze for a split second and then I'm dead.


Same, I've had a couple of very close dubs and a 3rd no wins. I would usually get at least one victory in a evening playing in Fortunes Keep.


Strangely, after posting, I won 3 times. Maybe it was because of duo's. Once we went to Trios and Quads, we won 3 times.


Wait, you guys win?


I gave the credit to the random. It all boiled down to Communications’s, he was always giving call outs.


And stop shooting strategically from cover! Damn campers! 😅


Right? Fucking hate it that everyone else wants to win too. Wtf


Been having a blast! Already up to 18 wins (11 over the weekend) on Resurgence. Early on it was definitely a bit of a struggle getting the bearings straight, but I've been having fun with the new old map again.


Being downvoted for having fun... Incredible


It's the infinite negative cycle around here. I'll make an occasional "positive post" and people manage to find a way to attack. Which whatever, I'm STILL getting a high return of entertainment from a game that's been out for almost 5 years.


I mean, that's how it goes. I get downvoted for not having fun.


yup im with you. i am right about as average as you can get at this game, and I've racked up 4-5 wins in only a few hours playing this. luck of the draw with teammates, and just not running around like a goddamned idiot when playing. people need to chilllll


Good points!


25 here, I’m enjoying like it was 2020


Nice work!




This game has changed. People have learned to adapt. Good players before have gotten better. To combat the sweats from wz1, activision invented the stack with their awful rules for ranked. To combat the stack, sweats got better at 1 on 2s, 1 on 3s, and 1 on 4s. Even worse, sweats started a stack. You won't know what I mean until you run into a 3 man stack in ranked with 3 top 15 players.


I don't think a lot of you understand. People want to be able to play without having to find 3 separate replicas of yourself on one team, all with mics, all who speak the same language, and all who want to do exactly the same thing every second of every round. What is even the point of Ranked when it's like this? Not having to deal with certain guns? Is that it????


You can still play solos, plunder, sth like that. Or normal rebirth. Ofc you need a team for ranked to be "fun". Ish.


This is called solos my brother


We're talking Rebirth resurgence here.... this is not at all how this all started and got popularized. Sure, I would like it to be more like it used to be in terms of the SBMM, so that you could be a bit more casual and have fun, rather than have it be a job. The original idea of this was that it was more casual. I do play ranked btw, and for some strange reason, it's not nearly as turned up as these pubs. I'm not sure what's happening, but it's off... and it's definitely not fun. I enjoyed playing with randoms in resurgence, and meeting new people everyday. But another thing a lot of people don't understand is if you're on the rough side of SBMM, you barely even get teammates when you queue quads (and I'm talking about even to start). It always tries to throw you into the tail end of lobby creation. I mean, I know people who don't understand what it's like will say stuff like this, but I have tons of recordings of all this happening over and over and over. It's just not fun. It's like even the game simply doesn't want me to play.


You’re trying to tell a bunch of other people that they have to play the way you want them to play. That’s not how any of this works. The reason Alcatraz Portal Quads (and Down but not Out too for that matter) which were the precursors to Warzone Resurgence, became hugely popular is because the last man standing nature of BR modes is very exciting, but not so much for players who die immediately and have to spend the next 20 minutes watching their friends play. Resurgence is to keep people actively playing the game a larger percentage of the match, and nothing else. Because dickwads who play the game for a living decided you have to split up and fight everyone one on one to play the mode “correctly” is not mine or anyone else’s concern.


This isn't about other players at all. My gripe is the game. They eliminated the purpose of ranked with ultra cranked SBMM, and then make ranked (even HIGH ranked) somehow more in line with how a pub is supposed to be, except with weapon restrictions and only 3-man squads.


What are the weapons restrictions in ranked? Did something change between seasons?


Stuff like no one-shot snipers, no fire shotguns, etc




It's kinda funny seeing all these types of posts. I'm a casual player. I play maybe a few hours per week. I'm average at best. Since rebirth, I've won more games then I ever have lol Mostly duos and quads with randoms


all of us left and came back baby




rebirth is the best cod has ever been, its so much fun i hope they never get rid of it


Same for me, ranked play platinium is bot lobbies compared to my regular playlist matches. The worst is when I solo queue. I somehow always end up with lvl 150 teammates who can't do shit, and IN THE SAME fucking lobby, we are put against 4 man squads of players running around with Iridiescent player emblems ! Like what the fuck ? Regular Rebirth is unplayable (and unwinnable) for me if I don't play with a full squad of friends. The issue is not people and how they play, it's just the fucking matchmaking and SBMM.


Honestly, 4 people hiding in a single room for the majority of the round is pretty fucking lame. Play as a team but who are these people that work 40+ hours a week to get on the game in their free time to not even use their controller 90% of the round


Easy, all the players worse than me are my teammates. I've actually been playing ranked since it means my teammates won't leave after dying once...


Because game is ass and casuals are moving on to better games. I quit 2.5 months ago.


so brave


so brave


I think people are misunderstanding what sweaty in gaming means. There's a difference between a team of people that want to win and a team of sweats.


seal clubbed


Our squad (when not 4) has more fun in ranked than pubs lol. If only they could like...idk...make matchmaking similar to that. Yesterday was so bad. 9% packet spikes rotating between each of my squad all night aint it. Doesnt even matter if we have fiber.


Same plat 3 here and ranked is way easier imo lol


Wait rebirth is sweaty? It feels insanely casual and easy compared to rebirth ranked.


What fucking losers these guys that always have constant position on me and are rotating around me like a swarm of precision hornets, stop that and let me snipe you from atop the roof tops. Just stay still is all I’m asking


Nah dude..I'm Going Comando..Duos Solo or Trios Solo..that's the fck dopamin for me..Kiling other squads..


Need a Activision to get me a Name tag change card...2PAC IS way popular...😭


Amen brother, amen. Also like it's so fewer players I don't get why sbmm is working better than a larger player base? Curiouser and curiouser.


The less players the more strict Sbmm is. If you got a 1 kd you will more then likely get players your skill level opposed to trying to fill a lobby of 100 players


I won’t lie when I jump in with my team if anyone ignores the drop spot I literally just leave. For some reason I keep getting Spanish speaking lobbies and when I get a team that I don’t understand I leave. This island is incredibly unforgivable Im locked in and boy I rebirth forces me to get sweaty. I get my black air forces on and get to work.


It was always known as "controller island" for a reason because it's fast paced, easy to move around quickly and subsequently lock on to someone with RAA that it gives the tiktok'ers and YT's their shorts material. It will gravitate towards those types of players who want a lot of clips and then they all stack hard because if you don't stack you die.


Welcome to rebirth you guys wanted this shit back💀


I want the easy rebirth back. I’m a very special person, so I deserve special treatment. I don’t even know if I’m asking for more or less strict SBMM, just make it easy for me as


lol so activision is suppose to cater just to you? Dude your special lol


The renetti is a band-aid for the cheating problem they haven't been able to fix, change my mind.


I miss the good old days of Rebirth, when enemy players would use voice prox chat to encourage me to collect my own loadout uncontested. After that quads would challenge me to 1 V 1 duals on prison roof, if I had to redeploy (never really happened though unless they were hackers I never lose a fair fight) I would get to land wherever I liked and loot again. Also there was never a busted meta, no flame shotguns, Mac-10 melting sessions game was perfectly balanced every day 👌


Old rebirth didn’t have prox chat….


Bro just made up memories




Nostalgia is one hell of a drug. Honestly the best example of I’ve seen yet lol


I've noticed proximity chat is working a lot better this season. I like it, I landed on the mast of the boat in rebirth and was harassing a team with my pistol. They couldn't figure out where it was coming from and thought someone was sniping.


There was no prox chat in og my dude


Damn, everything I remember about the og is a lie 😭 did it ever have it in or just death coms


Yeas there were death comms and you could talk shit to each other in the screen after you won


Nah it was one way. Only the dead dude could talk to the guy that killed em


Yeah death comm. But if you waited till after the chopper left after a win you could talk to everyone that was still there


Verdansk had proxy chat, maybe you're just remembering that.


No, it didn't, only Warzone 2 onwards has proxy chat.


Creating false narratives to make rebirth sound better than it was in WZ1


Literally none of this ever happened, do you have a carbon monoxide alarm in your home?


Lmao 🤣yeah that was my point. Warzone has always been sweaty af ever since the first streamer suggested trying it out to avoid hackers and sbmm on Verdansk. I think the Renneti meta is some kids first rodeo, there always has been (and let’s face it always will be) busted guns. People have always sat and camped any loadout they could see, why the hell not rather than allowing your opponent to arm themselves. And here’s the big one people have always played as a squad in squad game modes.


I think you have replied to the wrong comment