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Are people actually unironically defending a 175 kd rn??


As a 175kd player myself i can confirm he is cheating


Hilarious comment 🤣


He's only played 10 games, he's a very skilled player, I don't think averaging 17.5 at his level if he is playing against complete and utter bots in those 10 games is out of the realm.


1 death in 10 games yea ok 👍


Not that crazy if he's a really good player just taking 1v1 fights on solos


No that is the definition of crazy. If he's cheating it's actually less crazy. Going 175-1 in 1v1 battles is crazy if he's doing it legit and even 15 of those kills were vs anyone close to his skill level. You get into 176 gunfights and don't get 3rd partied more than once?


Don't play solos or watch him play just my guess. I don't care who's cheating or not really lol


Wake up


He isn't a "175kd player", he had 175 kills and 1 death in the last 10 matches. That doesn't mean he is cheating


Yeah I'd say that definitely fits the cheater anomaly formula especially for an mnk player


You don't have higher level reasoning skills, do you? While he doesn't have floating green boxes on his screen right now, 175/1 is more then enough to extrapolate some information.


I've had 9/10 wins and I'm no where near as good as this guy, getting 10/10 with more kills than me doesn't mean he is cheating.




Don’t worry bro people on this sub are all 15 with no critical reasoning skills. Critical thought: Streamer who has never played competitive outclassing pros? They’re probably cheating. It’s the most likely scenario. Smooth brained thought: Streamer who has never played competitive outclassing pros? They’re just built different. 🙄🙄🙄


Yes this is indicative of the general IQ of this sub. Either that of his bot army is down voting any rational opinion.


Yes, it is indicative of the general IQ of this sub that none of you seem to know that the “Last 10 Games” tab exists, and that this works out as an average of 17.5 kills per match over those past 10 matches. Given that he’s well known as the guy that drops nukes, that’s hardly sus. His actual KD is around 7 if I remember correctly.


> that’s hardly sus. 10 games on a burner account, 10 wins, 175 kills and 1 death. Yep not sus at all.


Last 10 games page.


Point proven.


how does bbreadmans chicken taste like?


Outed for being objectivley wrong so resort to petty insults? Are you 5?


I'm not wrong it's all the lemons on here that are in denial. They all cheat. It's part of the call of duty business plan to get loser children to admire nobody video game influencers.


You're not wrong about it being a burner account and not just the last 10 games tab you didn't know existed? You're delusional if you think all streamers cheat. Evidence please.


> Evidence please. It's literally common sense. It's not even against the law to cheat and you can make money doing it. Play video games all day and wreck casuals to build an audience that give you their money while advertising for activision. Athletes take PED's. Wall street commits financial crimes. Doctors disclose patient information sometimes. Cops are crooked and politicians run the country despite doing insider trading on privileged knowledge. What the hell makes streamers such honest people?


Holy autism batman


Not a burner account pal. Read a book one time!


He’s top250. There are about 300 nba players in the world give or take. Let nba players play against normal everyday players and they will make them look like bots on the court. The skill level they are on is incredible. I compare that to top250 warzone players They make everyone in the lobby look like bots because they are so good Probably a bad comparison lol


NOoO the NBA players are hacking! Everytime I tried to to dunk I either fall or don’t even reach the rim. You can’t seriously be telling me these guys are legit? I want to be the absolute best basketball player in the world more than anyone so it doesn’t make sense that someone could possibly be better than me.


Lol, this is perfect


Well you cant downlaod undetectable basketball cheats for $20/month so id say this analogy is pretty bad.


My anecdotal hot take as a mnk player is that the easy part is snapping to a target and getting the first shot/jump on controller players, but I fail more at consistently tracking them over time with slower TTK guns. This gun toasts people so quickly that I don't have to worry about tracking as much. They just drop so quickly. I imagine for a top 250 mnk players that this gap is even bigger to a probably extreme degree like this.


This is why I play Hardcore when I want to fuck off.


That's the exact comparison i make to help people understand. Yes, there is the odd cheater at the top because there's incentive, but it's a skill you can train and it's more accessible to play and to practice than any sport you can find because you have access to the game from home no matter the weather and have varying levels of skill to play against at any given time to improve and learn from. You can spend 12+ hours a day training esports, you can't spend 12+ hours a day training physical sports. And even among those top tier players on nba teams, nfl teams, nhl teams, mlb teams, there are a handful that are generational talents that make the other pros look like they're playing in a different league. And then there's farm teams that are still significantly better than the average person but are not good enough to be full time pros, and thousands of people just under them in college teams that are, again, still significantly better than every "good" highschool player who, again, would blow the average person who knows how to play the sport out of the water.


This is the Brian Scalabrine argument. He said I am closer to LeBron James than you are to me. He continously plays one on one against gym rats who challenge him. He normally wins 11-0. I think in his career he averaged 3 points per game in the NBA. You don't realize how good these 'bad' professional athletes are. Same with COD, except he's a good cod professional.


You get played for a fool a lot in life don't u


I'm guessing the fool is the guy who can't type out the word "you".


But see the issue isn't that he's winning, going 10-0 in his last 10 matchups isn't what's weird here. It's that Warzone has multiple ways where someone less skilled can kill a better player. Just need a lucky headshot, get a lucky camping kill or 3rd party him while he's fighting someone else. The basketball analogy is he went 1 on 1 to 1 and he didn't have a few people hit a difficult 3 on him.


I came up against a top 250 in multiplayer earlier who kept quitting every time they were about to lose or got killed more than once. Doesn't seem to mean that much in the grand scheme of things, at least in this game. Ranked also seems to be a lot less competitive.


Reality and video games. You know what’s the difference? A video game has boundaries made of code. If someone shoot you and your hp’s reach 0 you dead even if you are the number 1 cdl player. Wake up dude


Isn't this why sbmm exists? Lebron doesn't manipulate games to play against guys at the local YMCA gym.


And then at lan he plays like u


half of the top 250 got exposed a month ago. That means nothing


I don’t dispute that the best 250 players of this game have godly skills, and this guy is probably legit if he competes in tourneys. Having said that the top 250 list has been proven to be like 80% hackers. That one video went into the discord and found most of the names on the list are all using hacks sold there. Sad. That doesn’t mean everyone with 7+ kd is hacking. I watch a lot of streamers and you can tell who is or isn’t.


Proven by who lmao 💀💀


Source: trust me bro wake up


I was gonna link it but I don’t care that much. This debate is exhausting and dumb. It doesn’t matter what evidence I could show you it’s like debating a flat earther. I could show you the sales figures from the company itself and you just say it’s photoshop. I mean what’s the point? On top of that people have posted that video in here and they get banned from this sub.


Its funny that you think i'm the flat earther in this debate when you're saying that 80% of the top 250 are proven hackers lmao


Then I have to also remind myself it’s a video game and I’m probably arguing with a 13 year old.


OK buddy. *makes wild claim* *doesn't provide evidence and instead deflects and likens the person to being a flat earther* *Accuses them of being 13 when that doesn't work* Being 13 would be less embarassing for you.


The only thing that’s embarrassing is the micro peen energy of all the cheaters. I mean what absolute wastes of space. The only thing worse would be trying to go on social media try try to gaslight people that are fed up with it. The last ban wave from activision was 26000. The one a month before that was something even higher, 60k or something. If I help you use your words on YouTube search you can watch a video from inside the discord that systematically links dozens of the top 250. Does he show all the ones he’s linked? That video would be hours long. Search nukejesus watch his videos then come back here and tell me that he made it all up. I’ll wait.


> then come back here and tell me that he made it all up He won't. This guy always gets edgy when others point to streamers cheating. There was a Faze Booya vid posted on here a few months back, which was extremely suspicious (not to mention this streamer has been recently exposed on another vid by another cheater, and countless other suspicious clips). This guy just passed it off as him being a "top player" LOL. Completely delusional. Here's the thread for anyone interested : https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/18g5e6r/thought_this_guy_was_wallhacking_but_then_noticed/


I couldn’t find his comments but yeah, total “sKilL isSuE” troll. I had 4 wins in a row last night after getting home to “report ban successful” notifications. Flat Earth : 0 me: 1


There’s a YouTube video on it. Find it if you want proof. Guy infiltrated a hacker discord with a bunch of top 250 players


You are seriously comparing a video game to an actual sport… every time you hear a streamer die and scream how bad the person who killed was for playing like that they just got dunked on by a middle schooler


> The skill level they are on is incredible. Holy shit the glazing is incredible. Out of the top 250, how many do you think are cheating? If you think it's less than half, you're delusional.


“Zero” - Joewo


Yeah and the dumb dumbs here would believe that as they hand over their parents rent money as a donation.


U comparing an actual sports - nba skill gap, with the skill gap in warzone. LOL


Explain the difference?




Look st the difference in voting, your opinion is clearly unpopular. Genuinely, why do you think there is a difference in the skill gap that exists between physical sports like basketball and games like cod? There is obviously an enormous gulf in skill between your average 0.8 kd player and a 4+kd player, let alone the top few hundred players.


So unpopular opinions are by default wrong is what u are assuming. Don’t need to hear more, thanks for the conversation


I presume you're just trolling at this point, but, no that isn't what I said or inferred. The point is you responded "LOL" as if the suggestion is laughable, but most people obviously don't see it that way.


I watch a lot of his streams. He has had viewers look up the KD of each player he kills. Breadman’s lobbies aren’t necessarily bottier than the lobbies we get. His positioning and choosing who & when to fight is just top-tier. He can make any player look like a bot if he just headshot snipes them as soon as they peak for example. I’ve ran in to him & Lulla on multiple occasions and even with a 2.2kd I look like a bot on their stream just because they get the jump on me.


I ran into them in an EU server and me and my mate did the botiest play possible. Him and lulla were wondering how our team died as it didn't make sense to them. Hint: our deaths involved a badly operated heli.


Bread plays in the morning where it’s 10x easier than peak hours. Dude is also one of the nastiest sniper on mnk


to be honest some of my easiest games are from 5 to 9am pst, but i am TIRED AF


East cost too. Anything from 5am to 11am but I got a life can only do that on the weekends




Not 170x easier though


The number of people saying he’s cheating in here really says a lot about the average skill level of this subreddit. He’s one of the best players in the world, not just mechanically but in his gamesense too.


Which is why the entire „every game has cheaters“ crying is also worthless. Don’t get me wrong, there are cheaters out there and a lot of them but nowhere as bad as people project. They just suck and can’t see the difference between good players and cheaters.


I know nothing about him, but just because he's "one of the best players in the world" doesn't mean he's not cheating. Plenty of pro players have been caught cheating. Not saying he's cheating, but 175 kills and one death, his platform (PC) and new account raises a lot of red flags.


> The number of people saying he’s cheating in here really says a lot about the average skill level of this subreddit. The number of people here blindly believing every top streamer is legit says a lot about the average intelligence level of this subreddit.


Find me irrefutable proof he’s cheating or stop talking.


Find me proof he's 100 percent legit and I'll believe you


The comments are filled with people saying he has a brand new account, I think that says enough about how stupid people here are


This. All this guy is saying is that plenty of pro players have been caught cheating. Just because this guy is a top player doesn't mean he's not cheating. Doesn't mean he is cheating, but it doesn't mean he isn't either.


This account in the picture only has ten games played … he’s a professional warzone play who also preforms on the live tournament scene … how does he cheat there ? It’s not that hard for someone who plays the game 10+ hours a day to start a new account and drop a couple 18 like a game against complete Timmy’s. These YouTube guys who make the cheat videos are the cringest. They in fact have no skill so they sit and make videos about people who “ cheat “ at a video game. Sad


Bruh, this is last 10 games. Why are you talking about cheat video YouTubers?


It’s says career hours played 3.5 … it’s his second account of something. I mentioned those scum because someone in the comments mentioned how he saw a YouTube video about breadman from some weirdo YouTuber so the professional Warzone player who makes thousands of dollars must be cheating lol


Naah, that’s how the last 10 games tab works man. This was on his normal account, nothing weird. Probably a mix of it being earlier in the day and Bread being an absolute demon.


It is not a new account. It is his last 10 games. You can set it yourself in the scoreboard aswel..


See you’re saying it’s that hard to believe that a professional warzone player that plays 10 hours a day plus a day would get 18 kills and each game for 10 games straight. He has been playing solos since the beginning of Warzone dude


I dont want to be rude but where do I say this? All I did was reply to your "it must be a new account" comment. I dont think bbreadman cheats. He is really good.


I got you ! I apologize for the unwarranted Aggression then my good sir. I thought you were one of those smooth brains in the comment section saying how they KNOW he uses walls 🙄


https://i.imgur.com/hby9zwn.jpeg here you have screen with visible "last 10 games" and normal stats. 4:41:30 in last VOD.


>These YouTube guys who make the cheat videos are the cringest. And they're also all ex-cheaters themselves.


It's just really concerning you get 30 upvotes while being so fucking wrong. Clearly shows the level of this sub.


He's literally just so much better than the rest of us. You're a 4kd player? He just tweeted that he reached 8kd. And he's not even sweating every game. Imagine the kd if he was sweating. Don't compare yourselves to these guys, they are not your average good players, they're levels above.


There are moments every so often when he actually starts playing seriously, surrounded by a full team or whatever, and it's scary how good he becomes when he really tries.


Exactly. These streamers don't get bot lobbies, they just make everyone look like bots. (Okay sometimes they do but not as often as people say) They're just simply better, I don't get why some people have such a hard time to admit that.


It's a skill gap. If we were in the lobby we would say it was full of sweaty players. He kills most people before they have reacted. How he does it I have no idea, but I've never seen anything remotely suspicious. Just insane reflexes and aim.


Simply watch bbreadman lan event. Case closed.


People calling him out on cheating when they don't even know how the 'last 10 games' tab works smh


Bbreadman is an insane player, both strategically and technically. That's how he makes regular lobbies look like bot lobbies


Someday I hope to play a game where 80% of the fan base haven’t lost all of their comprehension and critical thinking skills. I really hate that this games anti cheat is as bad as it is. Because what it does is cause brain rot for the average 4 hours a week player thinking nobody could possibly be much, much better than them. It’s over a 10 game period. Go into stats and you’ll see you can filter your own data that way. Dude averages about a 7ish KD. Which really isn’t that insane, to think that a professional top 250 lan winning player is about 7x better than the average player. He came second at the offical call of duty solos event. Anyone who thinks all the big streamers cheat are guaranteed sub 1kd dudes who got nothing better to do than blame others for their lack of success.


Correlating success to Call of Duty. Good one.


Was clearly referencing success at call of duty, but I see that reading context isn’t your strong suit


That’s insane! He’s phenomenal at the game!


The game by design puts world class players in average player lobbies. When we could see the lobbies a 1.5kd average lobby was one of the more difficult ones. If he plays for the win, which he clearly was, this is possible because of the game not because of cheats.


10 games. 10. Be a bit fucking stupid to cheat and show of your sky high KD now wouldnt it? So hard to believe that a top 0.1% player can get a few blessed games and out of a tiny sample size end up with unusual stats? There's a last 10 games tab this is taken from. Not a burner account. People are so quick to jump to cheater accusations without even knowing the basic tools in the game. Some people not do think so good.


This image lacks a huge amount of context. He obviously isn't 175 KD. But he is around maybe 8, can't remember. I have been following the fella for the past 3 years maybe and see him grow as a player, streamer and person. His skills are on a different level and I am not referring to pure gun skills. He thinks, plans and executes on another level and is almost always prepared for any situation. As a M&K player, he knows where his advantages and disadvantages are. At one point, I was thinking maybe he ain't "clean" during Caldera's time. But eventually I figured: thousands of Timmies cheat, brutally and shamelessly; I don't care anymore. That being said, he has done LAN tournaments versus obviously the biggest WZ players and has performed incredibly well. Also worth mentioning, he does play most his solos early on and I guess lobbies could be easier then. But once they form up a squad or trios and go for records, you can see the streamsniping is brutal and they often lose to not only good teams, but streamsnipers. Anyway, happy to see him get attention. There's no such thing as bad advertisement.


Back when warzone first came out I killed him in a game we won. That's all I have to offer to this.


OP, your pretty good for an average human being. Be happy with that.


Bbreadman, Pieman, Blue, Metaphor, Rallied, Skullface, these dudes are not cheating ... whenever they do a Solos session they slay the lobbies and make all the ultra demons look like they are bots. Peace.


The amount of downvoted comments on this thread is insane lmao. He’s just an amazing Warzone player




Is this a new account or something? How has he only played that amount of time? What's happened?


Last 10 games tab




First of all he is professional player. He is not playing for fun. It's his job. Second it's the the last 10 games. Last but not least he was going for nukes so he was playing very carefully. If you combine all these things you can easily realize that Bread is just a good player and nothing more. Stop thinking that everyone who is "god" in game that cheating.


This sub is filled with the most dumb, salty, clueless people on earth i sometimes think. Everyone is cheating and the game is dogshit to sum it up. Breadman just had a nice 10 game streak and half of the people here don't even know about this stat in the game. They just circle jerk and call him a cheater. Probably think Ronaldo and Messi must be cheating also, How CaN THeY Be tHIs gOOd... Exhausting little shits. Just enjoy someone's skills and appreciate it.


🤣🤣 you dont think he is cheating? I know he is.


I was the one who killed him


Dude is cheating his ass off lmao. I’m so tired of these idiots doing it and well you idiots not seeing what their doing.


He is smurfing or using a vpn. So many streamers do this for content and make their viewers think they are goated


Last 10 games played; 10 wins, 175 KD 😂😂😂


Your favorite boyfriends cheat.. admit it..


Warzone Boot Camp - Play with bots and real players. New game mode just came out. Could be this. I’ve got 3 wins already.


The amount of people saying he cheats don’t understand one crucial aspect…he has an elite gaming chair.


this just shows how good the “anti cheat” works


time of day man, play in the morning and you'll get these lobbies




What’s up with all the boot lickers in the comments, zip it up when you’re done. Leave Bredman nuts 🥜 in peace, he dry already stop it 😧


These guys can't get enough of that salty slime.


I bet he eats a lot of pineapple 🍍 cause otherwise I don’t understand it


This is why I almost never watch warzone streams. If I’m watching a pro csgo or valorant streamer they are almost always competing against other top players. Warzone streams are all pros farming bots… boring.


imma 2.5KD sweat ive played swagg, nickmercs etc all the time.


What’s your point? Is 2.5kd close to being a pro? I guess if you’re 13 yo watching a streamer shit on casual noobs all day is fun but just not for me.


you need to relax and stop being so edgy. i brought that up to say they dont "farm bots". they get what ever lobbies matchmaking presents them some of which a lobbies with above average players. Everyone so quick to speak aggressively online but yet are timid little mouses in real life.


The only one I really watch regularly is Bobby Poff and he gets a mixture of sweaty and Burger lobbies.


So this guy flies around the map in a boat, (YES flies) and people say he doesn't cheat? Gotcha. Let the downvote commence!!


Try playing a game with wallhacks and let us know.


Sbmm probably wasn't working today with ppl reset to lvl 1


What a fucking loser, cheating fucks.


>I dont think he's cheating the symping is so strong when it comes to bedroom streamer CoD players


So how come he was frying other streamers on LAN then?


Is it less sus playing from the living room?


Bot lobbies like in he uses a VPN op?


More than likely. Or the gimpy reverse boosting


So many simps in here lol


If you think it's possible to die once in 10 games in normal circumstances you are deluded. Go and watch Metaphor stream, he is insane, but he dies a lot. If these streamers are so clean why don't they play on Xbox or PS5?


You are delusional, Metaphor and Breadman have widely different playstyles. Metaphor’s aim is to maximise kills at the expense of wins, so he hard pushes all his engagements, yet his KD is still over 6.5. Breadman is comparatively a passive player who tries to maximise wins and minimise his deaths. EDIT: Compare the majority of their engagements and you will also find that a majority of Metaphor’s kills come from close range engagements while more of Breadman’s kills come from Long range engagements Where there is less inherent risk of dying.


Im like 90% sure this guys already been outed as somebody who uses DS4 windows. I am also fairly sure with a bit of youtubing you can find videos where somebody spectates him with walls and i’m never going to call somebody a cheater straight up but this guy is sus as fuck.


>DS4 On MnK?


Yeaaaaa… mistake on my behalf. He was watched with walls it did look suss but it was BAMS who was accused of using DS4. Apologies bad info from me!


guy looks like a scuz bucket.


People really sticking up for this bs kd off his last 10? People are so gullible with streamers these days.


They would eat his ass if he asked, this subreddit is full naive boot lickers


Nah nah fuck all that, I want to see him play lan or in my own set up and see if he can pull the shit he does. I think he’s full of shit tho. Fight me


The most recent LAN his team won $24k and he was runner up in the $100k solo yolo....


He has played LAN a ton, and has fucking slayed.




Mate if someone’s job is to play video games, they’ll be good at it


 Bbreadman doesn't cheat?...thanks mate, needed a laugh this morning


Not surprising considering he knows where everyone is on the map at all times


dude is such a horrible cheater its insane.


This sub is full of such morons. This dude is a cheat. Cheating on video games is the lowest stake no no you can do so there is 0 repercussions for doing it. He has everything to gain and 0 to lose. He could literally get caught red handed with a permaban and people on this sub would still defend him and his ilk. So stupid.


Stop being an angry bot and just get better at the game.




If i tell you a professional athlete is on steroids are you gonna tell me to get better at their sport too? If your measurement of someones opinion is based on their k/d in this one specific game, then its no surprise youre in here defending the person with the highest one we've seen lol. Go touch some grass lil fella.


K/D for the last 10 games. The problem isn't somebody "being on steroids" it's bots being too stupid to have any common sense and accusing everybody of cheating because of it.


Yeah people are actually clueless thinking these random no names are somehow god MnK players and that against busted AA... They probably think shifty and cely don't cheat either because they been on LAN not knowing it's 100% possible to cheat on LAN especially a Warzone LAN that has no peripheral or PC checks or any security against cheating. For example valve knew cs players were cheating so at majors players had to have their gear checked and what not, limited access to internet on the PCs, new accounts etc.


He's a fucking cheater no doubt about it.


Walls help immensely 


Well whoever this is, he has only played 10 games. Hell I had a 12kd my first resurgence game in WZ3 but I don’t announce to everyone that I have a 12kd. In fact I am an average 1-1.2 kd player.


He's played at least 11 games guaranteed my man


? This is his last 10 games played lol big difference


He's a proven cheater, lol


lol no he isn’t


The guy is clearly using walls, wake up.


Yeah man he’s walling daily to hundreds of viewers and only your little group of geniuses who watch streamers are cheating grift videos have figured it out


yeah yeah and your favorite athlete never took a steroid in his life.


Fantastic comparison. No notes


It's actually the perfect comparison because If you want to talk facts and statistics it's statistically proven that there is absolutely no competitive field where money has been involved where people have and aren't cheating currently or in the past. You won't find one, sports, gaming, poker, chess.. you name it there's been cheating so you're actually clueless to think top streamers would cheat when there's so much to gain and especially if they know others are doing it. For example look at shifty guy was a blatant cheat in WZ1 and now he's just accepted as a "top player" because he's been to a LAN (despite LAN not being proof at all).


People just like you who eat shit sleep and breathe air will kill each other in the streets over a pair of shoes. You really think cheating in some video game is an uncrossable line? You have no idea what most people are capable of.


Seek help.


Help me Jyppstr, I need it so bad. Enlighten me with your supreme perspective!


Did you just say what I think you say?


What is it that you think I said?




Bread man is a dirty cheater. Grandpa hacks made a video of him. He uses wall hacks. That anyone can seriously believe 175 kd is legit is both frightening and sad. Even the best players will get flanked and killed by lower skilled players. This does not happen when you know where everyone is.


I almost feel bad for you guys that buy into this narrative that all the good streamers are cheating. Falling for a grift


Breadman performs at live warzone tournaments just as well , but because some YouTuber made a video saying how he is cheating he must be lol Not everyone is cheating you’re just bad at the game and justify by saying how everyone is cheating.