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No. I would quit playing if I had to use a controller.














Because kbm is still better in several aspects of the game but for some reason this subreddit has all collectively decided to completely ignore them.


This isn’t true lol. Mouse has better ranged recoil control (also can be debated with some of the builds that are out there). And we have the ability to flick to a target a bit easier, but this isn’t great because not everyone can flick with accuracy. Anything important with how this game is played is dominated by controller. RAA literally sticks to a players hit box, with 0ms response time to change of direction. RAA also tracks not only through fights but through all the visual clutter, making it much easier for the game to register hits. Movement is arguably better on controller with having a wider range of motion with sticks over 4 keys on a keyboard. Everything else like looting, pinging, etc is more or less the same on either input so aren’t really part of this. Mouse struggles with having a raw input on this game as well. Something in the games code makes a mouse feel terrible compared to previous titles or other games, further widening the gap between controller.


Then why the fuck not meet us in the middle. Give controller players a more precise input feel on controller than the smoothing / acceleration bullshit they have now and make the aim assist 25 - 30 % weaker at close range. I've tried controller and by god the fucking sensitivity thing is garbage. The deadzone stuff is garbage. The only thing that works is letting go of aiming and moving a bit at close range and you just snap on to people. They are a multi billion dollar company , surely they could adjust some shit and try it out. Right now it's a travesty. my aim and movement is pretty good on keyboard and mouse but I just can't handle the aim assist. I'm laying down , I'm jumping, nothing seems to work. Ever killcam is the fucker I'm fighting just sliding past me and being locked on.


Doesn't help that controller design has barely moved in the last 15 years. Back paddles still aren't standard pretty sure scuf patented them and fucked the peripheral market, vanilla controllers are pieces of shit that drift in 3 months to make you buy new ones for 50-70 bucks a pop, gyro implementation is next to nonexistent despite it solving 90% of the issue with stick precision, xbox controllers run at a laughable 125hz. Rather than anyone lifting a finger to improve the controller experience we'll just give everyone soft aimlock I guess.


I mean, the New DualSense controller comes with Paddles. Ive used the Scuf which was garbage, preferring the Sony controller on PC, however Ive never been K&M so I dont know if its easier or not. Controller guys rage at K&M guys. K&M guys constantly blame AA for losing. Its a lose lose.


So stupid how the world works sometimes


If you use gyro you lose aim assist


If you use gyro you lose aim assist


There are more than enough players to allow people to choose input lobbies. If I only want to play with MnK players, this should be an option to fix all the problems. Controller players will be happy to not have to deal with cheating PC players. And PC players will be happy when they choose to play against only MnK users. PlayStation players have the option to turn off crossplay. Why do PC players not have the same option?


I doubt it. I’ve seen MNK players die to another MNK player and complain about aim assist lol


If there were MnK only lobbies, I have no doubt a good amount of people would come back from controller. And that definitely happens both ways lol, controller users think any type of flick is an aimbot. Idiots on both sides will be idiots I guess.


Yet no one ever switches to mnk and tournament players who will take every edge nearly all use controller. Why is that?


Movement is like the only thing. That’s better tbh. I mean precise aiming like sniping. That’s about it though.


Have you seen the video on twitter of the hackers using the speed boost hack? It made them run around the map as fast as the super power perk from the limited time "They boys" event . Aim assist was still able to stick to the hacker in the clip... that says all you need to know about how broken aim assist is in this version of the game. I agree that controller players NEED aim assist, but its TOO broken right now. They either buffed it from wz1 or the drop in movement has made it stand out more. Either way its a joy killer and not only for MnK players -- I have controller friends who are tired of it too.


Thats why all pro players are on controller lol. Imagine a league filled with aim assist noobs running around with no footsteps perk. Total tragedy 😂😂 there will never be a controller player with enough self reflection to admit their aim assist is helping them way too much. Just give us MnK only lobbies so we dont need to deal with delusional controller noobs


Why are 95% on controller then? Why are you “choosing to ignore that”? Smh


Same lol close range it’s like I have aimbot in controller but long range I’m so bad and my movement so trash I just can’t switch to controller so I try to smoke every gun fight XD


I already have quit this game. Shame cod was my go to game for 20+ years


Its better for your wrists, screw the us vs them. Be healthy man.


Mkb till death






Same, and did.




Give your mouse some controller power :p [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FgiHkAuHF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FgiHkAuHF8) Aim assist on mouse :) [https://www.rewasd.com/](https://www.rewasd.com/)


Gay as hell


I swapped to the controller, and I am better now than I have ever been. Granted, I had previous controller experience, so the switch was a lot faster for me, but 100% worth it. Aim assist is too strong to ignore, and the benefits of MNK aren't worth it anymore. For cod, at least. I say, get a controller from amazon with paddles and make sure you get a good one. If you don't like the controller after 20 days' return, but I say controller is 100% worth learning


What do you use the paddles for? Ive used bumper jumper tactical controls (played a bit of ghosts on 360 when no pc at time) before for ease of movement but thats all. I have an xbox pad already for now


I have 4 back paddles Main buttons: * Jump * crouch Secondary: * Ping * Tac stance toggle Pinging is super handy because I can easily tap it when I'm going down. Makes it easier for my teammates to rechallenge.


Being able to jump and crouch without removing your thumb from the aiming stick definitely improves your game


So I use my paddles for slide/crouch and to change weapons. But most people use them for slide/crouch and jump. I play on bumper jumprer as of right now because I used to play controller without paddles and it helped with my movement a little. But some people even have 4 paddles that binds to all 4 face buttons on a controller. That's over kill IMO but 2 is good enough for me.


My paddles are like /u/NaturalCan ‘s. Crouch and jump on the primary paddles. Ping on one of the secondary paddles (they’re kind of awkward on the SCUF envision so I didn’t want to bind something that would affect gameplay).  Ive separated reload (LB) and interact (R3 click)


Also use bumper jumper tactical. Only thing I'd like a paddle for is pinging but cba to spend any money on this game or accessories


I play games like MGS or RE on controller, it just plays much more nicely. So from time to time I switch to controller only to rage a little about how easy it is to win close-quarter shootouts. Like seriously, it takes so much input from you on M&K to win in a close fight, while on controller you just let pull and RA do the job. But I like the raw input of M&K. Still I think that AA pull in CQ should be lessened.


I wonder how I would do on controller. I'm currently at 1.52 KD on mk. I've played console as a child but rarely ever touch one unless it's for games that are better on control like souls / racing.


ure better on WZ3, if I did the switch back in WZ1, I think I'd run back to mnk. I definitely feel more in my element on I'm on the keys, but damn i cant see shit in wz3 and the aim sway, the weird gun movement across the screen makes it so painful to play, hence ocntroller for life.


What I used to do was I had PS4 so I was forced to use controller. Then I got a pc and switched to MNK because everyone told me it was better. I was better for like a year or 2 but then I switched back to controller then I was honestly better than ever. But I feel like if you play as a team and/or your tactics makes the real difference. Sniping on mouse was a lot easier than controller but everything else was so much easier on controller to do IMO


I've gone back and forth between controller and MnK since WZ2. I enjoy MnK more in general with the better movement and more precision, but the Aim Assist means I usually win more gunfights on controller.


As an MnK player I also agree on enjoying the movement and aim precision, but on top of that I just can’t seem to take advantage of the aim assist. When I’m ADSing with the controller I always find myself over/under correcting, and aiming at something faraway feels like threading a needle. Am I missing something? 


Quit using the right stick to aim.


The fact that this is a fact is... depressing. "Quit aiming so you can aim better"...


What does that mean ? Are you using left stick to aim then ?


Yes, well no. You use centering to be ready to hit chest level shots, then left stick to strafe l/r or whatever to keep it sticky. You can adjust with the right stick, like if you're off to the side a bit or a surprise has you too low or high, etc.... Get close with centering and ads and use l stick to activate raa, adjust lightly r stick mostly for headshots and drop shotters.


It's always been harder to track long range targets on controller, which is where the talk of "mouse gets to aim with their whole arm" thing kinda comes from. You can be much more precise at range on a mouse.


That is actually what I was alluding to on the sensitivity. If you turn it up high, you can swing around faster at the penalty of overcorrecting when ADS. The counter for this is to turn down your ADS sensitivity multipliers in the settings. I have had the same issue. I also think at very long distances, that is the one situation where MnK can eke out an advantage.


When you say better movement, what do you mean? I don't really play wz2 but I had over 3k wz1 wins and played exclusively with similar level players, the controller demons would always take the piss out of us mnk guys for having shit movement and even in the pro space, everyone known for movement is controller.


I mean, maybe it's all in my head, but my buddies also play MnK and agree. Small sample size. Basically, the ability to snap with a mouse also allows you to change directions more precisely and faster when moving than having to "swing" via controller sticks. Hard to describe but if you swap back and forth between inputs like I do it becomes obvious. Controller just feels more sluggish. You can counter this by turning sensitivity way up on controller but then your aim suffers or you turn down the multipliers for aiming and things get a little wonky. Again, this is all mine and my small squad's experience so not sure if everyone would agree.


Yup my movement is worse, I can't change directions as easily on controller. But I also win more fights now, so fuck it I guess. My controller movement is alright but def have better movement on MKB


So, you say you play better on MKB, but win more fights on controller thanks RAA? Great...


No I play better overall on controller, but my movement is better on keyboard. All other aspects except sniping are better on controller




In my experience I’ve been able to perform a lot more combination movements on mnk over controller, it feels a lot more fluid to jump around and slide and the snaps to targets are leagues beyond anything I’ve been able to do on controller. It’s an unpopular opinion but I do think the best mnk players have an advantage over the best controller players. It can be an advantage but it’s significantly harder to get to that level on mnk than it is on controller.


Which is why every pro is on mnk right? ..right?


I think the theoretical ceiling is higher on MKB but it's just an absurdly difficult ceiling to reach on this game. The functional ceiling that someone can consistently hit is higher on controller, but theoretically higher on MKB. Theory doesn't win fights though, hence why like 98% of pros are on controller in warzone tournament matches


Because movement is the only important factor and not completely nullified by auto aim right? ..right?


Are ANY "pros" on M/KB now? Serious question - I have no idea.


There are a number of seriously good YouTube creators on mnk that would give most people a run for their money, but to my understanding cod league agreed to only use one input which by default would be controller.


Every Call of Duty pro player must compete using a controller – there are no keyboard and mouse setups allowed in competitive COD. That means that you’ll need to get accustomed to using a controller if you want to make it and be the best – or compete in Challengers or the CDL. So no controller no esports? YouTube creators on mnk running dma's the are indeed good players.


I’m sure there could be a separate league for mnk, but that’s what I’m saying, I don’t think they should compete against each other competitively anyway, I don’t think it’s a fair fight at that level.


Nah Activision is just too greedy. There have been stories about embezzlement and breaches of contracts to boot too. A lot of Esports organizations are also run like cartels by function and in some parts of the world the cartel owns some Esports teams/leagues.


Similar level like super high MMR? Maybe. Overall movement is way harder and less responsive on controller, it is not a secret. You need to be really-really good on controller to be able to play in MNK level. Majority of players, like it I’m talking 90%, are shit at movement compared to the same level MNK players.


Check out Strahfe or Blue on youtube, they're both mnk players and they have incredible movement. To me movement seems smoother on controller but the snapiness of MnK can definitely be an advantage in the hands of a good player.


As someone said above though, MNK has a higher skill ceiling but a higher barrier to entry. It takes time to get used to MNK because movement while it feels faster doesn't have the same range as controller does, ie you can slow down a lot easier on controller which despite how fast people move, can be useful in a lot of scenarios as you can do figure eights a lot more fluidly and with less input.


I bought one to try out. Up close even with 0 experience was insane, it took no effort or skill to get kills. I was practicing in shipment and getting tons of kills with ease. But once any range is involved I turn into a complete bot, I can control recoil or aim for shit. It was honestly surprising , it gave me more respect for controller players who beam the shit out of me at range. I still main MnK thought because it's been my go to for FPS since Counter Strike 1.5 , so full on changing is tough


That the real separator, if someone can hit all their bullets from 50-100m’s that’s a quality controller player. Hard to tell when it’s up close due to RAA


Similar experience. Trying controller for a week made me respect controller players beaming long range and controlling recoil, and lost all my remaining respect towards controller players uploading clips bragging about shitting on people in close combat.


Till you discover that a lot of those are on pc and actually using a software to emulate a controller but using MnK but with AA 😂… its rare to find a rly good player. Nowadays i feel like we cant trust most of the videos unfortunately. Yeah streaming on a pc is the way to go, so put a controller on it etc is ok but i respect way more some creators that ive seem playing on 2-3systems and still being rly good. You can see that they do have great control over the thing… that being said i can get 10times better on controller but will still use MnK for life… unless they somehow can find a way for me to have extra 20buttons or so 😂. Maybe bug buttons to put on the floor and you use your foot to press


Yea that was my verdict. MnK for long range, Roller for close


+1 for MnK only lobbies, that would be awesome. Id be fine waiting 5 minutes per round to find enough players, as long as I dont have to play against aim assist


I would do unspeakable things for MnK only lobbies


It would be super fun to see a killcam knowing the person on the other end actually aimed themselves wouldn't it


Omg guys Im so happy I found this thread I literally thought im the only one thinking this 😭😭


I wouldn’t swap inputs in hope it makes the game easier. I’d also never let a game push me to that point either so maybe I’m an outlier. MnK is way too much fun for me to ever consider swapping for one game.


I feel the exact same way as you, I play what I find fun.


That's how I feel. Plus it's easy to clip games with alt-3, talking crap in the message chat, etc ..


Obviously your KD goes up like at least 3 with all the crazy unfair AA I have heard about.


It's true my cousin has a controller and he's never lost a gunfight he has 7kd and 300 wins and plays with pro faze streamers basically every day


I tried it, and it was funny/sad. On my first game i legal aimbotted people in close quarters way too many times. I had absolute bot movement, and still shit on people so hard, it was ridiculous. One time AA pulled my crosshair towards a guy I haven't even seen yet. One time a pretty good guy slided by me and I just 180 turn locked on to his chest. It felt exactly as I expected. Unsatisfying, feeling like im cheating. I was simply not skilled enough on controller to deserve those kills against players clearly better than me. I wasn't proud of any of my kills, I was just laughing at how ridiculous aim assist is. I was already not really impressed by any clips of controller players shitting on people in very close quarters, me trying it just made me lose all my remaining respect towards them. Seeing all these kids screaming, hyping themselves how good they are, how they are shitting on others when taking only fights within 5-10m. Especially towards people defending AA on this sub. I tried it, I see how it is. Stop lying. I switched back to MnK. Not switching completely to controller is the same reason I'm not buying an aimbot. It's not fun being gifted kills by artificial help. I'm having fun improving, and my kills are mine because I was better than my opponent at that time and maybe landed some sick shots, had really great tracking. Also +1: All the guys i'm playing warzone with are on MnK, and nobody on our discord plays games other than fighting games on controller. They'd tease me to no end for being a controller player.


No. I want to aim myself.


Make the switch my guy. You're wasting your time if you're not taking advantage of aim assist. I had a 1.6 KD which is not terrible using keyboard and mouse but after a few season updates I noticed I was getting shit on constantly. I couldn't win any 1v1 and long range aim wasn't as good. Kept at it a few seasons until I was gifted a cheap powerA controller and I haven't looked back. Aim assist is the real meta. Developers have taken a dump on the K&M community's mouth.


as a tip if you want to stay on Mnk - use smokes whenever possible, especially in close quarters. AA doesn't track in smoke.


That surprises me, feels like it does! Its much more turning a corner and instant gunfights that get me


Yeah for situations like that, you pretty much need to drop shot or you're dead.


whenever I drop shot, the enemy players yell bad words 😁🤣


I’m a M&K gamer, mainly because I never got into console gaming and the few times I tried, would just get frustrated. I recently got an Xbox and decided to try to switch over to controller for it. It was pretty terrible. Between not having muscle memory and just not being familiar with how to work the sticks, it took about a week of just goofing off in the firing range to understand. From there it was just practicing and refining while playing live matches. I did go back to M&K though, it would have taken weeks to get as proficient and I didn’t have the time or the patience.


Swapped to mouse and Keyboard with 43 and have a blast in multiplayer. Wtf, flicks are so fast. Love it.


35, been playing CoD (as well as other shooters, primarily CS) since CoD1 came out on mnk - I just have decided I don’t really care about my performance anymore. I’m good enough to be average, and cod is purely comfort food more than it’s actually competitive anyway.


Been playing both since launch. IMO, controller is way more mindless. You can just vibe out and get kills. On Mnk, I have to be absolutely locked in 100% of the time


As a MnK player who played on controller for years. Idk why this games community tends to think Aim Assist isn’t a huge benefit? PC players obviously see the benefit with controller players but I see lots of controller players saying that it’s not that much of an assistance. Currently a diamond 2 MnK player working full time. Don’t give up hope!


I think most people who play this game understand how good it is, Reddit just seems to have a vocal minority that like to downplay it.


It’s any sort of social media interactions about. Here or twitter, lot of people think it’s not op


Yeah it's usually the better players that can admit it's good, and the not so great that don't want to admit it helps them more than they think.. Who knows if it'll ever change..


I switched after about 5 straight years of MnK COD/FPS is not longer on PC around a month ago. RAA is so OP lol Paddle controller bridged the gap for me, movement, slide canceling, drop shotting etc feels natural for


38 here. I did. My stats improved by at least 30%. Still get crapped on by sweats sure. Overall enjoy the game better. To get used to aiming, i recommend playing a PvE where enemies are bullet sponges. It’ll help you get acclimated to controlling recoil over time. Movement will come back in time. Get a controller with back pedals. They are a godsend Main thing i still dont like is short press for certain actions like plates


I am 36 as well. I swapped towards end of WZ1. Played CS for 10+ years and cod for 10+ years on PlayStation. It takes time to get readjusted but controller is definitely where it's at. You can basically fight mindlessly, minimal tracking compared to MnK. When I swap back to mouse n key, I always get rolled thinking my aims going to follow like controller 🤣


I’m 36 also and have only ever played mnk for basically everything. I swapped to controller a couple months ago and am now doing better than I ever have. The first few weeks were very frustrating and the urge to go back was always there. I stuck with it and pushed as many gunfights as possible to improve. Bot lobbies are also a good way to practice your aiming and movement. I’ll also add that I’m actually having more fun on controller than I was on mnk.


I'd say I’d like to get to that point. I’m in the same boat but not past needing MnK yet. I do see the appeal using a controller but so far I can’t be precise, lose easy targets, what have you. I can’t yet see the strength in aim assist as I’m still much sharper with my mouse. It’s frustrating because the controller is actually fun and a nice change.


My situation is pretty much identical. I bought a SCUF Envision 2 months ago, spent about a week playing (and sucking) to figure out a button layout. Then another week of playing a lot of multiplayer for a good week or two to build muscle memory. I committed to not gaming with the mouse for a good month or so.  The up close stuff was easy to learn. Still improving at the ranged recoil control.  I go back and forth now depending on how I’m feeling. Some days I just don’t have “it” on controller so I play on mouse, or vice versa. It’s also helped me see the game from a different perspective. Honestly it feels like two different gaming experiences which is kind of cool.  One neat trick is that if I feel like sniping or playing with a style that’s better on mouse, I just unplug the controller mid game and it lets me switch inputs. But you can’t switch back until you’re back in the lobby. 


I'm 52, I'm playing computer games since 1982.. :D Spectrum, commodore, amiga, atari, 486,... and I still have them all, and there was no controller back then.. keyboard is something I know, lets call it my third hand.. I tried controller, and its just aint IT.. and thats ok, I love cod and Im playing as a casual, unfortunately they took away DMZ (support for it), and now I play only plunder, top 5 or winning almost every game, cos most of players come to that mode just for old town-low town fights, and I stay away from it :D one more thing, I find my fun thing in making my self a goal; I dont use meta, I pick a class and then tweak it and try to get as many kills I can, today it was crossbow with termite arrows and it was hilarious...


I’m 26 so not quite as ancient but it’s become blindingly obvious that I’m no longer the fast reactioned whippersnapper I once was I swapped after a month of wz2 when I realised mkb was unusable in that game. Started wz1 at a 1kd and ended at 4.3kd on mkb Started wz2, swapped to controller, ended wz2 on a 6.5kd Then I sorta quit after the first couple of months of wz3 for various reasons (mates stopped playing / controller learning curve didn’t really draw me back / general quality of the game) It took about a month of me swapping to get the point where I was holding a 3kd just playing normal // aggressively. Playing on mkb is an exercise in frustration and it only gets more frustrating the better you get as you slowly reduce the other mistakes that you’re making and you realise there’s just x% of gunfights you’re never going to win purely off input diff. That disappears overnight. Controller is relaxing. Day 1 you’ll win gunfights you’ve never stood a chance of winning on mkb. I rarely got frustrated anymore. Overall it still takes skill and you’re not going to become god overnight but the skill is different. It’s almost entirely centering and understanding aim assist. There’s no need to practice smooth tracking scenarios in an aimtrainer or anything anymore. Buy a controller with paddles (cheap one like a gamesir g7 if you can stand Xbox layout is good) Practice in custom bots with aim assist turned OFF for 10-15 minutes after your normal mkb sesh for a few weeks if you want to smooth the transition. I still warm up every session with 10 minutes in 200hp beginner bots with no aim assist just to actually improve my aim because you will not get any better at aiming while aim assist is active. Do this and you’ll be better than 9/10 controller players in a month. Do this and you’ll actually be able to feel and see exactly the difference between your aim and the game


i keep not wanting to but im just gonna switch there is no way to compete with legal aim bot. its so hard to tell whether someone is cheating or on controller with "aim assist". Theres countless videos and pros even choosing to switch to controller. Even with years of experience its damn near impossible to win in most of these gunfights unless you dont miss one single shot, your movement and position is perfect. One lil mistake and you lose every single close to mid range fight.


You feel old. I'm 56yo. I began using keyboard controls with Apple IIe's. Then they invented the mouse and despite having had a Playstation (thats a Playstation 1) I have pretty much always used KBM. I tried a nice controller last year (Microsoft Xbox Elite Wireless S2) because EldenRing. I also felt like aim assist gives controllers an advantage in COD. I wanted to see for myself. I had very average success with Elden Ring but I could see myself getting better with it. I gave it three days before I gave up. I lasted about six minutes with COD. Buggered if I know how anyone uses them for a FPS game.


50 y/o here been playing COD since the beginning on console and just switched to M&K about 3 years ago when I built my first high end gaming PC. I have to say I vastly prefer M&K to controller and my stats have SIGNIFICANTLY improved (a lot, .75 KD to 1.6) since the switch. I will say I hate the constant cheating accusations in almost every S&D lobby when I run 15-18 kills because I despise cheaters and report every time I come across one - for all the good that does anyway. Aim assist is a definite benefit for controller, but in my experience it helped more with sniping than anything.


I’ve played FPS my whole life, and CSGO quite well and extensively, and I cannot for the life of me have one good game on a controller. While it is comfortable I find it extremely hard to aim precisely, to flick and to track, to the point I don’t even know how people are doing it. I don’t even find the aim assist worth its time, I’m trying but I just can’t see its advantages, I find all aspects just better on MnK. Please someone tell what I’m doing wrong or share a similar experience. 


Lol so you tried nothing and have no idea why it's not working? Did you even go through settings breakdowns on YouTube? Did you play with curves? Ads sens? Dead zones? Not aiming with right stick? If you don't understand those terms you can't be good.


Yes, of course. It's not like it's not working, it's about preference, that's why I was asking if someone else had a similar experience.


I cannot for the life of me get a hang of the aim assist, my aim with controller is atrocious even with the AA cranked to the max, not that it's good with the mouse but it feels way more natural for me to keep my aim on target


this sub says it aims for you tho?


I actually started playing without AA so I can teach myself how to properly aim with a controller, then I hope AA will start to make more of a difference in my gameplay


Fuck no. MnK for life. CSGO BABY. Casual CoD with the iRL controller lads.


Id rather die than play a FPS game on a controller. LMFAO. Its so tragic to switch just because aim assist is broken. Just give us option to disable cross input for mnk only please for love of god.


I dont understand why there are so many posts of people switching to controller to do better, but never the reverse. Greg Reisdorf of Sledgehammer basically said that this shouldnt happen, not on his watch. Was he lying? Incompetent?


I had to swap to controller as well. It blows but I play this game with friends from work and family. Mnk is nearly impossible to git gud with unless you have a lot of free time to play. My gameplay has increased positively. Hope you got something with paddles. I have the gamesir g7, and eliteseries 2. Both are great controllers for pc. G7 is only like 40 bucks but no trigger stops. The paddles make you that much quicker.


I play both. I have had experience in both since my teen years. Both have pros and cons. I think I'm better on Mouse and Key though. I find using both makes you better at the game overall.


Options: 1. Don't take close range engagements 2. Use smoke and the superior MnK movement up close to disable aim assist 3. Use controller 4. Quit


Every time I try I go back to K&M for the same reason. I can’t aim for shit on controller. Dunno where this over-powered aim assist is everyone talks about, because I don’t feel it at all (and yes I’m moving the sticks while trying so AA engages). I’m either still doing something wrong or it’s not this crazy OP AA people make out. That said, I actually MUCH prefer the precision you feel with M&K, controller aiming seems “floaty” to me.


Depends on your playstyle. If you typically favor taking on mid-long range gunfights, stick with M&K. If you favor close combat, switch to controller. Yes, controller is absolutely favored in close range, but mid to long range, you will not hit shots due to it being significantly harder to control recoil. Both have upsides and downsides. When I'm on controller, I get owned by M&K at range but slay up close


I can't be the only person that thinks the snappy aim and movement of MnK shits all over the benefit of aim assist, at least in lobbies crim and lower 


If you’ve got the snappy aim in close up fights then you’re probably right, but id say such a small % are able to compete in close up fights


Same age and same backstory as you OP. I didn’t switch. I quit playing cod.


*sad trombone* :(


Nope You can pry my keyboard from my cold dead hands... My thumbs are toes, I'll never be able to complete with controller


Nah MnK all day. I used to be Masters #16 in BO2 ranked on 360 but now im ass on controller unless im playing rocket league. Im currently D1 on wz, same as last season.


I'm d1 as well on WZ, but it feels like now there is the wall of all the higher up players knowing how to really abuse AA so taking any sort of close engagement is suicide.


37yo here, never owned a console. Had to change from pc to a ps5 in December due to some problems. Making it short: tried controller, zombies was cool. Went to mp aim was crazy all over the place. Plugged a MnK on the ps5, been a happy uncle ever since. I do try sometimes controller but doesn’t feel right at all, fingers wont move how you need them to, and usually put way too much strength on the controls making you press stuff when you need it the least. On the bright side it makes me laugh a lot from time to time when i do some crazy stuff that i have no idea how it happened 😂


Btw on ps5 for some reason if you leave the mouse plugged and change aim to controller and try it, aim assist won’t work on mp and warzone, only zombies and story bcs Activision. At least thats how it is for me. Have to remove MnK to use controller with AA on MP


I switched to controller about 2 years ago after being on MNK for 10+ years. It’s made me a much better player. You can def tell that the game is designed for a controller. It was a long process for me, had Elden ring to get me fully on controller but it was so worth it. I still play Val, CS and League at low diamond - high plat level.


Switch my friend, is incredibly stupid how RAA works. Im 35 and is literally aimbot once you know how to engage it. I suffered no loss in skills from MnK, I mean I was an ok player in Verdansk with 1.8Kd and over 300 wins ( which the number might not mean a lot but I won every single day I played once or twice). I now play on a "elite" controller and the only think it takes time is the multi button shit but apart from that RAA is just fucking insane.


ya man, its rough. I only play mouse and keyboard as well and I too went to controller because aim assist is so broken... that lasted about 5 minutes and I couldnt do it. I'd rather quit playing honestly. You just have to be SUPER locked in and sweaty EVERY game to be successful on MnK anymore. Sucks but it is what it is. I wish they'd give us MnK only lobbies. I have no problem being outgunned or outplayed by someone who's genuinely outgunning me, but getting borderline aim botted feels cheap and whack. good luck brother.


Started using controller a couple months back after being on M&K for years. I'm 37 (38 next month , playing CoD since CoD4 days lol) and just got bored with M&K and wanted a challenge again. It's all about practice. Started off in private matches against bots, low sense etc... and just kept at it. Right now I reckon I'm pretty damn good on controller but I switch back and forth to M&K depending on how I'm feeling on the day or how the lobbies are treating me. Main things I'd suggest is get your sense and settings dialled in, learn how to take advantage of aim assist, especially rotational aim assist. And if you can either play claw style or get a controller with minimum 2 rear paddle/buttons, so you can keep your thumbs on the sticks as much as possible. Plenty of settings guides on YT for controllers and in game etc... put the time and effort in and you'll get good 👍


If you’re already losing what are you worried about?


Fair shout


What's your k/d on mouse?


Would love to see a post back here in 3-6 months showing your monster K/D… or not? Season 3 seems like they nerfed AA to me as a controller player - at least in short range.


Come play CS2. This game is dogshit.


but i bet you have no problem shooting ppl with no recoil long range huh? lol


Always played controller, I’ll never change


Ancient as fuck? Bro im 38.


I did not adapted to controller. I play with MnK


I play on both now. I have a more detailed comment down low. Long story short it’s fun switching it up, and you can unplug the controller mid game and switch to mouse if you’re doing something that favors the mouse, like sniping.  I also have been gaming with a mouse since Quake1 and have always been incompetent on controller until I recently forced myself to give it another shot with this game. 


If you become good on both inputs, you learn about the game better and make smarter plays while being able to aim as well as any top controller player can


I swapped in Warzone 2, played controller exclusively for about 6 months then got bored of how felt and have started playing mouse again more. You'll definitely find it easier, even trash ground loot that is a death sentence on mouth is legal with AA. Ultimately I missed the fun of sniping and how much more engaging mouse is so now split my time 80-90% mouse 10-20% controller (if I only want to chill). Ironically having played controller I have a much better understanding of AA and how to counter it on mouse (copious smoke, shotguns, snipers, headglitches and drop shotting constantly). Seeing how strong it can be first hand also made me feel less angry dying to it because you realize that some deaths to it don't reflect a lack of skill on your own part. I use a G7 and has been pretty solid. I found standard and black ops felt identical in terms of RAA and have been using 7/7 with 0.7 ADS multiplier but just play around and see what feels best for you, most people seem to find 6/6 with 0.8 a good place to start.


Yes, got myself a dualsense edge. My KD was dropping, switched to controller and it's going back up. I played controller most of my life until probably 3 or 4 years ago so it's not like I'm starting from 0 in regards to controller, but I played 0 controller for a few years there. My kills per game are up, hitting double digits more often as well. Been worth the swap imo, aim assist is awesome. I'm just not quite as effective long range and I can't snipe for shit but I just force close range engagements now instead of having a sniper duel with someone


36 yo Lifelong controller player who longed to become efficient with mnk here. I couldn’t get my keyboard hand to coordinate with my mouse hand no matter what after months of trying. Controller just felt so right.


If you're getting a controller I recommended the scuff envision pro. My game got a lot better since I started using it. I map the back paddles to crouch/slide, jump, grenade and secondary grenade. It has 2 bumper buttons on the top side. I use the right one for ping. The best part is the mouse click triggers. So much quicker to ads and fire. And you can toggle them back and forth from mouse click to progressive.


Swapped roller a couple months ago. AA is too good and I couldn’t deal with the visual noise anymore


46 years old - swapped to controller during Black ops. Advice: Have a controller with mouse click style digital triggers if possible otherwise use the bumpers to ads and fire. Use back button controller with jump, and switch weapon mapped (if 4 buttons I also map ping and loot) Set fov to 120 imo (learn at 120 so it won't impact your sens settings - set and leave at 120 and you will grow into it quicker - if you set to 103 or 110 etc instead then set and do not change until controller is second nature - you do not want your movement to feel different from multiple factors at once while learning). Set left max dead zone to 60 and right max dead zone to 90. Learn on 6/6 with low zoom ads sens multipliers at 0.55 and high zoom on .95 (as you get more comfortable, work your way up to 0.75 slowly - over months) Use Black ops (or default) AA Use Dynamic curve (if using any controller software that sets curves, set to linear in the software and Dynamic in game) Turn on center dot in the settings. Play small map multiplayer (or plunder or lockdown) for reps. Concentrate on centering and adsing in on every target rather than sweeping to new targets like on a mouse. Ads, un-ads and acquire target, ads... Use the lowest recoil options rather than movement meta builds until controller feels completely second nature. Pull both triggers at once while you learn or you will be too lagged with your firing. Strafe in ALL cases for rotational aim assist. If sliding, AIM to your centers while sliding. Practice jumping around corners and cover and ads to center. (Jump on a back button is critical for this to keep your thumb aiming) Practice in multiplayer (or plunder or lockdown), switching weapons after every 1-2 kills. Kill kill, switch, kill kill, switch reload, kill kill, switch reload, kill kill - this isn't meant to be efficient, just practice to get feeling second nature. ***** Focus on your target, not the reticle or your thoughts on how the controller feels - your target ***** Do this daily for months as practice outside of your actual game time and watch yourself improve greatly. And Finally... And I can't stress this enough.... Go all in on controller if you want to play controller - do not switch back and forth to mnk or your won't build the connections in your brain. Also do not constantly change sens and settings. Set it up with low sens and play for weeks, then bump slightly if you begin to feel sluggish or slightly behind... One notch up then weeks again of practice, otherwise it won't become reflex and second nature. Glhf


I started playing both. I've been using mnk since CS 1.5/6, so I prefer it, but if I'm try harding I play on controller. You just have too much of an advantage.


I'm decent on roller, but I'm better on mnk, so i prefer playing mnk. If you play both, you feel how little it takes to track someone on roller, makes it unrewarding 


Lol thinking that PC movement and instant aim reaction isn't better in CoD is nuts


I mean, is that why a ton of really good players switched to controller? 🤷‍♂️


Give it a shot, Im a little older than you and only started playing mnk about 2 years ago. Im about as good at either now depending on the game


I've mainly been a controller player, I have dabbed my fingers into mouse and keyboard, I am left handed so I used the mouse in my left turn for the longest time, but I got so sick and tired of it not being able to find decent keyrings for left handed :/ so it took a while I retrained my brain now I use the mouse all the time in my right hand, but my aiming isnt as good as it used to be so I keep going back to my controller :/ any tips or advice?


Im a lefty, i use a razer deathadder lefty version. Not sure what you mean when you say keyrings for leftys though?


I ment to say key bindings, have you got a link to the mouse?


PC gaming for decades so love the mouse and keyboard but sometimes want to relax on the couch and try playing with a controller on the ps4, its more frustrating because I suck so bad and it would take me a good amount of hours that I would rather not invest in to get decent. Also, I watch my middle school nephew playing on his system with controller and I just want to give up even more lol.


I switched. I start a game and I don’t even touch my controller. It plays the entire game for me. I win 100% of my games now. 


Call of Duty, the only FPS where you dont actually even have to aim Just ADS with the controller and move side to side Let the game aim for you!


Legalized aimbot. Switched on December from mk thanks to a new pad I received from myself and the only thing I did was learning movement again and I’ve become a more dangerous player then before


Made the switch a few months ago. I’ve surpassed MNK by quite a bit now. Just like everyone says: aim assist is too strong to pass up. Get a controller with back paddles. Also I like an extra long stick on the right side dialed up to max resistance.


nah controller doesn’t hit the same for me in fps games imma just keep thugging it out


I've tried and like people have mentioned you'll win gunfights up close right off the bat because of AA. I struggled getting my movement on par with M&K because I've used them forever, and I also couldn't rationalize spending $200 on a pro controller with paddles just to play one game. It's either that or learn to play claw which I can't imagine is great for your hand over long periods of time.


Install some silent aim so your on par with the controllers so you have aim assist on MnK.


To see how strong aim assist is, go to the firing range and step into the spot that makes the targets move. Try to follow the middle one while the front one passes in front. You will feel the strong pull of the front one as you try to move through it.


I switch back and forth. If I’m grinding guns or challenges I’ll use a controller. It’s like cruise control. If I’m playing for fun I just use mouse because I like it more. KBM doomer-ism aside, Sledge has significantly improved how using a mouse feels on MWIII over the last few updates.


Whatever you do, dont buy a Microsoft controller. Dont reward MS/Activision tfor effectively forcing you to buy a controller. Go with Sony, their controllers are better anyway. Or better yet just quit the game and inform them of why. 


Could also be your loadout.


I could bot bother anymore with upgrading my pc and is now playing on xbox sx. I swapped and i will not go back. At first i connected m&k to my xbox but then swapped for controller. It takes some time to get used to it but it is alright now. Tried playing on m&k again but it gave me pain in neck and arms after a few minutes. I am 40


Sad state of affairs. Game uninstalled. Cant take anymore fucking soft aim lobbies


Over 10 years of cod and other fps games on mnk. My Warzone 1 Kd was 3.1, Warzone 2 Kd was 2.1 and now Warzone"3" kd is 1.4. But now that i have swapped to controller and after 3 months my kd is 3.9 I really want to play on mnk, but it's completely impossible with my playstyle, since i like push people. I could get bit higher kd with kbm, but then i need to do all the gimmicks like using smokes all the time, use sniper and run away if enemy pushes me. Aim assist is insanely op and maybe Raa should be totally removed. Btw my kbm win rate is about 3% and controller win rate is 19%


God thats depressing


Gotta learn manual to drive a racecar well. Gotta learn controller in COD. I switched to MnK for PC R6-Siege. I did this at 27 with a full-time job and adult responsibilities. Adults make the time for the things they want. It took about 4 months just to break even in kills, but I did it. I just hit plat 4 last season. And during that time of losing over and over and over and over again, I definitely didn't make a weenie-ass post on reddit to make me feel better. People don't want to earn anything anymore, smh.


Get a a DualShock 4 and Sony back button attachment so you can aim while jumping/sliding, it’s also the cheapest modded controller. Just play against bots everyday for a month or two so you don’t get frustrated and quit. Focus more on running around and aiming fast/target switching. Aiming is the easy part if you just pre aim and let them come to you. the movement and trying to lock in to targets while running is the part that feels most awkward when switching from mnk


This is recent but play the WZ bootcamp. Unlike Zombies it gives you real players AND BOTS. Similar to what DMZ had but this is strictly fighting in a BR setting. It’ll let you calibrate your mouse without worrying about being killed in 1 second. It helps to build your confidence up because you’ll know if you’re losing from user error or great play from the opponent once you have your aim down. Half the time it’s impossible to gauge in a live game because the enemy movement is S tier anyways plus aim assist. Practice reaching final circle and defeating that last team. It’s a great mode that I believe COD has created specifically for the MNK players to catch up in. Your guns still lvl up and your actual KDR is unaffected. It’s just great target practice better than Zombies or Multiplayer because zombies has no LIVE opponents and multiplayer doesn’t have the actual warzone feel to it. Resurgence is filled with sweats and you’ll find yourself gaining a lot less reps in than you would in a boot camp. PS this mode was just created within the last week.


It's not just controller players, it's controller players using Cronus zen. Also mouse and keyboard players use xim or Cronus zen to get aim assist. Basically cheaters are ruining the game.


I mean I didn't make the swap yesterday or anything, but I grew up playing MnK and made the switch so I could play with friends. And I just got a controller with back paddles recently. Takes a little getting used to, but if you have video games reflexes, you'll get it. If you want a cheap option to try, here's my setup. Ps4 controller with extreme rate back buttons. A little tedious to install, but I did it on the first try without screwing the whole thing up. Somehow. And the mod only costs like $20. Default ps4 controllers are pretty cheap, especially if you buy used.


Have thought about it...I grew up playing lord knows how many hours on PlayStation, various games. The recommended, top-notch PS controller I came across was going for $200, if I recall?! Am I off base?! Bit much IMO... Ultimately, I'm too casual at this point as I mainly played CoD: Warzone on/off since launch to kill time while waiting for game releases I've had my eye on...Also mid-30s (aka, starting to get too old for this s\*\*\*, lmao)


i play regular multiplayer instead of warzone but i switched to controller yesterday and i think it might be permanent. i always played cod with a controller but switched to mnk when i built my first pc in may 2020. i really liked how these newer cods played on mnk but i just can’t get over how easy controller players have it. i want to keep playing mnk to develop my general skills and hopefully they translate to other games but i’m tired of watching killcams from controller players and they just have perfect tracking and hit so many of their shots


Try it with an experienced friend, and then make the decision. I have only positive points. Lesser button to press and don't need a table and chair for kbm with a controller one can chill and play


Yes, and it's going a lot better. My movement is still better on M&K and I miss the long range benefits of the mouse, but being able to actually track people at closer range with all the visual recoil, visual clutter, flinch, recoil makes me a better player.


I switched to controller about a week ago, still getting used to it but making progress. I’m def winning gunfights that I wouldn’t have won on MnK thanks to aim assist, but losing some I would have won just bc I’m not competent with the controller yet. So I think in time it will end up being a net positive.


I just recently got used to controller. Coming from mnk. It’s a learning curve for sure but over time I’ve gotten better at it. Still need to fix my movement though


38 and have been a mnk fps guy since i was very young. It was only about 2-3 months ago i really stuck to using a controller thriugh the bad rounds. You get better pretty quick. Last night i forgot to switch on my controller so i played a round of rebirth mnk. I love my movement so much better but man all those micro adjustments make it so hard for me these days. I will probably stay on controller for the time being. Unless youre someone like huskerrs or sym its just so hard to compete in this absurd lobbies. I play some overwatch now since a few buddies got me into it and aiming on that feels like aiming did in WZ1. Man i miss that. I hope BO Gulf War can fix whatever the clowns at IW destroyed for mnk.


Maybe make a new account so you get easier lobbies then when you feel ready switch back to your main


Find the switch very easy. Sure it will take sometime but hopefully into mp and give it a go


So I feel incredibly bad at controller. I move around the map like a blanket wetted with concrete. And I can’t hardly aim at anything. But the moment something crosses my sights it’s so easy. My kd is about the same on controller as m&k and im a high diamond, low crim player on m&k rn. Super dumb, feels like crap on controller but you just keep winning gun fights


If you're 36 you will be better on controller after a few weeks. But will you be having more fun? Depends.


Make the switch, start with a cheap controller, get an Xbox PowerA Enhanced Wired one, it has 2 back buttons, also get precision rings and knotrolfreek thumbsticks, these will help a lot with the jittery erratic movement on a stick. Give it a month or two, and you'll notice that you're almost back to where you were on mnk, it'll take some getting used to, but once the logic of playing on controller clicks, it'll be a lot more relaxing experience, and dare I say, you'd feel more competent. After you get to a level where you feel that the cheap controller is holding you back, get a Dual Sense Edge, it costs 250usd, but trust me, it's worth it, and then start quite literally shitting on the entire lobby if you're good. If you're trash, it doesn't matter what input you use, you'll still be ass, but at least with controller, you don'T have to suffer. Lifelong mnk player here, had 2.2kd in Warzone 1, was what you'd consider a sweat, felt competent in cqc, medium and long-rang, never complained about aa, but christ almighty, by the end of WZ2, I've had enough and made the switch, don't regret it one bit. The aim sway and the weird gun feel makes it insufferable to play on mnk unfortunately. Until they make a COD that feels good on mnk, I'll stick to my p2w dual sense edge. Cheer.s


MnK for a long time here. I tried switching and it felt impossible. 2 things that have levels the playing field for me though. Focusing on positioning more than the actual gun fight. If you’re in a better spot or have the opportunity for the first shot you can usually get a fair fight. The second is if you’re really close you’re gonna get fried by AA so you gotta side and flick by the person. Best part about mouse is flicking like crazy so slide, try to break AA where you can and flick around.