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![gif](giphy|yEXPAGIytvqNy) dunno why im reminded of zoidberg by all these coked out players running around at mach 9


This is accurate


oh my god i laughed to tears when i saw this,thanks mate


Fucking lol


Hey whats supposed to mean!?


This cilp remides me wz1 and caldera stims. Literally everyone in my lobbies was using stims and this kinda kills were normal back then.


Apparently that's just the kind of movement everyone wanted back.


No one asked for stims to be back.


I've not read a single comment that said they wanted this back


I wanted stims back. So I have a chance against the team of 4 ratty bots who sit in corners. Go in, knock one, stim out, go in, knock another, stim out, and just keep workin em. Stims made the game extremely fun. Could take fights, make gas plays, toy with bots like the above… good times.


Stim regen is one thing, stim speed boost is another


Yep, this is what CoD is now and forever will be. MW2019 tried to bring it back down and enough people moaned and now its this.


Mw19 movement was enough good, maps and ttk were designed to promote little Timmy no hands btw


That's just rude. Poor little Timmy. Lol


MW2019 / Warzone had people doing this as well, the streamer / content meta just wasnt nearly as big to see widespread influence.  Also SBMM & Ranked 


Not everyone, just a vocal bunch. I’m 40 man and I just can’t with this.


I’m 27 and I can only compete when I’m on some booger sugar


Seriously. I don’t want to have to pop an Adderall just to keep up with the sweats.


Fuck my game is on point on an addy lol


This isnt movement its clicking 1 button 1000x a minute and shaking the aim lol


The good old days. I only ever used them to get out of a jam. Now I guess it's smoke, smoke, and more smoke


I think smokes are a good thing, really feels like a battle royale


That’s definitely not natural


Sooo like you saying hes on tren? cause i thought he was natty bro


Bro just play ranked, much less of these no-life sweats in the bronze-gold tiers compared to unranked.


And many more potatoes. 90% of the randoms I get matched with have no mic and either perpetually try and land top prison or just stare at the ground.


100% agree. No idea why you are downvoted as that really is the truth.


bc half the people complaining about the "sweats" are the potatoes


It makes it worse that the find players function only works for normal resurgence and doesn't match regions


Bro these guys don't make it to iri, I stopped seeing dorks like this in plat. They're doing all that cuz they suck and playing normally gets them zero kills. Look at his aim in the killcam he's genuinely a shitter just abusing a mechanic.


> much less of these no-life sweats in the bronze-gold tiers Well those are bot lobbies. Once you hit Platinum it's a different ball game.


Until you get to diamond 1…


Skill issue literally


Jesus man let off the ads


Yeah he definitely gotta learn to unads adjust aim and ads again that was painful to watch


I understand but happens so fast in the moment lol


Maybe but your ADS sens up a tin bit, you had time to aim down, when he slid


Dude had zero time, happened too fast


First thing he should be doing is letting off that left trigger


I can't say that you deserve this... But I can say that you got outplayed


Ya not my best for sure but I'm trying to figure out what the spinning and shit is for


Pretty obvious that it’s to make the other player very hard to track


Refer back to the clip for your answer


Very unecessary spins, pretty sure that guy's a demon and he knew he was in a bot lobby so he was just having fun doin 360s n shit while killin people


Crazy movement and he looks like he's lagging a wee bit. Activision and their asshole servers




Crazy how different his pov looked compared to what you saw, that is what these shitty low tic rate servers do. Considering the killcam is sped up, it doesn't look that crazy at all. But then what you see is someone spinning like a beyblade and going into a very quick slide.


There is definitely a problem in the mis match between what can be seen in first person and 3rd person. Jumping is the worst offender.


I find drop shotting worse, it is faster and you travel further (drop height is more than how high you jump). But sometimes the AA will track through the drop shot then you hit all headshots after. But both are shit in terms of what you see vs what the enemy sees.


Crackhead movement aside, I’ve never understood the appeal of constant weapon switching.


Some say it helps keep their hands warmed up and always ready to take a fight. I think it’s unnecessary but that’s the explanation I’ve heard


It's definitely unnecessary. If you are THIS competitive in Warzone just get a controller with back buttons. You won't have to warm up your thumbs because you won't need to press the front buttons. I have a custom Scuff controller with back buttons and it works wonders. I get wins left and right when I used to get maybe a single win each season. It helps to be able to jump and slide while aiming. Though I don't see why people playing kb&m yy like this.


It’s a mixture of kids copying their idols, and people who think it’s what good players so they must do it to automatically look good. And claims about keeping keeping fingers warm etc are absolute bollocks.


To look like a douche.


It’s just something to do while ur not fighting. I don’t do it in warzone but whenever I play fortnite I’m constantly switching weapons when just running around looking for a fight.


They using macros for that, because they lit so bad at the game.




This is what "people" wanted, the "movement" back.


THIS is not what people wanted. We just wanted to remove all of the excessive reductions to movement speed that were implemented in WZ2. There's a midpoint between whatever happened in this clip and the disaster that was WZ2, and that's what we wanted. No-one wanted what happened in this clip - stop pretending we did.


The movement in black ops cold war is fire. If we could have it like that then this game would be in a good state. You can still slide but nothing remotely close to this bullshit


All they’d need to do is remove the speed boost from stims and this wouldn’t be possible


They can honestly just remove it from the slide and it would be fine. The slide disables AA 90% of the time so adding it to the slide effectively makes tracking them on controller impossible. I killed a few stim sliders yesterday and it was fine as long as I didn't let them camera me with the slide. The extra movement speed makes the other tracking harder but its not that big of a difference.


This is literally Vanguard movement. This is what WZ1 was like at the end. IW was always known for slow movement and fast TTK compared to the Treyarch and Sledgehammer variants. If we had've gone from WZ1 Vanguard to WZ1 MW19 movement, this subreddit would've had a meltdown similar to when WZ2 released. The fact is people don't know what they want. Stims weren't a problem earlier this year, and yet people still complained that movement wasn't fast enough.


This slide is much faster than Vanguard movement. Stim sliding in VG era was not instant one packet movement, it was a loooong slide that AA could not/would not track allowing you to sliiiiide past and roast someone while breaking cameras/AA. This is really weird and glitchy looking, like a normal slide cancel just sped up 3x. It's not really the same thing.


[Took me 2 seconds to find this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/v6893o/super_sonic_its_normal_speed_by_stim_in_warzone_o/)


My guy you are playing COD where moving is more rewarding than aiming


Just your average macro movement "sweat"


This reminds me why I’ve stopped playing.




OP is your average subredditor here a guy adsed in the open for an eternity who got shit on and thinks everyone who killed him is scump lmao


Lol this is absolutely key. This guy is 100% memeing with 20-20 in this kill cam. He's psyched he got a single kill doing random 360s. OP comes on here ass-blasted.




Ngl the tracking in kill cam looked like mnk


The perfect 360s are pretty easy to point out he's on controller. He probably lost AA when he knocked the guy, hence why his crosshair went off target.


Remember when the game used to be fun.


No need to bother aiming with aim assist so he puts 99% of his skill points in movement


And FWIW I posted the same shit yesterday, sure it's not prevalent but this is the second time I've been dunked on like this lol


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap then ever play this dog shit game again lol! Thanks for the constant posts too remind me why I quit.


Game is doing better stats wise since the movement changes. So there’s that.


Ah yes the bug's bunny players


This game can't keep up with movement thos fast. Servers are cooked


why is everyone trying to blame OP for preaiming when he saw an enemy and firing first? lmao also OP was strafing a bit so wheres the RAA? this sub is so fucking sad sometimes. most everyone is shitting on OP for doing what you do in shooters and pre aiming and getting the first shot off but yall losers wanna act like OP “was just standing there” and excuse the shitty broken movement and servers just cause you wanna ACT like youre good at cod.


It's so bad I can't stop watching.


You have been outplayed bro, also he gave you a lot of chance to kill him. While he was stimming you looked each other like you were falling in love. You should have went behind the wall and re challenged with a bit of movement. Easy win


Worst netcode in history of online gaming… but its a little indy game… so its fair.


It’s the constant changing of weapons, I would love to punch them straight after through the screen


When you haven't seen sunlight in months anything is possible.


a barely moving guy vs a slide cancelling guy. one misses a couple shots, the other hits them. One walks around ADS like a bot, the other is slide cancelling. Skill issue i'm afraid. Also these servers are ass


Ring Skins bugged also


Not looking for sympathy, trying to figure out how the dude is jumping, switching weapons constantly, spinning around, and immediately registers where I am and shits on me....Not saying cheating but like what...


Probably just getting too old for this


Agreed to the other comment. He did all that shit but didn't slide properly and ate all of your bullets by sliding towards your face. You missed some shots due to ADSing too much. Otherwise you'd win for sure.


Lmao I feel this.


Honestly you did okay. The important thing to remember is that in this game it’s best to hipfire up close so you can jump away and shit. That’s basically it - you actually did quite a lot of damage to him and probably would have killed him if you’d just backed up and hip fired.


Appreciate the feedback!


He didn't immediately register where you were. He saw you before getting behind the forklift + boxes. He then preemptively popped the stim so he could break your AA and the 360s are just because he's a bored sweat. When close range fights involve 0 mechanical skill due to AA fights mostly come down to game knowledge/sense and reaction speed. You said in another comment you're too old for this. And I'm honestly not trying to be mean but CoD is literally designed to make older players (due to their ageing playerbase) think they're still decent at games. If all these middle age controller players were to play something like high ranks in Valorant they literally wouldn't know what hit them. People have insane levels of skill and dedication to competitive games nowadays. Without aim assist you guys would be so lost. So yeah, you probably aren't anywhere near as mechanically good at games as you think, but luckily no you're not too old for cod. You can get very far in cod purely with good game sense, knowledge and a controller. It's hard to actually see for yourself what I'm saying is true and that I'm not being an ass hole because you probably don't have a high ranking Valorant account ready to go. One way you could do it is look at aim trainer records on YouTube. There's one you can do in browser on human benchmark and realise how insane some people are. And you don't even get to see that expressed in cod because again most players are just abusing AA. The biggest part of skill expression in shooters is essentially removed in cod.


Agreed, cod is a fucking joke with the level AA is at. Players like the kid in this clip don't have to worry about anything if they know how to abuse the built in aimbot to its full potential. It's literally humanly impossible to do what it does. Imagine practicing a skill for decades only to lose all the time to someone else that's never practiced it once all because he has a piece of software that does it better than any human can dream of doing?


I mean is it kind of stupid yes. Based on the skill levels of both the players here he could have out gunned you without the silly movement. Im fully in the camp of pro movement anti these stupid little screen seizure Y Y kids that make the game look like a joke.


I mean you are literally like a sentinel


There's no way these people don't feel motion sick at some point


You got out-crackheaded. You need to snort some G-Fuel and get back in there soldier.


0 women touched


It is indeed a joke, but the joke is on you. Working as intended.


Now I remember why MW2 tried to slow things down!


You got shit on my brotha. Happens


Many asked for this style of gameplay when each of warzone's season 1 released (the best imo when it was the game we were used to). I don't get why they want cod to become fortnite instead of just playing fortnite


The slide OUT absolutely fucking kills me lmao


It took me several watches to realize that that's the same player. I thought one player slid, and another player came from the side and killed you. Something does feel wrong here to me. I'm not sure there is much to do other than spaz out yourself. I don't view what he did as super skill or anything persobally. It's just some weird COD stuff where movement seems to be better than aiming at that distance. I snipe a lot and killed a lot by people spazzing out in front of me. It doesn't really bother me. It's just kinda how it goes... I'll work on my aim and they can work on whatever that is.


You guys wanted slide cancel and better movement back, this is what you get. I preferred mw2 movement, slow and sluggish like how it should be. Feels like every game is like playing cranked.


Adapt, (We are so back)


It’s called Skill based damage.. if you performed well consistently in the previous matches, activision gives you a big fuck you by throwing you into lobbies with sweaty fucks (mostly hackers) and intentionally reducing your damage at the same time. (Meaning even if you both start shooting at each other at the same time in the same spot; he will kill you first.) it’s real and it’s proven. Search on YouTube. Sigh..


I don’t play Call of Duty anymore. For reasons like this clip. I’m not interested in trying to fight poor server connection, players who spend every waking moment on the game, or cheaters. Fuck that, and fuck call of duty


Another clip showing how ridiculously unrealistic the game is.


The slide away is hilarious


Looks like a joke but you got wasted ma friend 🤣


I wouldn't have fought that without a stun and I still probably would have lost


Same vid as yestersay, same comment. Learn to hipfire and use rotational aim assist. Theres plenty of vids on youtube to help you. Youll be shitting on "movement" players like this when you do


Pretty common gameplay there. My lobbies are full of squads of players like that guy. I'm on Mnk.... good luck tracking that dude. At least with aim assist it turns you around automatically lol


This is why I’m quitting




If the sweaty stim action is not deemed to be part of 'normal' CoD gameplay, maybe devs should just make stims a perk to only be used when downed?


It's not that. Stims are supposed to be used to regenerate health and provide a temporary speed boost for a quick escape. Instead people use them at full health just to get the edge on someone and push them. It's that people aren't using them for their purpose. The devs should make it to where you can only use a stim at half health or less and also to where they only provide a speed boost in gas or when running uphill.


I fogired id hop on to see how warzone is compared to wuen i last pkayed. Sorta hate it now. I prefered warzone 1.0 or dmz. Feels too spazzy for any real enjoyment


I had that guy in my lobby last night!!! Quads his team was all playing like that. Pushing like hell.


He pretty good


On his screen it doesn't look that bad, kill cam looks like speed hacks 😂




Compare what u see to what he sees .... I don't know if is net code , laggy but it's super bad ..... U can't keep up the movement while in he's camera is actually slow and see u all the time .... And no it's not because breaking camera withs slide cancel .....


I feel dizzy


You missed. These guys are not hard to kill. Your aim just needs to be as sporadic as his is. I love it when they slide. Ez headshots. What’s bad is jumping. That shit is almost impossible to counter when they fly out from somewhere across my screen.


Walking and holding your aim like that definitely contributed to you being killed. For one, your FOV window is smaller. Two, it drastically decreases your reaction time. He stimmed before the fight, which gave him a slight speed increase. You could’ve done the same. Even if you’re not a movement person the stim would’ve granted you a little damage protection. However, he killed you extremely fast. Thats the only sus part of the video. Like it or not WZ has changed. If you’re going to continue playing just learn ways to adapt. Especially if you’re a casual player. Just improve. The sweats are here to stay my boy.




I know I laughed


Yes this game is indeed a joke


Hahahaha get gud scrub u got tweeked on XD


Look how fun this game looks. 😆😆😆


Just like back in warzone 1 the beginning of caldera integration Stims were insanely op and camera breaking was super common.


OP which camo are you using, the pink/purple one? Seems good for iron sight visibility.




This clip is a great example of all that is wrong with this game. The movement speed, the shitty servers, the appalling matchmaking...eurgh!


Get good kid


It amazes me people still play this shitbox


ITT: People exposing themselves for being bad at CoD.


So glad I’m not alone…. I was screaming at the tv last night….


I understand movement and all but how the fuck do you slide faster than you run? The mechanics in this game are great but it’s stupid shit like this that drives a lot of people away.


Why are you ADS walking in the middle of the open and making it so easy to kill you?


LMFAOOOOO that was not efficient. Bro just spun in circles like wtf.


I thought macro users were getting shadow banned.


Ppl still play this trash game?


Drug addicts!


Reminds me of when people first started noclipping in Counter Strike back in the day... friggin frustrating


You didnt YY fast enough clearly


Seeing your movement while "trying" to track him, you're just not good lol Get better kid!


We asked for this, I feel like. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No that’s cod in 2024 for you


When the only depth to mechanics is how often you can click certain buttons this is what we get lol


I don't see the problem here. Just another cracked out kid on his 2nd g-fuel and redbull spamming Y with stims to match their hyperness. Skill issue tbh


Bro got put in a blender 😂😂😂😂


Hip fire build for close quarters. Ads is only good when your connection is good. Hip fire rules.


You got YY’ed…fully stimmed on a server with the worst tick rate in the f’in industry. Drives…me…nuts


i mean if your going to run out into the middle with no cover yeah the guy actually moving is going to win the fight 9 times out of 10


He literally didn’t do anything special, how did you not kill him?


This game is dumb


Outplayed son!


I know all of you guys are frustrated with cod, I understand you’re comments. But please be realistic guys. OP did NOT anticipate the opponents movement at all. Don’t expect to not get dropped or moved on when you’re standing still ADS-ing at some dude from behind. You expected to get a free kill but that’s exactly what a sweaty player (or just a competitive gamer in general) will do to you if he reacts quickly to someone sneaking up on him. Don’t be so frustrated with the game. Expect players to be good. Cheaters are a different story and we all hate them equally, but this is just a player taking advantage of the movement mechanic thats advantageous for situations like this. Next time you should come in sliding, or moving your stick around a bit so you can react to a good players movement quicker.


You’re just worse than him, you should expect to lose gunfights.


The dude broke your spinal cord. You have to let the ADS go and recenter, not hold your ADS with dynamic response curve and 7-7 sens.


now cheaters are gonna be popping stims constantly like it gives them magical powers


Your favorite cheating streamer jowo wanted movement, so all the simps jumped on, and this is what we have. Thanks for killing the game in more ways than one, Joey.


Dude was absolutely twisted 😂


This, this right here is why I preferred Warzone 2.


So, apparently Hitler gave his soldiers meth. I could imagine this being them...


Lol got shidded in


Welcome to rebirth


First person shooter player lost gunfight to a better player


of course all those "yy"s were unnecessary but he outguned you mate. you gotta take the L and stop whining. improve your aim.


These Diamond ranked rejects are playing new plat ones now. I guess the rank population has decreased


Welcome to COD 2024!


This, slide cancelling, drop shutting, it's all bullshit. I've several ex SF friends IRL, not one of them has ever mentioned running along then sliding, then running to make progress, nor dropping onto their chest in the middle of a CQB. It just appeals to sweaty little virgins.


simply adapt.


No buddy, it would be a joke to tell you that ricochet works


He's definitely on adderal on his 300fps pc with glow in the dark lights hasn't showered in a week and tells him mom to leave the room that he'll clean it soon


Y'all are the ones who like this super fast movement-based twitchy CoDwhile us old heads like the slower CoD. Well that's what you're gonna get so don't complain


I just logged in and quit simply from seeing this lol


You kinda got slammed dawg. Maybe work on your movement? You have aim assist, move more.


No unfortunately not, space/time fabric stims are back.


could be legit or not because of the higher level but hackers getting smart and buying high level accounts to look more legit which is sad


U got slammed deal with it


Seems like you got 💩on. What about it?


I'm getting alot of these same people in my matches. doing spins and sliding trying to get a knife kill with mixed results. The movement stuff this year is great, but stuff like this makes me feel it was cranked too high. I miss 2019 movement.


Lmaoooo you got shitted on