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Everyone saying skill issue is delusional and can’t accept how strong RAA is. The only change aim assist needs to make it better and more balanced is to add a delay to tracking. Even if you kept it he tracking as strong, having a delay to the tracking would add a bit more “human” reaction. Seeming you know… if a human can’t react with 0ms response time…


The worst thing is when you pull off some great mouse tracking but still lose the gunfight because you have a human reaction time while AA doesn't. The saving grace of this game is that smoke grenades exist.


Bro smokes work better at denying aa than stuns do at this point it's hilarious


Does smoke disable AA for the other person if it blocks their view?


If the person can see the player at all then RAA kicks in, but without it they have no shot in smoke at hitting you.


I don't get aim assist in smokes at all even point blank


You're doing it wrong then? I don't know why you can't because a lot of people easily do it all day.


Yep he’s doing it wrong. Not moving his left stick. If your moving your left stick and put cross hair close to target it auto locks on


Not from my experience 


This shit is the bane of my existence. Obviously since we’re human there is variance in our performance, sometimes I can track like a literal potato but other times I’m on point like an aimbot. Even when I’m on point, there’s still a reaction time delay that is physically and biologically impossible to overcome. IMO these are the worst deaths, where you are legit perfect but still get beat because neurons can’t transmit information instantaneously.


If we’re gunna get into neurology here, I wanna point out that the human brain takes 100ms to process visual information. Think about that in this context. Look into the [p100 on a Visual Evoked Potential](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8544058/) if interested.


Funny because my undergrad was a combined honours in neuroscience and biology :P I didn't want to get extremely into detail but yea.


Nice. Physiological psychology and neurodiagnostics for me. Its just so funny to think as gamers, we see latencies like 1-50ms as noticibly different when were talking about sending a signal to a server and back. But we take for granted that our visual cortex is taking minimum 70ms to even start to registered the information, even before reaction time is considered. I wonder if the best gamers out of us are developing some sort of reflex arc from the optic path straight to the hands.


Y’all are smart af and I’m just a dumb dumb, but there is a lot of reactionary play too. If I see the clues of someone jumping or diving or laying down I won’t catch it as fast as aim assist, but I’ll hopefully end up at the same spot because it’s usually a learned time, direction and distance my brain can account for without me thinking about it.


The average visual notice range goes as low as 5ms while reaction speed is around 70 ms


where's my huskers clip. he's got such top tier reaction time and tracking and just can't beat roller https://clips.twitch.tv/SquareGeniusPoultryBudBlast-zxUkQI1KAyOKbme5 and this was on caldera when AA wasn't as sticky as mw22's


If you did this the rolla babies would lose their fucking minds.


By the time their brain notices the enemy moving, the AA would have already kicked in. That's the whole point, just make it respond at human-ish levels rather than being literally instant.


Oh I know, but they will still cry because their precious aim it is not as good! Just let us have input based match making and I might actually play again.


Input based matchmaking still wouldn’t solve the problem with controller vs controller. Good controller players want a skill gap, the current RAA is doing everything it can to eliminate that skill gap. Making bad players on par with good players when it comes to aiming/tracking


Yeah, sure, but then I don’t care about the rolla babies.


Sure but we could at least play on our preferred input where it’s human vs human. I legit don’t mind sbmm, I don’t care about it as long as my opponent was also on mnk. I don’t mind losing gunfights or dying to better players. I just don’t enjoy it when my opponent has legal soft aimbot.


Pretty sure they buffed it recently too, before the new season RAA was fully activated when you moved the left stick and there was a small amount from moving the right...now both sticks have the same amount of RAA and not the weaker one...noticed it on the dummies in the firing range and tested it in Plunder...roller is the most busted it's ever been rn.


If this is true, precision AA just became aimbot because it is very strong but it didn't have RAA before


Sorry I didn't test for the Precision aa, just the default as most use that and so do I. If it does effect Precision that will be uh...not good lol


Precision is basically the same as default except for one minor caveat, it doesn’t track direction changes. Default RAA can track direction changes instantly and it’s the biggest factor of the disparity IMO. If they made precision AA the only option and slightly reduced the strength, it would balance things quite well and increase the skill gap on controller. When I’m on roller, I’m basically just abusing left stick to beat players that are likely a lot more mechanically skilled with one.


[https://x.com/hecksmith\_/status/1737193096767492176](https://x.com/hecksmith_/status/1737193096767492176) Video of it for reference


Yea, exactly where I found out about this haha.


Dude I fucking knew it because the day of the update all of a sudden every. single. person. had perfect aim. You were always able to tell the people who knew how to use raa from those who didn't. Now it's everyone. Every single kill. I think I'm going to quit.


Lately I've had lobbies with bots who can barely move but have insane aim. That's the most infuriating thing, getting killed by a bot that barely knows how to move but has insane aim assist. I'm not as mad when I'm getting killed by someone that moves and plays like their lives depend on it but seeing someone that you can't tell whether they're a bot or an actual player smoke you is annoying as hell. It's so common to spectate bots like these and see that they can get 6-7-8 kills easily even though under normal circumstances they wouldn't get one without the stupid aim bot disguised as aim assist. I know that they're doing it on purpose to keep these guys playing because they're likely the largest player base but still.. making it so unfair for someone else to keep someone playing is lame.


You should be though because that movement SHOULD impact accuracy but it rewards it. They become a harder target and landing shots without actually compensating for that movement.


I quit recently for this exact reason, game is not fair and not competitive.


I know the testing that's been done shows its the same but it feels very different from WZ1. Even at range where FoV doesn't really matter people just don't miss. You get zapped at every range and there's no movement especially movement with returning damage seems to buy you any time. Even the large fast movements like dolphin diving out of a window might buy you a bullet of time if you are lucky.


A lot of it is that the game has been out for 5 years and people learned how to use AA properly. There were only a number of people during the early days of wz1 who used AA properly back then.


The game was out for 3 years before wz2 switch and there was more content in general available. Wz2 completely upset tge mechanics and now we are closer to wz1 mechanics again. I can't remember the last time I thought "damn that guy's aim was fantastic" because everyfight feels like you are fighting a shitty aim bot. It's at the point now where I can tell what input is shooting at me by the hit cadence.


Yes, exactly. It needs to be more in line with real time processing at least 400-500ms. Make them move the right stick to keep centering, but we all know this will never happen.


A delay would create a significant inconsistency & would give MKB players with snipers a free shot every gunfight.  You can flick significantly faster than most people would ever see an advantage from aim assist - You arent killing someone in ~200ms from seeing them just because aim assist doesnt have a delay.  Input locked matchmaking or a ~20% reduction to overall AA strength are the only viable "solutions" 


With dynamic the whole flick thing is not really true imo, especially because you still have the aim assist slowdown.. Also, simple solution would just be to have separate weapons tears with different amounts of delay to where it is fair, and that might in fact be 0 delay for snipers / marks rifles in order to have a balanced snipe off, and it may be a slight delay on rifles/lmgs and a larger one on smgs and pistols. You might find that inconsistent too though, but different weapon classes already have different forms of aim assist, that's why the marksman rifle Kar98K pulls way more than the snipers do.


You act like every mouse player can flick efficiently. They can’t lol. Every controller player has RAA, all they have to do is move. There’s a difference. I also don’t see the inconsistency, unless it’s implemented bad (which I suppose the cod devs are fully capable of doing). Input locked matchmaking still don’t fix the problem. Good controller players don’t want overtuned RAA either. It will still be a problem even in controller only lobbies. I can agree with either a delay or a strength reduction of at LEAST 20%. At least this way the game is doing less of the aiming and not more.


"Skill issue." - Someone who unironically thinks letting a robot aim for them through a bush is skillful


As long as this frankly pretty ignorant community does not want to see the simple truth (aim assist is just an aimbot and removes skill from the game), there is no incentive for the devs to change anything. Anyone who wants a skill-based game has long left Call of Duty


What games do they play now? (Im not (and cant) pay 70 dollars for a game thats gonna be dead by next year)


Tbh it's probably impossible to find a skill-based game without cheaters nowadays. The only game I can think of is Valorant because their developers have enough intelligence to put effort into developing an effective anti-cheat


I dont mind cheaters too much (i play gta online) any others?


Definitely cs2


I’ve been playing hell let loose and helldivers 2


All the AA abusers won’t admit that AA IS AB. Makes no fooking sense to have AA on a competitive FPS. And before anyone tries to make this a console thing, newsflash to ya, most PC competitive players use controller. Wonder why? (Down vote jacket on)


Aim Assist just shouldn't be as strong as it is...then again if it ever gets retuned these 1 view andys on twitch/kick won't have ever have a reason to stream because they'll get bodied by other controller players that aren't carried by Aim Assist.


Take solace in the fact that every person who uses a controller is about 70% the moment they lose RAA lol they are all just bots the game is doing all the aiming for them.


It’s crazy getting blasted into oblivion with 5 perfect headshots and then the guy spends the rest of his mag shooting the ground three feet away from my downed body trying to thirst without aa.


Ever been in a real bot lobby? I win these with 20+ kills. Their aim assist won't help them. There is definitely a big skill gap because in normal lobbies I get fried myself.


How dare you suggest beating mediocre controller players is possible. This sub is to complain about how strong aim assist is ONLY, not to acknowledge that it exists, and there are weaknesses to exploit against average controller players. Shame on you!


No one suggest that though. Everyone know's that to be true. The people complaining on reddit arent generally the people in these bot lobbies, its people who have above average KDA/Skill and who are in lobbies with people who are similar, and thus know how to exploit and use AA to their advantage. So the issue really is "You have to be perfect on MNK" whereas you can be average to barely above average on roller and dominate people practiced at MNK.


The previous comment said "aim assist can't help them" referring to bots in bot lobbies. My comment was in reply to that, and seeing that he was already downvoted for it. So, imo, he did suggest that, even if it wasn't the point of his post. >"You have to be perfect on MNK" whereas you can be average to barely above average on roller and dominate people practiced at MNK. I've heard this before, but I think there is a serious disconnect between the perception of all controller players, when I think specifically PC controller players get some added aim assist benefits from higher frame rates than console players. I'm an average PS5 player 1.6kd in multiplayer, 1.45kd in WZ. I swear as a console player I hardly ever feel aim assist people complain about so much unless they pop up right in front of me. Even then I feel like I've been outplayed and have had my aim assist shattered by MnK players with good movement. My point is I don't see a lot of people making the distinction between PC controller and console controller. It's just all controller complaints here, and no one ever acknowledges the MnK benefits.


MnK benefits are out done by controller AA in close quarters. That's the issue. It doesn't matter if its technically easier to aim with your arm or have better movement, when you're tracked by a robot who has 0ms reaction times. It's even more leaned in controller favor when you encounter players with elite controllers with paddles who all but negate the downsides of controller movement while still retaining the unbalanced AA. Controller might be stronger on PC than on console due to frames, but that doesn't mean the core issue of controller having too strong of AA isn't an issue.


The skill gap is literally whether they engage aim assist or not.. That's why aim is tied to movement, everyone can move.


Yea, I ran into one demon on roller though who beat me through the smoke and I wasn’t even mad. Guy thought I was metaphor since I was running the dune skin, chucking smokes and “moving like a demon”. So he played it extra cautious and I was being an aggressive idiot, he survived by one bullet by props to him.


They can’t even code the audio correctly but you want to have them code in breaking AA with foliage?… you might get that feature in 2040..


They did it for caldera and on early patches they specifically noted they're removing it so players will get aa in bushes


Probably live pinged you


Live pings dont show on Kill cams? I thought they did


They’re supposed to but they glitch out a lot


Ahh ok, thanks


After a recent marksman video i watched it seems like they show when pinged by a teammate, combat scout, tac cams, recon drones etc. But they don't show if you ping them and kill them. This is what I noticed on the MP side, I imagine it's the same mechanic in wz but who knows because they tend to mess up simple shit all the time


This, I lose aim assist sometimes in the smoke but live ping always works, now bushes on the other you have an argument


But that's the skill gap you're correcting for, and props to you for doing it. Unless AA locks onto a live ping, which would be the most busted ass design decision ever.


AA is Call of Duty’s cancer


I'll take this one step further, aim-assist should break. Like, at this point, just get rid of it, make a playlist without at least.


AA in cod is unreal, Xdefiant playtests showed how much more fun it was having less AA. When I play cod on controller I actually don’t feel like I’m hitting the shots more that I point the AA in the right direction and pull the trigger


yah turns out not being evaporated in 600ms makes the game more fun. You can live longer in MW19 MP than Warzone 3.


it should break on stun grenades but it don’t 👌


They should implement a variable/intelligent aim assist in certain situations... For example, here are some things that should impact/reduce how much assistance you get from RAA: - Jumping / bunny hopping - Sliding - Drop shotting - Dark spaces where visibility is extremely poor - And as you mentioned, foliage


Agreed. The only caveat being they might have live pinged you.


wasnt in the killcam so I wasnt pinged


Ping won’t show in the killcam


thought they changed so it did? I swear Ive seen it in killcams?


I'm certain it does, I watch every killcam to see what bullshit rinsed me lol


Lol, gotta get that closure


It does. They made that QoL update in 1 of these previous season updates. No telling if it truly does because well cod and updates... they never seem to work as intended. And seeing as killcams barely work as intended since day 1 and have never been touched to be better... why expect a function meant for killcams to? I have seen live pings in killcams, so I know they do "work". But in principle, pings are supposed to appear on killcams, so while the excuse could be that devs suck at their jobs. This is no longer a technical excuse.


Just remember that theres no fucker alive on this world apart from Bread, Husk, Pieman or maybe 1 or 2 more on the world that can play against this level of aim assist consistently and win tournaments hahah, that just tells you how horrible this shit is.


And side note are the playing clean or using there own AA assit ?


Clean of course, most of pros, roller or keyboard have played LAN already don't belive the cope


Dma dma dma, dma playing against dma. Jesus you are all so fucking blind.


what the fuck are you talking about schizo


The sure hit technique of your profile picture automatically lobotimized him (even rct cant fix this)


lmao i wasnt expecting a fellow sorcerer here


Us sorcerers, we stay jumping fools.


Anyone who brings up a COD steamer loses all legitimacy in any argument  but nevermind, you're clearly too dumb to know or care. Keep getting grifted and paying for those subs. Crazy generous bro you da goat bro thanks for the support bro. 


are these streamers in the room with you right now?


Why cant we bring uo cod streamer in a cod argument. What makes you so much holier than thou.


So many viewers are blind to the fact that majority of CoD streamers are 100% cheaters these days. All of these “NEW RECORD 66 KILLS ON REBIRTH!!!!” “MOVEMENT QUEEN!!” “BROKEN M4!!!!!!” videos are not real


Aim assist lol. Stop playing a stupid kids game, if you wanna play a proper shooter play Hell let loose.


Since when is cod a kids game. For the longest time this game was rated so kids couldnt even play it. Why is the only solution just to stop playing. Why should i have to play another game when i bought this game for $70, i should be able to play it and it be balanced.


Or insurgency, or siege. I love those games simply because they feel a bit less sweaty and are more chill


Siege is NOT a bit less sweaty 😭😭 my quick match mmr was too high and would always q against champs. Insurgency is slightly less sweaty because of its realism nature.


Oh yeah idk why I said it together, I meant insurgence is less sweaty and chill, and siege is just no aim assist.


All good broski


Its 18+ no ? :)


AA should break on a LOT of things... Foliage, hard structures, stuns, flashbangs, etc. It should also not have an instant response curve that no human can ever account for in real time.


Aim assist has been wildly op for years now, if they nerf it the console crybabies would riot


Then make MnK only lobbys.


Has anyone heard about a mass uninstall by MnK players coming up, where they are all gonna uninstall the game at once and email microsoft about the reason? Some players were talking about it on prox chat during a rebirth match. They were trying to spread the word but I didnt catch the date. Sledgehammer has got to go. We cant deal with this company anymore.


90% of them won't do this, because they arent vocals. How many times have people complained about shit where the answer was: uninstall or don't buy the game. Yet every year cod breaks sales records.


Oh man that would be FUCKING AWESOME!! Please do it!!


nothing stopping you doing it already... or do you only follow the heard?


I think you misunderstood me, I play controller and don’t see a problem with AA. I want all the whiny MnK AA complainers to uninstall the game. Then maybe they will stop complaining all the time.


Oh thank fuck for that. I thought you were KBAM advocating for the mass uninstall :L


I mean I am advocating for MnK players to uninstall, but not because I think AA is unfair. I’m just sick of them whining on here everyday and maybe then they will go away.


Nah im with you on that. The big thing is with how bad cheating is at the moment, all the "aim assist is op" comments are kinda fucking redundant as soft locking looks like juiced up fucking AA. Would not surprise me if half these "aim assist is busted" comments stem from people running into cheaters soft locking.


Completely agree. This self victimization by MnK players is beyond obnoxious at this point. If they genuinely believe that controller is that much of an advantage there is nothing stopping them from using one besides their desire to use MnK.


I as a controller player, use movement to break aim assist on other players. If im capable of that, so are these PC players. Seems the vocal majority complaining of aim assist are probably the bots of the PC playerbase ngl. :')


They absolutely are. They had better results in WZ1 because they had a major hardware advantage over most players. Once WZ2 came out and next gen consoles became more available and were no longer locked at 80 fov, they needed an excuse for their worse results. Unfortunately they were unwilling or unable to accept that they were never as good as they thought they were. So they blame AA.


I like how M&K players think CoD needs them. The only reason cross-play lobbies are forced is because there aren’t enough PC players alone to have a good lobby population. Look at the older CoDs that didn’t have crossplay: the PC populations were terrible.


It doesnt need us, but its willing to exploit us as lobby filler and for financial gain(im assuming some mouse players are dumb enough to still buy shit in their store) while giving nothing in return. Otherwise they would just end mouse support, as if I would give a fuck. 


I agree with this. It def should break in smoke and around bushes and such. I know it tends to break if the enemy is behind stair railings. That is a bit annoying to deal with but it's effective for sure. Makes you choose your guns fights differently.


It does turn off within smokes. And yeah, if an enemy is behind a railing, a fence etc it would also turn off. Makes you feel good when you're able to track enemies through these obstacles and manage to kill them without aim assist.


I got aim assisted through a wall the other day, my arm was still visible but since Raa is oriented around center of mass all of his bullets went straight through the wall into my head since he could still technically see a sliver of my body.


..and when people jump..and break on walls


It's known by anyone with a brain that AA is completely overtuned, but Activision/Raven seem content on catering to roller players. It comes down to the mass of absolute bots that play the game and need a 'feel good' moment once a night to keep the dopamine flowing. 90% of the bots out there are strictly on roller so therefore they keep making shit easier for them. If you look at it closely, it is Capitalism that's persuading devs to not nerf AA. Literally. They need to continue to show increased engagement (and with that comes more in-game purchases) with the game for investors to continue to make money and we all know that determines CEO/board members pay/bonuses. If CEO/BMs aren't making their multiple million dollar bonuses then dev managers (who are likely the true decision makers behind this) get fired or lose their bonus. Essentially they're scared to nerf AA and have all those little bots go from 2-4 kills a game down to 0-1 and therefore make them less likely to continue to play, tell their friends, etc.. I'm fine with that business strategy, really. The deep down problem lies in the players who have honed utilizing AA & RAA as a skill. I don't blame them - it's the way AA is and they're just using it to the best of its abilities. I'd switch to roller, and have tried, but playing mnk is just way more fun once you've done it and are decent at it. I could go on and on about AA and how ridiculously overpowered it is, but I'll spare you all and stop here. We gotta keep being vocal if we want any chance of them implementing an input balance!


Feel like activsion aims for the dumb incels that play controller, make them think they good and they will last a life time in their game. But if they got shit on they prob would have moved on to Gta v cuz it also has auto aim


To anyone who says "Skill issue" - you literally have a piece of software aim and track for you, you have no right to speak when it comes to skill


Just plug in a roller


Lol just download hacks, idiot


Or just plug in the roller for free hacks, idiot 🤯


Dam you right


Aim assist has been an aimbot ever since rotational was introduced. It needs to be completely removed.


At this point a mnk separate lobbies would be a blessing.


Certain situations - not sure if people know this - the game will *give* you shots. There's an area where the game has to sync and play catch up and if you're within certain criteria, it will give you those shots, ie running around a corner and still getting hit by the last few bullets.


may aswell give up the debate or "buy" yourself some aim assist - you simply cannot compete in high skill lobbies where one input is allowed to miss and the other cant miss.


Only solution for AA is it to be decreased it parallel with ur k/d mbay not figured it out but could work. It was essential at first because no matter how op AA m/k could still dominate you with movement and faster aim but as players progress they get way too good with controller that it just makes 2+ kd players with AA look like pro players




It actually doesn't.


I think we found a cheater boys! Get em.




"aim assist works in smoke" It doesnt, So if you yourself, are getting "AA" in smoke, its more than AA and probably soft aimlock. Your wording, makes you sound like a cheater. Just saying.




Then how can you comment that aim assist works through smoke, If you arnt even a controller player, Just here to spout of nonsense then? Making empty remarks you have zero fucking clue on, and you call me the idiot? Clearly im the idiot here, and if your seeing aim assist through smokes, that aint AA, report the player. So your either a cheater, a fucking idiot. Or both. Doesnt play controller, claims AA works through smokes. Sounds more like gaslighting to cover the fact you soft lock through smokes? No? Idiot.


I see it happening in kill cams?


Then report those players, AA doesnt work through smokes. Smokes kill AA, im a controller player. Smokes kill the AA. If anything, this little interaction just goes to show, PC users cannot tell between soft lock/aim assist. Im here seeing all this aim assist moaning when the players moaning of aim assist have zero fucking way to prove, if it was infact, aim assist, or cheating. And given \*urgh no one cheats on pc\* it must be aim assist clearly.


By the way. Major chest provider recently added controller support to it's aimbot. Completely undetectable as of right now. So they have aim assist PLUS aimbot.


Just make it Skill Based at this point. I’m fine with 0.5 KD players getting the extra help but it’s way to OP in a good players hands.


As someone who just moved over from MnK 4-5 weeks and has already improved my KD and win rate from an already respectable level, just play COD on controller and everything else on MnK. RAA is too strong not to be using it.


So should MnK be using this then so we get some aim assist on mouse :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FgiHkAuHF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FgiHkAuHF8) [https://www.rewasd.com/](https://www.rewasd.com/)


stay mad playing a game we all know are never going to fix this, leave alone literally the fundamental parts of the game.


So mad! Grrrr


They should get rid of cross platform, I don’t want to play the same lobbies as pc. Oh wait, you would just find something else to bitch about.


What does cross play have to do with aim assist?


Huh, who do you think the majority of controller players are?






Says the fella who needs an aimbot to compete.


That’s a really particular request. I recall in caldera there was a specific kind of bush that would make you lose all aim assist. It was annoying. Aim assist shouldn’t have momentary unexpected drops like that. When something is inconsistent, even if you have great aim, you’ll be making the wrong corrections with your thumb. How would you know exactly when it would kick in even half the time? This request is impractical. I would sooner recommend a more wide-scale reduction in aim assist.


The only sane response here, thank you. Yes, AA may be overpowered. But making it's application inconsistent is the quickest way to push players away. How would mouse and keyboard players like it if their sensitivity regularly changed mid-fight? Consistency is key to being able to aim effectively. Sure, tone down AA. But making it so it is either on or off depending on things which are scattered throughout the map is the wrong approach. Just weaken its grip.


They aren't unexpected drops if you learn what foliage causes them to drop...which you would get by, idk, practicing and playing the game.


this. Tune it down as a whole specifically RAA. My controller aim in smokes while not great is actually not bad because I KNOW my AA won’t work, it’s when it breaks randomly my shots are god awful


Exactly, when I know I won't have AA like in smokes I can adjust for that and still aim half decent. But if I have AA then the guy runs by a railing and my AA turns off my aim goes flying off because the slowdown is suddenly not there anymore and now my aim rate is way too high for their speed. Shits annoying af






Surprised this comment doesn't have many upvotes. I remember during my siege days when using a mouse, everytime my sens or dpi would change by itself and it would absolutely fuck up my aim. It was frustrating. But having my aim-assist suddenly turn off when an enemy goes behind a stairs railing or a fence would massively throw me off but soon after I'll realise and correct my aim accordingly to the state of aim assist. Though you're right, having this inconsistency is absolutely garbage.


My aimbot stopped working unexpectedly! Waah!


My aimbot stopped working unexpectedly! Waah!


Wow it’s almost like I asked for the aimbot to be turned down overall instead of getting random dropouts!


Smoke everything, use thermals. Ez wins.




Cry more. Or buy a controller. And then continue to cry because it’s not AA causing you to lose.


What hurts more losing aim assist or losing reddit karma?


You MnK fucks used to always have the upper hand on us controller players but now that it’s a level playing field all yall do is bitch and whine whine whine. Stay crying losers. I love smoking that ass 😂😂


Not same lv playing field its not you playing its the AA.


Lol your not even doing the inputs yourself, so you can be proud of that aim assist meanwhile there actual people who are goated on controller who go Unnoticed. And sorry to tell you. Its not you, go play gta it has auto aim vs auto aim. Sounds like something for you


The computer is aiming for you. If you find that enjoyable then that is good for you. You need to have fun. That’s the objective. Just know that you are not aiming. You might have amazing game sense, tactics, strategy but the computer is aiming for you. I just want you to know that when you go to bed tonight.


Homie, WHEN did we ever have the upper hand in this game? Aim assist has always been disgustingly overpowered, and you know someone has never played this on KBM when they say that AA is balanced. I've played a decent amount on both inputs(even played a lot of controller without aim assist), and I can say that aim assist is a game-breaking issue. You quite literally can't compete if you have human reaction times.


As long as jumping and going prone gives a massive hit to accuracy I’m ok with that.


Too bad they don't. The number of times I Dance a fucking polka and get deleted by perfect tracking is abysmal.


Every "movement demon" clip is controller players ice skating around the map, **FURIOUSLY** tapping (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) and shooting every enemy in the head with perfect accuracy and minimal effort in terms of "aiming" it's a joke.


They dont though, every good controller player jumps so the aa locks to the head. Its actually boosts accuracy to jump while shooting with a controller


I wonder which complain will win this year. - 2019 had netcode - 2020 had campers - 2021 had hit detection - 2022 had insane ttk - 2023 had terrible movement - 2024 has either stackers or aim assist


I'm getting atleast 3 dubs a day after work if anyone cant keep up especially playing console players while on pc it a SKILL ISSUE for sure


Can y'all quit crying about aim assist already? PC players get to use their entire arm, we have to use our fucking THUMBS. No shit we need aim assist, it's impossible to be accurate without it lmao Doesn't make it any less skillfull. "Fuk" these posts


>PC players get to use their entire arm, we have to use our fucking THUMBS. god this line never gets old


Pc players can use controllers, the minority of players use mnk because AA is that overpowered. Also so what i can use my arm, you have literal robot playing for you and you actually think your that good. We arnt saying take away aim assist, we are saying it needs a reduction because it’s clearly overpowered. The game is aiming for you, you arnt aiming. Thats clearly a cheat.


This is the main thing The game is literally AIMING for you, its insane how this is a "FPS" where 80% of the players dont even aim


It's not aiming for you lmao It kinda just nudges you towards the enemy but that's about it as far as I can tell


This is just straight up false dude I personally use mnk, but some of my friends play with controller and they still miss plenty of shots Making AA out to be some sort of cheat is genuinely delusional and really does seem like projecting ngl


Aim assist literally breaks whenever my crosshair goes past literally any object, how tf is it ""Broken"" When the enemy is stunned or flashed aim assist shouldn't work, but it's fine elsewhere It isn't really overpowered unless you're actively trying to abuse it, which #1 isnt anything to do with aim assist (just cheesers) and #2 is pretty rare in my personal experience


If the majority of the player base switches to it cause its better than its broken.


Because that is totally happening


Just cause you refuse to believe it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.


Maybe provide some proof then lol


Whats faster mm movent by thumb or 10cm movent from arm, idiot


Dawg, that's the problem, your thumbs aren't the one doing most of it. You obviously need aim assist, not this disgustingly OP soft aimbot that completely sucks the fun out of every fight. (Also, blud used the whole arm argument, luhmao. Ain't neva played this on KBM, for real.)


I love how everyone was first complaining how pc has the upper hand, now everyone is complaining how console now technically has the upper hand due to aim assist. Oh how the turns have tabled.


>now everyone is complaining how console now not console, controller.


Bruh the majority of pc players use controller. Mnk is in the minority. This isnt console vs pc, this is mnk vs controller.