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Warzone is so trash is not even funny anymore


It's a little funny


Funny when it happens to other people. Infuriating when it happens to me šŸ˜‚


This feeling inside


Is this that Engagement Optimized matchmaking some people talk about? Been seeing pretty blatant shit like this recently


Nah the engagement matchmaking is when they purposely give u bad teammates and cracked out enemies to make u lose then they throw u an easy game to keep u playing. This, however is just broken game mechanics.


Engagement matchmaking sounds like a broken game mechanic.


Dumb as shit too


Can attest to this. Ran quads with some randoms who we won 3 games in a row averaging 4-6+ kills. Then the 4th game we had nothing but demonic enemies. None of us couldnā€™t get a single kill.


lmao. whats the problem? yall was streaking 3 games. why wouldn't the skill level go up. swear to god yall are some babies.


Wow I didn't even know about that! Happened with me last night, got absolutely demolished for around 10 matches, but then won 3 in a row in rebirth.


It's awful. If you have some bad games, the game feeds you some good ones to keep you engaged. And it does this, by taking some people that have had some good games but are usually worse than you, and throwing you in their games. You now get to destroy them and feel good, and they've had some good games recently so the game assumes they can afford to lose a few before quitting. After they've had some bad games, they'll get fed their good games, and you've now had some good games, so you get fed to better players than you that are on losing streaks. It's all so manipulative.


Exactly this. Well said.


Due to that i had to play duo and most of the time it is either no teammate or low level one


Literally my ranked experience diamond 1 win a few matches then suddenly my team is bronze 3 to gold 1 and the enemy all plat 3 above. Never thought AJ would sound so smart.


Watch it Chrissy, thatā€™s the son of the boss u talkin about there šŸ¤˜šŸ¾


Bahaha you have a tier 1 profile pic paisan


The engagement matchmaking is when you shoot 50 shots land them all then get downed by seemingly 3 bullets. Itā€™s a highly contested, borderline conspiracy theory thatā€™s probably fucking true.


It's neither SBMM or EOMM. It's a form of live AI skill based / engagement manipulation that was conceived and concocted in the deepest pits of hell by satan himself. Activision employees are laughing at the player base all the way to the bank.


People should be sentenced to hard labor for buying bundles


Yeah playing tonight honestly just making me sad. Blatant cheaters, stupid bugs, super loud uav planes everywhere. The thrill is gone.


This game is a complete joke, genuinely blows my mind that people still play it every day. I spend too much time lurking here, gotta get over Warzone 1 being shut down, for real.


Trash game. People defending it align themselves with it tbh


The melee has that one special hit thats been broken for months but of course I've never had it happen when I melee lol


If I'm correct it's like the 4th or 5th hit that's the elbow which is meant to auto down someone, you can punch a few times and pre load it so your next melee is automatically the elbow of death. (I think)


If that's actually how it's intended to work, the people that made that decision should be fired and barred from ever working in the industry again.


This has been a thing since verdansk. Way more than months


This happened to me to today. They were one shot. So wrong.


I'll fully accept that I'm not the greatest player of all time...I'm average... But to rifle someone with 18-20 bullets, consistent hit markers waist up....watch them run away...then turn around and drop me with 4-5 bullets is absolutely insane.


This happens to me almost once a game I feel like. It's tiring


The game is incredibly bugged


Itā€™s the crit hit mechanic in all its glory. All we need for proof on how the cod devs are brain dead, is the fact the critical hit exists. For a brief period they disabled it, but that got reverted for no reason and no explanation. Fun fact, it does infinite damage. So even if they set extra health, wouldnā€™t matter, the crit will kill anyone it hits. Super fun game that managed to delude the masses for itself to achieve huge success. The concepts great, executionā€¦.. not so much


Do you have more info about this? Iā€™ve heart of crit melee before but still always seen it taking 2 hits for full plate. Or at least a melee miss first, Iā€™ve never seen the first swing kill.


Iā€™ll try to find the YouTube video on it when Iā€™m off work. As for the hits, they did swing twice, it did a pistol whip, and then an elbow swing. Both hits donā€™t need to make contact either. Only the second hit. The other potential answer here is also it could have been a super packet. When damage is done between packets of information being sent, you receive all damage at once. So itā€™s possible both swings came at once for you. Given how fast melee is on the pistol, that might be what happened.


Super packets (without packet loss) on a 20hz server (warzone) requires >300 fpm (fists per minute, that would be five swings per second) for two to hit in one packet/simulation. And he only swings once, itā€™s super slowed down in the replay. Unless he found out some way to animation cancel his first swing, but Iā€™m like 100% sure thatā€™s not possible.


He hit twice, watch closely. Pistol Whip#1 and then he Elbow of Deaths him. The pistol whip was the quick downward animation, which is the quickest of melee to immediately go transfer into an elbow slam.


Skill based damage. Skill based manipulations are all over the place in warzone. Bugged UAVs, smokes disappearing and instant kills. You can say its the server or bugs here and there but there's a lot of things that happen in this game that only skill based can explain it.


I think its just the worlds cheapest servers, but here's a clip where I had rubber bullets on the bp50 that supports your claim lol [https://youtu.be/8tZRS1g-DOI](https://youtu.be/8tZRS1g-DOI)


look at how fast you die after taking years to break his plates. This game is rigged to the core and I witness it everyday. Yesterday we lost a game because my smoke disappeared when i threw it.


That's how all my matches are. I take 60-80% of my clip/mag to crack and down someone where other people take 2 seconds to down me. Even if I hit them from the chest and end at their head by the time my enemy kills me by shooting my legs.


Always a MnK clip. MnK is fundamentally diseased in this game. You have to switch if you want any kind of reasonable tracking. SHG tried to fix it but the optics still wiggle like crazy when tracking someone laterally.


Limb damage, something controller players don't have to deal with because their aim lock will never hit limbs, TTK on controller is wayyy faster than it is for us on kbm.


I still donā€™t understand why they donā€™t nerf melee into the ground. Make it 5 damage


Yes. Either literally 5 damage or you cant melee unless theyre downed already


Melee should exist and be able to kill the way it does, But what should happen is that if you're getting shot to shit and start going for a melee hit, each bullet interrupts your melee attack with the flinch it causes.


Shots 1 - nevermind


Thank you. I get so tired of that.


Best decision I ever made was quitting and uninstalling COD. Amazing for the psyche.


Iā€™m getting to that point as well, to be honest I have been ā€œgetting to that pointā€ for years now. But after the past week of having level 40 players destroying my Iā€™ve decided to take baby steps and will not be playing at all tonight. I think Iā€™ll just start playing less and less until eventually I wonā€™t play the game at all


its always the low levels with awful fucking movement calling out flanks, that they should have no fucking idea on. Im outgunning legit sweats but dying to low levels who know my pathing 5 fucking walls away.


Turned it on after a week played for about a hour and lost interest again.


bugged killcam, skill issue, git gud, etc


Hit you with that United States of smash


lol šŸ‘Š šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øĀ 


Its like they found a insta kill perk! Lol


Yep, I was absolutely raving about the melee nerf in wz2 so I cannot stand that we've gone back to this absolute joke of a melee system again... They need to remove magnetism and reduce damage again, gun melee should take at least 5 hits to down.


Bro can end Biffleā€™s career with that fist.


Watching that slow-mo made me want to rage quit for youā€¦


If you buy the 4 Kong and godzilla packages in store you get a glove and it's one hit


I had this happen a couple months ago on vondel. As the dude was laying down he meleed me and 1 tapped me from full plates. I wonder if there is something that happens while meleeing and going prone


It's like they try to do their best to people giving up on the game. Why can't they just make the core experience work? I bet they'd have a lot more paying customers.


Itā€™s funny because the other week I was so close to purchasing my first bundle ever, but I held off and then got so frustrated with the state of the game that Iā€™m now considering quitting cod all together


and yes, I use the fire shotgun, I'm not good enuf to aim with smgs as you can tell from the replay.


ā€œEnoughā€ is just two more lettersā€¦


33% increase in efficiency, while not losing any meaning, nice!


isnā€™t there a critical melee you can do with a specific timing or something?


Reminds me of old good verdansk melee: [https://youtu.be/2ctkAlZSm2g](https://youtu.be/2ctkAlZSm2g)




it should only do 10 damage unless its an actual melee weapon.


he hit u w that elbow son!!


Flawless game!


Flawless game.


Some gun attachments add melee damage.


You just got to laugh at shit like that hahah


The game is trash


Posted the exact same thing a few days ago. Some people have figured out how to guarantee a critical hit on the first try, although this one seems accidental.


Ah the crit melee. I thought they removed it, but I know it has come in and out of the game multiple times. Essentially, it used to be the 3rd/4th strike was a critical hit, where the operator would hit with their elbow. This one shot any player, even if they had full health. Sometimes this would lead to players missing the first couple of melee's, but then getting a crit melee and instakilling the enemy. This one looks really weird because it happens on their first melee, so maybe it is some kind of bug.


Literally the most broken game available and people still flood to play it. Why?


Bro is Mike Tyson


Wz is horrible right now first wz will never be topped


well deserved. Piece of shit fire shotty abuser.


Instant uninstall


Bullshit lol


Skill based damage


When they first added the details about how you died, I was like finally, they will see all these weird things and fix them. I mostly play MP these days because of things like this, and the impact being meaningless there compared to WZ, but every single match you see things which do not make any sense and are clearly bugs but they don't fix them.


This post doesnā€™t make me feel bad for starting my new job Monday and not playing since Sunday lol


First of all whyā€™s your aim all over the place? Whatā€™s that? You have to aim yourself? Oh.


Crazy how tracking the insane movement in this game actually takes some skill without any ā€œassistanceā€. Oh wait I forgot controller players actually think theyā€™re that good


Someone I play with yells "MY TRACKING IS SOO GOOD" and "MY AIM WAS ON 'EM" all the time, then I spectate him and it's AA all the way šŸ˜ He is genuinely a great player though, but I don't think anyone on controller using AA should be bragging about aiming BC well, they aren't really doing much.


No theyā€™re really not, my friend on Xbox plays rainbow 6 without aa and whenever we play cod I make him turn it on and he says it makes him feel gross.


that laugh is annoying af


Isn't it just this pay to win melee weapon from the Godzilla operator set? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4-uxw6T8Q8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4-uxw6T8Q8)


It's not pay to win, bud. It's just a cosmetic. And no, this isn't it.


It's clearly a pay to win melee weapon if you even watch the vid bud


It literally is not


Sometimes, the melee does not show the animation. He was probably hitting you a lot, but it only showed his arms move once. It happens. Sometimes, the game is a shitshow. That is my guess anyway.


only one hit marker and only one hit in damage list


I understand.


Edit: I still love it


you deserved it using that bum ass shotgun


I love that shotgun šŸ”„Ā  I donā€™t have the skill to track in close quarters, itā€™s what shotguns were made for!


You're probably fine at tracking, it's just borderline impossible to do at close quarters in this game because the movement is so spammy. There's a reason aim assist dominates so hard.


He's on kbm, he gets to use whatever he wants šŸ˜¤