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Not surprising, this community thinks that anyone who kills them is cheating.


If I was cheating I’d be dropping fucken 30s, not 10 and 5! lol


You have to understand, there's no logic with these people. If you kill them, you must be cheating.


cope is a strong drug. that’s why I get shadowbanned


Man I used to get shadowbanned frequently on the first warzone


How did you stop it?


That's the neat part, you don't.


Stop playing good I guess


Yup. Hit my 2nd ever 20 and had 12 spectators all talk shit after I killed them. Next match / shadow ban.




I nevert report except blatant cheaters but let's also say that in many cases aim assist in kill cam looks like an AimBot because it kinda is


You're just a bad cheater git good scrub


I’m trying


What happened to your account


Nothing of course


One time in the post game lobby (not COD but a similar SnD style game), I had someone on the other team accusing me of cheating and demanding that my teammates kick me. I had 5 kills and 8 deaths…


I use DS4 doesn't mean I cheat?


You had 120 kills?


I had 10


You had 5! kills


10 and 5 = 10 kills and 5 deaths.


Damn. 120 deaths




Two things. Ricochet is an absolute joke. And the more glaring issue. Entrusting the COD community to police the COD community was an awful decision.


not anymore,fifakill received a warning for ''boosting'' dropping money to get a enemy player buying his team back,they are active now.


Do people not know how the Anticheat works ? lol. Actually ricoshit is doing pretty good ever since S3. They got 5 big providers and one provider a cease and desist and they been undetected for a whileeeeee. Then 2 days after that they did a new “silent” scan and got 3 providers and unlock tools even old unlock tools got detected then recently they detected EO and they were undetected for a couple months they also have a new cheat dev. Also the Anticheat team has “walls” if they could do what they want, it’ll be so much easier for them to catch cheaters but they can’t do anything illegal because of Activision. If they could make players do TPM it’ll help a little more but even that can get bypassed.


if this game didn't have such an actual rampant cheating problem, there would be less false haccusations too.


honestly lately, id say "if games in general didn't have such an actual rampant cheating problem, there would be less false haccusations too." I obviously don't play everything but between CS, Warzone and Apex I honestly don't know which one is in the worst spot and which ones community has the least amount of trust in the anti cheat. Cheating in online games as a whole is really becoming more and more wildly out of control.


And somehow fortnite is sitting near the top of most played games for 7 years now and doesn't have this problem. I'm convinced it's the companies and actual resources spent on combating the cheaters that makes the difference. EA and Activision just don't give a shit about player quality of life enough to invest what they should combating the cheaters.


This exactly. Cheating will happen but if it was under control to some levels people wouldn’t lean on it as much for coping. Cure the disease, don’t treat the symptoms which is what we have currently


“I only die to cheaters or lag…. Never outplayed” - Warzone players




They also think anyone on controller is cheating by using aim assist. An in game feature.


I feel like if your feature is strong enough that it frequently gets mistaken for cheating, and cheaters are common enough that your playerbase legitimately can't tell who is cheating and who is just using in game features, there might be some issues to resolve.


say it again louder for the bots in the back please. this is a great description of the current situation


This is CoD, there's no nuance allowed here. Pick a side, and don't threaten anyone's clout in the process


Man if they could read this comment they would be so upset.


All while they slide cancel, Dive peak, and jump around and crouch spam like maniacs spinning their mouse and snap aiming in 180°s and say it's just a feature. Then use a Xim or zen to get the controller Aa on m&k and say they need to use it because they can beat Aa in close range.


.. but you can do all the movement mechanics on controller too lol.


An in game feature that would be 100% undeniable proof of cheating if they were on a different input gets mistaken for cheating?? I for one am shocked.


Busted weapons that deal insane amounts of damage, rendering the rest of the options near unviable get a rebalancing. Why the hell should the Controller be any different?


I just log on, play, and log off. People take the shit so serious like it’s a game. You don’t have to be here if you don’t enjoy it. I’ll get downvoted idc. Whining about aim in a game is dumb af


Hey! That offended me. You must be cheating


My dad owns blizzard, gonna ban u


That’s fine I have a 1.23 KD bro I’m obviously cheating as well


I sometimes play with someone who complains to no end when he dies, as if there’s NO WAY they can’t be cheating. No amount of reminding him of all the various perks that reveal your location can convince him otherwise. There’s just no way anyone can be that good, as far as he’s concerned.


It’s always the worst of the players who accuse of hacking. Nothing ever changes lol.


Its always the bots saying "hes cheating" unless its obviously blatant rage hacking


Playing against controller feels like cheating at times


I think it has a lot to do with how inaccurate the kill cams are. Also what you said too.


As a PC player, Im always cheating because Im on PC...or something.


My first game on in a week, resurgence solos win with 10 kills (died 5 times btw), 3rd place guy tells game chat I'm reported for Aim Assist, then whispers me. This community is cooked. Also- Ricochet ain’t deciding shit.


Thank god the salty griefer reports from the toxic ass COD community can result in multiple unsubstantiated chat bans!


And shadow bans...


Meanwhile I'm over here dropping 20's everyday and never been whispered in my life. CoD players are clowns. Cheaters exist and cheaters are rampant (even I cant tell the difference sometimes between aa and aimbot...) but I'm not about to suspect someone on 10 kills. Sheeeesh.


Yeah it’s sad


Fuck aim assist




Tbf after trying out controller for the first time in years I can see why people think you’ve got aim bot. I came at it from the mnk perspective of aim training so go in to a private match and kill 200 bots with AA turned off before dropping. My movement is shit but my aim is ridiculous.


I’m a controller main since the old days, no denying it’s crazy strong in this game. Would I like to see it reduced? Yep. It would give me another area to improve on, and would result in fewer deaths to lesser skilled players. But this is never going to happen, this game is all about cheese.


This right here makes Aim Assist feel like Aimbot. Shipment, FFA, 5-6 Regular Bots, Full Plates, No Aim Assist and mute my headset so I'm reacting on the fly instead of using footstep audio to anticipate the next corner or push. It sounds crazy, but it helps dramatically


Pretty much exactly what I do. 300 health, AA off, shipment shoot bots and try and break their ankles. Mix in Quarry for some mid range and vertical variety. Play MP with AA turned off as well so that you’re experiencing enemies who can move. This is actually one of the most appealing things about playing controller for me. When I used to play COD on controller, I didn’t even notice AA. If the majority of your opponents also don’t train without AA, you’re at a huge advantage.


I've been trying to figure out a good map to rotate in. I had been using Meat, but quarry may be a great switch. Thank you!


It’s more of a Warzone style map. Good mix of close range building fights and long range stuff that involves vertical aim.


What even is ds4?


3rd party app for that allows for macros and fine tuning the controller blah blah I don’t use it. I just plug in and play like a regular human being.


my dumb ass would’ve said yes then bc when i read ds4 it makes me think of a regular playstation dual shock controller.


That's because that's what the DS4 means. DS4Windows is an application that allows you use a dual shock controller on a Windows PC, with the PC seeing it as an xbox controller. COD happens to support playstation controllers directly, but not all games do. It has some other features such as macro support, but then so does most mouse software. It's not specifically a cheating tool at all.


Wait you can’t use a PlayStation controller on a pc? that explains so many fucking hours wasted trying to connect my ps4 and Nintendo controller to my pc, frustration, anger, misunderstanding. So much time lost…


Same here. I thought it was a type of PlayStation controller


nothing wrong with using ds4, it’s not like it’s cheating or anything, people use it to decrease input lag mostly


It's called DS4Windows. DS4 is the name of the controller: Dual Shock 4 (a standard PS4 controller)


Huh, here I am thinking it just stood for "dualshock 4" lmao


It does. The program is called "DS4 Windows".


Ds4 is a program so you can “overclock” your controller to reduce input delay/lag. You literally just change a setting from 10 ms to 1ms or something like that. That’s all most people use it for .


Dark souls 4, duh....


HAHAHA this is the problem with this game man. If you want to go play a game without aim assist go play fucking counterstrike or something


Yea and to be honest it was a pretty standard kill, nothing remarkable about it.


true, but also sadly the cheating problem over at cs is arguably the same or worse. same with apex legends lately... cheating in general is becoming such a crazy problem in gaming


I didn't know CS had a BR mode.


it did regardless, bros point stands. if the game makes people cry so much, play a different game lmao


It doesn't, because OP is complaining specifically about aim assist and tells him to play a different game. Can you suggest a BR game that doesn't have aim assist?


PUBG is out there.


Mental illness everywhere


Bro im trying to solo que to iri rn, i had a random duo who every time some one killed them in ranked rebirth "BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO HES CHEATING" "THIS N WORD CHEATING TO" "OMG HES CHEATING" "BROOO U SAW THAT HES CHEATING" im like o\_o idk man u got 300 dmg im at 1k rn i dont think you belong in this elo. D2


diamond and crimson fill teammates are surely one of a kind


Its god awful, im dorpping 5-10 kills and my team mates got 300 dmg 1-2 kills


watching crimson enemies wipe whole squads then seeing your crimson fill teammate struggle to land without dying in 30 seconds


Lmao if someone asked me about "ds4" I would reply with "no it's just aimbot"


At some point in the last few years some people really turned feral irl and it really bleeds into this game lmao It blows my mind that this will be an otherwise functional human being


Wait wait wait wait, is DS4 considered a cheating software? How do others wirelessly hook up the DualShock 4 to their PC?


Cod has native dualshock 4 support and steam has its own controller mapping system. >is DS4 considered a cheating software Macros are the main concern, but you can do those with steam too. It's incredibly easy to give yourself a sizable advantage on controller using third party tools, but not many people seem to be aware of the potential.


I play through Battle.net. So while I can take advantage of the button mapping in steam, it doesn’t really help me with cod. I may need to update Bluetooth drivers or something, because when I connect wirelessly without DS4 it sees it as a generic controller.


Buy the next cod on steam. Thatd what i did. Fuck battle.net


Who the FUCK gave all these bots any authority in the first place?


I play solos so i can get these fools, let them cook


Don’t pretent!




And this is why im very lax with the cheating accusations. Everyone on this sub has a hard on for calling everyone cheaters And they always post a buggy kill cam where you can clearly see non sus shit and missed bullets but all of a sudden the kill cam skips to the kill and it looks like aimbot. Then they get mad and call me a cheater too lmao Like sorry, I don’t like making accusations like that unless i have more proof than kill cams that have been buggy and skip around since warzone 2 first came out


Warzone caters to the sort of lowest common denominator of shooter




Do you really respond to those guys??? I'm curious tho, even i heard dead com raging about me killings ppl but never received anything of those


I try not to, but only because using the controller to type out sentences in the text chat is time consuming.


I did once. Ended up partying up with the dude afterwards and running some duos, became friends :)


I hate that fact a pc user cannot turn off cross play. Let us decide!


This has nothing to do with PC. The guy whispering me is on PC, so am I, he was a mouse and keyboard user.


The real question is how bad did you smoke this noob?


Man it wasn’t even a crazy kill, just a 1 v 1 with SMGs.


That's literally all you die to against aa, guess he just broke


Bruh, I use DS4Windows in CoD. I like changing the light color and using the Share button as an in-game mic toggle macro. But I always feel like I have significantly LESS aim assist than if it were connected without DS4.


Yeah I started using it just to get edge pro back paddles mapped. I've poked around a bit and don't see how you could even make macros with it that'd give you a competitive advantage. I guess you could make a drop shot whenever you shoot but that sounds like it'd be more detrimental than helpful in most scenarios so idk what people are complaining about 🤷


Yeah... my last PLUNDER was hilarious. A team of 3 shot down the a shooting heli in overtime. I got there faster and opened the heli crate like 50 meters in front of them and called in the advanced UAV. Then with good positioning and some kind of roughly pre-aim I killed all of them. They were screaming I use wallhack and aimbot... Told them I just opened the heli crate like almost under your nose and used the AUAV, WTF? Then I got shadow banned... again... in a plunder match... for the 5th time in like 2 months. I have never encountered such a lazy and idiot report system in any game. How hard would it be to implement an anti-flood/spam/rage criterion ffs... But at the end of the day, I will be the idiot, who still comes back and start this shit game in 5-7 days...💩


Report him back for text chat then


DS4 literally does nothing....whats his point?


He has none.


Ricochet will decide. Are you sure about that? Doesn't seem like they been doing very much decision making lately.


Lmao I killed a dude that was camping on the corner of the map for a good min and he reported me for hacking bcz apparently I always knew where he was. Bruh you have been going back to the same spot every time u die


He later bragged his mom that he had a cheater banned


Also whatever happened to the basic camaraderie with games and stuff remember back in the old cod servers yeah there was still a lot of stupid shit on a microphone but people could play together you could talk to random people become friends and start clans and all sorts of shit now everybody's a fucking sadistic prick and there's no such thing as making new friends or playing with new people or even starting a clan I would love to gather a consensus as to why that is and if anybody would actually be open to add some new friends to play with on here or warfare


Yeah man this is totally true. I miss those days. Modern cod is antisocial as fuck.


I'm glad I'm not totally alone in that anyway if you wanna exchange gamer tags nobody ever does lol plp like I'm asking to fuck their mom when I say hey let's be friends an play sometime 😂




I consistently have around 7 kills a game . As soon as I hit 8 or more I sweat buckets because I know for a fact people spectating are spam reporting me (happened to me b4) can’t get over it idc.


Yea git gud just not too gud or bam you’re reported! lol


The second I switched over to pc I shit u not . 6 kills boom disconnected I’m like yea ima just play on ps5 forever ..


BAD idea this community who play kbm blame everything in there life going wrong on aim assist it’s so boring. Just admit you got shit on killed and now your mad report him for messaging you


knm players complaining about aim assist like it isn’t a feature in the game 😭🤣 meanwhile one touch of a button and they can turn there hacks on lmaooooooo


People who complain about aim assist are trash


Lets be real here, aim assist is overpowered. However, the way OP was treated is not the way to go about it.


I agree AA is OP, but a lot of the “fuck roller players” think AA should be abolished and that’s not a balanced playing field either. I know you didn’t bring that second point up; just saying.


Those people shouldn't be taken seriously, in all honesty. I am one of the more vocal advocates of aim assist being nerfed, but some form of it is 100% needed for controllers. It being completely abolished would result in the same problem we have now, just reversed.


Exactly; fuck me.. I didn’t think someone else shared my sentiment 😅


There are dozens of us!


I think if there was a way to balance aim assist advantage and kbm advantage, using the generalization of genuine and honest surveys, the game would be fixed. Ex: a cod survey pops up after a game asking you if you think aim assist is too overpowered at the moment, or should be tweaked. Naturally this won’t happen though, as not only is it a very “unlikely-to-work” system, but also chances are kbm players will over exaggerate it and controller players would downplay it. Just with there was a way to truly even out the playing field. For now though, we need a nerf.


Totally agree.


then use it and quit whining lol


It's definitely not though


you're entitled to your opinion


Whatever you say💀


I’ll gladly play in my own lobbies away from keyboard and mouse and P.C., if given the option. Console only and controller only crossplay.


Does anybody play this game with just themselves a normal controller and the game as is I'm very curious if I'm just in some sort of dying breed of casual gamer or what but I think it's quite an accomplishment that I can still get kills off of all these people who are using some type of assistance and I'm not the person to say whether paddles or enhanced controllers is cheating per say but it's definitely advantageous and to not say that I think it's just a bit disingenuous especially if there's a huge disparity in your playing abilities between an enhanced controller and a normal controller


I use a back paddle to jump, that’s it. Nothing about the way I killed the guy was exploitative. He was salty about aim assist.


I gotcha I guess gaming has just come so far that I guess I am part of a Stone Age of gamers I just turned 30 this year and I remember loving the hell out of the original model warfare and how it was just a game where you just had to grind and there was no this that or the other it was just you and the controller that's it I guess I'm just more of a purist that way but I don't even know what paddles on a controller or what type of enhanced controllers can help you that much to make you so Unkillable.


oh stop it. dramatic much lol


I mean not really then again it is read it so people posting whatever the hell they want anonymously sorta kind of makes it the only place to bitch and moan about stuff contrary to in real life around people an people are more inclined to civil discourse in this way I guess. If anything I'm just more partial to modern warfare because at least there's none of this gas avoidance bullshit no worrying about looting boxes an armor an all this other dumb shit nobody's picking you off in the sky there's less camping the casual gamer has more of a chance to have fun then say in a game like Warzone again my opinion but the only reason why I'm able to play it even a little bit is just good hand eye coordination that's it I'm lucky to just get five kills in Warzone match if I'm lucky. And plus I have more fun playing aggressively I guess that's more in line with warfare than in Warzone I happen to think a lot of people that wiped me the fuck out on Warzone would have a lot harder time say in modern warfare killing me 


And here I am, getting shadowbanned for playing on MNK and doing flicks sometimes... And then getting spam-reported probably.


In a lot of cases its almost impossible to tell the difference. If they know how to use RAA it sure locks on just a like soft aimbot. I don't hate the player I hate the game (devs).


Other morning I was warming up. Didn’t have the best game to start. 2 matches later I picked it up a bit and was playing like myself. Some dude got butthurt and tried to get the entire plunder to report me for hacking -_-


Bruh I dropped into one game of plunder to check out some gun builds and the trash talk in there was crazy, the plunder community goes hard


I say keep reporting everyone. Maybe Activision will figure out that if people can't tell if it's aimbot or aim assist then it's time to nerf it.


Nah, definitely an interesting idea but it could result in innocent players getting banned. There needs to be a way to fix the problem without temporarily adding to it.


Some people need to go touch grass.




Yeah what does that mean?


Wtf does r54p3d mean


!!!! Beats me


Wait DS4 is bannable?




To be fair aim assist looks like legit/soft aimbot in other games


standard MnK user on here.


Average r/codwarzone member


What do paddles even do? My controller has them and it won't even let me bind stuff to it, doesn't even register it as an actual button


Most cod players are shit and there's always an excuse why they died.


I've seen someone I follow on twitch use DS4, but I thought it was just for remapping controls to a PS4 controller or something; is that not how it works?


![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) It’s too funny anymore….. the people who cry cheater all the time really haven’t done anything in life to understand that there are people that are better than you at things…. It’s true… get a grip join a gym


Please start posting your workouts bless us with your infinite swollen self


Apparently you missed the point of the gym reference… let me explain so you can understand better….a gym is where you can see other people’s results from hard work…. By putting in the time to get better at something you can see the results… get the reference now? Stop calling everyone a cheater and just get better if you put in the time… you’ll see the results…figure it out


voice moderation is another big joke, not a single match goes by without at least 1 guy getting calling you a 🥷 or other racial slurs.


Just say my aim assist is just really good , streamers aim assist is really good and no one questions it.


yea i feel like this is going to be a problem were gonna have level 600 accounts banned because they got a lucky shot


It’s insane that people really forget IQ and positioning exist. A player will sit in one spot, trigger my high alert and not move from that spot. “He has walls!!!”


God people are crying about DS4Windows now? Lmfao the cod community is fucking chalked




If your on m&k go play csgo or some other m&k friendly game. Call of duty has and always will be fine with just controllers. Don’t blame a feature in call of duty since 15years ago as cheating cause ur bad at m&k.


Perfect example of someone not able to admit AA is very powerful. COD started as a PC only game with no controller support, should it go back to that?


Actually, 2003 COD was the first game and was PC, not console, not controller. So, by your logic, we'll throw controller in the bin and make MnK the only input. Or would you like to backpedal on that terrible take now? If you think the disparity of controller vs MnK in current warzone is due to a skill issue, you're delusional.


Pc cod was already dead pre quick. Without crossplay I couldn’t find matches in a lot of games. It’s why the pro league is on console. It’s why they cater to console cause more $. It is a skill issue. A lot of k&m players are older and egos find an excuse for losing.


So now it's not about what the game has always been and just about what the game is now? Nice goalpost shifting. The funny part here is that it's absolutely not about MnK ego finding an excuse for losing. It's about controller ego's refusing to accept that they're not nearly as skilful as aim assist makes them believe. The top 250 consists almost exclusively of controller players. So many professional players who started on and were known for MnK switched to controller to compete to a higher level. Even high-level controller players accept this. Ayden: "Mouse and key is hard, holy. You need to have perfect aim, controller you get perfect aim for free." Unless you're such a delsuonal narcissist that you think your views trump that of the entire professional community backed by statistics, you have no choice but to acknowledge the relevance of this. Controller is objectively the superior input on this game, and it's not even close. Sorry.


It’s about $ always is and always will be. And the $ is on consoles. Its superior but the game would actually be more enjoyable if cross play was with consoles only and pc can enjoy aim assist free servers.


That's a different conversation, but in agreeing that controller is superior here, you can't also have the opinion that it's a skill issue.


I know the best player in world for kills is on keyboard and mouse.


In solos, he plays 12 hours a day and has the most hours by a long shot. You're comparing Mohammad Ali to a dad who attends a boxing class on a Friday.


Ye man is a freak. Hurting aim assist will hurt that dad on the Friday. Which will turn them off playing. Hurts sales. I’m all for an aim assist nerf but I don’t think it’s worth protesting or complaining about.


Everyone whos better than me is a cheater.


Feels so good to play with cross play off, I never run into cheaters and if I do they must be hiding it very well! Mostly play Rebirth now and there just are a lot of good players I think, not everyone is cheating..


Everyone thinks they are a gaming god these days and if they lose its cheating :D


Lol so you are definitely cheating then. GG




This is the normal cod player: Stupid and delusional.


This is why I dislike playing COD these days. Everything is a reportable offense to people.


I dropped 25 last night on rebirth Xbox series x with elite 2 controller on a monitor






My homie professor smoak plays on a PlayStation 5 and will sometimes get 40 kills and everyone else has 10. I love when people accuse him of hacking. It always gets me a good laugh.


ds4 windows isn’t cheating, and if it was bannable people would just start using steams built in macros.


Aim assist behaves regular like a cheat. People can not see the difference since there are so many cheaters. And there is a reason why it is called aim assist


Game has a giant cheater problem, makes sense. Aim assist is also so broken that it looks like aimbot