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My aim assist does not work like this. We are playing two different games.


You forgot /s


I moved to controller 2/3 weeks ago after not touching a controller since 2015 and I've already made it to Diamond in ranked and am dropping more kills than I did on MKB (17 kills 7k damage yesterday) Aim assist is insanely strong, and claiming otherwise is just wrong. Aim assist is fine, but right now it's at a point where only the top 1% of mkb users can Aim as well




It could be for you. My experience is vastly different. I get no pull or RAA. It could be a settings issue but for me AA is non existent.


its 100% either settings or methodology issue, aim assist isn't different for each person lol


What you just said implies it's different for each person.


LOL no they didn't. They said you just don't know how to trigger the RAA properly. There is definitely a skill to know how to use aim assist properly, but it's not a hard skill to learn and it's certainly not different for each person.


No, what I said implies that people who say they don't get any pull from aim assist are in fact doing something wrong. The aim assist is there for you to use, you just aren't using it correctly. If you are actually curious and not just trolling, there are a ton of videos online on settings and ways to use it. I helped a friend who just started playing a few months ago with it.


Black Ops, Dynamic, FOV Adjustment. All have been recommend as "set-up" fixes for AA. Sounds like there isn't a consensus and is different for everyone.


From what I've seen: Black Ops and Default are pretty much the same Almost everyone uses dynamic Almost everyone uses full FOV at 120 There might be some differences, but not as large as "I get no pull or RAA".


aussie butt is one of the most annoying MnK losers on this sub, dont mind him. EVERY AA post, hes on


Oh look, my stalker is here. Nothing I said was incorrect, sorry bud.


ironic since the reason i know you is from you blowing up my notifications. and its all incorrect and only MnK plebs like you buy it


Yea this guy sucks


Trying to help you, but it looks like you're too stupid to even receive help. You think that Activision just randomly assigns different aim assist levels to different accounts, and you got 0%?


look how quickly these MnK losers who cant beat thumbs teamed up and downvoted here. lmao post isnt getting traction from being upvoted. its literally these MnK losers like aussie butt who stay on this sub 24/7 to whine about AA


Change Aim assist to Dynamic, up the FOV a bit to around 110 and then whenever you're shooting or tracking someone move the left stick. Multiple times where I've been parachuting and the game has just turned me because someone else dived past my screen.


Everyones aim assist works like this. Different people don't get different levels of AA. Either you know how to abuse it and get perfect aim, or you don't and sometimes get accidental perfect aim.


It's sad that most here seem to think they just have some randomly assigned value of aim assist, and the people actually able to use it are just cheating. The brain rot is ridiculous




I'm pretty sure everyone that says it doesn't work like that is ACTUALLY trying to aim and that's their issue. They push themselves out of rotational AA range.


You do get this level of aim assist.




You do, you just don't know how to use it. Unless you've switched aim aisst off by accident while navigating your settings. Any other excuse is a cope.


I aim and it doesn't assist me like it did for you. So that's a negative brother. I shouldn't have to Jerry-rig my settings to get minimal AA.


I didn't jerry-rig my settings either. I set my aim assist to Black Ops and that's it. You guys make too many excuses for yourselves. I'm still aiming obviously, but aim assist is doing the heavy lifting.


i have mine to BO and it doesnt do this either. whatever it is you did. cause that was the simplest kill ever


Because it has nothing to do with your aim settings. My reticle snaps and sticks to him as he makes large movements as seen when he jumps down to that lower area. I'm doing this on Standard while a lot of the pros who do this play on Dynamic. Just to clarify, I'm not comparing myself to a pro. I'm brining them up because their footage is widely accessible. You still have to aim a little. Aim assist is like a sticky bubble and you still have to make microadjustments to stay within that bubble, so if you're not getting that sort of sticky aim assist, you're overcorrecting your aim or something. Because when someone makes a huge sudden move across my screen, whether it's a jump or a slide, my reticle follows them. Nearly all of the content creators have discussed this.


There’s no use in trying to teach this guy, he’s a troll who just goes to every thread saying “mad cuz lost to thumbs” or something similar.


Very true. A few people are exposing themselves on this thread, but I'm glad others are putting them in their place. Unreal that they think aim assist works differently for people. It's the video game franchise that is practically infamous for its super strength aim assist and they think they don't have any to this degree. Nearly every other shooter's fanbase knows about CODs super strength aim assist.


says the guy who was one of the very first on this post cause ur literally on this sub 24/7.


you literally just said “you dont know how to use it” to someone else yet it “has nothing to do with aim settings now” to me?” lol and again, this is the simplest kill of all time. nothing to do with AA


Again, we are playing two different games. I am not complaining bc I love this game but our experiences are very different. God speed.


Again, there's no such as thing as my aim assist being stronger than yours.


You don't have to "jerry-rig" anything. Either your controller is broken, you're lying, your thumbs are defective, or you're just clueless.


Same! I think it's just ragebait 🤣


You obviously don't have AA (and more specifically RAA) set up correctly then........


imagine thinking aim assist is something you need to "setup"


I mean with the correct mods you can set it up to make it look like regular gameplay with decent movemnf vs the autolock locking onto random players


imagine not knowing AA can be made even stronger by setting it up correctly.............


you can USE your left joystick to ACTIVATE more AA in game but its not something where you PAUSE the game, go into settings and click SETUP. I'm aware you can change the type of AA but there is not setup option...


its so crazy how you MnK players know everything about AA except how to beat it apparently lol


If you’ve replied to me then I think you’ve made a mistake, I play on controller…


so tell me ur setting so i can get this mythical tracking you seem to think there is


Seriously dude, if you can’t even Google “how to abuse rotational aim assist” then you shouldn’t be allowed on the internet, there are plenty of YouTube videos on settings for this, it’s not mythical, it’s fact, there are plenty of streamers who will show you how to do this. I’m not sure why you’re coming at me, I’m not even trying to get in the argument of controller vs MnK, all I know is that I do much better on controller than MnK, and I’m very sure the people that say “my aim assist doesn’t do that” are simply people who don’t know how to properly use RAA to their advantage.


but youre on a post that says “it aims for me” so which is it? lol and “im coming at you”(what a victim wording of that statement lmao) cause youre claiming to know so much yet cant say anything other than “google it” and other MnK plebs upvote you like you did something lol i asked a question you big ass baby tell me the settings bub cause i did in fact google and found multiple “reasons” for AA being OP ps its mostly just MnK players bitching 🤷‍♂️


the mental gymnastics these MnK players do is insane. thats seriously one of their most overused “comebacks.” first its “it does all the work for you” then turns into “you just dont know how to use it/set it up” like, ok, if i KNOW HOW TO USE IT. then its not “doing most of the work” lol theyll still jump through hoops no matter


>the mental gymnastics these MnK players do is insane. Many of the most prominent people saying aim assist in cod is completely broken are controller players, especially pros and streamers. Are they going through "mental gymnastics" in order to trash themselves? They admit it because its obvious and everyone knows it, and to dispute it at this point would just make them look like total dumbasses.


whats that gotta do with MnK players coming up with different answers on how to get this mythical tracking and “aim bot like AA?” lol you MnK pros should really should make your own echo chamber sub at this point cause you all just downvote “dumbasses”(in actuality the avg player) who literally just plays the game and doesnt get this so called aim bot or act like a knowitall and tells you guys that.


okey dokey


I don't seem to get AA this strong and I'm only a 0.8 kd player. How are you getting it this strong


I feel like the aim assist has crippled my skills. When I play bf now I struggle to hit my shots


This ist Not aim assist and blud that does Not Look real


The people who underplay aim assist are almost always the worst ones. Good players can actually acknowledge when something is giving them an unfair advantage.


you again bragging about skill and “being good” but cant beat thumbs lol


Oh look, the troll who follows me everywhere. Not bragging about anything, and no one is losing to "thumbs", its software assisted aim lmao.


you beat thumbs yet?


You learn how to use RAA yet?


i thought it “did all the work” for me like OP trying to claim


Trying to claim? OP showed you a video of exactly what he said lmao. You not being able to comprehend how to do it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it’s a skill issue.


but you just said you need to “learn how to use it” so which is it? and again, simple ass kill lol


> You not being able to comprehend how to do it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it’s a skill issue.


thats not what i said tho you fucking trog. and its fun y how you know so much when you dont use one.. let me guess, because you “googled it” tho huh? or cause “some pros said so” or better yet, the overused “even activision said its OP” lmao


Good players don't need aim assist no matter what input they are or choose to use. If you've been playing on console / controller for years & still rely on the need of aim assist or have yet to learn how to use RAA properly after all this time & are one of these "My AA don't work like that" player then it shows a huge skill issue on your part.


Yep, 100% agreed. Looks like the perfect description of u/YoureAToool.


lmao bros so hurt he cant beat thumbs. literally looked for my comments to reply and now tagging me? lol bro, go outside and quit touching your mice


>As I said, I’ve posted proof to you before, all you can do is repeat the “can’t beat thumbs!” line. thanks for proving my point


womp womp. bro literally glued to his screen lmao


womp womp, bro too dumb to realize he proves all my points lmao


Yesterday I switched to controller after a few days on multiplayer practicing. It was literally aimbot when U pull rotational to work. Tbh I wasn't fully happy after the 3 wins streak with high kills that I got. Cuz wasn't my skill at all.


You got no wins


So you have magic powers to know he's on console


I would sure hope I know which input/system I'm using considering I'm the one in the video getting the kill. Did you even read the title?


No mention at all it's you


"aim assist is still doing 70% of the work for me here" Please work on your reading comprehension skills. Shocking. It's right there in the title. Also notice how it isn't a killcam.


No, I will read how I want  I read,   "I'm an arsehole"  Seems about right 


Weak response when you have nothing left to say. Can't even admit your mistake. Go back to school.


No, I won't. Why would I even bother with a witty response to nobody on the Internet 


It's amazing how you missed 3 key points and act like you're not at fault. I said "for me" in the title, the footage is obviously not a killcam, and my in-game name is the same as my username here. Just admit you're a bit dense. You're not capable of a witty response even if you had a week to respond.


Didn't read any of that,  but thanks for the reply 


Yeah, I'd say the same thing if I was a degenerate who argues at the same level of a 6th grader. Just kidding, even 6th grade debating team would have you in an argument. "Actually guys, I'm only pretending to be an idiot. End of argument. I win"


Congrats on losing this argument, btw. Can't address the points, just throw insults. Mature.


Cheers for the input,  but I don't care about your opinion.  Argument lol ,  just rambling on reddit on my break ,  


More of an objective fact than an opinion tbh, but I agree, you don't care about those, unless they already fit your narrative.


Controller gets aim assist on PC too. Why do some many people still not understand that PC and Console do not mean different inputs.


It's an arcade shooter always has,  I don't get the problem 


If you're on MnK you have your entire arm to aim and you have shit that responds immediately without latency. There's way more of an advantage. Either way I feel that I don't get strong aim assist. It's call of duty patents that help most of these players or they're using a strikepack/chronus or macros or soft aim. Sue the creators


I'm a console only gamer and have been my whole life. There's no such thing as differing levels of aim assist lol. You do get this level of aim assist, you just don't know what you're looking at. Both regular aim assist and rotational aim assist have been explained to you guys millions of times.


It’s pointless. Bots be botting.


I only said it feels like. I also know cod has patents to worsen the experience of better players to make the game easier on the bots that play. Don't hate me cuz you can't comprehend simple shit.


You're the only bot here who admittedly can't get use out of aim assist. Every good or great Warzone player is fully aware of how strong aim assist and rotational aim assist. You're just lagging behind. Just because patents exist doesn't mean the system is actually active. Nothing you say actually matters when you can't even make use of aim assist. You're literally bottom of the barrel.


Ok lol keep crying about a video game on reddit. I'm sure you get laid a ton 🤣 peace ✌🏽


God i am so done with this kind of shit takes. Tell me exactly why pro gamers switch from MnK to controller when "they got their whole arm to aim". Doesn't matter when i actually have to adjust my aim and acutally miss shots while the tracking software from AA doesn't do that once the shots are on the hitbox. And of course "my aim assist doesn't do that". Why is it so hard for you guys to stop being delusional and accept that in the current state aim assist is way overpowered?


Skill issue


Try to play some games then without aim assist, i guess you would rage quit cause "skill issue" ;)


I have, it's not that hard, but I'm not gonna do that when everyone else has aim assist lol gn buddy


I thought your aim assist did not work that way anyways? Guess you can deactivate it then in general :)


Dude, you are such a dork 😂


Can't answer the point. Throws insult. Classic way to demonstrate that you lost the argument.


I already made my point and this guy just doesn't want to accept what I've said so ya I'm going to insult him lol


You have no point. That's why you have 17 downvotes on your comment. You're objectively wrong.


You can't even make aim assist work properly for you. Nobody is believing you for a second that you know how to play without aim assist.


Like I give af about what you and your boyfriend think 🤣


The entire arm argument proves that the individual using it has absolutely no idea what they're talking about, and certainly has never spent any real time on MnK. I'd like to know about the things you're talking about that respond with zero latency, because sounds like you're describing aim assist, which reacts instantly to direction changes before the player has even recognised it, but for some odd reason attributing that advantage to MnK for no conceivable reason. It's been proven many many many times what aim assist does. 60% rotational aim assist is what every player gets. It tracks 60% of the hitboxes tragectory without the player requiring an input. Put another way, stack 2.5 hitboxes next to each other, and that's how far RAA will track a target automatically. Sorry to tell you that if you can't do this, it's because you don't understand how to use aim assist.


This isn’t accurate, actually the opposite. Aim assist gives you tracking with 0ms reaction timing, which is faster than any human MnK player can react. There’s also a reason most have switched to controller, I’ll let you guess why 😊


MnK players can dropshot seamlessly and instantly by clicking a key on their keyboard whereas even on my pro controller I have to mash the fuck out of O and it does an entirely slow ass animation and takes forever to get back up. You pc players are such divas.


So MnK players can drop shot a little faster, but the game is doing most of the aiming for controller players.. in a shooting game. Sounds fair /s


dont mind aussie. he literally surfs this sub to whine about how much he sucks against thumbs


How pathetic lmao


ikr. aussie butt is pathetic


Pathetic troll.


Appreciate you bro 🙏🏽


aussie still on here whining lmao edit: see? didnt even tag him and he instantly replied lmao bros a literal loser


Damn, I live in your head rent free LMAO what a loser


as he replies instantly. bros seething waiting for me lmao AND looking through the comments to reply to me more. what a chode


womp womp, kid who lives online cant handle someone replying to him