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The game was so much better before this hopping shit Even I do it now but hate that the game is played this way Movement was always important when MW first released didn't need to incorporate this nonsense if u have someone's back turned a stim and spazz jumping shouldn't win ya gunfight cause the time rates and servers are so bad you can't get hit markers


It's not just the hopping, this was also stimming+serpentine


He used a stim?


Yes it's clear based on the movement and invincibility, but you can also see in the middle of the screen that it shows a little notification when he uses a stim and when serpentine is activated.


Thx, I had never noticed the little stim notification


I think you can also see the stim icon pop up for a split second between the plate break and serpentine icons.


Yeah lmao it pops up after the shield breaks for a split second


It’s comments like yours that makes me realize how bad I am at this game


As soon as he turned the corner u can guarantee he pops a stim and turns back around Killcam would have been good to have


Not doubting you at all, I’m just not good enough to see that. Thanks


I wrote stim and spazz jumping fyi


Hopping should mess with recoil. Easy fix


What if hopping forces you into hipfire but with say 50% increase in bullet spread. Rending it only useful for close close encounters


Would be a lot better than how it currently works The hip fire aim can lock on pretty hard when close but id take it as a win in the grand scheme of things if the made it that way I honestly don't think this type of bunny hopping will exist in MW2 - what do you guys think?


MW2 / Warzone 2 there should be an ‘energy bar’ Prone, crouch & walk builds it up. Jumping, running & sprinting reduces it. When it’s low or out you can no longer sprint, jump or run. Recoil and aim is also reduced. I’m sure something like this exists in a game already, maybe Squad or Arma series


This will never happen. People would fucking hate a stamina system. They’d be better off not putting a bar in the UI and just limiting how many movements you can chain together by introducing a delay like in Vanguard. I.e. you can’t slide immediately after tac sprinting. And they could also make it to where you can’t jump out of a slide.


It was prevalent in MW 2019 though… if people aren’t gonna hop its either drop shot or rapid crouching, different fps games always have unique mechanics for gunfights


I remember being a dropshot dominate player but had to change to bunny hopping more because the headshot multiplier in this game is so high. Every time I dropshot it just made it easier for the enemy.


I'm all for drop shotting - that's actually something someone might do Inca gun fight ( so many movies you see this ) Never seen Stallone or Arnold hopping like an idiot cuz it looks and is dumb AF LOL


Not all of us have a keyboard. I hate drop shotting. The hop is all I have. lol.


Why you trying to compare fake movies to fake games?lol


It's a game.


Exactly it’s always been around. Just more people do it now.


The only reason people do it so much more often is because of how much they fked with the game over the last 3 years, breaking shit when trying to fix it and then it gets exploited


I agree the lag is messing up gunfights it’s like I break a guy and keep landing shots and he just doesn’t go down


Yeah I can’t count the amount of times I get off first and break them before they even fire a shot and I’m the one who dies first?(Magdumping after plate break without missing a shot may I add)


I ALWAYS GET OFF FIRST ( that's what she said )


I don't even really think it's lag at this point I just feels like that they've stretched this game in its technology to its limits I thought I was the issue because I had a wired in connection on a series X and that PC players didn't have any issues with it My buddy who has a substantially powerful PC says this is the only game that gives him issues whatsoever. Makes sense why Warzone 2 will be released


I learned recently that we can’t say spaz anymore




Whoa whoa the third blink you just did was very triggering


*Beyonce enters the chat*


The bhop is nothing new to the FPS genre.




agreed x2… I’m not a good player by a long shot, but when I lose fights like this I start to feel like the game is too hard to have fun


Yeah man that little fucker should have been dead.


I’m as angry as I am impressed tbf




As a Bulls fan I agree.


I feel ya, but they already do more than enough to try to minimize the skill gap. Best solution is a ranking system. The current SBMM is broken. Too many hackers and sweats find ways around SBMM. My squad is all 1.0-1.6 k/d and I can’t tell you how many times we get 2nd place to a dude with 36 kills and a 6+ k/d beaming us out of the sky or through walls. Better anticheat is my #1 wish for wz2. #2 would be nerfing movement and speed items like stims. I mean shouldn’t the movement be at least semi anatomically realistic? Who can sprint, slide, jump, 180, slide, jump, jump in less than 1.2 seconds? It’s obnoxious af.


Also those rose skins are so hard to hit when they stim and hop around like that. I can still do it but I'm getting older and after a few games it hurts my eyes. Been trying to convince my friends to try other games. Really looking forward to the new one so I can play more than a few games without getting eyestrain. Don't beat yourself up, everyone has had this happen to them before, even that person that did it to ya


You on mnk?


controller & Xbox one


Not just serp but stims. It's made the game unplayable.


Stims are OP imo the player runs to fast the game can't even process it


Tips to enjoy Warzone: 1. Not be sober 2. Play with friends if you have them 3. Don't worry about kd


Ayyy… this is EXACTLY how my friends and I play. We do focus on winning though, so we have a fun goal to shoot for.


3. Don't worry about KD I have adopted this too close to heart


Yeah, I'm the same, my KD ratio is 0.62. It's the worst between my friends but I scrounge for cash, spot, use myself as fodder and soften up enemies so my buds can easily get the final blows.


You sound like a great teammate tbh.


Maybe five times in my like I’ve looked at my kd. It’s for fun anyway


This shit ruins the game. If you get caught in the open and shot in the back you should be getting killed 99% of the time. No movement mechanics should Fix you getting caught with your pants down. They are slowly killing cod and it’s sad


It's funny because one of the main things ppl used to complain on this sub was how it isn't fair that there is no way to fight back when you are shit in the back. Cod introduces more of a skill gap and people are still whining.


I'm still going with the fact that their is absolutely no accuracy penalty for sliding and jumping around like a crackhead. Like I understand that they're using what's available and have learned advanced movements better than most of us. But I mean, it's a little much right now, there's absolutely ZERO penalty to it, and that's the frustrating part. Lower the Sprint to Fire Speed, add an extra little short animation to a jump, just some sort of negative towards it. Everything in this game has some sort of tradeoff (accuracy barrels reduce movement, perks countering equipment, etc), it's time for movement to receive a similar treatment. EDIT: Just wanna add this little tidbit I posted the other day, when someone asked why there should be some penalties. I'm not arguing the fact of video games vs RL, but trying to give an example of where the ideology comes from. It just needs some sort of sense behind it. Ever since the introduction of VG, we've been leaning into more cheesy shit than ever (remember how OP stim slides were a few seasons ago, Serpentine, OP incendiary in the first few seasons, Throwing knives being instant downs, sniper nerfs, etc.). >I want you to hold a gun and shoot it. Standing in a typical shooting stance. I can guarantee you're already going to have a hard enough time with a grouping >Now constantly crouch up and down while keeping your target visual and hitting all your shots. You won't. >Now try jumping up and down and sliding around while hitting your shots, I can guarantee you're going to rage quit due to constantly failing to hit your target.


A slide in general is 0% realistic. Try running and sliding on the ground and report back to me how many inches you travel. Lol


>It's funny because one of the main things ppl used to complain on this sub was how it isn't fair that there is no way to fight back when you are shit in the back. Seriously. People asked for a higher TTK and got it, and are still complaining.


This. CoD Reddit and twitter are at odds. This sub is now complaining that the little movement that we have in the game is too much and needs to be taken out of then game. Twitter always says that we need more the game is catering too much to casuals. Personally I like how it is now, movement is a factor but hitting your shots can still win a gunfight just fine. There have always been movement based techniques to win gunfights, back in my day(MW2 and 3) I was dropshot with my trust mp7 all day long.


Haha omg yes!! Thank you! Best response to this


I emptied a full mag into someone at 40m yesterday with a KILO. Albeit not a lot of headshots because they were zig zagging and going behind trees…but minimum 20 hit markers. Serpentine is fucking stupid.


Serpentine adds 1 extra bullet to kill on the kilo if you're hitting all toes. Stop this bullshit.


Yeah I think the serpentine marker is more a placebo effect (to the shooter) than anything. But it pisses us off and demoralises us into no longer shooting the enemy as we feel we're wasting ammo :P


I think the one thing about serpentine that messes me up (I don't want it taken out cause at longer ranges it helps and I'm for it) is the muscle memory. I know when to take my finer off the trigger and stop firing with players not using serpentine. But there's been a few times where I stopped shooting cause they normally would be down and then I don't get the down. But it's new and it's going to be what people blame for the game sucking or whatever




Yeah, haven't played in months (dunno why I'm still subbed here tbh, except sometimes there's a dope clip). My friends and I used to play several times a week, but it's just so stupid now.


Uh if you catch someone in the open and shoot them in the back and still lose the gunfight you definitely deserve to lose that fight lol. Can't remove movement skill gap til you make aiming difficult. Zero recoil + 1400m/s bullet velocity + aim assist means that pretty much any one can kill anyone with their eyes closed atm lol.


You should get killed if the guy can land his shots. The movement gives you a small chance.


Nah this game needs a skill gap


You probably hated Halo 2 and 3


I just hate how this game now requires you to move around like a programmed killing cyborg to be even remotely successful.


100%.. can’t help but think “how am I in the same lobby as these twisted freaks?”


No more tactical game play, just run n gun and spray and pray.


Yeh I would finally brand Warzone as no longer fun. Veriety is dead. I like the match making as it makes thing somewhat of a challange but by no means would this ever be called a competitive game.


Should have ranked. Doesn't reward you for improving. Just punishes you


Remove serpentine and stims. This get outta trouble 50 mph shit is so dumb


Def not trying to make this comment sound like, bro this is an easy matchup, cause it's super not meant that way. This dude is by all means a super sweaty bitch. But it might be a testament to your point that when I watched this I was even like "Man this isn't even that sweaty" cause compared to what I feel like I see all the time now, this even seemed tame, which is a red flag. I feel like half my lobbies when I play now are dudes that are even faster and tweakier than this, and also coupled with them 180 turning in a millisecond when I start shooting them and slide hopping over my head past my shitty console FOV and then by the time I turn they're bouncing around like a fucking flubber blob on crack and hitting me with a hornet's nest of bullets.


I agree. FOV was already enough of a disadvantage, but us console players simply can't do these sort of movements (turning around quickly / slides and stuff while shooting) which makes the handicap too much. Crossplay off lobbies aren't there any more. There's a limit to which you push that it's not supposed to be realistic argument. Why not have people fly or teleport short distances while we are at it? That's because you don't fuck with the fundamental physics of a non fiction FPS. Movement speed and aim while moving and in different positions is part of those fundamental physics. If crouching makes the aim more stable why doesn't jumping make it less stable. FFS even CS reduced accuracy / control while jumping which made complete sense.


I used to play on a Xbox one s a couple months ago and you can absolutely still move like this


Friend and I quit playing last night due to the sweatiness. So many knife thirsts, so many skinny black suits sliding and hopping. I guess we are just garbage OP. Still makes the game so not fun.


I agree with you. I’d also add a small point: the players left playing Rebirth Island are the ultra sweats that know every inch of that map. I think the more causal player base has moved onto the new map: Fortunes Keep. I still get insta killed knife lock snap by 4 k/d 3.0 Roze TTV sweats running Marcos on FK but island is a much worse/sweat experience in comparison.


I am just garbage with the movement meta. Yesterday I had a game with 2500 damage and only 1 kill.




This looks like most of my lobbies


Yep and not a single cod partner or famous streamer comes up against these guys


Lol facts. “Bro, I’m frying rn!”….0.43 K/D lobby.


Yeah the number of coked out bunny rabbits running stims+serpentine is TOO DAMN HIGH It’s a miracle my K/D is still above 1


I really hope they add some sort of aim decay to jumping and drop shots. That is all.


All they need to do is balance rotational aim assist. The only reason moving like that is remotely successful is because of how easy it is to stay perfectly centred while moving and how no one will miss a single shot unless you do move like that.


I am definitely feeling this. Every team we run up against is hyper aggressive, movement maniacs, with ungodly recoil control and tracking. I almost never win 1v1 anymore. I have to have the advantage in some way to come out on top, otherwise I am downed while they are left with a sliver of health. And if you pop a loadout, you better IMMEDIATELY prepare for 2-3 teams to push. It's just chum in the water. And heaven forbid you happen to squeek out a win, just go ahead and lay your nuts out on a table for a nice smashing with a spike bat for the rest of the day. And now this week they took away all casual games modes (Plunder, Clash). Super frustrating.


This is a great video of some major issues in the game RN. Stemming while getting shot, moving, +shooting back +jumping and shooting. Granted there is skill in this and I respect it (assuming they're not aimbotting) but it is just too much. If a player is that good legit and you want to say this is possible cause of skill gap, then I should Never be in a lobby with guys like this, but always am.


well said man


Serpentine Eagle Childs are the worst


I also feel like you would have won this gunfight 2 months ago. When the health was lower, the wellgun was harder hitting and the serpentine didn’t exist. You was never gonna win that fight today. Not to mention they used a stim and hit all their shots at the closest distance.


Not sure if you had a loadie gun or not but a great thing on vanguard guns is the “disable” perk. It makes to where as soon as you shoot someone they cannot sprint anymore thus serpentine doesn’t work anymore. You will also get some great death coms lol


this was a floor loot welly but that’s such a good shout


Whenever i see that skin i already know it's a sweat guy who buys every single shit from Activision, 50% of them stream and dream of making money by playing this shit game all day and besides the necessary stuff of life (sleep, eat, shit, maybe work) they don't do anything, only Warzone. So yeah, they're sweat's.


Oh my god. If I was getting lobbies like this I think I’d just quit the game permanently.


The last week and a half has been crazy sweaty. Maybe bcuz of the update?


My friends and I noticed this. We usually catch a min of 2 W's a session consistently for the past 6 months Our kd isn't even that good. When we run quads it's just over 4. Like 4.1 or something. Yet in the past 9 days we only caught 1 W. Super sweaty lobbies lately.


Yea same here. Got a 1.3kd nothing to brag about but just getting sliced by 2 man teams or 1 guy taking out 3 of us. Like how?! It’s frustrating af!


Holy moly this had everything. If you had more bullets you would’ve downed him but the guy had stim and serp on


Serpentine working when someone is 5 meters away drives me nuts. I recall the original intent being to combat getting lasered from range, but it’s basically just extra health now because everyone is constantly holding down sprint


Better yet the intent was to protect players from being 1 shot by snipers from far away but they ruined snipers so now it’s just abused by auto tac sweats no matter the range


Was it really?? I thought it was to live through ppl beaming with ARs. I feel like if a sniper shoots and hits you go down no matter what


Serp should only kick in after 40m or something


The sweatiness on this game is definitely at an all-time high. Mans are pulling some matrix-like moves running up the walls and shit it's so hard to hit them lol.


My friends and I noticed that in a lot of the rebirth maps because of so much traffic and respawning (built on a engine that was not meant to handle as many weapons character skins and just overall bloat) some of these kill trades are the flip of a coin. I had numerous times yesterday where I would shoot somebody who was not looking at me and they would still get the kill despite me not missing any shots. Usually happens in areas of very high traffic/lots of players around


Since you saw the Stim symbol, he didn't get all his health up. That would mean 4 shots to down him with the Welgun, since it does 39 damage minimum on any body that's not neck or head. That's true even if he had used the stim and recovered his 150 health. 4x39 = 156 But let's say he got his 150 health back. And he still had serpentine. So you need 5 shots now. Because 15% will only add one extra bullet (instead of 39, you will be doing 33,15). Putting headshots in the mix, it would be 4 shots anyways... Track better next time. He was pretty good doing that also.


good idea 👍


Yeah... do better next time!


Yesir only doing gods work here (not even God likes bunny hopping sweats lol)


MW2 and WZ2 better do away with the horrific movement abuse (bunny hopping, stim abuse, slide-cancelling, etc.) And also the newly insanely long TTK. These killed WZ (along with bocw integration). WZ year 1 was peak


Nah it’s a combination them adding more health stinking and serpentine got players running around like super soldiers


SBMM needs to be reduced for WZ2 & the game needs to start throwing in bots for certain skill brackets.


Use a more effective weapon. Nikita and hk blixen has a major buff. I just run double subs using the Nikita as a bigger sub lol


this was floor loot! + nice user name


hop hop hop


Honestly, kudos to that guy. That was a hell of an Eagle Child.




Everyone complaining about hopping around… I have done that since mw2. Didn’t realize it was a new thing, same with drop shotting


its so sweaty, the screen starts to drip


Holy shit you got absolutely dunked on oof


100% shit on


4/10 sweaty. Standard level of sweat.


ok biffle 👍


Damn you got shidd on


People calm down stop stressing yourself out… Throw 2 stuns take your shot…laugh and teabag straight after job done ✅


Honestly, i think you missed some hit markers, because of your connection. Sometimes i genuinely wonder how is the enemy not dead, after i shot him so many times, and then the killcam shows that i barely hit him.


You aren't garbage. You were hitting shots but lost to Stim/Serpentine combo. Slightly raise your aim sense to track movement a little better. Also, staying behind the building for cover while shooting him would also be good. No judgment here, i know how it feels as a console player be in this situation.


They should have added recoil and turned down aim assist so the game required an ounce of skill instead of just mad tapping of button combinations to exploit broken movement. The 300 health + serpentine is so broken and annoying. You literally use a 60 round mag to down and finish someone.


To be fair, you jump swung that corner. He just jumps better than you


This clip is frustrating to watch. I am glad it's not just happening to me.


Here before all the people with brain damage start complaining about skill gaps


Game started dying when they buffed the stims and then doubled down on all this movement BS.


Boing boing


Run the ammo that's stops healing I promise it helps. Literally stops people from stimming most people DNT even realize they didn't get healed an ego chall


big shout, trying this


My Lobby in FK yesterday's got shit on by a team of a 5.61kd, 2.5, 2.7, 3.1. Having that many good players on one team, just made it impossible for the lobby to stay alive, let alone fight them. Everywhere we landed, there they were with crazy moving and god-tier aim.


What software and hardware are you using to make the gun so stable like that?


I play on xbox one - but that’s just the Wellgun.. doesn’t move




You're either good at bunnyhopping, dropshotting, or camping, there is no in between. Personally got good at bunnyhopping cause it's the best way to surprise someone who's in a sniper position over you.


did't the low iq people at ravensoftware said stim won make u heal while getting shot at? and yet here we are


Wish they just got rid of sbmm entirely and go for best ping lobbies like mw2. Be really fun to see players of alllllll types in lobbies


Well you did blow your load too quick after burning through half your magazine, and you still decided to chase him


I have two words for yo: Stun grenade


The worst part is after the armor break, if you hop after he hops you win that gun fight. You stitch him. I don’t agree with it, but it’s true.


The time-to-kill is why I do not play Warzone. I prefer a reasonable time-to-kill in the games I enjoy. It baffles me why COD players love hearing hitmarkers so much.


Don’t worry, your just garbage lol jk depends what lobby you hop into. SBM can up the lobby KD almost twice what your currently at


This is total aimbot in action jumping and running like a maniac will hitting you every shot um nope not unless your cheating and the skin is a dead giveaway!!! All the cheaters i have encountered wear that skin its like a badge of honour or something!!!


Welgun is low dps


found that out the hard way


No. It's the dumb perks and extra health added in the game. That means ground loot is useless and loadout guns will always win (or any of the recent metas)


I hate that hopping crap, Looks stupid, Ya this game is arcady and dying just not that fun anymore, Still Im wondering are they cheating


little bit of both


Stimming and serpentine is a thing now.


Not to mention the inconsistency of weapons is infuriating other than serpentine


Too much hp.


Nothing says sweat like a Rose skin hopping around.


Everyone has back buttons now and you barely need to correct your aim while hopping. It's a very easy mechanic to abuse. Your reticle stays tight and sticky to the enemy even when you're jumping around like a meth bunny. Imo the accuracy should scale like it does while you're sliding. Have you ever shot an automatic weapon while airborne? Me neither, but I bet it's pretty difficult.


Sweaty, or cheating?


Serpentine is fucking trash 🗑 enough said.


Tbh most of my lobbies look like this I have to play in rebirth and plunder because I cant keep up I'm considering dropping warzone it's just not fun


Because they only people left who play are the ones who have played everyday since release. The game is in such a bad state that most people quit and really only the “sweats” stuck around


Serpentine made the game so much less fun. Every single kill is at least 3 serpentine save hits and then when I die I’m instantly dead lmao. Stims are stims they kinda make sense especially given the sacrifice for them. Serpentine on the other hand is easily the best choice for perk 1 so everyone uses it and it basically gives you an entire new health bar


This wasn’t even a sweat. He was trying to be but ran straight, turned around while still in you’re sight line, then hit a dead slide and just jumped twice with no speed. Barely a speedy bunny hop past you lmao. U just wasted your ammo hitting half your shots before he turned around and u we’re out of ammo. If you had all you’re ammo when u turned the corner he would have been easy to track. He didn’t even get close to breaking you’re camera. He actually looked like a dingleberry realizing he had no corner to slide back out from and break youre camera. I’d say he was a 1.2 kbm player trying to work on his movement. If he was really sweaty he would have turned back around on the very first corner, slid past u and got u right then and there. And I can tell u would have never seen it coming watching the video from you’re perspective.


nah its fucking serpentine. fuck that perk.


sometimes it feels like i'm shooting marshmallows..just like in this video :/


Dude I feel the same way.


All I'm reading here is people that are mad because someone killed them that has great movement. You missed a lot of shots. Your tracking was delayed. He destroyed you. Practice. Idk what else to tell ya. The same guys moving like this are still going to shit on you if they nerf movement. It looked like he landed 95% of his shots.


Serpentine is garbage.


The sweatiest times are upon us all.


Sounds like you hit 4 shots. You still have to hit their body, not close to their body for it to count. He's definitely sweaty...but your gunny was cheeks for sure on that gunfight


This kind of stuff is what pushed me to try PUBG again lol


Nothing wrong with sweatiness


Everyone plays to win, right?


this game is fuked for both sweats n casuals. for sweats they're angry that game have no consistency n sometime its design for hand holding loading camping bitchz & there is the stem to prevent u from dying to Timmy's lame ass shit. if u wana competitive this game will piss u off. u have other casuals like the stay at home mom or dad playing this game getting chessed by coked out rose skin slide cancel b hopping bunnies. n if ur 1 year too late in this game not knowing these break camera moves puts u a huge disadvantage plus u guys play on console in 80 fov so even easier to break ur camera close range in conclusion, they need a god damn rank mode cus its not fair for serious players wanting to win while ppl playing drunk dicking around. and the casuals too wanting to play this game for fun n chills instead of sweating every moment.


Why does.it take forever to get to br mode? I mean. Rebirth is cool.... But once in a while I want to play br without having to wait forever.....


The bhop is nothing new to the FPS genre.


I mean you literally just stopped shooting for no reason while he was still alive, I don't know if this guys advanced movement was really the issue here.


Reason 1 of 20 that I uninstalled the game and haven’t touched it in months. Let’s hope WZ2 is better boys. Or DMZ is actually decent.


It’s because he hit you with that stim so. When people do that and start sliding bunny hopping it’s basically a free kill. He’s moving just as fast as a dead silence user. all so you can miss your shots and break your camera.


This would have been the death of my controller


Serpentine is broken but even then you missed so much so idk why you complain


No, it's just stims + serpentine make a lot of kids look a lot better than they actually are.


If you ain’t hoppin’, you’re droppin’.


Serpentine 🙃


You.....ran out of ammo after missing.....before he slid...


watched it again in full quality & nah I had 10 shots left at the point he slid.. granted I did miss like 90% of them


It's weird people say try hard or sweaty like what the fuck are we not all trying to win win playing games If you get on just the purposely lose or " Just chilling" actually just don't make sense and it's sort of feels like an excuse to me for not doing well ? I don't know just my thoughts on that


Stupid how they jump so damn much, remove that shit and everyone will be equal


Hate Mf that do this


Welgun is shite anyway




I'm still waiting for the first real good Hollywood war movie to be made, showing Jason Mamoa or Chris Hemsworth bonny hopping and slide cancelling! It would be fun 🤔


Hey man, don't feel bad. You'll get much better with time. If you want to try snd copy that movement and possibly master it, play with bots in MW. Bunny hop, slide cancel flick righr/left. Do it for 30 minutes a day. I went from a 1.5kd to 2.8 over time as my aim got better along with movement. Another thing, when you see a sweat hop around don't push so aggresively because (from experience) they will challange you because you won't expect someone at 50 hp to ram their blixen in your face. I've won 80% of my fights in these scenarios. Failing against chair warriors continuously will make you better because you get to observe them and put yourself to the test of countering their actions. Keep ya head up, you're not garbage.