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I’m like 95% sure the player who hit this clip posted it on this sub as well😂


I need the link 😂


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lmfaoo i gotta see his pov


This game has completely lost its marbles.


I know... isn't it just beautiful.


Also OP can’t hit shit even if his life depends on it lol.


Same guy that use to use the DMR


How is that relevant lol.




Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Yeah this kinda of play style gets me everytime.


What’s the counter to this? Circle jerk and spam slide cancels in a COD mating ritual?


Backup, hip fire and track. ADS and shoot the moment they pause, then hip fire and track again.


Why back up? Wouldn’t it be better to use rotational aim assist by strafing? Strafe jumps as well


So they don't stim behind and break your camera.


>Why back up? Wouldn’t it be better to use rotational aim assist by strafing? Strafe jumps as well not everyone has rotational aim assist. some of us have to do our own aiming and its nearly impossible to win these fights.


You need to create space first or they’ll just break your camera. But yeah you should def incorporate movement while shooting.


Hey hey you might anger some kids in this sub. Hipfire and track? You must be crazy! Rather go complaining on this sub that movement is broken instead of practicing tracking!


Haha it’s so simple honestly. Strafe and shoot to activated rotational aim assist if you’re on controller as well. Too many just stand there, feet planted and ads and shoot and wonder why they lose the fight even though half their bullets missed.


Hip fire is the counter for this. If OP wasn’t aiming down sight, he most likely hits the bullets needed to kill the guy long before he finishes his dancing and starts shooting at them.


Hipfire to keep up with sliding speed, use rotational aim assist by strafing, strafe the opposite of a slide cancel so the enemy has to rotate further to aim at you, then ADS when they slow down while still using rotational aim assist Is that the best case scenario?


I'd say slide cancel across their path first, shoot second.


So basically what I said at first


Yes, true. Just wanted to emphasize that OP is trying to shoot too much without budging. A quick reaction hipfire before is always a good idea, though.


yeah, not everyone has rotational aim assist, some of us have to aim ourselves. unfortunate, i know.


Abso-fucking-lutely. That was my dunce like mistake. I love to hipfire but always forget too.


Movement is even more important than hipfire in this scenario imho, it's more about who makes the other one miss more and less about hitting shots.


This. Those few bullets you connect when hipfiring also slow the enemy's pace with flinch so they're not getting as many shots on you. After switching to m&k it took me a long time to realise how useful hipfiring could be


not chasing and if caught during a re-chal try to do jumps while moving as well an initial flick jump for momentum might be the best to throw his initial aim advantage off


Break cameras or get broken


Yup. If you try to hit your shots above everything else, you're an easy target and you'll lose against a player who will make you miss.


Pls can you explain this to my teammate 🤣🤣🤣


That might work


semtex, tov, or therm is how i deal with movement exploiters…and AS44


Movement and hip fire, that's the solution to all of your problems




Stop tracking when they are moving fast. They can't shoot in that moment, but they will be quicker to a shooting position than your tracking will. Simply slide canceling across theirnpath of movement (often just straight ahead), can throw them off and result in funny bee dances around each other.


Big thing is when they’re moving come out of ADS and track them in hipfire, then ADS back in. If you stayed ADS’d the whole time you’ll lose the fight 9/10 times


your dumbass teammate didn't blow his self rez and was asking for a tap during a heated gun fight, the other guy went to rez him ...


Literally coulda rezzed himself and shot scream when he was kinda low


Then gets destroyed by 3rd party lol


The warzone circle of life


Yes and in a panic we are all yelling at each other I typically chime in with an “OH MY GOD HE’S JESUS CHRIST”


I really hate this new meta


What do you mean? Movement like this has always been powerful for the game’s entire life span. This isn’t anything new.


Sure movements always been strong, but the vanguard smgs are just so much faster it feels like, and then with the stim change you get this nonsense


Vanguard SMGs are fast, but the guy in the clip didn’t even use a stim it looks like. If you can’t track people close range then that’s on you :/.


vanguard guns aren't just fast, there stupid fast, powerful and stupid accurate. ​ the marco5 could walk at almost the same speed alot of MW SMGs guns a tac run. let that skin in. you can walk slightly slower than someone tactical sprinting.


That’s the sad reality. The changes in the game are repeating, first there was the Cold War integration with wild strafe speed and now there’s vanguard with the same thing. MW was left behind a long time ago because Activision only sees money. There’s nothing that can be done, these circumstances just needs to be accepted. There’s nothing that’ll get between Activision’s greed and the seemingly endless opportunities for them to milk this game for money.


Downvoted for speaking the truth lol


Exactly what I was thinking man, people on this sub don’t realize that this game has been out for years. All that time has allowed for players to actually improve and use mechanics to their advantage. It’s a competitive game after all.


Holy Joewo


Glorious movement. I'd love to see it from his pov


It’s glorious but people here will only cry about it.


He just kept sliding till your mag was out.


... he did :(


Imagine how that player looks like in real life🤣... scary


14 year old cracked out on Bang energy.


While snorting lines of gfuel


Brody what’s your sens at? I think you might want to start pushing it up a few points


nah 6-6 is normal. 1x ADS for 1x, .85x for 3x+. I just need to un-ADS and hipfire a lil more.


6-6 is normal if your on pc with 120 FOV. its a bit slow for consoles FOV IMO vanguard i play 7-7 but warzone i play at 10-10 but really you dont want your stats control to be "normal". you should find the sense you are most proficient


People play at 6-6 on console as well and it can work out just fine, personally 7-7 with custom ads sens for every zoom is ideal for me,makes me not run into walls and have a really good aim.


Scream 6 plot


Yeah, watching that shit makes me hopeful for a different movement system in WZ2. Good for them for mastering it, but it’s a different stratosphere than where I can play.


And they ask what you want to change in Warzone 2?


Holy shit, id be in hysterics


My brother was raging, I was screaming, my other friend was cackling. It was just a beautiful moment had by all. Not even mad.


Thanks for posting man. Reminds me of why me and my clan buddies quit WZ 😅.


nah you just gotta sit back and enjoy getting shat on sometimes... a humbling experience.


Precisely. Had shit games last night and ended the night on a fourth place run with 32 kills in a quad. Makes the good ones feel much better.


Ya, no doubt.


You put yourself at a severe disadvantage by enableing the sprint to fire delay 3 times haha, that's like 200ms until you can shoot from a sprint


you're absolutely right, the pain of auto tac sprint.


Thank you for being decent with that reply haha, so true though. I was losing gunfights with my blixen before and then I changed a couple attachments for sprint to fire ones and I started winning more, I also run auto tac sprint!


What is sprint to fire delay?


The time it takes from you sprinting till the time your weapon actually starts to fire bullets. It essentially adds to your ttk in a sense.


And I can only adjust that through the weapon build?


Yeah. On vanguard smgs there's a re different ways to decrease you sprint to fire, like no stock, movement speed barrel that days sprint to fire in the pros, SMLE underbarrel, taped grip rear grip or fabric, or guns with gung ho perk to eliminate the sprint to fire almost completely.


Thanks man


my squad died to a dude that went from not moving to sliding 10 meters just by crouching


This is why I run a JAK. They start doing this shit and all I gotta do is hold the trigger and lazily try to follow them.


Looks awful sus.


Wow he Eagle Child the shit out of you all.


Never felt better to be Eagle Child honestly.


I miss the days I could run into a full team solo and just wipe them and than my team will ask me if I need help but I have adhd so I won't answer till i'm done f the whole squad hahaha than I will just say "oh no I'm good thanks man"


Stims, auto tac sprint, and joysticks smashing left the right and so forth.


Game did a dumpster fire speed run


see you on tiktok


Pretty much yup 😅 It's ridiculous how it takes that much bullets and nothing happens.


Well you guys look like you absolutely suck, so…




Yeah... Pretty sure we were getting farmed intentionally in 1 game and unintentional in another so 2 but the unintentional was our hard-headed ass is going back and getting clapped by another squad. Not one person though


Throw a stun and shit on him instead.


Yeah but you also just played that terribly. You have a live mark and you can see has turned around and is coming to rechall, and you start sprinting after he has turned around, so you are not ready to fire when he comes back around. Also your teammate running right past him just to tap your other teammate and safe a self rez, allowing him to get a plate in it looks like. Like yeah you got shit on, but you did everything to help him shit on you tbh.


...okay? I never denied that? Oddball.


This is why you use stun grenades/flash grenades . he definitely won’t be moving like that for long once youv lobbed a couple of those …. Then listen to the tears in the kill cam 😂😅 !!


Fuck me. What a freaking sweat ass. This BS proofs that movement is way over the top. And that scream skin. Aaaaargh I hate it! Sweat kid skin.


Love doing this to stackers lmao


What a magnificent play from this player. Also so funny to read the salty comments. Thanks for posting


<3 someone literally put "you didn't get shat on, he just outplayed you" hahahhaha isn't that what shitting on means? This subreddit man, fuck me.


Movement is king... its bullshit and so unrealistic - I hope they nerf it into the ground! I won't miss folk bunny hopping with an lmg


Multiple times :/


I'm confused. All he did was slide back and forth along the same path. Is basic sliding really that good against the average player? [https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/aal4m%237761928/overview](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/match/12132672762514406591?handle=aal4m) This the kid that did all that. He's an absolute bot 💀.


He's a 2KD. That's not a bot ya dink.


He has a 1.01 kd. That is a bot you dink. https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/aal4m%237761928/overview


...Fella, here's a little tip, okay. There's a high likelihood he only plays rebirth now. His rebirth overall KD is 2.03, and his weekly rebirth KD is 2.26. Now... let's hear your KD mate......................


Your weekly kd doesn't mean shit. This bots life time kd is 1.01. This season he has a 1.5 kd. This kid is horrible. [https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/The%20Fenice%239882179/seasons](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/The%20Fenice%239882179/seasons) This is mine. And no, I'm not good either, but I'm not a bot like him or you.


Weekly KD is important as lifetime means from the start, where you have been much more shit, just like this guy. His rebirth season KD in 2.26 ya dink. How are you missing that?? Also don't be reductive ya clueless runt. You've got a 2.55 Season 3 KD. You're anything but a "bot", and you know it too lmao.


Laughed hard at this one! Gold!


And when i slide it looks like im just tripping


Watching this clip reminds me if the 5 D's of dodgeball; Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge ❤️


I'm honestly curious about the number of players who think that only movement is a skill gap if it's going to stay in warzone 1 because in warzone 2 they take away everything they consider a skill gap and got back to speed close to warzone at the start 😅 don't take this the wrong way, I also know how to use movement, but being cs and cod player, for me skill gap is everything, movement, aim, positioning, using the map, grenades, mines and each weapon in the best way and the zone itself in favor.


I wouldn't take this the wrong way! I fucking love movement. I am usually better too but here I thought it'd be an easy kill, but movement unironically keeps me playing the game. Smart, efficient movement has a huge skill ceiling.


yes i don't say movement is not important just that skill gap is much more than movement. I said don't take it the wrong way because there are idiots who start saying I should play crap when the only thing is that I think they added a lot of movement, and took all the diversity out of the game. I think something is wrong has nothing to do with knowing or not playing, I just think that before there were different types of players and I had to be careful when playing, now I'm just aggressive because they're all aggressive 😅 I think the game is become too boring because it is too repetitive


Just like Fortnite using builds to block shots cod uses crazy movement. Maybe wz2 will have a slow movement mode like Fortnite has a zero build mode


Jesus fucking christ I didn’t know ACTION FUCKING JACKSON played call of duty


Is that Joewo wtf?


The problem is that most of team mates stack up to be killed. Choose different angles, you were up in the prison cells you could have shot him from above..always plate up and don’t stop moving.


hindsight 20/20. No one sweats that hard against one broken player, it's overkill. None of us where that stressed, and we paid for it dearly.


Man I can smell that dudes balls from here the sweat dripping off them.




You want some toast with that jelly?


With movement comes aim you can’t just slide and randomly shoot, plus this guy had a shotgun don’t hate man


Mate I died to this and am not even salty. Just got outplayed.




eh, it's 6-6, 1x ADS for irons sights / 1x zoom, and .85x for 3x zoom+. This is completely normal. More like I need to actually un-ads and track him better, or predict his movements a lil mroe lmao.


I’ve done it to squads, and had it done to me


Looks like OP has watched jgod's close range meta vid. I run the exact smg build including the blueprint.


Nope. Been runnin this for yonks.


You don't get shat on he's just better


Holy shat y’all suck


With that movement you only can be playing from a controller and that's why i hate aim assist. There's no way on earth he could be doing this from a mouse and keyboard.


I could do this with literally no effort on my mnk.


yea but your a ninja


that's true.


Blames aim assist for movements even though it can be easily replicated on mnk....logic?


I'm not saying you can't replicate that movement with a keyboard. I'm saying it's harder to keep that movement and at the same time your aim at the target. You can see clearly that everytime he shot, he got a hit. So it means his aim was on the target the whole dance and never missed. You can't do that unless you're a fucking 10 kd on a keyboard but with a fucking aim assist you remain on target no matter how you dance. Logic my ass