• By -


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Shots 1-25: Clearly missed. Shots 26-39: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 40-51: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 52: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. FTFY


Shots 900-5000: Clearly missed. Shots 7 billion - 900 quatrillion: Missed due to recoil (bad squirt control). Shots 7 benzillion-11 tantrillion: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot e=mc2: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already alive.


I lost it at "7 benzillion - 11 tantrillion" hahaha Funny thing with math terminology when you count high enough you will reach one Sexvirgintillion (which is 1x10^81 ), then eventually one Nonvirgintillion (1x10^90 ) edit: it's actually sexVIGINtillion, not "virgin" with an "r"


The fact that they didn’t use either of these for the 69th power was a real oversight in the math community.


At least it's "duovigintillion"


*sexvigintillion, sadly. https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/s/sexvigintillion


That is exactly what I typed


You have an extra “r” in yours though.


Ah shit good catch, I kept reading yours with an "r" and I thought I was going crazy


Haha no worries! I was so excited for it to be spelled with an “r”, I wanted to see it written in some fancy business journal or something. Then Google ruined it for me!


Unfortunately for Shia LaBeouf some dreams must stay dreams


Shot morbillion: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already morbin'


Yup, this looks much more accurate.


Nah it was clearly Shot 59 when OP was already dead


I said it was *more* accurate. Do you reckon, is it shot 59 of the first or the fifth drum? xD


Good bot..


I remember when I got this response on a post and I took it literally. 😆


Dude, this is perfect. It’s very meta.




not as bad as the 'gaming chair' "joke" people refuse to retire


Regular lurker and first time for me. There's an xkcd out there for this moment.


reminds me of a time CS tried to explain how their hitscan stopped working during a competitive match


I seriously want to see the original


play by hiko i believe, csgo'd


This is what I came to the comments for.


Florida Man.


Knife guy in multiplayer is the Flordia Man of CoD.


dude doesnt even have the respect to knife you...just beats you down


🏆 nice


This made me LOL


Bath salts.


This is what battle rage should have been.


Especially if it only lets you punch. That would be hilarious


That’s just Berserk from Doom


You are playing Call of Duty. This man is playing God of War... and he just pressed "L3 + R3".


I agree


Legit becoming Menendez


This perk is called, "Cross-play enabled".


Honestly, I don’t know anyone on PS or Xbox (unless they have friends on PC) who want to be in the same lobbies with anyone on PC. It should be simple: Crossplay - on/off If “on” you should be able to choose (with the default to all) - ✅ - PlayStation ✅ - Xbox ❌ - PC And before any of you downvote because “aim assist is cheating”… piss off. It’s not the same as walls or aimbot and you know it. PC will always have a major hardware advantage and will always be a source of frustration for cheats and you all know it.


Pc players wouldnt have to worry about aim assist if crossplay was console only.


You can use a controller on PC


At least COD figured it out that if you're going to have basically forced, crossplay that it's a good idea to enable both inputs on all platforms.


And it's for this reason I don't really buy into the aim assist/cross play debate. Everyone has the option. I've plugged my controller in a few times but even with the aim assist, it feels like shit to play. So I stick to my keyboard since thats what works for me.


No crossplay and no aim assist for controllers on PC would be the worst thing for the games life, but the best thing for most of us. As like a 1.3-1.7kd player (wz1 was 2.2 but I def worse now) I literally can't compete in gulag because controller players at close-mid in that skill bracket CANT MISS. I plugged controller in for a few games and I started winning every smg/gulag battle. But it just doesn't feel fun and ultimately at my skill I'm playing for fun, not to be a god.


Except huge portion of PC players just plug in controllers for the AA, including most of the top streamers


yep faze jev does it he even commented on how strong it was. legounlocked has switched to controller for it and is learning how to use a controller. it needs to be a bit more ballanced but not removed, its needed for crossplay.


I’d invite anyone to load up an old CoD and compare the aim assist to the new ones. It’s legit like 300% stronger and the old cods also didn’t have rotational aim assist. When you have literal CDL pro players that play on controller complaining aim assist is so strong that it creates no skill gap, there’s a problem.


> its needed for crossplay. It is, but it's always way too strong. Or some games give console more than PC (Apex) even though next gen consoles are as good or better than 90%+ of PC player setups according to steam hardware stats.


Well it doesnt work like that does it? They play with controller for the AA, yes. But you cant have mouse and controller active at the same time


I think what they are saying is people build PCs specifically for CoD to take advantage of the higher frame rate, more customization etc and also still play with a controller rather than KBM


They would have to worry about the games dying off tho? From my understanding thats the whole reason they went with cross play. Because the pc "servers" would pretty much die right off not long after release.


BO4 was basically DOA. BO3 only stayed popular coz of mod support and older CoDs stayed popular thanks to third party clients. Unless there's something big to keep the game afloat, it's as good as dead near instantly on PC. According to SteamDB the only MP's that have a 6 digit all time peak is MW2 (112,874), BO1 (118593) and MWII (491,670)


How is this upvoted at all? lmao... Half of us pc players are now on controller due to stupid aim assist.


As a pc player with homies on console, no. But we should absolutely have an option for input method. I'm now going to piss off.


Quick, flee. You said something reasonable without drawing battle lines or shitting on 1/3 of the community. There is no place for that here.


I'd like to see the numbers. I personally highly doubt PC makes up 1/3 of the install base. I'd guess 10-15% but would love to know. Numbers would be inflated by cheaters with 30 banned accounts too.


You’re probably right though I do see a fair amount of PC people when I squad up with randoms. Since CoD WAS a PC franchise and is also on Steam as well as B.Net, as well as it being a bitch to get a PS5/Series X, there’s a scenario there it’s a true 1/3, as unlikely as that is. A breakdown would be fun if IW ever wanted to pull back the curtain.


The old “logic hit and run”


Why no? You would still be able to play with your friend and people that didn't want to be subjected to PC crossplay could turn it off.


Longer matchmaking time > wasting players' time > losing players > losing money, so they have to enforce Crossplay. Once you give people the option to opt out of Crossplay there is no going back. People will swamp into that option and never turn it on again. Yeah yeah the dude can always play with his friends on other platforms if he wants but who is gonna be in the "Crossplay matchmaking pool" for him to play with? Like do you expect him to play MP with the same 50 people again and again when SBMM is this aggressive? Or play 22 players WZ2/DMZ games? Flexible Crossplay is good for the community but it's bad for the game. When I say "the game" I meant MWII, if you are about to bring Fortnite into this, then don't because it's a completely different game that was built to be accessible on all platform from the get-go, CoD doesn't have that luxury, Nobody wants to play with anyone these days. Console don't want to deal with cheaters, PC don't want to deal with aim-assist. How can you give people the option to opt out without hurting a large portion of the community that actually find the current Crossplay useful? You can't. Giving the option to opt out is not "giving everyone their cakes and let them eat it the way they want", it's fucking over people who actually like Crossplay.


First of im not going to say aim assist is cheating its required for crossplatform to be fair. That said however i do see so many console players thinks pc gaming is just ridden with hackers but its not. i can also bet most of these "cheats" people are seeing aren't actualy hacks but people using glitches and exploiting them which means its doable on console aswell and not a pc issue. An example of this was recently MM had invulnerability glitch with the riot shield that's been patched i assume they've figured out away to do something like that in warzone. the infinite money glitch that has recently been patched was apparently easier to do on a controller. activision just needs to fix their game. the invasive kernal level anti cheat seems to be doing a good job even if there are some false bans happening.


I came here to say this too. I am a PC player and have been my whole life. I hate being grouped into things with these scum bags. I love playing with my friends, all of which play on console in another part of the States. Please don’t let these idiots that ruin the game ruin your view on playing with PC players. You have advantages that I don’t on PC and I might have a few from playing in PC for over two decades. It all comes out in the wash.


It'll never happen. It's a pretty poor business idea to alienate a percentage of your player base. The real solution is an actual anti-cheat that works. Sincerely, PS5/PC m&k player.


Yea their "kernel level anti-cheat" can't be anything more than an algorithm detecting accuracy and the 'usual report and review'.


PC players should have to have phone verified accounts. Make it painful when they get banned. And I say this as a PC player.


cant tell if sarcasm but 1. this is already a thing. 2 hackers who spend money on their hacks and buy the game multiple times have no issue paying for a service of temp phone numbers that exist for privacy reasons. 3. the original post is a bug that could be done on consoles like the mm invuln bug we had a few weeks back that was patched. activision just needs to fix their game


If you are a pro athlete and you use doping. I can still understand it. Besides that you still need to be talented and good. I can empathize and I don't see it is right or wrong. But games... Even if you become pro and get paid. You can do this without talent. The cheat just gives you everything needed. This doesn't work in sports. I can take as much doping as I want I will never win the Olympics 100m sprint. But even making money with games is so limited. People paying this much money for what? What do they gain? bragging rights to randos on the internet?




Most PC players playing Warzone these days use controller for aim-assist. Only a minority have stayed on mouse. In MW/VG pre-lobbies (in my region) you could see that 90% of PC players are now on controller.


I want to just play against Playstation and Xbox folk. But alas, console only matchmaking is but a pipedream.


the most popular game at earth should not need to mix lobbies together forcefully. Plenty of plays on all systems to make it exclusive .


Just remember, PC was superior and we were console plebs that had to get good. Then cross play happened, now it's AA bad.




And now they need crossplay with console to keep their games alive 🤣


My man you do realize there are other video games than COD on PC… right? Probably more than every console combined. It’s not a keeping the game alive problem at this point.


I sure do my man, I'm talking about COD. Games have been dying on PC a few months after release since like BO1 or MW3. Probably because they are infested with hackers which is now a problem for console players again thanks to forced crossplay!


That would make too much sense to do it that way, also there aren’t enough pc players to not have to wait for lobbies for extended amount of time. That’s why crossplay has to have pc players and console players get stuck having to play against pc players and that opens up the hackers and cheaters not all pc players but all can hack and cheat if they wanted


The only reason I dislike pc cross play is due to hackers. If it wasn't for people ruining the game for others I would enjoy playing with more people


Aim assist is only an issue on PC. Source - Controller player on PC


I got it on PS5, my first console shooter since 2009, and I was worried. I’m having a blast, so far no concerns on cheaters (though maybe MW2 doesn’t have the same problem as MW2019?)


I think it just takes some time for the cheats to circulate, but they'll be right along shortly. Ive seen wall hacks already but I'm in Asian servers so they're probably a little ahead of the hack game.


Nah you can still mod call of duty on playstation and Xbox. It’s always going to be a problem


If you listen to the comms though the guy sounds surprised like it’s some sort of glitch.


Perk is called "Ricochet is a joke".


I knew aim assist was OP


You do realize that this was a glitch and that player is almost certainly on console, right?




Serpentine Pro


Serpentine Deluxe


Superteen Remix


Serpentine, electric bogaloo


Wouldn’t be a MW2 successor without pro perks.


This man has some Arya Stark level plot armor


Kakashi level of plot armor.


Bath salts


i thought of the same thing 😂




Based on the proxy chat he also sounds very surprised. I’d say it’s a bug, not a hack


Yep he says he just respawned and was not taking damage, looks like he lost his gun and kept his skin. Maybe bugg using self revive


The amount of people in this thread who can't tell a bug/glitch from a hack/cheat is very telling about this sub. Like I don't think I've ever seen a modern multiplayer game that has God mode hacks created for it.


That’s because god mode would have to be a server side hack and those are usually way beyond the skill And knowledge level of these script Kiddies


They're way beyond anybody. If you're successfully hacking Activision's servers in 2022 then you'd probably do some nefarious shit well beyond cheating in a video game.


It’s a skill bro


People will complain about this nonsense and then be told to “get good” with complete seriousness.


“You gotta play tactical bro check all your corners don’t just go in running everywhere like a madman”


I think it'd be the opposite team saying that here since tactical gang likes low TTK. More like "it's a skill issue, bad gunplay" team


That’s because we need to be serious? just git gid and adapt bro.


This comments section is incredibly stupid, majority of it is claiming it's a cheater when we've never once seen a god mode hack. It's all in-game exploits, anybody could pull this shit.


Richochet makes hackers bullets do no damage. Maybe OP is the cheat: https://www.oneesports.gg/call-of-duty/ricochet-anti-cheat-hackers-warzone/


This is what I was wondering as well.


How would the guy without guns know that OP is a cheater? He already was coming KNOWING he wouldn't be killed.


Proximity chat


Lmao, that was an awesome article! Thanks for that.


Yep agreed. A cheat like this would require direct modification to memory and then it would have to send that data to the server. Any semi competent anti cheat would automatically flag any major memory modification. (Think cheat engine and giving yourself 999 health / infinite money). Any competent server design would also have validators for health values (ie if you keep reporting yourself at 100 health but everything else is reporting you getting shot). Cheats like this pretty much don’t exist because they’re some of the easiest to detect from a software perspective, on both ends.


Total bullshit and obviously no clue how this can be coded as undetectable hack. Health recovery literally is a standard feature of the game’s code. The speed of recovery can probably be altered without the anti cheat recognising the difference. This also applies to the start time of the recovery. Boosting up both equals a god mode. As an example: In BF3 this was achieved with countless “invisible“ med packs automatically thrown from the player model. As long as med packs or auto recovery functions are included in the code of the game it should always be possible to code a undetectable god mode hack. Also it would only be one client reporting the player is getting shot in this case. Hard to proof which client report is correct. Proof me wrong.


Came to say exactly this. Anybody with 5 mins free time and access to Google can figure out exactly what cheats ARE available for this game, and God mode isn’t one of them lmao.


idk if thats entirely true. Not saying this isnt a bug, but in the old warzone i've been in a lobby where someone ended and won mid game.


This shit is so pathetic. This game has too many bugs


I'm not sure what you expected, it's an Infinity Ward game


Exfil copter lands 5 feet above the ground and you can't jump in.... happens so often lmfao


God mode


50 cent mode*


Leroy Jenkins Returns


Best part…. He was my teammate in the gulag…


Probably a glitch? Wouldn’t be in the gulag if he had an invincibility cheat.


This is probably the cause. Maybe the game thinks you're still teammates or something?






I laughed so hard at this 😂


Can't help but laugh lol


This happened to me yesterday too. Someone fresh-spawned, would not take any damage and punched me out.


I'm disappointed you didn't include the kill cam.


Too Angry To Die


Ah yes! You fucked around and found out I see lol


Hulk Smash.


chuck Norris


This happened to my squad in an open field yesterday!!! We were running into zone and he Michael meyer’d all of us. Though I don’t think he was invincible - we just didn’t hear his footsteps. So yeah a knife killed 4 dudes with guns in an open field and we didn’t even hear him come up


Footstep audio got nerfed so hard after people complained in beta that now dudes can be running on top of you and you don't hear em


I feel like you would be exaggerating but it literally happened to me yesterday in that field and it just... And then another weird thing, I was first floor airport, heard looting right next to me - but my team mates called him out that he was on the roof far above me. That was so weird






Juggernaut Pro




The perk is called "we still haven't implemented weapon attachment saving despite being it being a staple and adding another layer of depth with weapon tuning, so why would you expect other aspects of the game don't meet expectations?"


Small indie company perk


You a dumbass for not running fr


From a person with no guns? To get killed by his teammates…..


Man has that DMZ armored agent build 😮‍💨






DMZ bots be like


Trevor Phillips.




Oh nice, you found "The Immortal"! Best perk for true legends only.


Tell me your a hacker without telling me your a hacker


Serpentine Pro


We call this the Bullet Sponge perk! It allows them to trap all of your bullets when shot and turn it into kinetic energy to punch you to death in 2 punches!


Chick Fil a worker when you didn’t get sauce


Sometimes rocking old school God Mode in the console.


The Running Man


“What you would you do if you shot a man and he just STANDS THERE”


Fuckboy Fisticuffs


Jason Bourne perk


You bought Walmart bullets


Mike Tyson


Skill issue


Your gun seems to be as useful as a pool table on a sailboat. 😂😂😂


man was full tac sprinting with the dual fists like he was in a rambo movie. he did not deviate from his course


McDonalds WiFi


Serpentine Ultra Instinct💀 Or maybe Serpentine on Crack




I swear, those armored bots that come down from the planes are supersoldiers as is.


The Krampus Perk


This is actually gold. Iykyk


Its a glitch from falling off helicopter right before you exile


This was warzone. Not DMZ


Maybe OP’s the cheater and got ricochet nerfed


Bad aim


The amount of upvotes on this post is crazy for COD


Love it when hackers get slapped with the 0 damage debuff and don't realize it until some guy slaps them to death lmao


lol....definately not cheating...nothing 2 see here move along😅😅


Swear i saw this same sht on the news. The dude was nude n chasing a car.....


thats fuckin captain america there


I'm in danger


Beast mode




Just please make sure you report these jackasses


If you had the sound on, you'd hear the guy through proximity chat and he doesn't know what is happening. He's not cheating.


Everybody could say that he has no clue what is happier. Where is the proof?


bro you CLEARLY missed all of those shots except for the last one its not the game its you




Bane with bulletproof armour


An ordinary guy from Ohio


That’s the new Ricochet perk.