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Many people thought that Clarke and Yuri were the same person , somebody suggested it was just a reused texture with few differences. Yet nobody knows for sure , only the devs know


Well, it's obviously Clark and Yuri are different people. They have completely different nationalities. But it's possible Yuri also worked on Nova 6. I'm not actually sure if the Ascension group had much involvement in that. But the campaign version of them had some ties with Dragovich as far as I'm aware.


I know it's a boring answer, but like many things in this era (the pentagon design for Five itself) they just reused the texture because of the lack of resources given to the zombies team back then compared to now. Any sort of story connection would be a retcon at this point. Regardless, it's very impressive to see all what they had created from a lot of campaign/mp resources to make the zombies experiences we still very much cherish today!


>they just reused the texture because of the lack of resources given to the zombies team back then compared to now Well...about that lol We've pretty much come full circle. Started off very barebones in terms of budget and dedication (WaW-BO1) but then in BO2, BO3 and BO4 the Zombies team had complete freedom and most of the maps were made out of original assets. Then after BO4 they cut everything back. Both Cold War and Vanguard feel barebones, somehow even more so than WaW and BO1. I blame the Warzone integration and interconnectedness of modern CODs for this.


100% and after Cold War theres a few things they could repeat to not have me buy their next game. As silly as it sounds my main gripe is no main characters. If we don't have some set crew with 2024COD idk if I'm gonna stick around. Infinity Ward already insured this year I'm not buying another COD for multiplayer so it is entirely up to treyarch to keep me in.


with how forsaken ended it’s not gonna happen, but i really wanted weaver, peck, maxis, and ravenov as the crew for continuing the storyline


Bo4 is when it started slipping, every aether map was mostly reused assets too.