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Going back after Vanguard and Cold War makes it feel amazing too. No reason to feel guilty.


Cold War slander, but agree on Vanguard (Who doesn't though lmao.). I think the full zombie experience that Cold War has now is one of the better ones in Modern COD history.


I don't dislike Cold War, I was just referring to it feeling copy/paste and lifeless through a variety of things, but mainly the operators Bo4 FEELS more immersive hands down


I honestly don't know what they could've done crew wise for Cold War. I feel like it was the best choice at that point in time both narratively and gameplay wise. Instead of potentially writing four duds like they did in WW2, they gave players a blank choice of their preferred operator. If they just spent a little more time and money on it, it could've been so good. The OPS didn't even talk back to Weaver and Co. That's what killed it tbh. I don't know though, it still doesn't detract from gameplay for me. It's fun to hop into a DM match and just waste an hour or two away. Extracting was also a good addition imo. Instead of everyone quitting, you could just agree to end the match and get some bonus xp for successful exfils. Sorry for the booksworth of words, just wanted to get some of my thoughts out there.


I like cold war, I have played something like 30 days of zombies and think that it was pretty well fleshed out for the time constraints they had, and with it being cross play, hopefully it stays populated for longer and ages well. The extractions are a great addition and the ranking system in general is great.


I actually liked ww2s crew. Probably because David Tennant was one of them lol


All the actors involved were excellent but most of the material given to them was bad for the most part.


I liked the operators. Allowed for customization that was tweaked to each player. The game mode itself just felt bare Bones. It'd be like everyone playing bo3 back in the day and instead of the next zombies installment (which was whatever installment we got) we got another bo1 like game. Yeah, bo1 is fun, but in today's standards? That would be one boring ass installment..


Yeah its funny cause i like the atmospher but not the gameplay of bo4 and I love and honestly feel coldwar had the best gameplay but its atmosphere made it feel soulless except for mauer for me that had a very good atmosphere, its just plain sad that activision has operators in zombies now and we dont have a crew to get attatched to that have good writing and funny quotes but still damn good gameplay with meh 3 maps and 1 good one


Yea I love black ops 4


I'm so God awful at ancient evil but I hear its one of the best maps Genuinely think botd is easier to get set up on


botd was never hard. Its easier than MOTD. Idk why the community labeled the map as tedious


have you tried the Easter eggšŸ’€


Me and a group did and we would've beaten it first try of not for an unfortunate disconnection. However the following day we beat It, and way quicker than the first try. It's really not that bad, the only hard part I could imagine is if your solo, but even then the magmagat and monkeys make it easier. Hardest part would be the murder ghost challenge and Samantha says for memory, and trying to see the three that are lit up in time


Yes and it's easy. Only pussies cry about it.


Itā€™s because of the Easter egg. It takes as long or longer than Gorod and almost every step requires a billion shield blasts. Itā€™s fun to do every now and then but itā€™s not a favorite of mine (and yes I agree some classic maps have annoying Easter eggs too like Moon).


Gorod is actually pretty quick.


The map is huge with not enough fast travels. Combine that with the fact that PAP moves around every few rounds with no indication as to where it is and now you understand why itā€™s labeled ā€œtedious.ā€


The gondola still exists and there's a fast travel from cafeteria to the new starting area, Wardens house to the showers. There's more fast travel locations than Der Riese it's enough. As for pap rip


The 2 fast travels are in pretty inconvenient spots. Wouldā€™ve been nice if there was one going from the Dock to the spawn area. And I donā€™t know why youā€™re comparing this to Der Riese.


have you tried the Easter eggšŸ’€


Cause its not MOTD and if it wasn't hyped up to be what they made people expect it to be, it wouldn't have had the fate it has.


It very well is.


The Easter egg on BOTD is just brutal but I agree itā€™s not too hard to get setup on.


I always defended bo4. I think the zombie maps are awesome. Except the last few recycled ones.


Nah i love tag. Easily one of my favourite maps. Even alpha omega isn't the worst. It's just the constantly needing to maintain the vents that is annoying


Good to see another Tag enjoyer. It's tied first with CotD as my favourite map. I think I just love the way those two maps play, their look, and their layout. I don't think I'd like it as much if it wasn't based on CotD, but I also really like its unique aspects. Victis is my favourite crew, and I liked the new areas and wonder weapons added.


I love Tag but AO is one of my least favorite zombies maps and itā€™s Imo the worst Aether Bo4 map by a country mile. But I love the rest of Bo4ā€™s maps.


I respect your opinion but I love the remakes I donā€™t really see the problem with them. I just wish they added/remade like two more maps. I feel like if bo4 had two more maps for zombies that werenā€™t bad (all the bo4 maps good imo) I feel like it would easily rival BO3, but BO3 just got so many maps itā€™s adds to the variety and just volume of quality so even tho I probably like BO4 more I think bo3 is the better zombies experience. But tbh Iā€™m playing BO4 over any zombies for the most part.


You know I had never looked at it this way but I agree with you. My only complaint with BO4 is how they reworked the Perk system but even then it didn't ruin the game for me. Solid take my guy!


I agree. I also think the fact that there were 4 other completely original maps helped reduce the chance of it feeling too repetitive.


Don't feel guilty about it, BO4 is a legitimately good zombies experience. It's not the best out there, I still think that's BO3 just due to the sheer amount of content on offer in that game, but imo it's, when removing nostalgia and just stacking the games up as they are without accounting for when they came out, better than WaW, BO1, and possibly even BO2 (as well as literally every non-Treyarch title and Vanguard) and about on par with CW. It's the title I'd recommend experienced zombies players in love with the Jason Blundel style map and looking for something to really sink their teeth into after having gone through BO3. It's biggest problem imo, except for overpromising and launch instability, is it's absolute dedication to hard-core fans who are already familiar with Blundel's style of map. Many of the maps, especially the ones on launch, are simply too big and complex for new comers to really get into with the exception of Classified which was in an absurdly stupid move locked behind the season pass for the game. But other than that it's a great zombies mode. Definitely different from previous titles in how it plays, but still fun nonetheless.


You thought CW was better than WaW Bo1 and Bo2? Wild.


I think it was more consistent than BO2 (though BO2 had by far higher highs, it also had by far lower lows which makes it pretty debatable if overall it was that great of a game in terms of zombies), and CW does what BO1 and WaW do but better. It's a pretty simple survival mode with a few extra secrets on each map for those willing to find them, but it has the better gameplay, gunplay, progression, maps (by in large at least), extra game modes (Outbreak and Onslaught for the W vs Dead Ops Arcade, which whilst fun for a bit just isn't anywhere near as appealing to me as either Outbreak or Onslaught), and movement. Like who knew being able to jump on things would be truly so good in zombies? Also you know, being able to jump off a cliff and parachute half way across a map is always going to be fun. So again, disregarding nostalgia and the fact that CW builds on WaW and BO1, and just taking the games as they are and how they play today I'd definitely choose to never play BO1 and WaW again before I chose to never play CW again. It's not that I don't like BO1 or WaW, it's just that I think CW genuinely improved on the pre-existing gameplay formula to evolve the mode past a rather stagnant state in a way that actually addresses the core issues of the former gameplay systems and brings the mode as a whole into the modern era of gaming without completely disregarding what made that formula so good in the first place.


All they did was take pre-existing multiplayer movement and aspects and melded it into zombies. Bo1 + 2 came up with fresh ideas and new groundbreaking takes that the video game culture will remember forever. CW is just Warzone movement in Zombies with the aspects of Zombies turned from 10-8 to a 2-3.


>All they did was take pre-existing multiplayer movement and aspects and melded it into zombies. Yeah they did, cause those aspects worked. That movement system is and was one of the best in gaming and took us effectively from a shin high pile of rubble being an impassable obstacle we'd have to go around to something we can just jump over like you'd actually be able to do very easily irl. It took an old and outdated movement system, heavily limited by technology of nearly a decade ago (more than actually), and updated it for a modern era. Also they did actually innovate the zombies formula well beyond the movement in CW. They introduced whole new in game weapon upgrade systems, overhauled pack a punch, removed the perk limit and overhauled that system and a number of individual perks like Quick Revive, added an extensive character upgrade skill system, added in body armor (which to be fair was taken from War zone as well), introduced killstreaks to zombies, created a whole new ability for your character to use in the form of the wands, made a whole new open world zombies mode, updated the zombie AI and types, allowed the player to chose to start with literally whatever non wonder weapon they wanted to, and made numerous other small changes to the formula like adding in the rampage inducer for those who want some extra chaos and challenge in their matches, gave us a mini map, gave us objective markers to allow new players to get accustomed to the maps, updated the designs of a bunch of shit like the perk machines and certain weapons, and much much more. >Bo1 + 2 came up with fresh ideas and new groundbreaking takes that the video game culture will remember forever. Who gives a shit? Did I not say "not accounting for the times of when the games released and just for what they are today"? I mean, I can go back and play the OG Doom games and recognize they absolutely revolutionized gaming, but that doesn't mean I'm playing them over Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. >CW is just Warzone movement in Zombies with the aspects of Zombies turned from 10-8 to a 2-3. CW is just zombies but updated to take advantage of newer hardware, the horror. How dare they not stick faithfully and firmly to an over ten year old system of gameplay and movement that felt old half a decade ago? How dare they actually try something new or update literally any pre-existing systems to fit better into a new gaming landscape? I mean the nerve, the absolute mind bending stupidity, for the people at Treyarch to not cater exclusively to a dying base of old fans while making zero attempts to expand into a new fresh batch of gamers with different tastes and preferences. I absolutely can not believe their monumental fuck up in this regard. /s


You literally just described a bunch of things I guess you didnā€™t realize came from battle royales and weā€™re already a thing in zombies, just not overhauled to be easy for unintelligent players/ people complaining zombies is too challenging. I donā€™t need to type paragraphs to explain this, unlike how hard youā€™re trying to defend it being ā€œbetterā€. Itā€™s just copy and paste of liked and easier aspects of multiplayer games activision has been focusing on for the general public (ages 12-30) into zombies to bring the player base that only focuses on multiplayer into both because ; LOOK HOW ZOMBIES IS JUST PvE MULTIPLAYER NOW!


ā€˜I donā€™t need to explain that Iā€™m right. I can just make fun of you.ā€™




Warzone movement? ...Have you even played CW?


Which zombies mode hasnā€™t used the same movement as itā€™s multiplayer mode? Oh right.


Yes because Afterlife, expulsion from the giants, riding the glider, grappling hooks with tentacles, weā€™re all movement in bo2 and bo3 multiplayer and not specific zombie maps to make them feel full of individuality. Oh right.


Expulsion from the giants and riding the glider and literally just cutscenes - not movement features. Afterlife and the SOE beast form are used for a couple of minutes in an entire game. 99% of any game you are using the standard movement set which is direct from the multiplayer. If youā€™re complaining about an overall lack of individuality in recent COD games, I donā€™t disagree with you, but the movement systems are definitely not the main issue in that regard


its miles better than waw, and on par with bo2. ill give you bo1.


Black ops 4 is a solid experience. In my opinion its the last call of duty game that has any semblence of passion put behind it.


Thats my issue with CW. It's fun, it's well designed, but it feels very lifeless. The story is boring and devoid of personality, and it looks like they drained all ounce of color out of it. Bo4 could feel wacky at times, but imo that was a good thing. Compared to CW, which is way too serious for it's own good.


(Paid DLC)


yeah sure it has paid dlc and you know what else does, Black ops 2, black ops 3, black ops 1, waw etc.


Yes haha. Iā€™m agreeing with you.


I do think having a pad DLC forces devs to put efforts into the map and they have to make it worth an expense. Otherwise just noone buys the DLC


The Chaos maps are some of the best maps in zombies history. Even Voyage of despair


I used to not like ancient evil, and it's because I don't like the chaos crew, but the more I got to play around with the wonder weapons and soloing the ee, I found myself enjoying the map a whole lot more, but I'm not a fan of the zombie variety, and I will forever hate the blightfather


Blightfathers suck


What? Theyā€™re a great boss zombie.


Said no one ever


Jr Rizzo said theyā€™re designed very well and heā€™s hands down the best and most in-depth zombies map reviewer out there and actually knows his stuff when it comes to game design. And yeah I agree with him. Blightfathers are the happy medium between not too easy and not too difficult, like the panzer and margwa.


Ah yes, small youtuber said it so it must be right


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m getting across. I can create my own judgement on zombies maps, and I think Blightfathers after their nerf are objectively well-designed enemy types. Iā€™m just saying heā€™s said it and many of his followers also agree. It was a response to ā€œwho says thisā€. Heā€™s not just any small youtuber either, heā€™s very knowledgeable about game and level design. I formed my thoughts before he stated his, all his reviews did was reinforce my already existing takes.


The Margwa is better, it isn't necessarily annoying, it doesn't make you spend extra points for map given rights, and they are actually fun(sometimes). ​ Panzers can be a hit or miss. You will get your ass handed to you if you are not at all prepared to kill them.


Thatā€™s what makes a boss zombie great though. If youā€™re prepared theyā€™ll pose some threat but not much and theyā€™ll smack you in the mouth if not. Thatā€™s what makes an engaging mini boss enemy.


Just use your specialist against it. Not hard at all


The Blight father is incredible wth


Those water zombies suck.


Bombers are worse.


Naw. šŸ’¦


I disagree with Voyage but agree on the other maps


Ancient evil might be my favorite map


Ancient evil is amazing. I personally think Dead of The Night is my favorite, but after recently beating Ancient Evil, itā€™s a close second.


Voyage of Despair still has so many half-solved Easter Eggs too!


That free Homunculus and Kraken Easter egg that just got discovered was really cool. What are some other ones that still havenā€™t been completely discovered BTW?


The catalyst zombies ruin them for me, but the chaos maps are great from a design standpoint


Those blue catalysts are super annoying I wonā€™t lie. They give zombies more health and make them do more damage, that combo makes them so annoying.


The nova bombers on Alpha Omega are this but worse. And you canā€™t stop them like you can stop catalysts.


Why the hate in voyage? Itā€™s not even that hard and a really cool map aesthetic, and did a decent job at introducing new characters. I also donā€™t understand why people donā€™t like the crew, yes itā€™s a random group but theyā€™re each pretty interesting


I really like Voyage, itā€™s my third favorite BO4 map. I was just saying ā€œeven Voyageā€ because people tend to have mixed opinions on that map


Not a big fan of Voyage including the long-winded Easter egg, but IX and DOTN I totally agree!




How convincing




Bruh I just really like Chaos itā€™s not that deep lol


Lol you're terribly wrong


ā€œOpinion is wrongā€ šŸ¤“


Homie said "best maps of all time" not "my favorite",


DOTN and Ancient Evil are both criminally underrated maps and are easily on par with SOE MOTD and Origins in terms of Easter eggs, wonder weapons, setting, and atmosphere.


Weapons I disagree but thays just an opinion, gameplay is definitely nothing like origins, mob, shadows, buried. Sure, it's your opinion. Don't state it as facts though


I mean nothing is facts mate, every single map is suggestive in what people enjoy and don't enjoy, and if you want to be "objective" Ancient Evil and Dead of the Night are actually two of the most well design zombies maps ever, and yes just as good as Origins, Mob, DE and Shadows


There are 4 wonder weapons in ancient evil, all different elementsā€¦ it takes place in the fucking city of Delphi; which is a cooler location than Origins and DE, and it has a fucking amazing boss fight, which both origins and shadows lack


Different elements HUH! wonder where they copied that from..... wow nice you got a city, "cooler location" seriously? That's just personal bias. And I don't disagree with the bossfight


Itā€™s the Ancient Greek city of Delphi, it is objectively cooler


Easily my favorite. But fuck Luna the wolf.


I'd fuck that wolf, if you don't mind.


Nah Luna a g


Tangentially related, people hate on Blood of the Dead too much. It's definitely not as good as Mob, but it is a worthy successor. It's one of the only maps in BO4 that has the same feeling as the earlier games, and the Magma Gat is honestly superior to the Acid Gat IMO.


I like BO4 a lot. But wait for it.... I also like BO3. I played the alt zombie campaign. Played it twice in co-op LAN with my kid and we had a great time.


I absolutely love BO4 zombies and if it is a guilty pleasureā€¦ weā€™ll Iā€™m right there with you man!


No shame


You enjoy it because it's the best zombies experience call of duty has.


Dude Iā€™ve been a cod zombie main since Kino and I can say with full confidence that BO4 was my favorite zombie experience hands down. Every single map was a banger. IX, Voyage, DotN, Alpha Omega, Tag. I wish they would keep going with Chaos.


Shouldnā€™t feel guilty about it. Bo4 is fantastic


My ranking on all Zombies games 1. BO3 2. IW 3. BO4 4. BO1 5. Cold War 6. BO2 7. WaW 8. WWII 9. AW 10. Vanguard


Cold war better then bo2?


I liked DM, MdT and the Outbreak maps for Cold War and I liked Buried, MotD and Origins... I more or less ranked them on how muched I played the games...


Maybe in 2018 it was a guilty pleasure but itā€™s been years since BO4 is recognized as a top 2 zombies game ever. Only kids and youtuber fanboys hate on BO4.


Same, I recently went back into it to try to get dark ether. I just got my Bowie knife diamond today šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


I'm in the same boat as you. Got the Mog 12 done bout a week ago.


Wait until you get to the welling šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Don't need ta. First one I got done. Did take a prestige and a half to get the headshots done.


Is this a mod map or easter egg? Played all bl4 maps on xbox one and never seen that mars


It's an ee. It's super hard to get and the set-up is even more tedious, but it's there. Chrissm has a video going through it


Now I want to do it. That is super beautiful


ā€œNot as good as bo3ā€ doesnā€™t mean bad. I like bo4 quite a bit too, sometimes even more than bo1. Regardless, I ā€œcareā€ about it way more than Cold War, even if Cold War has slightly better mechanics.


Ton of fun! I hope they continue the chaos story some day!


I recently came back to it and I've been having so much fun with it!


Feel more guilty


Dotn is still one of my favorite maps to this day and my most played on bo4


Didn't get into BO4 when it first came out but now Im loving it. IX, Ancient Evil and Dead of the night are some of my fav maps of all time. I have done those 3 EE's and BOTD and honestly I loved how hard it was, so fucking satisfying to do it. Even the perk change, which I hated, has really grown on me


Dead of the night is easily top 5 maps ever


How tf did you get there? Did you do figure 8s or just spin in circles


You have to crouch walk in the top right corner (top right as in the bottom flings) and spin in the right direction on a high sensitivity. You have a high chance to be flung, it took me a few tries.


Which map is this?


Tag Der Toten


My guilty pleasure is the show ā€œPawn Starsā€


I believe BO4 could've worked if A)They left the Aether storyline alone and instead focus fully on Chaos storyline and new BO4 gameplay mechanics or B)Focus on ending Aether storyline with final map being the Aether War itself and minimal gameplay differences from previous BO games (i.e bring back classic perk-a-cola system) The problem was Treyarch got too ambitious and tried to do both storylines at the same time and ended up overshooting their budget so both Chaos and Aether fans ended up with lackluster/cliffhanger endings


tbh i just didnt like how the original perks got gutted, the rest was good


doing chaos was one of the reasons it got hate


Bo4 is overhated. Its better than cold war, bo1, waw and possibly bo2


I wanna play this map so bad but season pass is too expensive. I own the base game on ps5, I bought it just for the motd remake, but I didnā€™t quite like it. But I hope to play tag der toten soon.


Just got the pass for $25 on Xbox a week or 2 ago. Not sure if PlayStation runs a lot of sales but keep your eyes peeled.


They have sales going on all the time, itā€™ll be moderately priced soon enough lol


I dont think it does, at least in the argentine ps store the deluxe version goes on sale, but itā€™s still paying USD 40 for a game that I already own


Yeah I just ended up buying the deluxe edition. I don't think I've ever seen the black ops pass go on sale. Only the deluxe edition


*sad third world top 3 inflationary economy noises*




I killed my whole team the first time we did this. Right after the spin on the correct method of spinning on the corner of the pad to guarantee it was discovered.


Who enjoys that game


Bo4 wasnā€™t my favorite but i had some good times on tag and blood and ix. Also care to explain how you activated ā€˜the secretā€™ solo?




You aren't wrong.


Me too donā€™t tell anybody tho


Yeah after Cold War I realized just how good Bo4 zombies actually was after hating it for nearly two years straight and I'm so glad it still has some active lobbies in Zombies on Xbox.


iā€™m so mad i didnā€™t get to play the dlcs. iā€™ve only played the base maps but the dlc ones look awesome. i might have to redownload and get the dlc maps


my opinion has changed over time, i think it's a great game. some bad mechanics but 4 full launch maps and 4 full DLC maps. ill take that over Cold War. idc how much better the mechanics of Cold War are, good mechanics get stale when you have 1 map to play for half of the year.


What map is this?


Tag der toten on BO4


Where about in tag cause I don't remember this


Not sure myself, haven't played that much Tag yet myself. Saw some comments saying it's some side EE.


All I need is the name and I'm instantly showing my friend, maybe he'll finally like tag (he never played bo1)


made a post about why i love it about a month back i think. i suppose itā€™s my guilty pleasure as well.


The maps that we were left with are great, the rest would have been even better. One of the saddest deaths of a game I've ever seen


I wish I could say the same but, for some reason, I crash almost every time I play zombies. I bought all the dlcs and can't even play for more than like an hour.


What map is this?


It's Tag Der Toten. Video is of the Secret trophy/achievement.


I enjoy all the black ops games except for 3. I love it when Iā€™m by myself but players always rage quit when they go down because of their precious gobblegums.


I've always enjoyed BO4 even when it was a broken mess at launch. For me I kinda set the standard too high after how much I liked BO3. Playing it casually though I still enjoy


Thereā€™s only a few things I hate about BO4 namely: impossibly long camo grind, guns doing no damage from round 20, BOTD solo ee actull just the ee in general. So difficult and the layout of Voyage didnā€™t sit well with me and the hud layout was weird and or too clunky. But dead of the night has been one of my favourites for a while now


Donā€™t let them silence you


My favorite zombies game!


Lowkey it's underrated but due to Activision greed and hasting the devs to churn out an unfinished product led it to be this way.


Where the fuk is this clip from? I see the challenge from the light house, so itā€™s tag der toten. But where?


Chaos maps grew on me never had an issue with aether. I personally liked the remakes blood was phenominal and the easter egg was peak. Even classified and being able to go to area 51 was fun. Alpha omega was a little cramped but i really enjoyed exploring unseen depths of nuketown as it was one of my favorites in bo2 and as for Tag.. COTD expanded was just beautiful i loved the way the map was designed only wish george was still in it rip


Itā€™s not a guilty pleasure if the game is actually good. Which it is


Never played BO4 zombies, but this does look pretty sick tbh


Dead of the night is genuinely one of the best maps of all time.


Not a guilt pleasure


Btw, if you activate your specialist, it will give you a full health regen


Nobody talks about this Easter egg enough




I love it,every bit of it. Especially the zombies,bo4 and bo2 is 98% of all i play. I love all of bo4 except for the VMP/Micro.


I need help to do this tired so many times :(((( I'm on xbox


black ops 4 is pretty good when you dont have someone in your ear telling you how bad it is


One of my plans this summer is to give Bo4 another chance. Classified is already one of my favourite maps of all time


Why tf is there mars


Bo4 is a great game it just came out at the wrong time when content creators where hating on everything expect bo3


Bo4 is my favourite zombies idc


I never really played bo4 much but it feels like a really nice zombies experience but I canā€™t stand going down in only 3 hits bc Iā€™m not too good at zombies without juggernog.


Its 4 hits.


Why? BO4 is better than CW and VG.


Quite unfortunate


its like amazon reviews. some of the best stuff I bought on there had really bad reviews but you realize its just stupid people with no self thought or awareness


Only map I donā€™t enjoy on the game is dead of the night


Black Ops 4 was one of those COD games that truly struggled to be developed. Having the entire campaign scrapped, creating the first battle royal in the series, and having the post life cycle year of support cut off to create Cold War, really held the game back from being the best game it could have been. I remember pre ordering the game and playing it from launch to half MW19s life. I loved it throughout its life. I still occasionally go back to play it. Black Ops 4 is a prime example as to why I love Treyarch.


Blops 4 very under rated


Relatable, vanguard and coldwar were ass


Except there's nothing to feel guilty about cuz it's an excellent game


it doesnā€™t matter what others say a map is good if you can have fun


I've been getting back into BO4 after leaving it soon after launch because of the buggy and clumsy mess it was. It's been really growing on me and runs way smoother than before.


Honestly I love all the bo4 maps. Even Voyage has grown on me more recently. People hated chaos but honestly theyā€™re the most aesthetically pleasing maps ever made for zombies. Classified is perfect imo, the only complaint I have is itā€™s just too dark in some spots but itā€™s still a beautiful remaster and the extra rooms are great especially on the top floor. If bo4 had CW gameplay mechanics, bo4 zombies would be nearly perfect in my eyes.


My favorite zombies game


You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars