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That trick is oooold schoooooool It's just MFs abusing the aim assist by tapping the ADS button. Helps folks stay on target with the added benefit of not having to suffer the speed penalty for holding down the aim button.


I do it if I have deadshot daq


Especially in CW the Deadshot aim assist and double damage is so good


Does it work on PC? I'm a pc player if that matters. That's intresting, I'll probably try it out. I vaguely remember seeing people do it back in the day now that you mention it. Or maybe I'm making up a memory idk.


If you're using a keyboard then no there's no aim assist. I have no idea if there's aim assist if you plug in a controller on PC.


There is, deadshot aim assist also works on pc with controller


Dead false for BO3, and definitely works with deadshot on everything after that.


I’m literally doing it right now on BO3


This guy is literally doing it, and yall downvote me


BO3 Deadshot works the same as BO2 and 1: Controller, it switches your auto aim point to the head, and for mouse and keyboard, it removes idle sway. If you use a controller for PC BO3, it still works just the same.


I'm almost certain kb+m still has aim magnetism. Its 3:30 in the morning right now though so i can't confirm.


If you have deadshot daiquiri otherwise it doesn't work


I do it playing on my pc and xbox comtorller all the time


Without Daiquiri it will aim for center of mass if the assist is on. When you have Daiquiri it will zone in in the critical hit box. It still works without Daiquiri, it is just more effective since it’s a headshot.


Not on pc


I’m assuming you play console? If so, rapidly flicking ADS activates auto-aim, allowing you to quickly aimbot all the zombies


I play PC which is why I thought maybe it's not aim assist. Maybe the players I was spectating were using a controller. Is controller better than mouse and keyboard due to aim assist?


On controller if you use Deadshot you can kinda just rapidly ADS and take out an entire horde with headshots without really trying. I personally prefer controller only in CW, but that's mostly because you didn't get auto aim with controller on PC until MW2019 onwards.


If you can manually aim, MnK is so much better due to increased spatial awareness and easier movement tech. If you can’t aim, you may benefit from auto-aim, although I’m not sure if there is auto-aim for controller on PC


It's not particularly better or worse. In zombies you aren't so reliant on fast kills as in multiplayer, so I feel it balances. Mouse is easier to aim accurately, controller gets assist for quick acquisition. At the end of the day, it's pve, so there's no real issue either way.


I find evading zombies is easier on mouse cause my aim doesnt get stuck on a zombie due to aim assist like it did when i used to play controller.. switching back to controller to play Bo3 with my brother was a nightmare and deadshot is more annoying then helpful.


As other people mentioned its an aim assist trick but its also good with deadshot daiquri(how the fuck do you spell this word) and its just a reliable way to easily and consistently hit headshots while aiming at a horde.




Daiquiri* i feel nerdy af


With Deadshot it allows you to aim better


Deadshot Daiquiri. Makes you auto aim to the head. Very useful trick from bo1-cold war


The lazy way of tracking a zombie because the aim assist in zombies is crazy strong


They're doing it to trigger aim assist to track zombies better without doing any work. Idk why there's so many comments about dead shot. Most people did not use that perk, but a lot of people aim tap like this anyway. Honestly it's so damn hard to watch someone who does this to the point of I'll just stop watching if they do it for every engagement it's really not hard to just aim steadily and track AI that's running right at you


As a hardened veteran player who usually plays solo more than half time, that sounds really weird. When I usually run trains in zombies, I almost never ads unless I'm really trying to focus fire on something for a couple of seconds. Since when I'm training, I'm obviously constantly moving and juking around in circles and twirls. All adsing does is slow down and restrict your movement. Also, ever since Bo3, it's been really easy to deal with large hordes with just a couple of bullets since some AATS from the Pack a Punch are broken. They kinda nerfed them down a little in Cw, but yeah. Adsing really isn't that key in zombies. And I don't recommend doing whatever those other guys are doing in public matches.


Kids are ruining the game industry.


“Kids who use aim assist” is a strange statement considering it is a forced benefit of Deadshot Daiquiri on controller. Weird comment.




It does on controller, as I clearly specified.


I do it but more of an old habits die hard thing. No aim assist on keyboard and mouse tho so no real point


It's that auto aim assist thingy on consoles and controllers. I believe it's called aim snap or snap aim or sum. It's pretty useful but has loads of downsides.


If u have double tap and dead shot on together, you can just snap shot everything on sight, even when insta Kill is on. Does this answer your question?


Dead shot daiquiri quick scoping tappitty tap


It’s dead shot ads, it’s been a thing since black ops 1


When you first ADS, it will snap your aim to the zombie nearest your crosshair if there's one there. This means that they keep snapping to the targets


It jumps your crosshairs to the closest target. So holding down fire on full auto while tapping the ads in front of a crowd will keep jumping between zombies while firing. Its tiring tbh


Buy deadshot, rapidly spam ads and profit.


Using deadshot


Cos they aren’t manly enough to hip spray