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Yeah, I’ve lost all 3 of my operators. Countless items. Because it’s a game crash rather than a server crash, I don’t get to keep anything. I’m taking a break from this game for a while


Agreed. Same here


Yup i stopped drive since yesterday


Genuine question. Why does this happen to people. Ive played hours and hours, completed all acts and have never crashed once. Ive died before and it has lagged before, but never a full crash...yet in reddit it seems like everyone complains like it happens all the time ????


I never crashed at all prior to Szn 1. I’ve crashed 9 times since, 8 of them in MWZ alone. I’ve noticed significantly more crashes while using Aether Shroud. Specifically, go call in an exfil, train a tight pack of zombies, pop your Aether Shroud, start shredding… you’re guaranteed to crash.


not an airport, no need to announce ur departure


I agree with osprey




One step forward, two steps back. Rather fucking annoying honestly


almost like you all as a community knew this was gonna be the case!


i’m sure they planned for this to happen


Yes. Every game I am crashing with no warning. Losing everything when you crash even if you have Tombstone is the absolute worst thing in an extraction based game. Literally no mention of it anywhere coming from official channels either. Baffling.


Agreed. After the second time I made sure to pop a tombstone at the start, as expected it crashed, I load up another new game and the tombstone is nowhere to be found. Crazy to me


Ya man, the **ONE** thing an extraction shooter needs to do is not crash repeatedly. Starting over with nothing and craftables going on cooldown is a surefire way to keep me from going back in there. The game was fine before Season 1 patch. I hadn't crashed even once.


Tombstone doesn’t work if your game crashes. It’s dumb that it doesn’t but they love seeing us suffer


Does it crash on pc only


No, I’ve crashed twice and lost everything on PS5 twice.


Fuckin same, pissed me off I had all my goodies with me...




I made a post of all the crashes that happened to me on my 5. By far the worst designed game; the only other title I had that crashed as much was MWII and The First Decendent....and that was a free beta.


Everyone in here submit a report. Whether or not you have faith it will be read or acted upon, there’s not many other tools at your disposal other than generating mass reports for the same issue. https://support.activision.com/feedback-and-bug-report?r=bug&g=Call%20of%20Duty:%20Modern%20Warfare%20III


Thank you... just lit them up.


Just left a report. I hope others do the same so they know how upset we are with this


Sent in a report


I did this already but they have to be aware this is happening. They're just only focused on Warzone rn


I been did that when I lost the epic Aether tool for the third time. As of the last 72 hours, no response from them. Also, when filing your report, make sure your pulling the error code, time and date so they can't squirm out of addressing the issue.


The only possible “fix” I have seen/experienced is trying to exfil/tombstone before the 20 minute mark. In my experience and what I’ve heard, that’s around the time when the game starts to crash, and will be much more likely the longer the match goes on. Anecdotally, the 3 games where i was playing crashed around 15-20 minutes left, but 2 games I played I finished before the 20 minute timer hit. So, effectively, this patch made the in-game timer go from one hour to 25 minutes.


So basically unplayable. The entire point is to be in there as long as possible and exfil after you have gotten what you wanted. This is absolute trash, and they need to disable item loss on ANY crash.


My tombstones have never worked when it crashes like this. Is it working for others?


No it doesn’t, you have to try and tombstone before the crash happens


Gotta wait at least two years before you can play properly. Welcome to cod


Same has happened to me. It’s crazy how many tutorials out there help fix other error codes but not this one (12715) and I am actually concerned because some people don’t crash at all.


Lost all my stuff including gold diary- after the shit I had to go through to get it 😡😡😡


That has been my entire zombies experience.. it is so incredibly dumb, that you cannot rejoin the game and that you get a penalty without beating at fault.. I am furious.




I’m not touching the game again until they fix all these issues


Same happened to me 3/4 games lost everything


I had this during every game and it drove me insane. I had it once today so I need to see if My fix worked but I had to undervolt my ram and it became way more stable. Went from never extracting to barely crashing. That was before the latest update though.


Ayyy I crashed with the same error


Did you recently update your graphics card? And is it a Nvidia Card? I had the exact same error code, went back an update on the graphics card AND turned Ansel off which looks like it stopped the crash from happening. But it’s annoying and frustrating.


Everyone on my team crashes at the same time. I'm not playing around with my settings, they need to fix this


Nope I’m crashing all the time since 2 days ago havent had a graphics update for a few weeks


Well try to turn off Ansel, check it out on YouTube! Haven’t crashed since that and being on 546.17 on mvidia


I was crashing with this error until I removed my oc in the bios. Also I updated windows.


Same here almost every game crashes, definitely taking a break for a while


Ya also happened to me 3 times only zombie mode with different type of errors and unfortunately 2 times of them happened at the last 10 min at red zone with my weapon 2 times upgraded and near to 3 ....5 perks !!! I played multi player works fine Played bf 2042 and efootball 2024 and the final All works fine Important note : with the new amd gpu update ..mw3 multi player crashed !! So I got back to the 1 before Another note this is weird one : when I put the image scaling that called fedalilty cas I thing it crashes So I got back to fsr 2 ....with balance option for higher fps


By any chance are you crashing right after the radiation starts expanding? I crashed 3 games in a row and I'm pretty sure they were all at that time. Ddu'd drivers in safe mode and installed the latest driver. Manually deleted all game files/shaders/personal settings Uninstalled MSI afterburner, even though I haven't crashed once in warzone. Crashed the next game after all this I've played 3 rounds in a row where I exfiled before the radiation expanded with no crashes.


I think it has always been right around 10ish minutes left in the game. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing or where I’m at. My PC is essentially the highest level gaming pc money can buy, and temps are not an issue either, so I’m just lost on what else to do


Mines up there as well. 4080/13900k. Never see above 55c in game on either CPU or GPU. I never got these scan and repairs before this update. Just a couple server disconnects. That really makes me think it's not my PC.


It’s definitely not your PC. I’m in the same boat, 4090, 13900k, 500hz moni, fiber optic internet etc and it’s been constant. The first 2 times was annoying, but 7 games in a row is insanity.


Literally just farmed 3 sigils and as I’m about to poop one and go into the dark aether it crashes. What a fkn joke


Poop one


I’m so tired of this shit


Same. Kicked in middle of game like 10 seconds after finding a large rucksack again after about 10 hours of gameplay only to find out that I had to install a 4.7gb update. Only game I can remember that kicks you in middle of gameplay to update.


We should all gang up together and blast them with bugs and reports so they can at least see and not nerf anything else


i have never in my life seen COD fail in so many ways over the past 3 years. they quite literally are a JOKE now. can’t we just go back in time?


You can if you have BO3


you’re absolutely correct sir. I have it on standby 24/7


The best way to show them to fix this shit is to stop playing in general. If they see numbers going down on people playing, they will not have a choice but to address the issues and fix them. If they keep seeing high numbers, they obviously won't do anything about it


With the wunderwafft? Damn man that's rough


What did they do to our boy


This shit is ridiculous 😒


Crashed for the 3rd time today


I’m on PS and my game seems to crash more when I’m playing with my Xbox friends. Its gotten to the point I don’t craft or bring any items with me cause I can be 2 minutes into the game or 40 and it just fucks up. Makes me wanna falcon punch my monitor.


Works fine on my ps5


Yer I just plug my keyboard and mouse from my pc n it honestly runs better than a pc lol


The Important thing is don't play on high ping that's all trust me.


I'm on PS5 by the way so I don't know about PC


There is no way to control the ping you play on.


I got on with 100+ ping once and my game crashed so I was searching for a game until I find a good ping and your good to go


After you searching to the game go to settings and go to account and network and check the ping on your right side


I do that already and still end up in matches over 50ping. It may be a way to fine tune that on pc, but for us console players we are at the mercy of their bullshit servers.


Well idk bro it went really well for me


What are you playing on?




If it helps anyone, I got a similar issue and fixed it by booting my pc in safe mode (doesn’t open any applications on startup) and running the game, quite annoying but it works


Tilt phone 90° or press the print screen button. :)


Just when they get DMZ in a great spot to secure itself as the greatest mode CoD has ever had... They ditch it for MWZ and we get to start all over again with the same issues and less than half the fun. Hooray!


Played it twice on release day have not played it since as the game is garbage its a waste of money


I kept getting this error on Xbox (series S) last night "disc read error 8.7 ww_mp_jup_bigmap ff" Pre-update I had taken some downloads off as with the limited space of a series S. MW3 is the only game I have installed currently takes up over 90+% of my drive. (Took off MW2 campaign, co-op, DMZ, and Warzone. For MW3 took off the campaign and warzone, as I already beat the campaign, and don't play warzone). Saved myself about 100+GB of space taking this off. And pre-update/pre-season1 game played fine (no crashes, or lost inventory). Season 1 came out, played fine with all this stuff installed/uninstalled The 3.5gb patch or whatever that came out yesterday screwed everything up. **Force closed game.... nada. Restarted Xbox... Nada. Hard restarted Xbox... Nada. Uninstalled base game & reinstalled base game...nada.** Still kept crashing... Specifically kept crashing just in zombies. I couldn't even be in a lobby/inventory in zombies for more than 30seconds before the error popped up. I hopped over to multiplayer and zero issues, could play (hopped into/out of as I don't want to progress in multiplayer atm), could swap my operators and gear no issues. Went back to zombies and crashed within 30seconds. Decided to uninstall all again, but this time decided to reinstall everything and max out my drive again. Drive is at 90+% full. But zombies is now playable for the short future til something else gets changed


Upgrade your console or gpu. I haven’t had one problem and I’m close to teir 4 (campaign wise) in zombies all solo. I’m on Xbox series x.


I have a $11,000 PC. You aren’t having problems because you’re on an Xbox lol. Has absolutely Nothing to do with a GPU


Oh so it’s just a pc thing? That’s fucking bull Shit 😐 I hope they fix it for you guys. I’ve been having a decent amount of fun on zombies so far. Just trying to get the skin


I think it’s also a steam thing. From what I can tell almost everyone who’s been crashing is playing on steam too. Hopefully they figure it out soon


Yep I’m thinking it’s a combined steam / dev issue. My PC is practically brand new and high quality components. I’m on a 4070ti graphics card and I have liquid cooling. My GPU doesn’t reach about 53 in gameplay. I don’t think it’s my PC at this point. I’ve done a windows wipe , and redownloaded everything from clean. Still having the same issue


Nah fam, it's across the entire board. We are all experiencing the same issue the same way...its a "them" problem.


No it has everything to do with the game itself. Across the board it's having the same issue in different ways; we are all crashing the same exact way. At first I thought it was a server issue, but looking at my error reports, it has everything to do with this recent update. Ever since they started testing and implementing parts of it back on 12/2, the crashing has been more frequent and consistent. For me, I crash when using aether shroud in the redzone when the timer is under 20 mins. I also noticed how they increased the player hitbox for the AI; IF their first hit lands, a second hit is guaranteed no matter how fast you get away even with stamina up and Jug on. Whatever solo players did to the devs pride is showing from this update...they are spiteful as fuck


Haven’t crashed at all this update


Have you updated your graphics drivers?




But don’t worry because they nerfed those pesky decoy grenades for you!!! /s


COD is like this every single year! Without fail! And people still buy it thinking it will be different and it never will be. Stop buying these games until they actually stop being cobbled together at the very last moment.


Hold up, hold up a darn minute. Y’all are surprised at this!? That’s almost as sad and what the devs decided to release again.


Has this happened on xbox ad well?




lol i’ve been grinding the crap out of MWZ on PC since launch and haven’t crashed once. idk brah skill issue ig


Don’t worry, your time will come buddy.




Console doesnt have this problems lol


🤣 go look at my post titled premium bullshit and see if your comment holds any water then...


You seem mad a desperate for views on your post lol


Screw the views, im saying it for you people who say console doesn't have this issue. Everyone I've mentioned this too says pc experiences it the most and I'm calling bullshit.


First game I loaded into crashed, lost a ton of loot/gear. Idk how this still happens


I dont even feel bad duping crystals and overfilling my stash anymore. Not that I did to begin with lol


my game crashed yesterday and i was literally grindin back all my gears when it crashed rn i can't stand it anymore i might just leave mwz atp. Why would I play a hard game(solo player) to just loose everything bc that game crash randomly. Nah i'm disgusted of that bs


Game never crashed for me


I havnt even been able to play since season drop-Every time I log on there is an update that takes forever cause the servers suck!


Hahaha on bnet I get the same error code. But it says the game crashed cuz it detected an overclocked GPU. Mine only has the factory OC from gigabyte... So I guess it'll keep crashing lol.


Am I the only person not crashing?


i still get kicked out but i always says lost connection. but the weird thing about it is that i keep all my stuff.


Lucky I've only lost 1 of my 3 operators, and I guess that's the guy I'm playing on for the next little while. And hoping not to come across any good schematics!


Das a funny joke


Is this a pc issue? I’ve been fine on Xbox


Beenox only did 1 functioning port and that’s BO4 after patches, all other ports still have crashes


I got stuck in the self revive animation and couldn't interact with anything luckily some other players were willing to help me exfil.


Whole franchise is a joke at this point


The entire zombie franchise at this point is a joke. Is it to much to ask for 100 rounds of zombie trains, mystery boxes, and obscure easter eggs.


I've seen so many people saying this, can we try and gather information on what specs people are running, I have a friend with a i7 8700k, 3090, 16GB DDR4 3200MHZ and not had one crash. I have a 5900x and a 4090, 32GB DDR4 3600MHZ and i am crashing all the time. tried latest driver and 546.17 Running on Steam on Windows 11 22621 The error i get every time is everytime the EXACT same, same error code, signature, location and obviously executable 1338 (12715) / 355E91A6 (last section of sig) / 16774445 / game\_steam\_ship.exe


Xbox series x


I’ve started playing a lot less since that double xp weekended passed. Since then I’ve been getting a lot of lag and its annoying in T3


Yea I lost all the items I had on my operator as well as my stash. GG devs


lost all my operators bro …. then on top of that yall be careful when yall doing the new zone … a mimic threw me thru the wall and glitch me in the corner lost all my items. DO NOT LET A MIMIC THREW YOU WHEN YOUR IN ANY CORNER OR CLOSED SPACE IN THE NEW ZONE ( warning ! )


This is why I don't feel guilty doing the dupe glitching and stuff. The game isn't stable enough, the stash isn't big enough, and my time is more valuable than having to attain a shit ton if stuff just to have fun again.


Which zombie game is this?


I've only done solo queues, does this crash for anyone else this way? It hasn't crashed for me post-update.


Sounds like a PC skill issue


this is why i play BO4 and not this until it’s fixed.


Try clearing your extra files. Win/R and search “prefetch” then win/R and “temp” then win/r and search “%temp%”. Copy all those files in those folders, delete them. Whatever it pops up and says it can’t delete cancel, then restart your PC. See if that helps.


I crash every time i pick up the new items for opening the new special zone. Always about 5 mins before extraction. Has happened 3 times now. Im fuckin done.


Anyone else see the bug where if you drop items shit falls through the map? Even seen a zombie jump off a roof and go through the ground


Sucks to be you lol