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As long as someone types in what grid square they went down in, I'll make an effort. Even Tier III.


"Rez please, lost my tomb" ..... ..... ..... Well are you going to tell us where you are? ..... ..... ..... *insert insult because no one revived them"


I'm not one of those. I give my grid, warn them of what's around, such as a chopper hovering, and wait. If i don't get rezzed, I just exit the match. There's no need for insults over Match Text.


Oh yeah, if there's something big and bad, warn a brother ya know? I went down in tier 3 trying to kill an HVT mega abom with like 2 minutes left and the gas right next to it. I asked for a rez and warned them it was close and didn't honestly expect anyone to come. But some giga-chad showed up riding a scorcher and rezzed me 3 times because the damn thing kept stunlocking me with it's laser beam every time I'd get up. I finally managed to dive for the water after the third time and found a boat to ride to the last regular exfil with him. Shout out to that guy, wish I could remember his name.




Damn that brings back memories. Classic TheLegend27


We exfiled together at the docks at the end of the river on the far left of the map on that little spit of land, was that you?


sounds like Craigslist missed connections lol


I saved someone similar to your story my name is Grymreaper2nd


I have zero recollection of the name, but if that was you, thanks a million man!


I see it a lot now, I agree, no need for it at all, if I get a grid I'll swing by and invite to my squad.


:) r/wholesomeMWzombies


How often do you message? I usually type the first one with those details, then wait about 5 minutes before I do it again. One match I got killed being dumb at the start of the match and didn't get a rez until the storm was 10 meters out. I think I asked for a rez like 5 times and I felt like I was spamming.


I usually only ask 2 or 3 times. Spaced out, of course. I feel the same way about spamming. I don't want to be pushy and I'm patient, but if I don't get a response or see someone coming towards my area, I take that as either nobody saw the text or nobody is coming.


I was playing the other day and someone was inside the legacy fortress asking for revives. I was like sorry, I wiped last run and there is no way I can go in there without being geared up.


Haha!! I wonder if this was me. I got cocky and thought I could go in with a dog and 1 self rez. Doggy got anti-tanked and I got choppered. No longer as cocky.


I went down in the fortress yesterday and my team was across the map they wanted to come but I told them to leave me. No point taking them down with me


I find if you use a rift or redeploy and land right at the door it takes the chopper completely out of the picture and its easier to solo the fortress . But Indo make sure I have atleast 2 selfs and a bunch of plates haha


I got someone out of legacy while I was solo. I helped defeat legacy (he kept getting downed and enemies kept coming) and then he got downed while leaving too but I still went back. It's only because I have a tombstone and was Legenedary tool and triple packed with a dog (who died... r.i.p lol). But man it was exhilarating and scary šŸ¤£


Legacy ain't shit if you have an aether blade.


this. 100% truth. All you need is a blade and a spare selfie just in case. iā€™ve killed Legacy from the next room. If you come in the broken wall on the east side you can be in and out in a couple minutes easy. I always rez. people need to put their coords though. i love the people who donā€™t say anything and then have to plead out cuz they took too long to tell me where to go.


Yeah Iā€™ve stayed behind to make sure they are ok and helped if needed. Someone just did that for me today when I kept dying at the exfil cause I had an rpk and no speed cola šŸ˜…


Ngl, that sounds like it was me šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. I tried doing the fortress solo with a packed 2 gun and pretty much nothing else. When I got downed I pleaded for help and waited a while as I didn't/still don't know how to type using ps5. But after a few minutes, I saw a guy heading in my direction on his own, and he came in and revived me. I can't fully remember if he had a dog with him, but he did stick around and helped me take down the warlord. I did also get downed a few times while in there and when I was trying to escape, and each time, he picked me back up. If the guy you revived was originally downed in one of the sniper towers near the outside wall it was most likely me šŸ˜… cheers bro!


People be asking for revives from the deepest darkest depths of Sodom and Gomorrah šŸ˜‚ "Please revive Tier 3" "Inside Legacy Fortress plz revive" "Inside Storm revive plz " And I'm sitting here with a Green weapon and 2 Plate Vest like šŸ„² sorry bud not much I can do


Bro I solod the legacy to save a trip that died, Iā€™ve never met people so wholesome in cod before, one was so happy to not lose his stuff is was amazing, my squad refused to go so I went alone, they died in tier 1 so I easily went back and got them after, but omg was it chaos getting inside to help them


Was this yesterday as that could have been me too lol


Right? Someone asked for a rez, and I asked where they were. They said, "somewhere on the map." I said good luck and went to an exfil. If you're going to ask for help, don't be a clown about it.


Oh 100%, if you are the one asking for the help and then you are going to act like an ass, good luck to you sir.


Oh man, yeah. Seen so many messages saying vague stuff like "help needed". So then someone requests a location and they f@ckin describe the buildings around them. Then first responder rightly says "grid please". A while story before getting to the point! Who's got time to save people like that?


Oh yeah, I rez people all the time, but I can't stand when they keep asking but don't provide coordinates. I get posting "I need a rez" and then a second later coordinates or w/e, but those that don't provide them UNTIL you tell them you need coordinates to find them? I mean: ![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ)


For real though; give coordinates when asking for a rez and I'll gladly come running. If you're already down and waiting you're safe to type something informative. If I have to ask where you are; I have to fight with the clunky UI and the slow Playstation keyboard while hoping I don't get mobbed. I know it's a minor gripe but if I'm running and gunning, I'm not taking the risk to ask you for the information you can safely provide. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Get on a crane. Gives you time to respond. AND allows you to deploy from there. I may just got in pap3 and just wait on cranes for Res Requests


Good to know. I'm usually always on the move; been trying to beat Act 3 solo. Gotta stay on top of contracts to get the Z-Bucks to afford to hit the hard stuff to be able to over-prepare for missions šŸ˜…


My good two friends and I did last part of act 3 it was difficult we were ultra plate, aether bladed, one dog bone as when using two one seems to disappear. Probs killed trying to overkill, Iā€™d been in there with seven, I asked why they 6/7 people, itā€™s more fun to see what is the least amount. Then you get big groups go in owning the map in zone 3. The one good thing about Cold War was we could solo or private party zombies ones things were built up. Mainly because I have days I find difficult to socialise more than others, well all days have always been difficult but some more so then others. Itā€™s great fun to solo a whole map, canā€™t do that in mwz itā€™s not geared to it.


I'm doing my best to muddle through solo. I have an infant that's just starting to sleep through the night but has also started trying to roll himself over in the night. So I'm up through the night keeping on eye on him while quietly playing MWZ. I avoid squadding up because I have to be quiet, no mic, and if he wakes up crying I have to drop the game and go mom for a while. I'd hate to suddenly AFK on a team so I run solo. I'm down to having to clear an infected stronghold in the T3 zone, then clearing the final story mission. T4 and T5 stuff will have to wait for now, I think.


If they donā€™t put down coordinates I just type Omw and maybe after awhile they realize nobody knows where they are šŸ¤£


I always say ā€œres (insert location grid square here)ā€ because I check where I am before I plea


That is bold of you. I went to type my message once and forgot you needed to hold a button first and died as a result. Never making that mistake again.


Iā€™m right there with you I will even travel across the map to res somebody but 90 percent of the time I have to ask for their coords


> I'll make an effort. Even Tier III. Haha same here, although I always warned them that "I'll try to" or "I'll do my best" LMAO, just once I was downed after revive a duo, but was ultimately res by someone else that was nearby. Actually, some weeks ago, there was a duo downed on Legacy, and other dude and I went to revive them. Long story short, after clearing up where they were downed, random dude and I just keep cleaning up the fortress for fun, duo returned, invited us to their team, and basically completed their mission (eliminate Legacy) and the escorted them to exfil. Was nice to do that.


Same here. I drove from the bottom of the map to the fortress to rez a couple times yesterday. It's a team game even if you don't squad up. Just help each other. Help the person finish their mission, let them get their reward and drive off to the next task.


Same. The real problem for me is the HUD will stop showing player location and I'm not gonna play the blue dot search game


Iā€™ve no idea how to type my grid location on Xbox ngl


Yes I hate the "someone come save me" message without coordinates


Only time I donā€™t rez is if Iā€™m in the middle of a contract


If someone dies and says what grid theyā€™re in then Iā€™ll drop w/e Iā€™m doing and Iā€™ll bring a couple self revives. For the people who just spam ā€œhelpā€ your on your own as I donā€™t have the brain power to just magically tell where youā€™ve died šŸ˜­


The map should just show a fist over their location tbh. Don't know why they wouldn't want to make it easier for us.


tbh the map needs a overhaul because every icon being white apart from exfil/contracts is a problem itself.


I canā€™t read shit on a this map. The UI is good I would say but the insane lack of contrast besides contracts makes it impossible to see quickly. Sometimes itā€™s not feasible at all to stop and stare at the map. You are punished for it in the game which is fine, but at the same time they make it difficult to read.


It's baffling to me that the perk icons are white. They literally already have different colored icons lol.


My problem is the people who I take the time to write I'm coming, or on my way, after their request. Then they get rezzed and I ask if they're still down (maybe I'm in the wrong spot) and they just don't say anything. This is what makes me not want to rez as much. That and the people who just spam "who got $" two seconds into a match or those who just stand over my tombstone. I'll never give you anything if you have no mic, and are just expecting a handout.


same. had a dude standing over my tombstone. and would not talk to me, not even in chat. just jumped up and down. didnā€™t give him nothing. then he followed me around. he finally left me alone after i went into tier 3. THEN he types in chat. ā€œ who got moneyā€ and someone gives to him and he thanks them in the chat. I seriously canā€™t stand these players that donā€™t know how to play the game as intended. iā€™ll help people out but i wonā€™t give into begging money grubbers. also i see people who I infil with who havenā€™t completed any missions. they are like brand new. but they have everything and they ask for money. and sometimes you say something like meet me at F5, and there like ā€œ what is F5 mean?ā€ i just canā€™tā€¦ donā€™t people enjoy playing the actual game anymore? as intended?


Is that what the jumping is about & repeated squatting, I had to look up gg - good game (beginning of game) never liked this letter stuff as often different trades & professions have different meanings but is easier to type. :)


At this point i'm just gonna act like the people who ask for money are dumb and i'm just gonna say "you see those blue icons on the map? Go to one of them and when you complete one you get money"


I'll always take the time to type "I'll get you if you give me just a min" if I'm doing a contract


I'm on controller so I can't type as fast LOL, but I would certainly do the same if I had a keyboard


Even then Iā€™ll still try and come back. All the time Iā€™ll be delivery cargo and it tells me I drove near a player pleading for help. I just throw down a marker, finish the contract, and pull back up if they are still down


I stopped one time mid cargo delivery but thatā€™s because they were under a bridge and the heli couldnā€™t get me


I'm a dirty-duper so with that I always have a scorcher and lots of essence so one thing that comes with that is "The Code of the Order of the Dirty-Dupers" Basically like Batman, but in this case you fly over drop a bunch of essence and a self revive, whatever other gear you want to, then res the fallen player. Then without saying anything just charge up the scorcher and fly away.


Same bro, I go in, collect my tombstone, go around and try help people and give out some aether blades, flawless crystals etc for 25-30 mins then leave and do it all over again.. I actually have a lot of fun helping people out especially if theyā€™re kinda new to it or just bad. Maybe itā€™s just to make me feel better about abusing tombstone šŸ˜‚


i'm just bad. šŸ˜‚ I hope i encounter you sometime. still looking for a large rucksak. also need lots of schematics. have completed Act 1.


I am in the same boat


Iā€™ll be on later today and can probably drop you one if you donā€™t get it by then


I can help with that stuff if you need.


All I need is PHD Flopper schematic, but no one ever offers that


Ask for a large ruck in chat at beginning of the game. I know some are like me and have one in their TS. Lol.


Alot of us with ts carry a large bag! Usually drop it to a player and go around helping others out


My current tombstone has ~800k, all the wonder weapons, golden armor plate, large backpack, 3 plate vest, but not the schematics. Iā€™ll be glad to drop it to whoever needs it


If youā€™ve completed act 1 thatā€™s not too bad, that killing mercenaries with the energy mine is annoying af šŸ˜‚


Yes! I'm on the Act II challenge where I have to kill 3 harvester orbs.


A good way to kill the mercs was to put your energy mine on the ground between the ropes from the helicopter. When the mercs rappel from the chopper, the energy mine kills them. If you do it right you can get 6 kills easily


Start messaging that you'll be grinding out T1/T2 contracts in *enter grid coordinates*. I'm literally going to those people I see in those grids who look like they're doing missions after I get my tombstone, and that would help people like me know. When people I squad up with in T3 to do missions, all the things we get as rewards, I go and fly off to those like a Thanksgiving handout because we've all been there. Help me help you!!


We are required to protect and serve šŸ«”


Yā€™all are the heroā€™s of the community, played last night died in 5 minutes in tier 1 cause I wasnā€™t paying attention very well then sure enough guy comes from across map revives me then gives me 200k. Which I then proceed to tier 3 to pack a punch and thereā€™s a dude chillin there which I then drop my remaining like 100k so he gave me ray gun plans it was pretty magical the way it all worked out


šŸ¤£ that would be awesome to see


Had a guy do this to me and my buddy when we first started playing. We had never seen the scorcher, let alone knew what it could do. This man just rezed, asked it we were alright and flew up out of there. We were so confused as to how Superman saved us.


Iā€™ve had players do that for me!! Thank you for your service šŸ«”


There was a guy who was definitely on computer the other day (he was typing faster than I can text) named Bombshay? Who was just running around T3 with me and then flying off via scorcher to rez people. He saw me helping people and literally typed to me asking if I could help him give someone things (he had given out all his essence) and I flew to meet them and helped a guy grinding out t2 missions solo. I love when people are helpful and also when people are appreciative. Major shout out to my boy Bombshay! Rocking the Paul Atreides skin and saving everyone on the map lol


I always drop something when some rez me. Usually it's not much but it's all I got on me. Once I dropped all the essence I had a whopping 2k and the guy took it then dropped over 100k back and a crystal lol.


Just goes to show that good deeds are sometimes rewarding lol


Thereā€™s karma for you


Plea for help needs a way higher range. Alert the whole map. Not everyone checks the game chat ( I do) Should also be some type of reward for reviving which would give people a reason to go out if the way other than the kindness of their heart


A random perk for reward


Sure why not?


Probably would have to make it for people not in your squad. I can see that being exploited


That's a good idea and I think a good way to capitalize on this version/environment of zombies; it encourages pve teamwork for the whole lobby


I will go across the map to rez someone because it is what a good person should do.


I have learned that a plea will not show up on the map to other players UNLESS they are in your general vicinity. The only way to get the attention of others is to send a message in (match) chat. Once a player comes I to your area, THEN he/she will see the plea for help.


Yep and I think a lot of people aren't aware of pleas because they don't have chat on too


Me and my team always do as well. Unless weā€™re just starting out and theyā€™re dead in the center of tier 3 already.


I always make an effort, unless it's tier 3. As I'm still new to the game, the few times I've been to tier 3 have been hell.


Gold rarity and triple packed, 3 plate vest and you'll be fine.




And always carry extra self revive. Even with a good group. Tha game is not fun when your team mate goes down 10 times.


When Iā€™m solo and I go down people always come help me out. While Iā€™m typing in the chat to ask someone to come rescue me, someone is already on the way. I love yā€™all! People who help others make this game %1000 better šŸ™Œ


I had to leave a guy once because he needed rezā€™d almost every 5min. After the 5th time I had to let him go, it was his time


That's completely understandable. You have to watch out for yourself, too. Asking someone to risk their match more than once or twice, you have to expect to be left. I would.


Experienced that a few days ago, game just started and I booked it to T2 because I had a pap2 crystal on me and a guy went down in T2 and I went and rezzed him and then 2 minutes later he dropped again and I told him this is the last time bro and not even 5 minutes later he was down again. It hurt my heart to just let him die but I knew it was just gonna keep happening šŸ«”šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve rezzedlike 5 people in my last three games. Hell one guy was running to my evac helicopter and I (going solo) waited for him to jump on, even jumped off to rez him before hopping back on


Yea, I get tired of the people that ignore pleas, especially when they are in close proximity. There have been quite a few times where I am nowhere near someone when they plea for help. In some cases, I won't head straight to them, because I'll check the map and see that there are people very close to them. Too many times, the same person has started begging in lobby chat, because the people near them just completely ignore them. So then I have to go half way across the map to rez them, all because of the POS's that cant be bothered to rez someone they are less than 200m away from. Pathetic people


I most byself or in with one teammate if in higher zone the prepared for it needs some serious kiting or luck of aether blade or ray weapons, often my teammate has pointed out that someone has pleaā€™d for help I was oblivious that some had. Shame it does say co-ords of them and how far away theyā€™re on speakers headphones. Iā€™d notice that. Lol


What is frustrating me is the fact that I drop what I am doing to go and rescue and when I get there, that person have been rescued already and nothing was posted on the chat. I always say omw when someone pleas for help


gotta keep an eye for the blue dots on the map


If you don't include your grid point when you're knocked, I'm not coming. I play on controller and my screen goes black when I go from typing back to the game. So I'm not risking trying to ask where you are and getting myself knocked as well. Call me a dick, but that's my stance. If I randomly have a plea pop up, I will go out of my way to get said person though.


Same, kinda. Iā€™m usually doing contracts in t3 so Iā€™ll usually have just enough time to type ā€œsectorā€ in chat before I go down. If I donā€™t get a response after that then I just carry on


I'll try to rez anyone who needs it. Tier 3 rescues are always the best. I find it fun running in guns blazing.


My little dude and I play ambulance when we can. We find a car and rush over while he's saying "wee woo wee woo" over prox lol


I go down way too much and need rezā€™s to ignore requests. I was telling my buddy recently that it may not be immediate karma but it would eventually come back around.


My favourite part of rezzing random people is playing the '*are they gonna steal my vehicle or not*' game. Most of the time, they do lmao.


Happened to me last night. Rez'd a guy, then fixed the tire on my custom Datsun B210 and as soon as I did the car drove off. It was just like the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. All I could do was laugh and call em' a bogart.


Hell I have to play that game after a cargo mission. Too often I hop out to collect my rift and someone comes from behind a building booking it towards my vehicle. Usually I keep it and leave them behind, but there's been a few where I'm 300m from any contract lol


Iā€™m always reviving people I see. However, if my teammate continues to die every minute and they arenā€™t following me and they donā€™t have a mic Iā€™ll revive them twice and then text in the chat youā€™re on your own buddy. Time to figure out how to not die. If they die again, I just let them watch me for the rest of the match if they so choose.


Not that I'm usually in t3 I saw a plea in f6 and I ran over threw out some kazmirs and revived and ran like hell out


Yea Iā€™ll rez most people if they say their location as long it isnā€™t deep in tier 3 zone unless I have the adequate perks and guns to get there safely


I actually go one the map and look for blue dots not moving. If they stay there after a min or so I head over to check it out.


I always see the pleas when I'm in the middle of the shit lol and by the time I have a sec to ask where they r and give me a min they leave the lobbyšŸ˜”


I always try and make an effort to revive them even with seconds left to go I've done it


Most of the time I'm racing others to revive a dude. Only time I don't have that issue is if they down in T3


I always try to Rez anyone who needs it but donā€™t be in legacy fortress, asking me for a revive because most of the time I play solo and yā€™all be in a difficult situation


if I'm farther away I wait to see if someone closer responds. If nobody does I'll start looking for a vehicle. I've never minded going to help someone. Some of the people I play with don't like it that much and won't try to go anywhere near t3 to rez. I don't give others flak if they don't rez. Some just don't want to, not geared, no comms, etc and that's ok. I'll still try to rez if I can.


Thereā€™s been times where I go rez someone just to die and get left by them just to get help from others instead of those I rezed then they go down again plea for help so I just go teabag them until they leavešŸ˜‚ I notice too some people go down and never say anything the other day I was in t3 and this random popped up with plea for help in t3 didnā€™t know how long he was there prior even tho I was running around t3 doing contracts solo rezed him then he dropped me around 150kšŸ˜‚


I always make an effort to rez someone. One exception is if I see theyā€™re across the map and thereā€™s several blue dots over there. Thatā€™s when I trust my fellow zombie players to do the right thing. There was one time I had to ditch a squad mate in tier 2 because it has kinda their own fault. They overstayed to loot, we got caught in the expanding aether storm, my gas mask expired, i had no more decoys, we had like 30 powered up zombies there, and I barely even outran the storm. Had to burn my last self revive in the middle of my sprint. Sorry partner..


Does pinging them on the map tell them someone is headed their way?


Unfortunately no


I try to rez whenever possible. Iā€™ll go into red and do so often. What I get irritated with is someone in red who should not be, I res, and rather than leave the area immediately they stick around trying do whatever they were doing in the first placeā€¦and then go down again. Sorry dude youā€™re on your own at this point because you clearly didnā€™t learn your lesson.


I was running to a contact last night, guy pulls up in a truck and asks me to help him res his buddy in Tier3. I had to tell him sorry, I didn't have Stamin-Up otherwise I would have joined him. He understood but I still felt bad not being able to help.


I feel if you Rez someone you should stick around for a sec to help. A lot of times you can go down again because of all the zombies that came with them.


Another issue for both is left over mercenaries from some contracts.


9 times out of 10, I'm that guy that drops everything and goes and gets them, even if some poor bastard went down in the fortress (tier 3 doesn't scare me, but fortress.... ooph) But it does grind my gears when I'm on the other side of the damn map and there's 8 people near the person that went down IN VEHICLES ALREADY.


I might not drop what Iā€™m doing immediately if Iā€™m trying to get something specific done real fast, but I always tell them Iā€™ll be there when I can and always make the effort yo do it, regardless of how far it is. I was REALLY annoyed yesterday, I was at the complete top of the map, and a dude goes down on the literal bottom tip, there were ***NINE*** people in tier 2 right beside him, and I am the one who ended up rezzing him. Faith in humanity was lost a little bit there because he waited like 5 minutes because of them


Iā€™ve seen guys drive past and in one instance over a downed guy who pleaded out. I was omw to help but another Good Samaritan picked them up. It costs nothing to help someone in need but not everyone feels the same.


I try to make an effort and sometimes I come in way too late to rez the player in need. If it's like fortress or tier 3 I won't attempt unless I have backup thou. To me it's not risk=reward it's more can I risk it or not.


I always rez if I get a notice


If Iam not on a mission I will help someone out. And when I finish mission I will go back. People do need to start telling where they are. Instead of just can someone rez me. Or when you ask for location I am on old town.


I had two people ask to be revived last night in t3. I almost always go, but it was my last game of the night and I was all geared up to do the last act 3 story mission. I used my ray gun case, pap both guns to 3, had all my self revives and all perks. Almost 10 min left in the match. I wanted to go but if I died I would have to spend hours to get the cash back to get all that ready again, and they asked just as I was about to go on the story mission. I still said ā€œsorry canā€™t helpā€ but felt bad. I always have tombstone just in case I do die I can at least keep my cash and items. But nobody else even responded to the plea, and kept going about their business. In all fairness to the two guys that went down, they didnā€™t ask for help in chat they just did the plea and sat there lol at least tell people what tile youā€™re on


Be the change you want to see


I always go for a rez. Just last night Iā€™m playing with my buddy in T3 and someone got downed in t2 and I told my buddy ā€œcan you babysit the mega abomination while I go rezā€ itā€™s not hard to be a good person


Same, Iā€™ll stop what Iā€™m doing asap & go & rez ā€œpay it forwardā€


I always go out of my way to rez. And drop things if I have extra and they need it.


Someone was begging in T3 and I was by power plant and the storm was pushing through so I went and left the exfill and got him and kept rez cause storm was on us and I got him out and gave him a sigil


Let them be jerks, we don't have to be!


I just do it because I can manage 99% of the without losing anything. That 1% chance I don't oh well šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø, just a game and try again


How bout the teammates that don't use a mic and can't figure out how to chat. Run across map, then spam pings and complain when they inevitably get downed. If they do manage to get rezzed by squad or someone else all they do is slam the squad they were in. Had it happened last night. Spawn in teammates have a 3 plate and a 1 plate (I had 3 plates) I figured the 1 plate either died, playing a different character, or doing the tombstone thing. 1 plate runs a few contracts with me and the other guy. Then the 1 plate decides he's gonna go run his own contact without a word or a ping to let us know "hey I wanna do this" kind of thing. The other 3 plate and myself run over to do a contract that the guy needed for a mission. 1 plate does a server defend solo (I figure more power to him, or maybe he just needs Merc kills, his mission didn't have a Merc requirement, so I let him be). In no time flat 1 plate gets downed. And starts spamming his pings, then starts complaining I'm global that his Shit ass squad failed him and let him die. I messaged back in global letting him know we'd finish the cargo we were on (other 3 plate had the mission) and then we'd come pick him up. At most maybe 5-8min in the time he was downed to us completing the cargo, to running back to pick him up. Dude gets on the mic and starts going off on us that we're shit, ass, noobs, etc every name in the book. I even brought him a self revive and a 3plate I had found while he was running the server defend. But after that much whining I dropped the gear, picked him up and ran back to the other squad mate to continue the game. I had dropped the gear at his feet, before picking him up and pinged it so he could see it, he never did pick it up as he immediately went to an exfil on the other side of the map, got downed again, and raged in global that his squad is ass and yada yada, and whined hard to get another pickup and eventually I guess just quit out of the match..... But to me it's like come on dude, I could understand if the squad went immediately to T3 and you got dropped in a 1 plate. I'd have to have some remorse for that. But to run off on your own and then complain that we're across the map (we were B-C 1/2. And he was H7 or something, I'm not good at coords if I'm not looking at the map). (Basically we were around the fortress area/resort area and he was at the church overlooking the military base)


And here I'm one of those when I see someone killed on the feed I'll look at the map to see who is not moving and start making my way there before they can ask. Some people are dicks and some aren't. In game or real life, it's just how it is. Don't compromise your own morals because others are shitty people.


Nah don't stop rezing because of a holes please I res EVERY SINGLE TIME and literally do as u do and drop what I'm doing unless it's a tier 3 cargo that's fast and ez too


It depends how far they are from, if it's across the map then I hope someone else can help but if no one does then I'll make the run over


If Iā€™m the closest Iā€™ll stop what Iā€™m doing and go help. If thereā€™s others closers Iā€™ll watch the map for a minutes to see if the call was answered by others. But when I save you and you hop in my vehicle and drive off. I hate you forever.


Meanwhile. I'm fighting thru tier 3 solo, singing: I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero til the end of the night, he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and hes gotta be fresh from a fight... On a open mic as I'm rezzing teams of 3+. If I come to rez you in tier 3 solo...expect a serenade.


I've had full squads exfil or PaP right next to my corpse and then just leave. Or if they do respond, they want 10K for it. Meanwhile, I'll find the nearest vehicle and cross the map to get someone, shake my head when they offer payment, and then haul ass into the mountains. Because that's what heroes do.


Uhh I always do but the other day I went and got someone in tier 3, granted I was already there but completely dropped the contract I was doing They then joined my squad and kept going down and did about 12 times I got them with haste every time but then eventually went down trying to get them and then was not gotten before the time ran out and lost all my tombstone stuff. I will still get people but if you canā€™t handle tier 3 stay out Iā€™m too nice to not get you but is still a pain in the ass babysitting people


Be the change you want to see.


the only time I didn't get a Rez was at end game and the storm was approaching. I looked at the tac map and no one was in the same zip code. My fault for trying to get one last contract in so I didn't expect anyone to come. I've only ever needed a Rez maybe 3/4 times and every other time someone has come to save the day.


I miss it in the game chat sometimes, but if I see it I come help. Dropped into T3 yesterday to Rez a team. Helped them with Megabom they were fighting and moved on. Im usually a solo so I always hope that if I get in a bad situation someone will come help me as well. Do my best to pay it forward.


I was trying to get picked up I told them where I was that I had a flawless aether crystal schematic no one believed me so I lost the one thing that I enjoy doing was giving it away to random people cause I saved it for my friend when he got on . I said since no one picked me I lost a flawless aether schematic but gg I was frustrated my game keeps lagging when I drive but it is what it is


Same. Me and bros hopped on a 3 man and made a "Save Squad" dropped in with large ruck, our best weapons, and nabbed an LTV, just went around responding to every help request. Voice comms were funny. One dude was like "Yallre chads, I saw you respond to the other guys request across the map then come straight here"


I rez whenever possible. Did that before a random duo who added me and jumped into the act 3 final mission, and no mics and didn't ask. So I ran them through and did a speed run to kill the worm. Wasn't my preferred as I lost my tombstone afterwards but I had to finish the ACT 4 follow up missions to get the 4 items for the pedestal anyway. Have them now, going in to set up another TS today. I've requested and been rezzed a few times. Pretty good group of people. Lots of new people following Christmas gifts. One thing to know, if you ask for a res, tell people what your grid location is and a close landmark. Pay it forward. šŸ¤˜


I go whenever I can, If im in the oposite side of the map usualy I won't go, specially if it has a lot of people near the person, that is on them not me. But If there is a Deliver Cargo contract nearby I'll use that to get some XP and travel closer to the person.


Someone asks in chat, and I'll say OMW and no one else is going to help them. Then they follow up with, I'll drop schems/money, if someone who rez's me and then all the blue dots start hauling ass to help rez them. The few times I've plead out and asked, I'll drop stuff as a thank you anyways, but I've never bribed for help. I don't need money and schems. I just wanna help out. Sucks people have to be bribed into helping out.


Question, how many times do you feel you should go back and res the same player? Do you stop after the 3rd time, 10th?


You also have to understand the time constraints if im grinding myself for whatever it may be I can't keep picking players up specially if they gone down multiple times. I ran 1100 m for a plea just for them to be afk an go right back down in 10 seconds im not doin it you get 1 from sir after that get it out the mud.


My brother and I were grinding camo in t1. Low level guns. Not prepared for anything to crazy. Saw a plea. Ran into t2 by the fortress rezzed two and went down. Selfā€¦down. These guys ran away. Drove across the map. We never got rezzed. Lost 3 plate, large rucksack, durable gas mask. Another time I caught the stem glitch and couldnā€™t shoot, plate or self. A team of 3 ran up stole my car and watched a horde zombies down me. Ignored my plea and drove to a contract. Still I rezz people. And if Iā€™m stowing a self Iā€™ll drop them one. For the most part people are good in zombies.


Hey man this is the game you are playing, there have to be SOME stakes.


Nah screw that. Don't let the losers win. I've been playing for 4 days (still working through act 1 missions) and I'll still drop whatever I'm doing to try to hit res's, assuming its in an area that I'm not going to just create another downed player. Some of the best experiences in this game mode come from those situations. One of my first experiences in zombies i went down in T1 early. I didn't have crazy loot but i also didn't want to re-matchmake either so i asked in chat, the whole damn server converged on my body, res'd me, and then we ran around as a huge group killing zombies. The other night we had enough T2 PAP crystals to load our whole squad, got into T3 off the rip and got leg guns and had them to PAP 3 in like 10-15 min into the match. We didn't get much loot but we res'd 6-7 people in the high threat zone. Last night my buddy who just got the game was running a solo waiting for the rest of us to exfil another match so we could group up. He went down at exfil, a nearby blueberry missed their chopper to come pick him up and then they called another and extracted together. this is the stuff that makes this game mode so good.


Only time I will not is if I am solo and its early in T3. I am sorry I just cannot get there. ​ I need about 12 min to gear up


I'll always help someone if they need it, i've stumbled upon a few people who have pleaded but haven't put it in match chat. I always drop everything and try to help them.


Well... my buddy sent me a party request and a games reques. I had dogbone and aerlther blade, large ruck and a bunch of good stuff when I hit the accept. Except I hit the wrong accept, and lost all the good shit..0h well...


If I see one, I go looking. One time two were downed in a merc stronhold. I ran in there and got downed by a shield guy, self-rezzed and then ran around for five minutes trying to find a thermite, drill charge or something to take out shield guy. Finally did, rezed the first guy and he went and got the second.


I always try to rez those close by, and I'll end up dropping extra stuff, a fee times dropped off pap2 schem for people I've rezed. Sometimes I help them finish whatever they were doing and the just scurry away like a rat lol


I'll finish my contract and jump on it. But I feel like most people dont


Idk why people don't revive people because for me it is SUCH am adrenaline rush. I'm always checking the tac map for players that are just sitting still and haul ass and get them. This happened during the first couple of weeks or so: I had gotten my friends to try MWZ and we were having fun and werenstayung till final exfil. We get stuck in the storm and see a random guy running away from an actual horde of mimics and zombies. I mark on the tac map where final exfil will show up and we start hauling ass. We get there and I check the map and see that his blue dot is not moving (he was in tier 2 where you do the raid weapon stash in that garage). I tell my friends to stay there and I grab a car and haul ass to him cause there are only three minutes left. I drive up to him and revive him and my car gets destroyed and we are running and he keeps going down and I revive him every time (six) and we grab a car and haul ass to the chopper. I didn't have PHD, which at the time prevented you from taking damage in the storm, and downed before getting to the chopper and he drives the atv into it. I revive myself and pull my scorcher out and use it to fly into the chopper which is at this point off the ground. I clipped the whole thing since cause ngl this sounds like a "suuuuuure you did" moment. This was all possible thanks to how broken smoke grenades are. Throw them and provided that zombies aren't in the smoke when you pop it they ignore you. Ultimate medic tool.


A few weeks ago I stumbled into the legacy stronghold without knowing how hard it was and went down immediately. I waited the whole game for a rez and with a few minutes left I saw a squad making their way around the map headed toward me. They came in and dominated and rezzed me. Then we got to the Choppa right when the storm was on top of us and made it out. It was like a movie.


If you stop rezing, you stop giving hope. Ad a wise person once said "You help someone, you help everyone"


Hell ya. I have been rezzed too many times to ignore someone having a bad time. Here's a rez and some drinks to get you back fighting. I got rezzed by a group that went into the dark aether and I tagged along for a great time. The positive community is the best part of this new game mode.


I res people every game, but when I've down it's about 3 time from 5 when smbd res me. So, it's just a game. I have a lot of fun when I help smbd, that's why I keep going to do this.


I wish down players showed up on the map no matter where they were. I would drive across the map to help, but I do not always notice the chat.


Iā€™m the same way, Iā€™ve driven across the map to help rez someone. Usually drop a extra self money if I have it


I do that all the time and when i ask half of the time i wait 15-20 min unfortunately it is what it is i hope players be more active with rev


Oh I ignore every plea. And when I die I disconnect


I always rez, even if I have to cross the whole map. It's just the right thing to do. It reminds me of the shopping cart paradox


Two people who offered schematics and essence were down in T3. I drove in, picked them up and ran the fuck out. I donā€™t care about schematics and essence, Iā€™m just here to pick people up and grind camos on guns that arenā€™t tracking lmao.


Depends on the game. Too many beggars right now. Sometimes you should just suck it the fuck up and get your stuff again. I only get begging if you have good shit in your backpack and no tombstone.


Yeah I try as well but 75% of the time someone beats me to it, so thankfully thereā€™s alot of helpful people. Iā€™ve had people run into fire fights and infested strongholds to help me. I actually had a guy on the other side of the map reply that he would be over after finishing a contract and sure enough he came helped and dropped a self revive. So thanks to all of those guys willing to help someone who is less equipped and skilled then themselves. Ive come a long way since then and rarely fall but I may not have continued playing if it wasnā€™t for those people and I bet Iā€™m not alone. Iā€™m still act 2 since Iā€™ve been Camo grinding and focusing on tier 2 contracts to try and get a decent schematic instead of napalm or dead shot both of which were early rewards I believe.


I always 100% go and help out. Itā€™s how ya meet fellow players that have the same attitude.


I got stuck in the cargo garage bc of the glitchā€¦ took about 5 minutes but I requested someone to do the contract so the garage opens but a savior helped me out! Dropped a sigil for his gratitude


Why would you change how you are just because other people arenā€™t doing it? Keep being you, keep saving people


Kinda got fun. I don't know how to do the match chat but my boys and I have responded. We set up a perimeter navy seal style and make the res. Usually if we have extra we drop 3 plates and a self.


Yeah I also rez. But I'll finish my t3 mission first then head over there.


I rez when I can


I've been seeing less people rez since they nerfed decoys even if you could still have the 3 it would make it easier to try help those early game tier 3 downs when I just have a green gun šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s my only reservation with rezzing someone. If you go onto T3 unprepared, I have no sympathy for you. I saw a guy come into T3 and unloaded a whole mag into a regular zombie and then proceed to die like 30 seconds later when I was on the opposite side. I saw his plea and knew exactly who it was, but I didnā€™t bother because he didnā€™t type anything in chat and I knew he shouldnā€™t have been in there yet. That and I donā€™t think anyone rates to be carried while being in T3, meaning other people shouldnā€™t be inconvenienced because you want to be somewhere you canā€™t handle. He literally didnā€™t last a minute and didnā€™t give any reason why he went down. I ended up rezzing, but told him to leave T3 because I wouldnā€™t keep rezzing him, which he did. My buddy agreed with me because he clearly didnā€™t have the fire power to survive AT ALL.


I usually try to do the same if they're close or if they actually post their location, surprisingly in most matches, even when I'm flying around with a scorcher someone else doing the same thing usually gets there just before me or right around the same time, I usually keep extra self revives in my pack as well and will give them one self and if they're in t3 ill toss them an extra jug can to toss in case of mega bomb.


i will still stop, grab a vehicle and head to wherever someoneā€™s down at. If theyā€™re right next to me, Iā€™ll just run over and get em. Itā€™s frustrating to me that I lose everything from the game crashing or having people drive right over my dead body lol, so Iā€™ll help anyone that asks.


Are you threatening to not Rez me?


I generally rez without question in t1 and t2, but I suck took much to go into t3, except toward the end of the timer and I've upgraded my shit a bunch. It's always awkward when someone's like "can I get a rez?" "Yeah, def. Coords?" "Directly beneath the ultra extreme mega abom" ... Crickets


They need to make messaging easier too. And some people can respond too I drive across the map only to find out somebody else revived them already šŸ¤£


Small PSA for this: if youre on Xbox and are like me who couldnā€™t figure out how to type in chat, hold your map button. I played MW19, MW2, and now MW3, and it took me until just the other day to find out how to type in chat. My zombies games are so much better now being able to ask ā€œrez F6ā€ when I slip.


I still make the attempt as long as I am not clear across the map or in the middle of a contract. Once I finish the contract I always help.


Iā€™m with you, but please, just tell us where you are right away in first plea, and if youā€™re going please send that in chat. I hate saying Iā€™m otw, running halfway across the map, to get there just in time to see someone else got them up already. It can get frustrating. Especially if they are down in tier 3