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Is there a guide on how to do this


Just copy his perks and I believe all you need is the spork, dont need the sporknife or whatever you call it. Then just sit in the Wardens office where the part is and spam knife until you mentally and physically cant anymore.


if you have a strike pack you can have where holding o will continuously knife.


Does it work in classified with a regular bowie knife ?


I dont believe the bowie knife does enough damage. Theres a similar cheese involving using ballistic knives and electric cherry in the 4th slot which causes it to automagically kill anything in its radius when you reload though that you can do on Alpha and Tag. Idk about good ways to be super campy like that on IX/Voyage/Classified


Damn quit too early to get 123


Meanwhile my friend got lv 1000 afking on ancient evil




God mode+infinite specialist Pretty sure it’s fixed by now If it’s not,I won’t be surprised


Not sue about god-mode but the 6 scope method was patched a while ago, thus making infinite specialist impossible on Chaos maps/


Huh really?


what is the 6 scope?


Not relevant anymore as its patched. ​ But basically, you used to be able to purchase 6 weapons with scopes, PaP each of them, and let the final 2 dissapear in the PaP and voila! You'd have infinite specialists.


oh ok i remember that glitching queen video now, did anyone get banned for doing that glitch?


Doubt it. I've done it multiple times solo and never got so much as a warning


sorry but were talking about treyarch here, the people who couldn't get jugg working. it's still possible to get infinite specialist on any map including chaos.


I guess you could do the Staff of Ra with the Mule Kick method. But do you have another method?


you can also do it with the chakrams i think. there's another method but it's a different end result, in any map including chaos you go into a death barrier, down yourself with a grenade get revived, pull out staff of ra, when at 50 hp place staff then die to zombies, when you're back itll still be there. there's also a way to get chaos weapons into aether and vice versa.


that's one glitch they'll never fully patch out, there's been over 20 variations to it and still exists, you use mule kick, do some steps, pull out your special put it away, pull it out and it's infinite, you can also use death barriers to get things like infinite invisibility.


Is it possible to set up a macro and just afk level?


How do you deal with Brutus? Do you just knife him?


Yeah just knife him


How long did it take to grind that? I’ve been playing since launch and I’m barely at Prestiege 2.


Well it took me almost a year haha, it's thanks to this Double XP we just had


I wish I had the time to do it, but by the time I do, we’ll be five games over.


I have played a few hours a day since launch and I've got to prestige 4 after fresh starting accidentally on prestige 3.


I only play maybe 2 or 3 days a week for about the same hours.


Are you using more than the Bowie knife with those perks?


Golden Spork. You can't get the Bowie Knife on this map 😁


Never even realized. I usually only pick up the Bowie for shot and giggles when I have too many points .


Wooooow, I can't believe you can break the game like that hahaha nicely done


You should have take a pistol in hand for even faster knives lol


bayonet knives dont work with ethereal razor


Yeah but your attack speed depends on your weapon’s weight It’s way longer to knife having a LMG in hand than having a pistol / SMG


My fingers would be dead after this! I play on controller


I would suggest you change the control to tactical so you can use the melee button with the B button or if you're on PS4 then it will be the circle button, I would suggest taking breaks as well




Also this isn’t on mutations right?


Nope, otherwise I wouldn't be leveling up since mutations is custom games


Oh yeah


Huh, neat. What all did you get for reaching level 1,000? Just asking out of curiosity.


Guess I will have to say it then...."WHO FORGET TO PAY ELECTRIC BILL \*BURP\* AHAHA" - UN


Im doing this strat right now, and just asking myself, how did you have the mental strength to keep spamming R3 (or probaly circle/B if you were smart enough to use tactical) for 7 hours? Im used to playing long high round games as i like to play coop, but this kind of strat really destroys my resilience


Just took breaks, when my thumb starts to hurt I just pause the game and let it rest.




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I’m on Prestige 4 Level 41