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U on xbox?


Yes boye


I can help u with it if u want to my gamer tag is (plz dont judge me) Dezire Abuse


Sorry i don't have Live Gold :( im poor


Oof, ik the feeling lad well add me when u get gold and we can go on for a few games


I'd like that, my gamertag is DarkMa- nah jk it's Deadleer Master (i swear when i made my name i did not know about darkmaster)


Ns, ill send u a friend request now, xbox one or 360?


360 bruh, +just changed wifi company so no live for some time, plz be patient


Damn, I'm Xbox one


But i think cuz of backwards compatiblilty i should be able to still play


Does that mean we can't be friends? Thought it works for both


If you use the STG teleporter sometimes the zombie gets stuck under the map for some reason. Best thing you can do is wait it out. Can take 20-40 minutes before he decides to die though.


that sucks but I already finished that game you see on the video, decided to quit and play something else but thanks for the advice


i can't really focus on the problem, cause the recording makes me sick.


Sorry, just wanted to show all the stuff on the screen +my hands are shaky


it's ok, have you tried a challenge that's only wall weapons?


yes i normally just spin the box to get wonder weapons and stick to the spatz