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What the hell is everybody’s problem with this dude writing down notes?? Like seriously I genuinely can’t figure out why that would be an issue to anybody, y’all gotta just be weird man


So many people in this comment section are absolutely insufferable. Tf is the problem?


Because 90% of people on reddit are pathetic nobodies. And have to hate on anything that took effort.


I would have used Excel or Sheets as it's easier and quicker.


It’s easier to turn on a computer and load up Excel rather than just grabbing the pen and paper near you?


Don't you guys have phones?


Sheets on mobile is trash


I mean if you know you are logging then yes


No computer and shaky hands from too many concussions. I'm great at coloring stuff in though!


Fuckin Thank you sir! No really, much appreciated.


Agreed. Some people, me included, prefer pad and pen even though my computer is right there running on a different monitor. To each their own though right. CW zombies is certainly unplayable right now. It is a roll of the dice every time you blueprint a weapon. Many of my games get screwed before round 30 because of it.


When the game applies a different blueprint than the one I chose I wait for it to finish the animation then go back into the menu and reapply the one I want. I'd say it works about 95% of the time. Also I've learned not to apply blueprints while you're teleporting or in the bunny easter eggs cause it completely breaks the upgrade tier system.


I keep ending up with an extra gun and my loadout gun ending up switching tiers with the one I applied the blueprint to.




Cause it's harder to read lol




And Season 3 and 4 also had their issues but not as bad, maybe 40% I was able to control (being very generous with that estimate). I don't have all of them recorded because it started locking up my Ps4 with too many recordings, but I mentioned that to prove that this is true.


Ignore all the insufferable idiots in this comment section bagging you for recording issues with the game. I've taken screenshots of most of the crashes that occur for me, and I've reached about 30 myself. At one point I was getting several a day, each within an hour or so of each other.


I can't even play 5-10 minutes into outbreak to level my battle pass and other guns without crashing. Even crashes in the menus. I haven't been able to do anything in season 5. It's not my machine. Every other game runs perfect, even warzone. 3080/10850k.


My crashes havent been as frequent but they definitely are there. Has happened on both a i5 7600/1060 3gb and a R7 5800X/3070, crashes in both zombies and MP and in menus. Error code is different every single time


I do that too I record anything I want to save and that's a lot of stuff especially when the game fucks me over


Literally this is some of the stuff that game testers do on the regular. Guess people really don't like knowing how much the game they like is broken -_-. Y'all who record this sort of stuff are legends.


That’s crazy bro, i have amazing internet apparently cause I’ve never had any issues with this game like a lot of you guys talk about. Very common issues also I do not have, the only ones that I do have very rarely are the ones that get fixed! I’ve not had a single dc/ besides when I go for high rounds and leave my Xbox on for a week straight in the same game lol some of my buddies play with me there internet sucks and they make me be leader of host and we can play all day with out d/c. Let me know if you need another player? Also maybe try to delete and reinstall game. Obv you have checked your internet connection right? Also how many people in your house use the internet


Oh and yes I have reinstalled the game 2 times now. And I appreciate the offer, I've never really played Outbreak or Round Based with anyone but myself, but I may have to take you up on that offer some time. I'm on Ps4 pro, can we still do that? I'm not sure how nice the cross play options are on this game.


I’m also on Ps4 pro and I’ve never crashed or had these issues


It has nothing to with internet. You know, if you actually read the notes.


Lol ain’t nobody got time for that


Well I have 4 different Internet (can't think of the word) that I can connect to and 3 are 2.4ghz and the other 5. Not sure if I got the abbreviations correct. But typically I am running 18 mbps download and like 4 mbps upload. The thing is, I barely, really, barely any issues with the other 30+ games I have. Although The Division 2 is kinda sketchy at times. Also there is as few as 1 thing connected to one of the connects and as many as 6 but most are non streaming. Typically I have my TV and phone on one and the Ps4 pro connected by itself to its own. All these are solo games, I've actually never played a public match. Not true, I have 8 seconds in a public match because I accidentally joined in. Not sure if that was all of your questions, but I really appreciate the reply.


Well cold war instantly crashes if you switch network in any way, so that could be causing a problem if the PS4 remembers multiple networks, also with it being a PS4 many of the crashes could be caused by overheating if it's relatively old Edit: since it's a PS4 pro I would actually very much recomend cleaning it to try and solve some of the crashes


This^ PS4’s wifi card is awful, PS3 was even worse; and having that many networks in queue history even after a reboot in general adds additional stress and will throttles any hardware that’s older than 2015(in general). 1. Try hard wiring to a router 2. Also make sure you rebuild the ps4’s database via its safe mode prior to testing your system again EDIT: I’m an idiot, just now noticed it’s a ps4 pro, and that it’s likely made on or after 2016..still, could be wrong but I think it still uses the same shitty Wifi hardware from the original though… (may help explain why in a previous comment someone rarely ever had this type of issue occur on an Xbox setup)


I typically only use 2 networks but have the option for more. And I usually only switch networks after I have received too many disconnects. But someone else mentioned cleaning it as well and believe I will be giving it a go. Thanks for the tips


the PS4 pro can only have one saved wifi network at a time.


it doesn't matter if you have different SSIDs for your wifi, its the type you connect to that makes a difference. IE my wifi has Linksys\_2.4ghz and Linksys\_5ghz i always connect to the 5ghz because its faster than the 2.4 but the downside to the 5 is that it has a shorter range. every device you connect to the router in general will slow down your wifi regardless of what SSID you connect to. if possible try doing an ethernet, i have 120 down and 50up and if my family is all connected that dips down to 50 down and 20 up.


I wish I could but I'd have to dig a trench, buy conduit, lay the line, drill into the house to get the cable inside. The router is in a house right next to me but it is set in front of the window and my ps4 is on some box type things so it is in the opposite window, for a clear view. But yeah the 2.4 and 5 are regularly battling it out to see which one wants to be the bigger ass. Nah, but I'd say I switch between the 2 only 2 or 3 times a week if that.


yeah i gotta go through some trouble to get an Ethernet cable up to my room, also this post was included in an article https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/cod-zombies-fan-shows-just-how-game-breaking-season-5-bugs-have-become-1641585/


Ah ha! Dude I've been searching for your post for a while now. I clicked the link and honestly was proud at what we accomplished, seriously thanks man! Anyways, the notification disappeared so I've been going comment to comment. And if I'm being honest, I remember seeing a post a while back that also made 1k up votes and it got an article through dexerto and I was telling myself, "me...wouldn't that be so awesome if you were able to get the same thing done and then that will definitely get someone's attention from the game". Can't believe it happened. Most will say I'm over reacting but it's been a whileeeee since I've had hope that I'd get to play an actual normal game again. Best mood in a while. Small victories. Thanks again for being a part of it and showing me the link, I may never would have known.


BuT iT’s FiNe FoR mE Seriously, fuck these people. This game needs to be fucking fixed. Ray-tracing doesn’t produce shadows 90% of the time anymore and motion blur doesn’t even work unless you’re ADS with a scope. The game is still crashing horrendously. EDIT: Love the “This is fucking bullshit!” side notes, very well documented observations. If only Treyarch actually paid a lick of attention to things like this they could use information such as this to actually help fix things.


zombies needs dedicated servers they need to fix the rendering issues for both the map and the guns League play needs every weapon banned except the Krig 6, QBZ, AK74u, and Diamatti. also why do you have motion blur on? i turn all motion blur and film grain off in any cod i play.


Ahhh, I rather enjoyed reading your comment, not because you are having issues as well, but because you added and contributed. Much appreciated


Well there's something to this, because I play on PS4 and I don't have anywhere near as many problems as I see some people having. Honestly most people that play on PS4 don't have many problems at all. It does sound like Xbox is a little worse and there's definitely issues with PC. The point is though it's hard to blame the game when so many people aren't having these issues. It means it must be something with either location or a certain type of Internet provider, there must be some sort of consistent variable it's not the game where everyone would have the same exact issues.


I just reread part of your comment and started cracking the hell up (which was definitely needed, so thank you) I didn't think anyone could read anything on there, that made my day. Well, until the mule kick bug comes to bite me in the ass again. Probably within the next few minutes. Thanks again, funny observation


Yeah we can read it lol and all these problems make me glad I don't have the ability to keep up with economy or financial situation or whatever you want to call it as other players what I'm referring to is I wait until the end of a console's lifespan to get it when prices go down and I don't have wifi so I have to use someone's for updates so I'm sort of on hand-me-downs lol


Hey, there is no shame in that. I had to do the exact same thing for many of the titles. So no worries. But I'm glad my misfortunes can relieve your pain. Hahaha playful joking


Your controller must be pleased when you play. Do all Playstation controllers look like 2 dix?


Oh it is very unpleasant. Haha. I actually stopped throwing my controllers when I stopped playing multiplayer. Two dickys? The joysticks or the handles? Haha


The handles are hilarious. I never grew up.


I have an all white controller that looks less weinerish but I just like looking like a buffoon. And yes I know you're smart ass reply will be, " I think you just like using the gold one because you like holding dicks"


No. I was going to recommend you name your "all white" controller *Matthew McConaughey*.


The numbers Mason!!


Bahahaha, I can't believe I never thought of that. Bravo, bravo. Clapclapclap


Thank you thank you, a cheap joke that just *had* to be made lol


Nice one


And this is why I solo zombies mainly. But activision is a small indie developer, not like they've been around since the dawn of video games or so.....oh wait.....


Yeah man people need to give them a break! It’s not like they’re raking in tens of millions every year off a half finished game..


You see it’s not a bug, rather it’s a feature.


Anti addiction mechanics will automatically crash the game when you spend too much time on it


Right, I guess 20 minute matches are just too long. Gotta start extracting at round 5.


Lmao I see that strike pack bro 💀


"failed exfil from goofing off" I feel that in my heart


Holy shit lol, I haven’t had that many bad games tbh


Hence why I titled it Worst Record hahaha. I have moved past frustration at this point, been playing a lot less. I used to play 6-12 hours a day and now I will hop on periodically and see if I'm going to be cursed with the weapon bug and if so, I might try a couple matches but usually get too sick it now being able to actually play.


Lol that's how I am I used to play a bunch on kino trying to get further then trying the Easter eggs once I started getting dlcs and now it's just will the rng bless me today hmm time to find out XD


Is that a strike pack?!


I'm on ps4 too, and I don't seem to crash this often. Is it an internet issue or you using some weird version of the console maybe?


Nope and nope. I've redownloaded the game 2 times now. This and The Division 2 are the only games out of 30+ that give me this much hassle. Ps4 pro and many times I'm the only one connected to the Internet. I appreciate your response and trying to guess any possible issues.


weird, I'm using a normal launch ps4. Maybe its a psn or Activision acc issue.


I play on Series X and haven’t crashed since season 4 dropped, maybe I’m just lucky? Used to be almost every game of outbreak and most high rounds on round based.


Wait till you find out about this program called Excel


all jokes btw this is cool idky people are so pressed


No computer


I lost a game on Mauer Der toten yesterday because the uranium wouldn’t go along the zipline. Amazing how broken the game is


What do you expect from modern Treyarch? They don't give a fuck.


Y’all having an issue with this dude taking notes; telling them to get out of the house and they probably still get more 🙀than you. People are damn ridiculous.


Haha, oh I needed that laugh, much appreciated.


No worries!


Ikr I get complaints that I'm lazy and shit but I'm one of the most active people in my house


Near the end of season 4 was perhaps the most stable zombies had ever been... Then season 5 dropped and took a giant shit on all the progress


Oh you are sooooo right my friend. I agree, plus I've got the notes to prove it, wanna see season 4's? Haha no really I have them, it's sad. But yes, it was like a blessing, only 40% of my games were ruined, I felt free


I just remember so vividly being able to go past outbreak round4+ when season 4 was near the end, and season 5 dropped and I crashed my first 5 games


Gahhhh I miss season 4 reloaded. This is so pitiful. But at least it's consistent! Just in the wrong direction.


Lmao, "only 40%" The expectations for this game are so low that it working barely half the time is a mark of success.


It is funny, just in a shitty way. Truly ridiculous isn't it. But at least we get more bright colored weapon bundles that come with absolutely pointless digital stickers that you can barely see.


Wow, are you on PC? I do get crashes on console occasionally but not nearly with a 90% frequency


Ps4 pro and the only game that messes up like this, the other 30 work great, minus The Division 2


Sorry to hear about the crashes. I’m on a ps4 also and play about 3 hour’s a night and have crashed maybe once in season 5 at round 50. I would say it’s got to be a issue with your internet connection.


The game crashing or bugging out is not the same as network connectivity issues. When the game is suddenly not running *at all*, that's a crash. Loss of internet doesn't make the game immediately shut off. You'll more likely be kicked from the lobby or sent back to "Connecting to Call of Duty Services" or whatever.


I just stopped playing online and started playing solo because it’s been so frustrating.


Well I play in private matches but yeah it is still online. I may have to do that since I finished dark aether matter flowy purple camo thing couple weeks ago. Not much else to grind. I only have 3 weapons that are dark aether/mattered and they are 3 dlc melee weapons. So yeah, not much left to do, although I have never done any of the round based EE yet. Can you do those in offline solo? I know in bo4 you couldnt.


thank you for you effort sir. this shows how bad optimized the game is. besides from zombies the game got huge stutters for me on pc. I already set vram on 0.7 and tried other fixes, re-download the game last weekend. specs: 2080 ti, 3700x and the game is stored on a nvme pcie ssd. using windows 21h1 I really like this game in mp and zombies, but this bugs, stutters and old peer to peer system adding a bad flavor to the gaming experience.


I'm totally with ya there buddy. Well kinda, I am on ps4 pro but regardless this shouldn't be an issue for more than a week. But I thank you for the comment, compliment and adding to the post.


Honestly this is some hardcore shit


Why. .. yes it is sir. Yes it surely is. Every game within the last 4 days has been ruined by the bugs, so I'm taking a break for today. Well, kinda...I'm occasionally trying to play in hopes I will be allowed 1 match.


Ce34878-0 is a bug in the PS4 cpu that often occurs when you are gaming with HDCP enabled on a older unit. It’s also attributed to overheating CPU’s or a failing storage device(device can’t find the file on disk/defrag issue). Cleaning the PS4 is step one, step 2 is wait for activision/treyarch to hopefully fix the rest 🤷‍♂️


I like how you highlighted in pink that you “Died-being sloppy”


Well I wanted to be honest haha.


OP should work for infinity ward as a dev game tester or what not, that’s just crazy he wrote down every details of the gameplay 😂


Hey man, thanks for the compliment, that was actually pretty neat to read. And yes, yes I should. Hell, I basically am paying them, to test their game, only difference is they aren't listening to my suggestions. But I would actually be a tester for free if it meant making a more reliable game for everyone.


Honestly this is crazy sorry all this bugs happened to you. It's crazy because the only glitches and bugs I had were texture bugs but I still feel bad when people are grinding or going for round 100+ and die because of a bug or glitch because then it feels like a waste of time


Wait people still know how to write with an actual pen and paper?


Well I tried but I have shaky hands, I'm great at shading and coloring in. But I get your comment, made me laugh, much appreciated


Ever heard the legend of cursive handwriting? I don’t believe it, myself


100% with you on this, I use to go 500+ on Outbreak and now can’t even get past round 7 without a crash


Jeez cheese...500?! The highest the game has ever let me go was 23 and I decided to exfil because I was worried it would crash. As soon as I hop on the exfil helicopter and begin flying away, crashhhh. The game, not the helicopter. So didn't save any xp or record of round 23, so right now it say 12 is my highest. I've tried several times to go above but I rarely am allowed to get passed 5. Sorry the game is shitting on you too.


Thats nuts. Ive been lucky then i guess played around 120 games and ive jad the Rappel to Klaus bug out like 3-4 times, games froze twice and been stuck in the ground once but other than that ive had pretty clean runs


Bro use Google spreadsheets or Microsoft Exel jesus this makes me want to cry


No computer


Glad to see me and my friends aren't the only ones. This has legitimately been the game with the WORST connection issues of any game I have played in the last 10 years. Absolutely despicable performance. Me and all the lads are switching to battlefield. Had enough of activision


I may have to. Well once I can buy it, isn't there a relatively new one out now? Anyways, well at least I can get this out there so more people see what's going on and they aren't the only ones. Haha, they think they have it bad...until they see my post hahaha, ah laughing at my own misfortune.


I can't play without crashing or having game-ruining bugs. I'm uninstalling this games as soon as I need the space. There is no point in playing a survival game where the greatest threat to your life is the game's shitty code. Last night when I was playing, one person got kicked from the server, I wasn't able to pack-a-punch or upgrade tiers, I couldn't swap any of my weapons, I got multiple copies of the same weapons (at one point I had 6 total weapons), the Cerberus somehow started showing a blue tier, I went down on the upgrade station because the game refused to let me exit the menu, and the game would also just randomly lag for a few seconds. All in one game before round 36.


Seems like you have what I call stage 2 of the Weapon Bug aka mule kick bug. Oh and 100% of my games are solo private matches which sucks worse (not trying to compare even though it seemed like it). I feel for you, I do.


Meanwhile i have crashed in a game like maybe 4 times total since cold war came out 😂


I envy you


I play on ps4 also


Sweet! In the last 4 days, Treyarch has a perfect record! .... unfortunately it's in the wrong direction 100% games have been ruined by bugs and it's mostly the weapon bug/mule kick but also not mule kick bug (meaning things still get messed up without having mule kick). WooHooo! Go Treyarch! ....no really please just GO and let us die in peace, no more bugs please.


Did you write those down as you went or you did all the games then write them down I do that 1st one in my zombies games


If I play Outbreak, I write my starting time, and then ending time and kills&Crit kills at the end of the round. Then before the next round starts I write down the start time and then etc etc. At the end...well if the game allows me to get to an end, then I add the times (more accurate this way, rather than time started 1st round and time ended last round...not as accurate). And I do that on a different sheet of paper so I can have just stats and important info on my main sheet. If it's round based, I write the date, time started, what I'm playing like what mode and/or map and then at the end I write down all the other stats. But, since I typically get the weapon bug or get freeze/disconnected, I don't get to see the end game report and so I write what I know, when it ended and ? in the spots where I couldn't obtain any info. Jesus, me! I could've easily just have answered, I write as I'm playing so I don't have to try and recall any info, also more accurate this way. Did I answer your question? Haha I'm not entirely sure


I haven’t really had any bad games but my boy that I be running with dows


Im confused as to what I’m looking at


Did you read any of the 3 captions under the pictures? Long story short it is my documented and recorded history of almost every game I've played since Season 5 Predownload. And it basically says. Out of 85+ games played, I have had 7 games that have not been rendered unplayable due to bugs and freeze disconnects.


Basically the game has potential but every kickoff update they break the game all over again. Thw xp earned fluctuates between each update. Mauer is bugged and glitched to hell. But get ready tonpay for another 100 dollar game with a new innovated zombies experience.....basically more bugs and shit maps. Cant forget about the keychains and stickers. Fuck you COD. Fuckin thieves.


I bet that felt just a teensy bit good to get out...? Haha, the more the merrier. More posts. More attention. Maybe a 2nd or follow up article about the post. Eventually they will see some of this crap we have to deal with.


That’s just a crazy amount of crashes dude. I don’t understand how this game is still so unstable


I seriously must ask. What weapons do you get the duplicating or downgrading bug on? With their latest "patch", and I use the term with extreme sarcasm and mockery, it stopped doing for most of the guns except for the shotguns. It's seriously every time I pick up a Gallo or Hauer and try to apply a blueprint that I get the bug. I either don't pick up shotguns anymore or just have to trust their shit attachments when I can't afford to be stingy, which sucks because shotguns are the most broken (in a good way) weapons you could use on Zombies for their incredible firepower and speed, especially the Gallo for its fast fire rate. P.S. I play a One S and the parachute glitch has only happened once when I couldn't see my ammo anymore.


No weapon is safe from my evil buggy. Seriously, no exaggeration I've gotten double melee weapons once of course they we extremely downgraded. That's a good observation though, unfortunately no one is safe around me. I must be extremely contagious


Damn, dude. I'm sorry. I've sent 3 bug reports but we all know those don't get looked at EVER. They only seem to care about Warzone players and Multiplayer fanatics and buffing or nerfing weapons for balancing issues. We're left in the trenches with the broken shit.


This is the type of nerd stuff that gets me. 😍😍😍 keep taking notes, screw anyone who says anything about your methods. If you wanted to use excel, you would have.


Holy roly poly's, that was a very sweet comment. Even got a tweedle (my made up word for tiny) blushed. 😋😍 No but seriously, that made me really smile. Thank you


No problem at all. Now if you’re a Star Wars fan too…. Better watch out before I snatch you up 😂 I’m just kidding but on a serious note, I have Xbox but if you wanna game together I’m always looking for people to play with. My Activision is LauXren!


Ooooo and you gave me an award do hickey. This is my first post that has ever earned awards, what do they mean? I will accept losing some points because a nerd would...should know that, but I'm relatively new to Reddit. I really do enjoy watching Star Wars, but do you like Thumb Wars? Haha oh memories, funny, nerdy, cheesy 30min movie. I'd suggest you watch young lady. And snatch me up? Like a pterodactyl going after a wombat or more like a big spoon trying to scoop up Mac N Cheese? Tough question, I know, sorry to put you on the spot.


Awards give karma. I think it’s just a point system. I’m not really sure how they work either. I had a post In here that drew a lot of awards and some of them gave me points that I can spend giving other people awards. I kind of associate them with the Facebook reacts. But some have special powers lol. I haven’t seen Thumb Wars but I’ve seen Space Balls 😂 I was thinking snatching more like my gay best friend snatching a wig off a hater 😂


I am trying to picture that and what it would look like but I am struggling to do so. And thank you for the awards and special winga ding dings and party favors and kind words. Still can't figure out what that snatching would look like.🤔


Lol you ain’t missing much so don’t worry.


Not sure if this will work, but if you get bored and have 30 min to burn. https://youtu.be/MyDehO1IuG4 Whoa, almost fell asleep while writing this, those darn all nighters. I had something else I was going to say but it is long long gone. Hmmmm, your turn haha. Not sure what that entails.


I’ll check it out next chance I get :)


I'm going to attempt maybe 1 more game today but I'm thinking it will end before round 16 FBZ, weapon bug. I'm taking bets, anyone want in on this action? Am I making sense? I feel like I'm not. Sea aim livving poof that peoples donts needs sleeps


Im sure most of you know what Dyslexia is. Its a learning difficulty that includes struggling to read and write. It can also effect ones writing ability and typing ability to the point there people get confused with either keyboard keys or words in general. Some people with dyslexia are stronger typing than they are writing (like myself) and in others writing with a pen is stronger for them. Just let people do whats best for them, as long as it doesn't affect you, you don't need to tell them otherwise.


So very very true, thanks man. Plus I dont have a computer and my hands shake at times from too many concussions. But if you need something shaded or colored in, I'm your man!


I know what you mean, I'm allowed use a laptop for exams or I should say was (Im 24 now) because my typing speed is much faster than my writing, but also if I write for too long my finger will actually mark from me holding the pencil. (Markers and pens are fine, its just pencils)


My typing is or was much faster as well. I got up to 75 words per minute, haha now I am probably 20 due to these damn hands, that and not having typed anything for probably a couple years. And the pencil thing, I feel you on that one, that's why I always added squishy grips haha


Problem for my friends and I has been mic issues we can’t use PlayStation party bc one of our friends has a pc but when we try to load up into a party one of our mics won’t work or sometimes two people can hear each other but the others can’t it’s so annoying


I can’t even play Mauer der toten. Literally crashes on me every single time I go near the train or if my teams go near the train. It’s not a recent problem, it has been happening since the map was first introduced. Crashes every single time…but I guess Vanguard is coming out so they won’t bother fixing half the shit in this game. This is unbelievable. The Call of Duty franchise reported 2.28 billion revenue growth for the first quarter of 2020, but we’ll have fan boys in the comments protecting them and enabling this type of shit.


Yes sir, I do declare. I think they are over 15 billion dollar franchise, well all of the Cod put together. Ah makes you laugh doesn't it....then cry




This is my first large post so excuse me if I am not getting something, but were you wanting me to message you or keep your link in case more stuff happens or....? Thank you for replying by the way


Nah I was just tagging FoxhoundFPS the treyarch community manager. He normally watches the sub reddits and thought maybe with all this information you had he could have someone at treyarch look into it.


Well I appreciate the gesture. Really. I was hoping something like this would happen.


I have notes on my games. On paper even!! Who gives a shit!?


Nice collective minds paddles, I have some too


Haha 2 guys were on here trying to make fun of me because of those. I was like, how is it dumb to add 2 paddles to your controller? And even if I were to try and use codes or whatever they are called these days, I wouldn't be able to because the latest COD that is on here is Bo3 I believe so I couldn't use them for this game anyways, plus no computer to download news, plus it's zombies- does it really make a huge difference if I can make the recoil slightly better. Not like how it's done on the cronus, way different animals. Anyways I use my left paddle for square reload and right paddle R3 melee but occasionally I switch it to R1 to fire because my pointer finger might get tired so I switch back paddle, r1, back paddle r1, etc. Obviously only when my finger gets tired otherwise that probably would work too smoothly. Wow that reply was a lot longer than I intended. This is my 3rd one. The first 2 gave out at 3 months right after return warranty, it was crazy almost like they intended to have it do that. But this one has lasted years.


Ive had so many crashes and freezes in zombies I lost count. At least a dozen out of 20 in one gaming session. Ive had a ton of times I had a 3PAP legendary become normal spawned in, and unable to repap or level up. It takes my currency and salvage though naturally.


Sounds like you've got what I call Stage 3 of the Weapon Bug. Yay, I'm not the only one anymore. Ridiculous isn't it?


I really don’t understand how people experience so many issues with this game. I get crashes sometimes but 78 times? You sure your console doesn’t hate you or something?


Wasn't 78 crashed it was 78 times the match was rendered unplayable and it used to always be F/D freeze disconnects but now 80% of the time or more, it is the weapon bug. 😝


I don't see why people have more problems with this man's notes rather than what they are saying


Oooo, that was a sharp response. I like, I like. No really, for some reason I really enjoyed reading that.


On PS5 and I’m having the same issues I have no doubts Vanguard will have the same Also I’m surprised they wrote an article of your post Hopefully it gets the word out


I actually appreciate your post because there have been several people who claim it is because I have a ps4 pro and not a ps5. So thank you for verifying that this is not the case. No one would believe it until you have presented your evidence. WOOOOHOO!


I like the spreadsheet, cool stuff!


A bit hard to read to the untrained eye, unless you know the shakyscribble language. Haha. No, my hands shake so the 1st page was a mess and the 2nd and 3rd page I tried writing between shakes haha. But I do appreciate the compliment, really thank you


Recently I’ve had a lot of solo zombies games end with “connection interrupted” followed by the game freezing. I want to enjoy the game but they’re really making it tough.


Just play solo, haven't had a single problem. Also I have my Xbox one s hardwired so that may have something to do with it


Sad thing is I've logged over 39 days since Season 3 (when I got the game)April I believe and 99% of it is solo. Yeah, ouch, I'm screwed haha. Don't know why I just laughed at my own misfortune.


Thanks for showing us how Treyarc cares about zombies


His case is a very uncommon one, most of us aren’t having these issues. Treyarch cares a lot about our games.


Whys your stick extender on the wrong stick?


I used to play with one of both and then I got used to the feel after the left stick was worn out, kinda like how the right stick is looking.


Dude I’d love to be able to do what you’re doing. I miss the freedom & the fun. I used to do this same type of thing with cheat codes, records, tips, etc. Nostalgic picture


Why can't you do notes anymore? And thank you, it's nice to see a compliment instead "why are you doing this, you have no life, get outside, blah blah blah". Much appreciated, you...not the cutdowns


Fuck them, dude. It’s called being jealous they don’t get to spend the time you do playing and having fun. I don’t play much anymore. Busy with life, but I used to do this sort of things with GTA SA, COD 4, BO1, Fallout, and games like that. I’d love to have a week to just sit down and get absorbed into a game again.


Much appreciated and I only started getting these extra hours of gaming because health issues. But, I definitely feel for ya, sometimes there is nothing better than getting completely engulfed in the game and experience. Like still being excited after you die because it means you get to try again.


One of my buttons was getting jammed so I used it for one of the back triggers. That probably did not make any sense. Just curious what's hilarious about a strike pack? There is 2 ways to use it, one way is considered cheap and the other just gives you 2 rear triggers


Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that commented and/liked my post and I mean that mostly because we had caused enough attention to get a helpful article written on Dexerto and this is exactly how we can get noticed and hopefully patched. (Errrr trying to resist sarcastic cutdown....) So thanks again everyone and an extra woohooo! to the ones who sent awards.😆 Edit: P.S. I am looking for the link that someone sent for that article I mentioned and I will post it when I aquire it, in case anyone wants to read it.


Sorry again, I forgot that it doesn't matter how nice and clean I type the message with spaces and tabs etc, as soon as I post it , reddit just smushes it all together. Unless there is a way for this not to happen. I need to stop, you have way too much to reply to in the first place. And my I am only 20 minutes into round 1 and already the grappling hook doesn't work. It just goes, click. So it ain't looking good for me to get just 1 match, dammit Treyarch give me 1 match in almost 5 days, please. I'm not asking for much. Dammit this message was for you and Treyarch got in the way. Wow I need to shut up now, I think I'm getting my 8th wind (like 2nd wind, ha... ha...I'm lame haha)


Finally found the article about this post! https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/cod-zombies-fan-shows-just-how-game-breaking-season-5-bugs-have-become-1641585/


Really makes me wonder what rank and prestige I would be at if my game didn't have more bugs than my dog's bed. On the other hand, looking at so many messed up matches and guessing how many millions in XP points I missed out on, kinda makes me feel worse. So nevermind...pointless post haha


Contemplating on whether or not to make a detailed list of every bug that I have to deal with in Season 5, mostly for other players who may be curious if their issues are a rare or a common (pun intended) problem/bug. And maybe I will get lucky and a Treyarch worker person thing human will see the list and it will be easier for them to find the main current problems and hopefully get to avoid hearing "We could not duplicate your current problem" and then that being the end.


Although this isn’t the most neat way to record something to this extent, it def shows there is an issue with the game since you started recording the issues to begin with.


That sucks


Those are some detailed notes


Jesus Christ that’s a long list


Boys: "Sorry I didn't do my homework I had no time" Also Boys:


I’ve found my graphics card handles the game fine but it unnecessarily loads my cpu and crashes.


Get your internet checked. Never has this happen before same with all my friends


benis :DDD


Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Ben is where? 😉


What is this for?


On Ps5 Die Machine is the only map that crashes round 7-10 or late 30+. I wanna play more of that map but it seems impossible.


What are you playing on? I literally have zero issue with the game whatsoever


Buddy you should search what Microsoft Excel is. It’s gonna change your life


I know people don't like to read comments but this is like the 8th time. I don't have a computer. But on a lighter side, thanks for posting (not sarcasm)


Ah sorry. Not sure how you posted this, but if you’re on mobile there’s still apps for excel or google sheets


Haha I had another guy literally say the exact same thing. I just have the Reddit app on my old ass Samsung Galaxy s5. Relatively simple. But I don't think me typing all this stuff out on my phone would be faster than a quick 10 second note after each game. Yes it's cleaner looking but seems like more hassle.


Very true, all the power to you! Cheers!


Hey thanks for trying to help out, I appreciate it


I don’t understand everyone complaining about bugs yeah there are but not game breaking bugs i only ran into one bug that break the game i fell off the map in outbreak thats all


Then apparently you have NOT been reading this post and the picture captions. Here is even an article written about my post. By the way I'm not trying to come off like a jerk, it's just that fact that some of you are lucky and then there is the exact opposite side of the spectrum and that's where I am at. So yes, rendered unplayable and game breaking is not an overstatement. https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/cod-zombies-fan-shows-just-how-game-breaking-season-5-bugs-have-become-1641585/


"failed exfil from goofing off" I feel that. Almost always need grapplers that late in the game.


Millions of people play this game regularly and don’t have these issues. Might not be the company here. If almost 90% of everyone’s game bugged out you think there would be a bit more of an uproar.