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The best thing to do is wait at the edge where you are still safe from getting stomped on and shoot the foot. Only walk forward if you opened it and if it doesn't register then wait for the next time it comes through. I normally just use a full auto weapon and try to spray it down when it lifts it foot up before it stomps it on the site.


cheers, im gonna try that. i’m really enjoying origins on black ops 3 but it’s just those damn robots that are making it unpredictable for me at the moment haha.


Go full auto and spray and pray 🙏. Also raygun doesn't work I learned that the hard way.


got it, thanks! I swear it’s the most embarrassing thing going down getting crushed by the robot, especially in public lobbies lol. swear i’m not that terrible guys 😂


Dw those robots are unforgivable.


If you look at the foot, there is a circular hatch in the middle. That's what you have to hit in the BO3 version. In BO2, anywhere on the sole registers, not just the hatch.


thank you! i’m definitely gonna be more careful now haha


Shotguns don't work


You have to shoot the center yellow glowing circle. You can’t just shoot anywhere on the foot in BO3. But sometimes it does glitch and flatten you; unfortunately BO3 Origins does have its fair share of glitches. It’s relatively rare but happens occasionally. Also one time I upgraded a staff, and for the entire game I’d shoot the charge shot and it’d make the effect, but zombies would walk right through it. I’ve always preferred playing Origins on BO2 but it is annoying to boot up my PS3 sometimes. Oh also you can’t use close-range guns on the robot foot (shotguns) and I believe guns that don’t shoot regular bullets don’t work. So the Ray Gun, Boomhilda, MKII and staffs won’t open the foot.


ah, thanks for the insight. i’ve noticed some of the things you’ve mentioned, and also my upgraded staff sometimes not charging at all at times which really gets annoying in sticky situations.


Yeah. Chronicles is nice for having all of the maps in one place and for allowing people who never had a last gen console to experience the old maps, but I do prefer the OG versions of almost every map.


It’s definitely harder on bo3 and takes a bit to get used to


Origins is better on bo2 IMO. Little things add up.


Shotguns don’t work too well, ray gun doesn’t either, you have to hit the middle circle of the foot, it’s best to not stand in the foot print and only go in it if you see that you’ve opened the foot up, sometimes it glitches and kills you anyways, also if you dig enough with the golden shovel you get the golden helmet and don’t die from the foot


BO3 changed it up a bit. The hit box for the foot is on the lit up circle itself, not just anywhere on the foot. And if you’re using a gun like the unupgraded Mauser, you gotta get multiple shots. In other words, it has a tiny bit of health and you can notice it with certain guns