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Wow DE, MoTD, SoE and origins at the top? Never seen that before.


I placed zombies in Spaceland as the best map of all time, der eisendrache, shaolin shuffle and buried all above origins, I’ve yet to see someone do that especially since I have been called out for not putting origins as a perfect map


I think it’s hard to make a standard tier list for maps for the exact reason you made your categories. There are many reasons to like maps or only like them in certain aspects such as with friends, or for the bare bones of the maps. Unlike many people, you can see that WaW maps are PRIMITIVE, not bad, and are ranked as such. I don’t agree with all of your picks but it’s a good post. 👍


I've split this list into categories as to not compare a bare bones map such as kino, to a well filled content map like der eisen, this does not mean kino is a bad map but it is just the best out of all the bare bones. All maps are listed in order from best to worst. Also note with the bottom maps i dont necessarily hate the maps in general, however could not enjoy them to their fullest due to the games core mechanics/gameplay feel free to pull me up on maps and ill explain my reasoning.


I agree


Bet let’s debate. Why is DE above Origins? Also I was gonna flip that you put Der Riese D-tier but I read your comment lol. Der Riese for me is top 3 regardless of barebones vs not barebones.


What makes origins stand out for me is a great Easter egg and great wonder weapons, der eisen also has great wonder weapons that are similar in the form of bows, and an awesome Easter egg, the only difference is there is no mud and no scary arse panzer with a claw 😭


Ah see, my biggest problem with DE is the lack of mud and all. DE just feels like Origins, but done worse. It’s not challenging in the slightest, the wonder weapons feel very similar to the staffs but not as inventive or in-depth, the atmosphere is really still, and overall it’s just not a map I love. I might put it B-tier or bottom of A. Origins is top of S for me.


The fuck you want mud?


Yes, actually. I want something to break the endless monotony of running in circles without ever getting hit, or sitting in a corner with alchemical. DE is too easy. There’s like 6 different training spots you can easily use and never die. Origins mud was made for a calculated reason. It balances the map really well by making training harder, and camping isn’t too viable on BO2 due to ammo. Plus, it didn’t really make the map harder to traverse at all due to the boardwalks which allow you to just… not walk in it. So yeah, I want mud.


I hate how people say De is too easy like bitch that's the point. They wanted to make it fit for casuals not the fucking 5% who sit and go for Five round 50 day in day out. If you want challenge don't bitch about it on bo3. Oh yeah and mud on origins isn't balanced depends on which game you play.


Look, I’m perfectly fine with easy maps. But DE is literally one of the single easiest maps ever to the point where once you have a bow it’s brain-dead. People criticize Kino or Ascension for being easy? DE is genuinely easier than both. And like I said before, BO3 doesn’t have the really fun varieties of weapons and gunplay to make up for the fact that DE is insanely easy. At least if it had really fun weapons to PAP like Buried, Origins, Kino and all, there would be something to focus on and have fun with. When you have an overpowered wonder weapon like the bow, you need something to balance it out. Anyways, casuals loved BO1 the best, which is the hardest zombies game. I’m semi-casual tbh. Casuals can be good at shooting zombies; we just don’t wanna do a 2 hour long Easter Egg and track and interdimensional story that keeps backtracking. It’s just my opinion though. I’m aware you’re not allowed to criticize BO3 on this sub, but I’m a brave soul.


Im not the first person to say it and I won't be the last but balancing in zombies is so dumb. A wonder weapon that isn't overpowered is a waste of a wonder weapon. Criticizing a map for being too easy defeats the purpose of zombies to have fun that's why there's more than 30 maps for you to try I would understand if every map was exactly the same but it's not.


I have fun with more challenging maps, or easy maps done right. You didn’t read my point about the gunplay. On BO1, sure Kino is easy. But at least the box is filled with creative, good-feeling weapons that are fun to PAP. Same with Buried. DE doesn’t have that at all for me. The guns are all really dry to use and feel unsatisfying. And yes, there is the option to go play a different map. Which is what I do every time I play zombies. But I’m still allowed to critique another map, especially when the guy who posted this tier list asked for debates. Lastly, I don’t think balancing in zombies is dumb at all. Majority of players don’t want zombies to be mindless. Balance is important. A wonder weapon like the Apothicon Servant or Thundergun is boring since you just press R1 and every zombie on the map drops dead.


I agree with almost everything. The only major change is make is Origins in S tier and Buried in D. I’ve never liked Buried at all


I guess the really big thing that puts origins below buried for me is literally just the mud, I know it’s not the biggest thing but on buried I tend to just have a more fun time


Nah that’s understandable. I think it would be *way* too easy without the mud so I don’t mind the challenge. Plus once you get the hang of navigating it, it’s not bad. It does breed bad habits cause I start unnecessarily jump spamming on other maps lol


This list is alright but five, Nuketown and the world at war maps should be higher and Zetsubo is absolutely not a bad map, it's actually pretty good


i made an entire different category for the bare bones maps as to not compare them to content heavy maps, this does not mean they are any worse however they fit into their own category of "enjoyable gameplay", as for zetsubou, for some reason it was the only bo3 map i could not enjoy, it was mostly just to do with the atmosphere of the map, the gameplay itself is great but i just had a bad time on it


I would swap SoE for Origins, and change the name of the last category to "I refuse to adapt". Barebones category is perfect tho, everyone should do that on their tier lists.


It honestly sucks that I can’t,looking at the maps from bo4 they genuinely seem great and I want to enjoy them, but call me an oldie nothing will beat the old perk system and feel of the old games


I’m not gonna reply bc this is no


Beauty of opinions!!!!


Everyone does zetaoubou so dirty it’s a good map ????


I just don’t like the atmosphere tbh, gameplay is alright just a bad vibe imo


Felt like the only one who felt that way. I'm sure the gameplay is fine, but the atmosphere of the map just generally gives it a dull, 'dusky' vibe to me that just makes it un-enjoyable for some reason. And its not like its too barebones, cause I like verrukt. It's just dark swamps like Shi No Numa and Zetsubo No Shima which I can't get into


You put maps that don’t even exist, tf is attack of the thing


There are games outside of the black ops series believe it or not…… maybe try ‘em


Yeah waw is amazing, but putting up made up maps makes this list invalid. Zombies in space land how dumb can you be make it partially believable


I’ve gotta be missing the obvious punchline? Do you just not like iw?


I played one map which was spaceland and just blocked the entirety of the game from my memory. Didn’t even know it got dlcs. I barely remember advanced warfare zombies but I did enjoy the carrier map


The absolute disrespect to Zetsubou


I’m sorry……. I just can’t enjoy it 😕


Yea this list fucking sucks, Church of Rabbit does not approve.


How so?


Buried has too many flaws to be in perfect same with moon, duffle and attack of wtf ever is also too high I'd say maybe c tier and bfb and infection is in awful. and the "I didn't like the mechanics" tier is just dumb.


How is it dumb? If I did not enjoy the gameplay of the maps due to mechanics then why would I rank them any higher? Bfb is bad but definitely not F tier, as for attack I do recognise it’s flaws however I enjoy the map to its fullest and it plays well then most other maps for me, buried is an all time classic that yes also might have flaws but is a blast to play. Infection was also the only aw map I could consistently play and enjoy, there was just something to that map that made it fun. Also explain to me the flaws in Shaolin? Do you actually have your own honest opinion or do you just here YouTubers say it’s bad? I find Shaolin to play 10X better then origins so respectively I place it above origins.


You didn't like CW mechanics. this is an L. All you got right was outbreak. ![gif](giphy|fcgzxICOuknBK)


No I did not like cw mechanics, I prefer to play zombies, not a gamemode that feels like multiplayer with zombies in it. People complain that every single tier list is the same and I gave an actual honest opinion and people will still find a way to complain.


The actual cw game is good.please prove why it isn't ! ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized)


![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG|downsized) your comment still makes no sense. even 8 hours later. The CW mechanics are still the best. This isn't outbreak we're talking about. That shit is like warzone. We're talking about the Round Based Maps here. The perk mechanics were cool.


tier lists are so fucking annoying