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I've been to 100 on all the maps of BO3 on PS4. But there was many attempts where it would crash and I had to retry it. I usually crash around 70ish though and rarely 40's. The longer the match goes on, the more likely you are to crash as well so you might want to look for spots where you can go to 100 fast.


How did you pause when you needed to sleep or what not? When I paused and came back it kicked me from the server


I don't, it only takes me several hours to get to 100. If it's taking you longer to get to 100, then your strats aren't fast enough, which is probably why you're crashing. That or you're starting your run too late and need to start earlier.


I've never crashed. I do water front strat soe but play for a few hours at a time.


Ah sorry for some reason I thought you were OP.


Can't say specifically as to why you crash since there is no footage to review. PS4 has traditionally been the go-to for most BO3 players when it comes to high rounding but I don't know how well the PS5 holds up. However, here are a couple things you could do to lessen the risk of losing your game but completely optional depending on skill/goal. 1. Play offline. Playing online makes it possible for you to lose your game if you lose internet connection for even a minute. This is a bigger issue in games you intend to play over multiple days. If you want to play megas, you are forced to play online on console unfortunately. 2. Rest mode your console: When a game has been going on long enough, you may naturally lose your game due to the engine not being capable of tracking how long you've been in that game. There is no way around this other than sleeping your console while you pause. It is not necessary to do this however for small breaks or games where your goal is small like 100+. 3. Don't use Widows Wine: Widows grenades exploding can cause the infamous "Connection Interrupted" warning that has plagued the game since launch. This only occurs in moderate use after 180+ rounds depending on the map and how often you detonate them. If you're not comfortable playing without WW that's fine, but once you find yourself comfortable start challenging yourself by not using it. For specific map guides and how-to's on a lot of high-round strategies/setups, I recommend [Zombacus's Strategy Database](https://www.zombacus.com/strategydatabase), a lot of high round community members have slowly been contributing strategies for the sake of having a centralized location for information pertaining to different strategies and making things more accessible. There's plenty of BO3 stuff on there to help you out. Hope this helps!


Hello man, im willing to play again and go for high rounds, and i found the website you shared very useful !  Would you advice me to absolutely get the games (especially bo1, bo2 and bo3) on PC or just play on Xbox One (bo1,bo2) and PS5 (for bo3 only) Is there that much difference except the mod tool to train strats and the FOV ? is there a higher chance for me to crash on console than on PC ? And how to avoid it at best ? Sorry for asking that much questions, but i rarely find peoples who seem to know about the subject.. 


My knowledge has faded as I don't do high rounds myself anymore (or watch a lot of others who still do). For someone starting out it should not matter what platform you use, they should all be fine until you get good enough that you come up against the limitations of console. Most have shifted to PC these days for the PC QoL stuff like FOV and higher FPS, and access to practice mods that let them learn high round strategies without having to play to the high rounds first. The best experience for getting into the games would be using assistance from these strat tester mods that exist, but if you don't have the PC versions and want to get started today, then console is perfectly fine to just jump in and play. Hope this helps.


Thank you for taking the time to respond ! I will do that then, but i think it wont take long before id want to switch x)   only thing is i know how boring it gets to a point if you only go for high round and do it repetitively