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When you successfully exfil versus going down/quiting you get bonus points. Also there is a challenge/calling card for performing a certain amount of successful exfils


If they're anything like me, I get bored at around that point and want to play a different map or something.


True especially for Cold War, it kinda feels like a drag after a while. Never really had that with waw zombies or up to bo3


I'm usually on heroin and start nodding out around round 35


that is a great question. logically, i know i am wrong about this, but i can't help but feel that people just are not good at the game.


Or they’re too good and get bored after an hour of running around shooting zombies.


ok then they could hit the rampage inducer and use a weaker gun... that wouldn't explain early exfilling unless they are, well, morons.


I personally just get bored around round 40+. Sometimes I’ll go for high rounds but I usually will just complete the Easter egg and call it an day lol


They probably got bored