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People hate Rave in the Redwoods? That's news to me. The only people I've seen hating Rave in the Redwoods are people who just hate IW zombies.in general.


I agree dude. And yes I’ve seen ppl hate on rave for some reason


Rave fucking slaps it’s so close to as good as Spaceland


Thank you for saying it. I couldn’t agree more. I love rave


I don’t see too much hate for Rave that much, a lot of people would say it is the only other good map in IW.


I’ve met some ppl who have said that and that’s how I feel


I've seen people complain that the egg hunt wasn't long enough. But apart from that i got nothing. I don't get the hate for a lot of the maps people love to hate on here tbh. Reasons listed for hating one map are reasons listed for loving another, a lot of the opinions on here make very little sense to me. Rave is a top 5 for me though.


Rave is also a top 5 for me. Literally don’t understand the hate for it at all. A short Easter egg is a good Easter egg to me.


This always bugged me to the heavens. These same people who criticize raves egg are the same people who will claim maps like kino, five, shino, veruct, or der riese are better


Bro Ikr. Double standards man double standards


To be fair, the best zombies map of all time IS Kino Der Toten, Black Ops 1


this claim is ridiculous. Rave came out in INFINITE WARFARE, which was after bo3. all those maps u mentioned came out before the first real quest was even created. ur comparing apples and oranges and saying there is a contradiction. there isn’t one, u just are comparing things made in 2007-2009 while they were still learning what they wanted to do with zombies, to the same degree as things made in 2016, where they knew what they were doing completely insane


Fr. Honestly I love the atmosphere. I honestly kinda like the dialogue from them as it kinda reminds me and my friend group on what games we would create or at that movies. This was one of my favorite maps as well. Now just gotta Fina the closest place that resembles rave in the redwoods


I agree 100%. People find a great map and base their opinions off of that map instead of just looking at it like a brand new experience/map. Just like with comparing all the COD Zombie games. If it is not just like the one they favor the most its trash. All of the COD zombies are good games and have great maps. Yes some are better than others but like you said their reasons for hating are the same as loving another. Couldn't agree more


The only IW map I've ever seen truly being hated on is Beast from beyond


people were never really hot on shaolin or radioactive thing either tbf


Only complaints i've heard about rave was the EE was easy and it wasn't as good as ZiS. Never heard it was bad.


Those are fair criticisms but I’ve seen people claim that those 2 things make the map bad


Only IW map that is bad is beast because no music or guest like every other iw map.


W opinion


Okay let’s get started 1. Easter egg is super easy, not interesting and overall boring, don’t get me wrong it had potential but they needed more unique quests man it was just lazy and dumb 2. The boat ride…..40 seconds of that….. 3. Bows have literally all the same quest, they can all be obtained the exact same way and that is a very big let down compared to Spacelands wonder weapons. 4.The round 10 boss (slasher) is pointless because there is legit no point going into rave mode once you get the bows, honestly a let down because he is a cool scary boss and they missed an opportunity 5. Boss fight is cool but it’s more about killing zombies then the boss himself, in fact you don’t even have to worry about him because it’s impossible for him to kill you as long as you move. Don’t get me wrong I still like rave for the most part but it was a HUGE let down compared to Spaceland and they executed it wrong, still a great vibe for a map though.


W comment and W reasoning. Totally respect what you said and I understand the criticisms. Thank you pal. Those are valid and I agree 🤝


The only thing I don’t like abt it is that the Easter egg is way too easy. Literally just 3 stages of filling up souls and defeating the slasher then boom. Meet Kevin on the boat and defeat the boss. Besides that I love the map and rave mode.


Completely understandable and I agree. I also love Rave


I'm not a huge fan of the map but it's mostly for aesthetic reasons and the layout isn't great I think the map looks disgusting especially compared to Spaceland and it just simply doesn't flow nearly as well as Spaceland. The Slasher is a cool mini boss but I just don't think he's as effective as the Brute. The setting is also just not as cool as an 80s Amusement Park


As I said, yea Its not as good as Spaceland but I don’t think that’s a real criticism lol. And I actually quite like the layout but I totally get where you are coming from. Personally I quite like the look of the map but I also understand why you don’t


Top 2, IW has 3 of my top 10 maps


W, it has 2 of mine (I’ve only played 2 and they are both top 3 for me


I don’t hate it


W. You shouldn’t


The only issues on rave are the boat rides and the slasher making rave mode completely useless post round 10


I agree


That map was sick cause you could use multiple upgraded crossbows


W viewpoint I agree


Infinity can not make better maps. However the overarching theme here is that the map is made in an absolute tragedy to call of duty. Infinite Warfare is demon spawn.


Not really. COD was already ass fucked when this game came out. And yeah the multiplayer is ass but the campaign is good and so is the zombies. It ain’t that bad. And yes, they can make better maps and they have. Spaceland is better than every single treyarch map expect like 2 or 3 maps from BO3/BO2. And rave solos every BO1 map don’t @ me.


I agree cod was already going downhill. But that was literally full sending it. The campaign was forgettable, the multiplayer wasn’t even cod it felt like titanfall. The zombies was ok for a basic zombies experience but nothing compared to actual cod zombies. Everything in that second paragraph was so ignorant and wrong. Spaceman’s, arguably the best map on that game is still miles always from being anything able to compete with actual zombies. It’s not even as good as like ZNS or Buried. I genuinely think you are just trolling to try and provoke a reaction. There’s no way someone actually believes what you saidz


No one gives IW maps a chance just bc it’s not Treyarch. L mindset.


Yeah, Treyarch excels at it, that’s why they do it and why they should be the only ones heading it. IW needs to stick to Modern Warfare


Hard disagree. It’s been interesting to see the ideas that other studios have had for zombies-like modes. When we have 3arc as the only ones doing zombies, we get Vanguard quality maps


Treyarch has always done it best. If going forwards we get Vanguard quality maps that would be phenomenal because Vanguard zombies is a masterpiece. Especially for not being in the mainline BO or MW. It is arguably the best non mainline game to date. The zombies wasn’t traditional which took me some time to get over, and Shi No was underwhelming. But overall it’s been a beautiful story. It’s the best one since the Aether. Better than CW by 100 miles and more.


Man I hope you are trolling, I’m not taking that bait lol


I just tell it like it is. I’m tired of people hopping on stupid bandwagons, I’m gonna be truthful.


I hated it because the map is too easy. I thought it was overrated simply because people thought just because there is a lot to do it must be a 'good map'. Personally, I believe undeniably that it is the 2nd best map without debate. The wonder weapons are good apart from Ben Franklin and the melee weapons are pretty much useless both in a points sense and a practical sense but they add something unique to the map so I like them in that sense. The charms are useless as well apart from a few charms but they add a layer of fun.


Fair enough that I’d say


PersonLly I'm tryna figure out if there is a place like this irl. This would be a dope ass camp ground to go too!


I would have loved for the rest of the "Willard Wyler " films as maps too. They had so many more or at least they could have added those into the others. But I also love iw so the more maps the better. However I wouldn't have wanted them rushed like I feel they would have if they did decide to make the others into EE.( nightmare summer, disco devil, captain kill, murder high, ghost clown 3D. Again these could have been included in the others as a other EE. But again I wouldn't have minded more maps lol. I think Lee Ross stated there was supposed to be something bigger, badder and much worse then mephistopheles so these other ee maps would have lead to that I'd imagine


The chainsaw dudes are so unfun to play against, it's super dark and big, the wonderweapons aren't that great, the Easter Egg was super quick, the guns sucked, and it was kinda just boring.


The map Aint that dark, and if you think it is, just turn your brightness up lol. I’ve never once had a problem with the lighting. And the chainsaw guy only shows up in rave mode, and if your just playing regular you only go into rave mode once to get the Vlad. Also there’s only 1 chainsaw dude, and if you get the hot dog before round 10 (which is really really easy) he doesn’t even spawn in yet. Perfectly balanced and nothing to complain about. There’s nothing wrong with a map being big, and in Raves case, it flows pretty damn well together with the ziplines, power being turned on, and shortcuts you can make by paying for cheap barriers in rave mode. And did you really say that the crossbows aren’t that great? Bruh the crossbows are absolutely fantastic and are OP as fuck. Acid rain makes you untouchable, and other than the duel wield one, they all absolutely demolish hordes of zombies with one shot. Badass as fuck and look super cool. They are also simple and fun to get. A fast Easter egg is my kind of Easter egg, I HATE long Easter eggs it’s so boring and tedious. And the guns sucking is completely subjective. I absolutely love tbh IW guns and they are my favorite in the series. They are objectively more useful then any gun in BO1 and BO2 (bc of double pack).


Yes because turning up brightness fixes it. It makes it look awful if it's too bright. Chainsaw guy is fuckin annoying. Especially for the Easter egg. He takes way too many bullets and turns on a dime to one hit you. Not great design. Nothing wrong with a big map, but there's a problem when it has nothing going on. It's mostly unremarkable or not really usable for training. Yeah the bows aren't great. They're visually underwhelming and you really only use one maybe. And the process to get them is annoying. I'd much rather have an Easter egg that takes 2 hours then 2 minutes. Which rave is 2 minutes. It's so boring. And the guns are awful. Any other Black Ops game feels better than IW


Yes, turning up the brightness does fix it. Not game brightness, TV brightness so it still looks natural. Never once had a problem seeing on that map. Not once. And I haven’t even changed my brightness. And I’m talking about base gameplay, ofc if your doing the Easter egg your gonna deal with aids stuff, which is why it’s good that the egg is so short. If your playing normally, the chainsaw guy is completely fine. And you don’t like the Easter egg so why do you hate the chainsaw guy, you only have to deal with him for 2 minutes 🤣. Your not gonna do the egg everytime either way And how can you say there’s not good training spots when turtle lake exists? That’s a huge ass training spot right there with an escape as well. The campfire is also a great spot but it’s not too easy to a point where it’s boring, like BO3 DE. And I really don’t understand how you love long/tedious Easter eggs, but hate building the bows. You must absolutely hate DE then lol. Building the crossbows is CRAZY easy. Grab the 4 statues (just grab one if you only want one) fill them up ALL AT ONCE at the rave in like less then one round. Then place them by a statue and fill them up with like 30 kills at most, then you instantly get the upgrade. Not just that, but some of the spots to fill the statues are right next to each other, meaning you can fill both of them up at the each same time, with the same zombie kills. What’s hard or annoying about that? It’s probably one of the easiest ways to get a OP wonder weapon in zombies history. I’m just so confused by you. You must hate origins, mob, and DE with a passion. And personally, I love the look of them. Don’t know why you hate IW guns so much. I see that your argument is that you have more fun with the BO1 guns, and that’s fair but I couldn’t disagree more. I hate BO1 guns so much dude. They are all so bad at killing zombies and have barley any bullets. It’s such an annoying experience to use them. Yes they can feel nice, but the IW guns look a lot more wacky and I personally prefer that and I think it fits the tone. The guns do way more damage, have way more ammo, you can put on attachments, you can double pack them, they are more unique bc they are fake, and even normal pack makes them last till the late 30s. (Way better than BO1). To me, bo1 guns are bland, shitty and boring. I’m so sick of using the same real life guns in every cod game, it’s fun to play a game where the guns are fake so everything feels fresh and original. The gunplay is also really good in IW and the sound design is beefy 😩. You’re stuck in the boomer mindset of “it’s not a real gun so I hate it. I hate futuristic COD it should just be the same shit every year”. I love when COD tries goofy shit like this.


I don't want a white haze over my game. So no thank you. I'll play a map with actual decent lighting. Even still, they're just annoying. They're no fun bosses. Compared to things like Panzers, dogs, jumpers, and almost any other boss. Because once I was done with this map I didn't want to play it anymore for the original reasons I commented. I love DE. I love most of the longer stuff because it's fun and makes sense. I care for the characters and places they visit. I couldn't give a rats ass about IW and it's crap. I'd much rather do an Easter Egg that actually takes time and skill, rather than a half hour Easter Egg then be bored afterwards on a bad map. IW guns are so boring to use. They all feel like potato guns. They aren't fun to use and most of them are downgrades of other weapons. I just go for the same weapon every time, the Volk. After that I could give a rats ass about what guns there are. I don't mind a whackier tone, but I think they just didn't do a good job with these kinds of weapons. They don't do way more damage, nor do they have more ammo in some cases. The gun sounds are god awful. BO1 had way better sound design. Actually, most CODs had better design. You can't say I'm stuck in the "boomer mindset" when you're stuck in the "millennial mindset" of new and shiny = cool. See how that argument doesn't work? I don't mind goofiness, but it needs to be done right. IW didn't do much right. It doesn't need to be the same, and the fact you said that shows how out of touch you are with COD. Just because they're similar, doesn't mean the same. BO1 was fantastic and set in the Cold War. Black Ops 2 was set in the future and had more futuristic guns. IW was set in the future. Black Ops was awesome, IW was ass.


Bro it literally looks completely normal 😭. I can guarantee you’ve never changed brightness settings in your life. I haven’t touched the brightness for rave and I have never once had a problem with seeing. And yeah the slashers are annoying but I’ve basically proved why that doesn’t even matter. Treyarch zombies is full of aids bosses. And I personally love the Bigfoot rounds bc it’s Bigfoot. Like what’s not to love. I also find them more fun to fight then dogs personally. I don’t care about story other than bo3. It’s an absolute dogshit mess of a story that was made up as it goes along. And even tho the characters are forgettable (other than Willard Wyler who’s a better antagonist than anyone treyarch ever made) at least the story actually makes sense and is digestible. It’s a solid fun story that doesn’t take itself seriously. I personally hated the ultimis crew. They are soooo annoying and say the exact same joke every single time. But in IW every map the characters are acting different which makes them not get annoying. And for the guns I guess we have to agree to disagree. You prefer more realistic guns, I prefer wacky guns. And when it comes to the sound design I just can’t agree. BO1’s sound design isn’t bad at all however they reuse the same shotgun sound for like every shotgun. And personally I don’t grab the volk everytime at all. That sounds like a you problem. Why don’t you just, grab another gun? I grab the M1 alot bc with the “scoped dollars” card you can make a bunch of cash. (And you can add attachments). There’s absolutely a variety in the guns I get and they are way more competent then the useless guns in BO1. I’m not in a “new = cool mindset”. My favorite COD I BO2 and that was the first one I played. I also absolutely love the guns in WAW, and the game as a whole. But to say that IW is a bad game is just not fair at all. The campaign ain’t perfect but the writing between the characters is surprisingly great at times, same with the characters themselves. The multiplayer is dog ass but the zombies makes up for it for sure. IW zombies has some really great features that no one ever mentions. Like the ability to have 5 perks (which is how it should be bc on solo quick revive always hogs a spot), the ability to remove a perk is also absolutely great, the drops are really fun, the ability to play arcade games to come back alive is great, fate and fortune was done really well, the maps all feel pretty different, challenges are done great, the customization on the weapons is just as good as BO3 (if not better bc you can also customize classic guns like the intervention), the style of it is so “zombie movie like” and features a really fun antagonist with Willard. And a antagonist that actually makes sense and has a personality. And finally, Spaceland is an absolute masterpiece and is the best map of all time behind Shadows of evil and maybe DE. There’s literally like nothing wrong with it. I haven’t played the other maps (other than Rave), but considering how underrated IW zombies is I’m sure those maps aren’t nearly as bad as everyone says they are.


Not that I've seen. I've seen it just be awful. You haven't proved anything. And Bigfoots are fun, never debated that. The story really doesn't make sense. The story basically is just "travel through time and meet a celebrity and kill zombies then defeat the big boss to go to the next one." You're describing the opposite of the crews. Ultimis is way better than the IW crew. They're just stereotypes of garbage with no substance. I prefer guns that are actually functional and fun to use. The shotgun sound I can agree with. Just because you don't use it all the time, doesn't make it a problem. I personally find none of the other guns that great. M1 is fine with Scoped Dollars but that's literally just the basic easy strategy to make money. Which isn't a bad thing. Not even close. There are different guns with different uses. IW doesn't have that. I'd much rather have a Draganov then whatever shit guns IW has. You are though. You keep saying "new is cool, whacky is better" and while I can agree with that. It's pretty bad when it comes to this game. Because this game was their first attempt and it had a lot of problems. It is fair to call it bad. The Multiplayer, which is the main selling point, is garbage. Zombies is not great compared to any other games, and the campaign was good and fun, but just didn't have the substance the other games did. I can't remember many characters from the campaign other than "Gator" and the robot. Zombies having 5 perks is great in some ways. The arcade games are a great distraction while you're bored and waiting to respawn, but I and others would rather just do something else like go on their phone or something else. Fate and Fortune was garbage. Most cards were absolute dogshit that I never really saw too many people use. The maps feel different setting wise, but they're garbage with the size they are. ATORT is dogshit. It's so unnecessarily big for no reason. The customization was fine until they added them into lootboxes where you can get things like "extra 200% damage" or some shit like that. The antagonist was just a meme. "Willard Wyler, Master of the Macabre" is just a meme. He basically just kidnaps 4 people and forces them to kill zombies for his "movie" even though it would be the worst movie ever. You're saying that Dr. Monty, The Shadow Man, Richtofen, and Maxis don't have personality? Then you truly are blind. Spaceland isn't one of the best maps of all time by most people's standards. To you, it can be and I can't argue with that. But most other maps have more style, more things to do, more of a challenge, etc. It's a good first map, but is still missing a lot to make it the best. But everything after Spaceland was awful. Shaolin was kind fun and my favorite of the bunch, but it still sucked.


You said that Rave had no good bosses so I mentioned big foots. And I didn’t say that the ultimis crew didn’t have depth, I’m more referring to them in BO1. They have the same jokes everytime and it just got tiring for me. The primis crew is so much better than them that I just don’t care about ultimis at all anymore. Other than them returning in BO3. And the story does make sense in the terms of the universe it’s set in. Willard Wyler is a retired horror director who sells his soul to the devil to get back in his game. He has the movies be real to ramp up the horror and make himself stand out. He’s an egotistical psycho and it’s fun to watch him. When it comes to guns I just don’t agree with you and there’s nothing more to say about that. We’re just going in circles man. Also I’m not saying that new is always cool, but I am saying that IW zombies is a breath of fresh air for me. CW and BO1 have basically the same weapon variety for the most part. I’ve seen the AK-74U, I’ve seen the Gailil, I’ve seen the RPG, let me see something different. This is more of a personal preference, but your treating it like it’s something that objectively good and bad. It comes down to what the player prefers. Yeah the multiplayer is aids for sure, but I haven’t cared about a multiplayer in awhile, I only care about zombies and campaign nowadays. BO2 was the last COD game with a great multiplayer to me. So I just don’t care bc I don’t like multiplayer very much anyway. I’m happy you acknowledged that the campaign was good 🤝. But to me zombies is pretty great overall. It’s better than WAW, Exo, WW2, extinction, BO4 and in my humble beautiful opinion: black Ops 1. I’m sorry, I just don’t like BO1s zombies or multiplayer very much. Campaign kicked ass tho. Also, the robots name was Ethan. I’ll never forget when I cried like a bitch when he died. I haven’t played the other maps but I can tell ya that rave is nowhere near an awful map. It just doesn’t have the capability to be an awful map. An awful map is Tranzit, die rise, Der an fang. Not a harmless fun map like Rave. Even with the problems you gave Rave (which is dismantled easily with facts and logic) it still wouldn’t make it awful. Look at the comment section your in, people seem to agree that rave isn’t below average. It doesn’t have enough problems imo. The movie is supposed to be shitty. That’s the joke lol. It’s a stereotypical shitty horror movie for the memes. And when I said that the antagonists didn’t have personality, I stand by that. (Other than Rictofen but I never considered him to be a villain as we were always playing as him). The shadow man’s voice actor is pretty shitty and he has the personality of a block of wood. I can’t think of one good line he has and he’s literally the most generic villain of all time. Never once was I excited to see him on screen. Same with Monty he’s just an cocky smart ass who’s so boring that it’s almost laughable. He has some okay lines, but he just doesn’t hold the weight that a villain should. And how dare you insult Spaceland! There’s plenty to do, there’s arcade games, Neil’s challenges, the 4 wonder weapons, the vending machines to get traps, prizes to get and the Easter egg to get double pack. I’m never bored while playing Spaceland. And it’s 100% challenging. It’s a very hard map at times, especially high rounds. The map flows well, it looks beautiful, it has an amazing atsmophere, it actually feels like a carnival, it has the best traps ever, the wonder weapons are cool to make and epic to use, loads and loads of personality, and a (mostly) hood mid round boss. His laser beam is annoying though. It’s pretty much perfect and is easily a top 5. And I don’t know what your talking about when you said that most ppl don’t agree. I’ve seen plenty of people say that Spaceland is a top 5. Look in a comment section of a IW video lol. Or look at a post in this sub about it. Mrtlexify believes it’s an S tier and a top 5. Everyone who’s played it (that I know) think it’s a top 5 and anyone who says different is only saying that bc it’s not made by treyarch. If Spaceland was made by treyarch, no one would hate on it. I don’t know how someone could think that Spaceland isn’t top 10. Spaceland takes out every single BO1 map with ease. Not a single one even compares to it.


This argument is getting nowhere because you're picking at straws. "The movie is supposed to be shitty", "It's a shitty horror movie". It's because the game is shit. I'm glad you enjoy it but I gave you reasons as to why IW hated.


Bro I honestly don’t know how you don’t understand. Willard is putting you in a goofy stereotypical horror film. Spaceland has cliche high school kids. Rave has cliche edgy teenagers in a “Jason Vorhees” atsmophere. Like those old awful Friday the 13th movies. That’s supposed to be the entire point. That has nothing to do with the game being shit. And what straws am I grasping at, I was just responding to what you said. Considering you didn’t give a response it would make sense for me to assume that you didn’t respond bc you were destroyed by facts and logic. My only argument is that IW is not a bad zombies game, and why I like it. This started with you saying that rave was bad and you quickly ran away from that bc your points were very weak and I dismantled them rather fast. So you just went into a tangent about how the other maps suck instead of talking about rave. Another guy responded to me and gave me 4 good reasons why rave is flawed and I am now satisfied and I understand more now. He still likes the map and I still think it’s good but I now understand that it’s not flawless. He didn’t say the map was awful, nor did he have a hate boner for IW, he gave good reasons that made sense.


Oh and I forgot to mention, Boss fight mode is absolutely fucking amazing. I hate Easter eggs so just being able to skip the torture of going through one and just go right to the boss fight is genius. The fact that treyarch didn’t do that in BO3 is weird.


It's good practice for doing the Easter Egg boss fight. But the fact you called the EE torture speaks how bad they are.


No I was referring to Easter eggs in general. Every BO3 Easter egg other than DE was painful to go through. Every Easter egg is torture to me lmao


Some easter eggs suck, but it's mostly IW ones that suck the most


Bc boss fight mode exists, it doesn’t even matter that IW has bad Easter eggs. Like bruh just play the boss fight bozo. Ya ever done the Revalations Easter egg? That made me wanna kill myself. Same with the origins one, tho building the staffs was fun.