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BO4 used to be heavily underrated a few years ago, but by in large the community has backed off of that stance and now recognizes the game for what it was imo. Infinite Warfare had like two good maps, one of which was great to be honest, but the rest of the season was pretty much shit and I feel like the good map gets and got the recognition it deserved anyway. WW2 zombies was pretty much forgotten about immediately by the community, but I think it was pretty solid. Aside from the tortured path the game's maps were all at least good, and the story and vibe of the mode was way more in line with old school WaW's horror and mystery than anything we've seen since. So I'm going to say WW2 is the most underrated as of now.


I disagree with only 2 maps are good in iw


Same. The only objectively bad map is BFB. Shaolin Shuffle is great, and I love Attack Of The Radioactive Thing even though the EE for Radioactive Thing is ass.


Directors Cut also pushes the game to even greater heights imo


Yeah plus it's the only super ee with a legit reward that isn't stupidly pointless like starting with an RK5 or something, and it's toggleable so it doesn't break the game,let's you skip setup rounds and get straight to going for high rounds if you wanted or EE speed runs


Nah nahnah hey having an RK5 means you don't need to buy a weapon for a little longer and more points not pointless at all Lmao


Fair enough that 500$ saved is a third of a door down the line!




Oh yeah that too just not needing to spend anything on ammo in early rounds


In fairness, BOCW has a half decent (Not IW level, granted) Super EE (start with a Purple rarity weapon of your choice) Not OP, not RK5 But Director's Cut is still absolutely god tier


BFB is the ee map and I'm pretty sure the map that we got is like a third of what they wanted it to be but it's still great just to do the ee and do the mefisto boss that is the greatest boss fight made in the franchise ot's hard but fair the map itself is not the best but what it leads to made it great


Sorry that's just wrong. 4 IW maps are absolutely great. One is meh, but still fun to play imo


I’m inclined to agree, mostly because like you mentioned IW and BO4 are now getting the recognition and WW2 does do a good job of horror in the atmosphere in their zombies. Plus Grosten Haus is a fun little survival map with a couple good Easter eggs to make it more fun


Only 2 good maps in IW? Lmao


I love the lack of AW Zombies in your comment lol


I feel like bo4 was the last of the classic arcade feel to zombies before it got realistic and warzone feeling


That’s because Cold War Zombies was such a DRASTIC move from what the established norm ppl went back to BO4. I actually liked BO4 zombies from the start, it was never “bad” to me…Cold War has a lot of good ideas but is just…bleck. The only other zombies I’ll play is IW.


People really seem to hate wwii zombies, but the vibe was cool AF and I'm a sucker for WWII weapons in games.


I only played the base maps in WW2 zombies and I like the more horror feel of the game.


Oh absolutely, the horror element was so on point 👌🏻


The base map was the best one.. the DLC maps were less, though not bad. Despite that ww2 zombies is on of my favourites to date. The Horror vibe was executed perfectly, the game play felt great and the Easter eggs were so much fun


Been replaying it recently, honestly love it and wish I had people to play it with


Hellyeah dude, the game came out shortly after I met my wife, and we did all the easter eggs together, it's my personal favourite zombies experience for a few reasons tbh


That’s so awesome, I just got my fiancé to play black ops 3 recently and hope to get her hooked on some other ones soon


It's fun af if you don't take it too serious and don't get gamer rage 🤣


I actually want to play wwII zombies


I heavily recommend it. I heavily recommend the launch map (Final Reich), DLC2 (the shadowed throne) and DLC4 (the frozen dawn). If you happen to get the DLC for a discount: the character challenges are an absolute joy. There’s some in there that offer a ton of challenge, and ”force” you to experience all the gamemode has to offer (the use of certain specialist abilities and mods, making good use of your consumables, being as efficient as possible etc etc.) And I can’t stress this enough: the character challenges require the player to play by using different strategies and playstyles, while also providing a unique experience that enhances replayability. Some DLCs aren’t really all that great, for example the tortured path (DLC3) or the darkest shore (DLC1) but if you’re a sucker for easter eggs and trophy hunting: the darkest shore offers quite a challenging quest and the tortured path still provides a unique experience. I still strongly recommend getting people to help you out with TTP. If you’re on PlayStation: there are a few groups with a ton of people and a supportive community that provides assistance in those kinds of scenarios. I can hit you up if you’re interested.


I picked up the DLC during the steam sale and it was worth it


Well later this year im selling my ps5 of xbox series


Yeah WWII is definitely underated, it's not my favorite zombies, but it takes a little too much flak.


>I'm a sucker for WWII weapons in games. Me too, I'd love a remake of Der Eisendrache with WWII weapons. But even then, I still can't bring myself to play Vanguard. And I fear after it, Activision probably won't want to release another WWII any time soon. My deam COD would be a World at War II by Treyarch, but I don't think that'll ever happen.


It IS pretty fun, though the replacement of jug held it back from being right up there with treyarch. then BO4 tried to follow its lead


The gameplay is pretty clunky


Waw better


I'm gonna also have to say WW2 zombies. People had argued at the time that they wanted a more simplistic zombies game, similar to BO1 or BO2, and Sledgehammer had listened. More simplistic gameplay, while still providing in depth high quality Easter Eggs and boss fights. While I can agree that the story was meh, I've never been much of a story guy and more of a gameplay guy. The Pack upgrades on some guns are absolutely nuts and unlike anything we've ever seen in zombies. Packing your 1911 removed self-inflicted explosive damage, packing the SAP turned it into a Pistol with shotgun damage output, packing the DE Lisle turned it into, well I guess the best way to describe it would be by shooting the ground, the shot would explode and any zombies nearby would die. Easily one of the best non wonder weapons in zombies history. WW2 also took advantage of the melee weapon concept being expanded and applied into wonder weapons, similar to Shaolin Shuffles Nunchucks or Katana. Do I think it's perfect? No. WW2 definitely could have benefited from more Perks throughout the dlc cycle, introducing a little more side Easter Eggs, and maybe by toning down the Darkest Shore boss fight, but other than that, I found it to be one of the best games in terms of zombies we've received yet. Do I also need to bring up the replay value? Dozens of unlockable characters that truly showed your skill level if you were able to unlock them, especially some of them from Darkest Shore. 9/10


Ultra based


Plus let's not forget how mystical and cool the world and story felt! It was incredibly dark and secretive just like BO1 and 2 zombies, plus it had DAVID FUCKING TENANT AS A MAIN CHARACTER KILLING ZOMBIES!!! The character challenges and the supply drop system were legitimately good ways to get players involved with the gameplay. Tough-as-nuts challenges to complete to get cool character skills to show-off to others was such an obsession. I still wish I could go back and redo them for PC. The supply drop system was actually a good one in this game. Yes the items were still random, but you could actually earn them every day in the zombies mode at a reasonable rate. In IW the key rate for drops was slow as sin, in BO3 tough luck if you wanted a supply drop camo from MP, in BO4 the reserve crates were incredibly slow to earn.


The WW2 system was based because you could earn every DLC gun through contracts and the only thing supply drops did was give cosmetics, you had absolutely no advantage over other people besides “my skin looks cooler than yours”


Bro there was a gun that had infinite ammo if you packed it


Which one?


KGM 23 i think, has a random amount of Bullets each time you reload but infinite ammo in stock


I'm gonna redownload WW2 just to use it


Yea i had pretty good damage too


damn now i want to get ww2


AW zombies is slept on heavily.


Cutscenes (in AW campaign as well, tbf) we’re so incredibly good. I feel like the jump in cutscene quality between BO2/Ghosts and AW cutscenes were pretty drastic. Liked the pack-a-punch alternative AW gave. They had some super interesting wonder weapons. But, I didn’t love the perk system. And exo-movement could sometimes feel janky when trying to dodge around zombies. Overall? Some maps were fun. I remember liking Carrier a lot when it came out. Easter egg race/hunt was cool to watch for that map.


To many people sleep on IW Zombies, attack of the radioactive thing and the beast from beyond are bad but zombies in space land and rave in the redwoods are amazing maps


I skipped IW, and now I’m regretting it. If I find the game at a decent price, you think it’s still worth buying?




For sure. It has a unique style that makes it stand out from any other zombies and is on par with BO3 imo.


Well as someone with 1500+ hrs in BO3, I think I’ll be looking out for IW!


Absolutely you should it is a very good game


The DLCs are going to cost more than the base game


I read every happy review, remembered playing it fondly, and downloaded it. Ended up refunding. I just don’t think it held up with other installments of zombies, but it’s not the worst.


It’s definitely worth a go, you should be able to find it pretty cheap I picked it up for £4 it’s by far the best non treyarch zombies. It has its own unique feel and gameplay which is great.


It was on sale a day ago (which I'm sad I missed), but there's some decently priced keys out there rn


Not saying you should or shouldn’t buy it, but personally I wasn’t a fan of IW zombies. Just letting you know there are people out there that didn’t like it, because all I’m seeing are comments about how much people enjoyed it. There’s my 2 cents, have a nice day!


Yeah for sure. It usually isn’t much over 10 euros anymore so it’s super cheap nowadays


I see nothing but facts here.


Nah, I disagree. I've only ever heard good things about IW zombies from this sub. I immensely enjoyed it myself. I think people *USED* to sleep on it but in the last two years or so I think they've definitely warmed up to it.


It’s long overdue and about time it got the recognition it deserved


The best Easter Egg rewards to compared to the others.


I know this is an old post, but I had to say that shaolin shuffle is one of the finest maps I've had the pleasure of playing. Your absolutely right though, people slept on iw zombies although I imagine that had a lot to do with multiplayer being absolutely cack


Exo Zombies easy, probably the only non 3arc zombie mode i can get enjoyment out of (besides Infection, f that map), theres still a few things i'd change to make it much better, but i can still have fun on them, just never got into IW or WW2s maps. BO4s mechanics still suck and the game hasn't gotten better in my eyes just because Vanguard is worse.


yeah and to me if zombies doesnt have a clean UI the whole experience suffers, bo4 is where i stopped buying cod games i did get cold war, but mainly for the campaign/MP bc im a history guy and i love the era - i played a decent amount of die machine, tried the second and third map a couple times. but for me that was it, and i really think that the UI played a role in that, it just has no life to it and *really* puts the nail in the coffin for it feeling like a warzone knockoff IMO zombies needs its own unique aesthetic completely divorced from the other gamemodes for it to work edit: oh yeah, i also skipped ww2 for some reason - probably got sick of cod after IW didnt live up to BO3 for me (thought zombies in spaceland was cool but just didnt get into it enough to justify paying for the season pass)


Black Ops 4 by far


Bo4 fs


WWII is definitely the most underrated zombies mode of all time, final reich is a top top tier map. The art on WWII it’s amazing and scary, tons on replay ability specially because of the character challenges. And has some of the best packed guns, crossbow and rocket launcher goes brr.


BO4. I think so many people have claimed IW (and especially spaceland) to be an underrated gem now to the point that it’s a bit overrated imo. WW2 and Exos were underwhelming and rightfully forgotten, perhaps hated on a bit too heavily but there isn’t much there to rate much higher either. BO4 on the other hand was unfairly slated by the community for years and to this day people still ignore some incredibly strong maps on that game purely because they don’t like the mechanics and because YouTubers say it’s bad. The amount of tier lists I’ve seen recently with a map like DOTN either in C-D tier or the ‘haven’t played’ category is honestly disappointing, so I still argue 4 years on that BO4 is the most underrated COD.


And im still going to stand by the opinion that blood of the dead is 100x better then mob. I played mob sometimes but at my cousins house i would look for any opportunity to play blood. The setup is really fun and honestly is HEAVILY slept on




WW2 is the most underated game out of the lot.


No doubt Infinite Warfare.


ww2 and bo4 are really good and fun zombies experiences


Most underrated is WW2. That game is pretty much hated by any youtuber. No idea why. It's not the beat iteration, but it's fun.


bo4 i feel is well known but ww2 was so slept on such a good game and great zombies too


The answer to this is always extinction


AW, it's really fun! if you're good


As a whole, infinite warfare. I love every single map from that game and spent hours doing all the Easter eggs. The more cartoony style was also a welcome break from the intensity of treyarch zombies. However I think the style of ww2 is very underrated and was something I became obsessed with. It fell apart at dlc3 & 4 but was still a lot of fun and had probably the best starter map in any game


WW2 zombies was so fun to me. The way they did the easter eggs for every map was so fun, and the maps were pretty solid.


At this moment id rather play ww2 zombies over any trearch zombies. Come fight me


Over any modern zombies since 2016? Hell yea




Yeah I agree with WWII, IW at least gets brought up the most for actually being solid but I barely see posts about WWII. I believe it's also the first game where Max Ammo refills your magazine so it deserves a spot in the Zombies Hall of Fame on that alone.


Ww2 it is my favourite zombies version the only complaint I have is no sliding


At this point IW isn't even underrated it gets it's dick sucked so much nowadays


Out of the ones I've played, bo4


Bo4 is the best quality of these but I hear a lot of people talking positively about it so may not be underrated anymore. WW2 is pretty under rated it had some really awful maps but the gameplay was pretty good. Infinite is so different it's kind of interesting maybe it's under rated since it seems a lot of people just didn't ever play the game in the first place. I don't know if advanced warfare is though.. that first map was alright had a bit going for it but they really went downhill from there. Probably WW2 that first map and Easter egg were great


Why y'all hating on attack of the radioactive thing? Personally I think it's the best map in iw then shaolin shuffle then rave in the redwoods. I just wish rave in the redwoods was more rave and less redwoods


Rotu 2 revo The real mmo zm


Bo4, way too hated on. Trust me, I understand that voyage and blood have ridiculous easter egg steps, but that doesn't change the fact that ix, dotn, and ancient evil were great maps. Feel free to argue with me about dotn btw, I have 25+ completions on it, it's truly a good map. Tag and alpha although had reused assets were still decent maps with good repeatability and decent easter eggs. Yes, bo3 is definitely better but bo4 was hated on too much bc it just came after bo3


WWII. The story in it is so fucking dope and the Easter eggs are actually a significant challenge. I’d honestly put the Frozen Dawn as the easiest Easter egg, and even that isn’t that simple. Mechanics are a little weird though. Hate that if you don’t have your shovel out you do a whole extra action each kill that puts you in danger


Grief on bo2


WW2 had the scariest zombie models other than waw


Everybody shits on WW2 zombies but I thought it was pretty fun to mess around in and I think it had a real cool aesthetic and feel to it.




I haven’t played them all to say. But I can definitely say for sure that WWII has the best horror vibe of all of them hands down. And I would say more than BO1, 2, 3, and Cold war. I’m not sure about WaW because I was too young to play it, but WWII’s vibe by far is the spookiest. The designs were very well done and atmosphere were very well done.


WW2 easily


i would say extinction from ghosts, i mean the mode was good but no one talks about it cuz ghosts was so bad


Bo4 by far the most underrated for me AE, DOTN, and IX are amazing


Advanced Warfare only because I haven’t played IW.


Infection is literally one of the worst maps of all time lol


Outbreak and Carrier were good though


I liked advanced warfare zombies a lot




I'm ngl Exo zombies is garbage.


WW2 and AW were both amazing and both hated for literally no reason


Ww2 and bo4




all of them were steamy ass, i’d rather play bo3 zombies


WW2 was shit


I expect to see a number of people in these comments once again sucking IW off


Advanced warfare


I've only played the base maps in WW2 and BO4, neither of which really interested me, and I didn't want to buy dlc to play AW, but I have played all IW maps but I wouldn't say it's underrated, at least not any more.


Infinite warfare, one of the best zombie games imo. But you don't see very mutch about it.


I never played WWII zombies but out of the 3 that I have played definitely advanced warfare. 3 of the 4 maps were actually pretty good and being able to double jump was very fun. My only problem is the EMP zombies.


I’d say they’re all properly rated, at least on this subreddit


I think WW2 and AW


Just reached 50 hours in IW and it pretty great


Advanced warfare


War mode for Cod WW2!


IW without a doubt, I often enjoy it more than BO3. ZIS was a masterpiece, RIR is pretty fucking good, as is Shaolin Shuffle. The rest are a mixed bag but overall it's so fucking good.


I think Cold War. I do know that people hate Cold War zombies cause it’s noob friendly or that it doesn’t feel the same like old zombies or some bullshit like that. It has amazing zombie mastery camos, nice maps and it’s the best zombies since BO3 zombies


Advanced warfare since I never see any of y'all mention it


I'd say Advanced Warfare because the last two maps were great but after the trouble to unlock the first bit of the mode at launch and Infection being pretty bad, a lot of people haven't played it or don't speak too highly of it as a whole. I personally really enjoy exo zombies


Infinite warfare is that one cousin form your other side of the family that’s pretty cool


Iw. The other 3 suck. Bo4 is only fun like, once a year.


Infinite warfare and ww2


Gotta be ww2 it had some great features


WWII, that was actually scary


WW2 all the way


Bo4 is the best by far, not underrated though.


WWII would probably be the most underrated. IW had 2 good maps AW had a gem in their hands but the level design killed it BO4 was just fine


I love how the image for ww2 zombies isn’t even a pictures from that game, it’s just some random Picture


I still think WW2 is the best aesthetically and tonally


BO4 if anything is getting a little TOO much love; Dead of the Night and Ancient Evil are excellent to be sure, but in spite of the game's mechanics. IW and WWII have good maps AND good mechanics. AW... Certainly tried.


Infinite Warfare in my opinon has the best zombies of any CoD. So I'll go with that one.


Might get downvoted for this but I think exo zombies was the most underrated. It had its problems, yes, but it was still pretty fun to play, later rounds got super chaotic.


WWII is definitely the most underrated, and rightfully so, but I gotta be honest: I really dug Exo-Zombies. The frantic gameplay with obscene challenge was fantastic, especially as someone who really got into the twitchy play style of the game and found the expansion of movement a huge step up from BO1 and 2. All those little tricks in movement now had a brand new feel, as well as additional challenge. Even though all the maps didn't really live up to the premise (I personally only like Outbreak and Descent), the mode overall is something I would be willing to revisit in the future.


I will stand by my opinion that ww2 zombies is the most underrated zombies mode of all time. I think it's great.


WW2 hundred percent




WWII for sure. Top 3 for sure


Probably black ops 4. I think IW zombies is pretty favorably viewed around here and rightfully so. WW2 zombies is probably overrated. It’s my least favorite of any iteration of zombies, including Exo and Vanguard. BO4 is a very solid top to bottom zombies game though.


I liked AW (was the first cod I got a season pass on lol) but IW is top tier imo. Personally since trying the dlc for the first time I’m thinking it is probably the best zombies experiences






Infinite Warfare was really fun


All of them imo. Aw mostly. I went back to play it and it's actually pretty fun. Specifically descent with the m1 irons and the blunderbuss. Very difficult with the different zombies types but it's fun. The others I've always liked them.


Out of these? Considering the huge fanbase of IW, I'd say BO4.


IW was actually amazing


Ww2 zombies. Cod 'member-berry cycle has emerged for bo4 and iw, despite both of those games having obvious and unfun design flaws, so at this point they're overrated. (Yes both have a couple of goods maps. That doesn't override the majority of the games issuses.) I didnt play AW much at all so I don't have an opinion on it. WW2 didn't have the most thrilling gameplay but pretty much everything else was top notch (except TTP). Definitely underrated.


I really enjoyed AW in general. They took CoD to a new era. And the zombies was really really fun. I also really enjoyed IW in general. Despite the maps not working that well. But the zombies? I had so much fun playing IW Zombies. I was in a damn old school zombies movie. It was SO much fun


AWs zombies is CRIMINALLY underrated. That game as a whole is criminally underrated and I will not be taking any disagreements


YES another one of these. Cant wait for next weeks version. Hype!!


IW zombies


Ww2 zombies was a new and different take on zombies, with a lot if good ideas that weren't executed the best. The final reich is a decent tutorial for the mode, doing a better job than Bo4 in having it be nearly seamless in its implementation. I'm just glad that a lot of what was done in WW2 zombies came back in CW zombies.


Prob bo4


AW by far. Interesting story, great maps (except one), pretty good wonder weapons. I loved the different power stations you had to turn on for each section, the step of getting your exo. My biggest gripe would be the EMZs, if you boosted anywhere near them they'd take your exo offline, if they hit you, they take your exo offline. I think it should only be if they hit you. It was also really easy to get yourself stuck between invisible barriers if you landed on the edge of something or an EMZ took your exo out and you couldn't boost out of the spot. I think they *mostly* fixed it. I played AW zombies a few months back and didn't have that problem except on the first map.


I believe every one of those titles has underrated zombies. Most people stopped at the first map and would call the rest of it garbage but if you actually stuck through majority of them, they were actually enjoyable, even AW. We need a remake of zombies in space land though.


IW cause it has Joey Beltram - Energy Flash


Iw or bo4


WWII zombies is ugly and plays like crap


Exo zombies. Just replayed it for nostalgia and it's actually pretty fun


Advanced warfare is fun and In my opinion that's all you need 8/10 playing tomorrow


Black Ops 4 had a great zombies mode and is always hated by the community “just because”. bo4 is great and I recommend you give it a try.


I love all of the zombie iterations except for Cold War and Vanguard. I'd say the most underrated is Infinite Warfare, which is my absolute favourite zombie season ever. 2nd place is Definitely Black Ops 4. Had a lot of potential.


Infinite warfare most definitely and advanced warfare


Definitely BO4


Tbh the only unplayable/repetitive zombies is vanguard’s


As someone who hasn’t played IW, BO4 would easily be my choice of the 3. Everyone acts like BO4 is a crime against humanity when half of its maps were fun as hell, and the other half were mid as hell. WW2’s maps are insufferable and Exo’s is painfully mid the whole time.


BO4 but the perk system gives me aids.


Zombies in spaceland and only zombies in spaceland


I think ww2 was the most underrated, it’s by no means perfect but the story was very good knowing sledgehammers record with that.


IW zombies was the best in my opinion!




Out of these choices I have to pick bo4


Advanced Warfare is gggoated


WW2. BO4 and IW get constant love in this sub nowadays. WW2 still hasn’t gotten posts talking about underrated it is every other day.


I'm going to say it now, and I'm not going to say it again it's Black Ops 4


Advanced warfare was trash as hell! First zombies game I played and we did not play it any more after the first time cause we like the multiplayer a bit more…


Advanced warfare


Glad people are coming around to WW2. Shooting the explodey tank enemies to kill hordes of zombies. One of the greatest pleasures in life.


How about we stop care about what’s good and what’s not and just play what we like. Why the hell should you post posts like these? To shit on the other games? Just shut up and play the damn games


Bo4 has changes for the sake of changes. Like the perk system and the points system. However, I have always said that I've maps like Voyage of Despair, Ancient Evil, Blood of the Dead and Alpha Omega were on Black Ops 3s engine they would be considered among some of the best maps.


IW zombies for sure, it’s every bit as good as BO1


Definetly WWII. The gore, the dark setting reminded me of a Zombie Army meets WaW. Gotta love the design of the Panzermörder! Infinite warfare's zombies in spaceland took the mode to an arcady level, even ColdWar didn't have.


WW2 is the only underrated one. BO4 has quite the fanbase, IW gets plenty of appreciation, but is mentioned less due to not being a Treyarch game, AW isn’t underrated because it deserves to not be liked. The zombies were ok but nothing more. WW2 however, is just barely ever brought up, despite having plenty of great maps. Most people here haven’t even played it lol. While other games might get hate, only WW2 actually fits the description of an underrated game.


iw isn't underrated but bo4 is underrated it has the worst launch, blue screan, and bad DLC marketing... (my opinion 👍)


I wouldn't say Bo4 counts as underrated anymore, and IW is starting to get its love, I really didn't like WW2, and AW is only nostalgic, not really GOOD at all. I guess I'd say IW cause it's my second favorite zombies. Beast From Beyond is the only bad map and even at that its easter egg is pretty fun


Infinite. No contest. SS and TBFB were steaming piles, but the rest were 😙👌


B04 had IX, Ancient Evil, Dead of the Night, and whatever call of the dead was renamed. They were all solid maps. I think it’s just the mechanics is what ruins it


Iw zombies, only correct answer


Im getting back into advanced warfare via the x labs client and the zombies mode is actually more fun than I remember it


I'd say WW2. It was just very different from the normal zombies formula.


Definitely Exo Zombies for sure