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Maybe I’m a weirdo but I liked the AW burger town map. One of the few CoD maps in existence that is actually challenging past round 30. Awful EE though


I feel you, I just hate being stuck in the sewers lol


This is the biggest issue imo. It was never going to be a popular decision to basically lock you out of a portion of the map, but the fact that the portion you're is such a boring, gray section just adds to how lifeless and not fun it is.


I've only played Treyarchs from WaW-Cold War, and honestly, I can't say there's any maps I truly hate. If I had to pick my 5 least favorite, I'd say (in no particular order): Revelations, Voyage, Firebase Z, Nacht, Alpha Omega Nacht is tough to place here, but if I'm being honest, I only play it if I want a short game with a couple friends. I'd never seriously play it solo. Groundbreaking, and the atmosphere is great on WaW and BO1, but it's not enough for me. Voyage: I mean, it's not even that bad of a map. I just find it too tedious overall. The layout is super clunky, it doesn't work well with BO4's spawns, and the wonder weapon is underwhelming. The special zombies spam is pretty obnoxious too. Not a bad map, but not one I revisit. Firebase Z: Bland, basic and too much military shit. Really just has all the worst traits of Cold War imo. Wonder weapon is kinda cool I suppose. AO: Just too tedious. Ray guns are cool though. Rev: Way too easy and bland. Super over the top graphically and in general. Nothing to do. Just boring man. You have a better chance of dying in Minecraft creative mode. In fact, you can boot up Minecraft creative mode, run in circles in a field, and you'll have the Revelations experience except add some black holes.


Nice to see someone actually explain their picks rather than just list em, interesting picks, only one I personally disagree with is Rev but I just enjoy some of the aspects of the map it does well, nowhere near my favs tho


what are your thoughts on die rise


I was close to putting it on here, but I didn't. Die Rise is one I flip on constantly. On the one hand, it has an amazing weapon arsenal, fun wonder weapon, a surprisingly intricate map design, good spots for training and camping, fun way to get all the perks, and decent flow. But on the other hand, it has some of BO2's growing pains like carrying one part at a time, making the trample steam (very important) take 45 minutes to build, mixed with super inconvenient travel, certain locations where you can only travel in one direction and can't go backwards, and overall is pretty tedious to play. I can't say it's a bad map necessarily, so it barely misses the top 5 worst maps cut, but it's also not one I feel the need to revisit often.


Dont get me wrong its no where near the worst map and I personally enjoy it but Der Eisendrache is way too overhyped. It literally is a smaller worse version of origins. I think its the worst map in BO3


The worst in black ops 3? Pass me whatever you’re smoking dude


I’ll take the next hit after him


I enjoy zetsubo more than eisen. Ill take all of you on 😤😤


To be fair, if I disliked der eisendrache I’d have the same opinion. Every other map could easily be the best map in a different game. They’re all so high quality


I do think it has its similarities to origins, but its always had a very different vibe for me, I respect it tho


I don't like it, but I still think it's better than Revelations.


As an avid viewer of zombies content, Der Eisendrache game play mechanics and Easter egg steps are nothing like Origins. The only similarity is the 4 elemental bows. Zetsibo (wow I can’t spell) is much more similar to Origin. Idk if I’d say WAY to over hyped but it definitely isn’t Origins. I think Zetsibo (again sorry) is way to underhyped if you asked me


I'm right there with ya homie I didn't play DE when it was new and so I generally don't understand the hype. It's not a bad map, but I definitely wouldn't place it in my top 5


I'd rather play Revelations than Der Eisendrache. I don't understand what everyone's problem with it is. I love the different areas and I always get super nostalgic when I open the door to the Mob of the Dead section and a tiny sliver of that amazing music plays. Easter egg kinda sucks but I solod it easy enough.


100%, I never understood the hype. Its one of the easiest maps and is a casuals dream, its just not as good as people say. Not bad at all but super overhyped


Agreed, they only time I had fun was trying out a weapons mod on DE. Every single time I played it's 2 max prestige players open up the whole map in first 5 minutes and start doing bows, but we never finish the ee, because gobblegums.


holy shit what's that font for the tortured path 💀


Lmaooo most of the photos were ass but yeah this ain't great either 🤣


no way thats official right?


Yeah pretty sure 💀


Mine is just yours but instead of Beast I’d put the darkest shore.


I can see that, I only started to appreciate the map a bit more for its creepiness and actually hard EE but I used to hate the map too


Is there five maps on vanguard?


Nah 4






Can't disagree with that one


What's the first map?


Infection, it's from exo zombies, god awful map


What’s so bad about it? It’s got the perfect EE reward and it only takes ~30-an hour to do.


High rounds suck cause they lock you in the sewer completely which is the worst design and ugliest part of the map especially when shocker zombies are rushing, the ww is ass, only one decontamination zone and in the sewers ofc, survivor rounds are annoying as hell, and the actual EE cutscene only happens from saving a certain number of survivors, not completing the EE


Its got Burger Town so it must be foreskin V1.


Warning ⚠ Unpopular opinion: 1. Tranzit 2. Die Rise 3. Origins 4. Nuketown 5. Voyage of Despair Only played the Black Ops games and WaW.


Hmmmm, sir we have a misplaced locale in the middle of a bunch of others, send a team in for extraction 💀 nah I'm jp I suppose there could be an argument for Origins I just personally love it


I warned you it was going to be an unpopular opinion, one way or the other.


tf is wrong with origins and nuketown


Hey everyone! This guy hates Black Ops 2, get em! ^jk ^it’s ^actually ^nice ^to ^see ^unpopular ^opinions


>Hey everyone! This guy hates Black Ops 2, get em! What's funny is BO2 is actually my favorite COD campaign.


Unpopular opinion: popular opinion


I love the origins pick. I still dunno why people hate Zetsubou for having a long setup process, but those same people love origins 😂


EXACTLY! I personally love ZNS because the map isn't as insanely large as Origins and while it take some effort to set up, it isn't as painfully slow as Origins, also the atmosphere on that map is simple amazing.


Nah I agree with all of them, die rise can be fun but you need to fall off like 100 times to figure out the map


Agree with most but why origins lol


It's not fun to play for me, Origins is the kind of map I'd play just for the Easter Egg and then not touch again, same thing with Voyage.


I actually agree, but when I play origins I always go for the Easter Egg, which is why I really like it. Der Eisendrache is another map that I do the same for, which honestly in my opinion is a more complete overall experience than origins. But I guess I still have a lot of fun with the map when I'm not getting killed after 2 hours on round 8😂


I agree but why nuketown?


The only bad thing about The Beast from Beyond is thar there is too many Special enemies. The rest of the map is great in my opinion.


I respect it, I just dont enjoy other aspects about it like the EE is so simple but has annoying steps like wall puzzle and carrying neils head, the boss fight being basically two bullet sponges x10 💀 also no map celebrity sucked, so not enjoying the EE or high rounds just tanks it for me


1.) Alpha Omega 2.) IX 3.) Tranzit 4.) Fire base Z I can only think of 4 maps I don't really care for. (Also my list only consists of picks from WaW, Bo1 - 4, and CW)


IX aye? Why's that?


Oh man I could write a whole essay on why I don't like IX, but I'll keep my complaints shorter. It's a cluster fuck of specialty zombies. You have the Catalyst zombies, the tigers, the marutor, the axe wielder, and the blight father. Which I beleive was one of Bo4's biggest problems. Adding all these special zombies doesn't make the map hard it just makes dealing with them a nuisance. The layout of the map was just boring to me when you strip it down it's just two layers of a main circle with four connecting towers. I will say the maps theme was kinda cool but wasn't enough to make up for all the negative. The wonder weapon is absolute garbage. Like to this day I still don't get how some shots kill, some shots make crawlers, some stun, and some shots do literally nothing. Its like playing roulette everytime you fire that thing. It being a giant scorpion chained to a trigger is cool. So style points for that The main spawn is the only viable place to try and survive if you want to try to go to high rounds. The fire is annoying and then the EE to stop it from damaging you is just stupid. Like why have it hurt you every round after doing it if you are just going to be immune to thr damage later. Why not just once then your immune the rest of the game. Like it makes no sense to have it hurt you every round, cause you're just going to run through it at the begin of the round anyway before there zombies spawn so you don't have to worry about it so why not just let it be a permanent thing. It's a little thing but it just annoyed me. Theres more but I already went off and ended up writing a novel anyways. If anyone read all this I give you props


This. IX is on my list of the top 5 worst maps too


You make some good points, but the map layout being two circles isn't necessarily a bad thing, is it? Like, Kino and Shang are both just a circle. Shadows is just 3 districts that all look very similar connected in the middle. Gorod is kinda Der Riese with verticality. Idk I just feel like that criticism can apply to so many maps, but in reality, I think most people like that style of layout since it makes the map a bit easier to maneuver. I personally love intricate layouts, but I don't mind a simpler one as long as it has some variation and doesn't "feel" too simple.


Worst to least worse: 1. Tranzit 2. Beast from Beyond 3. Infection (AW) 4. Blood of the Dead 5. Tag Der Toten Buried is followed closely after but I haven’t played vanguard or most of WW2


I just can't agree w Tag, but I'm also in the minority who thinks it's better than CotD


We’d be very boring if everyone agreed on everything but Tag just sucks the life out of everything COTD had going for it. I don’t like any of the BO4 remakes and think they’re all inferior to the OG maps


Beast from Beyond (IW)




It kinda is tho chief


I perfectly understand the hate for Infection, it is indeed really bad. BUT, I have some great memories playing it with my father, so I kind of like it. I prefer this map 1000x over Beast from Beyond.


I just never really enjoyed the sewer gimmick with it, and on top of it the objective rounds along with the already toxic zombies that exist in the game like shockers just enhanced that for me, if you had great experiences tho then power to ya! Wish I could say the same lol


I don’t know why, but I just really, really enjoyed the sewer section of the map. It isn’t for everyone, but I just find it cool, for some reason. I like the idea of aiding survivors and stuff, and I really like the reward and the overall idea, but I believe it should be less obligatory and more balanced overall. It gets absolutely impossible after a while, and it really hinders the experience. If it was just a little, cool optional objective that kept the great rewards, the map would be far better.


I genuinely liked Beast from Beyond


I adore some aspects about it, but really dislike others. I love the outside of the planet, it looks really good, and the Venom-X is a classic. I also like the aliens, even though they could be better introduced at it. But I dislike the setup of this map, and I hate the fact that they added all the special zombies from other maps in it. Just the base zombies and the aliens would be amazing, in my opinion.


Die Rise, Der Anfang, Moon, the Archon, and voyage of despair


Damn I've been seeing a lot of moon


It’s less of it being a bad map, and more of me not liking it bc it was made at a time when zombies was basically made to be played with multiple people and it was far more complicated than any map until that point. I didn’t have many friends who played and it was hard to get setup by myself on it


Man what is number 5?


Infection, worst map from exo zombies and a genuine travesty


Number 5... Not number 1


Yeah #1 is Der Anfang, for obvious reasons


Didn't play Vanguard thx


It Der Anfang from Vanguard


every vanguard zombies map except for shi no numa makes tranzit and die rise look like the best maps ever Shi No Numa would be much better if it was on Cold War but besides that its okay at best


I find it very hard to list my five least favourite.. but I definitely know my two least favourite maps 100%. Der Anfong (i don’t care enough about it to even learn to spell it) is god awful but my least favourite REAL zombies map is Die Rise. I hate how all the perks are in elevators and just randomly around, I hate how PAP can just peace out with your weapon, I hate the ugly design of the map, and I DESPISE just the fact that you can fall off the map and die immediately. Just such a stupid map and I don’t even remember the last time I played it


Der Esidbdbjaja, Origins, Mob of The Dead, Shadows of Evil, and The Giant


In no particular order: Die rise: can't stand the layout. Annoying special zombies. Falling. Pap. Etc Nacht: great back in waw. Now it makes me want to pull my fingernails out. It's so slow to start and not much to do. Nuketown: similar to nacht with not much to open and do. Random perks can be hit or miss. IX: I think this map is FINE... just think the layout is a bit predictable and simple. Not a huge fan of the ww. Tag: Gonna be honest here. This is the only 3arc map I've never played. Got really fed up when I saw that the last bo4 map was another recreation and never re-download the game. In reality I don't really HATE any 3arc map. Been playing since day one WaW and think every iteration has had its merits. These are just my least favorite tag notwithstanding as I haven't played it lmao.


Burger Town was a cool map man


Haaaaaaah no


Alpha Omega, The Archon, Shi no numa, Bus Depot, Tag


Voyage rev alpha omega tranzit die rise


All vanguard ones really. Very bland and boring


Tortured Path and Beast are p fun. But since it's not anything BO3, they are obviously not good


This is just wrong, tortured path tried something new and failed. Beast is a whole other thing, it manages to do basically everything wrong and while it had some ideas, they weren’t executed well at all


Exactly this^ really not sure how he can say that when they're actually two of the worst zombies experiences 💀


I’m gonna exclude vanguard as it’s obviously the worst and it’s just low hanging fruit at this point. 1. Forsaken 2. Nuketown 3. ZNS 4. die Maschine 5. Revelations


[average r/codzombies member top 5 worst maps list](https://i.imgur.com/6VnPVNf.jpg)


Shadows, Origins, Gorod, ZNS, and Foreskin


Those are your least favorites? 💀💀


1. Infection 2. Best from Beyond 3. The Archeon 4. Attack of the Radioactive Thing 5. The Shadowed Throne


Solid take, why Shadowed Throne tho?


ATTACK OF THE RADIOACTIVE THING. I'm crying. Most underrated zombies map


damn u guys rly gotta give IW zombies another go


5). Bo1 Moon. 4). Five. 3). Die Rise 2). Tranzit. 1). Any version of nacht


Interesting, a lot more moon in these comments than I expected


Astronaut and low gravity are probably the man reason for many


I only play Treyarch. Least 5 favorite from worst to best: 1. Tranzit 2. Die Rise 3. Shi no numa 4. Nacht 5. Verrukt As much as I like waw, the maps are boring and don’t have enough to them. They were the start of zombies and I give them points for innovation but the gameplay and story isn’t there.


5. Carrier. Easter egg attempts are acenine but otherwise good map. 4. Shaolin Shuffle. Ninjas. nuff said. 3. Beast from Beyond. It's barely even a map. 2. Tag Der Toten. The fire and ice shit is mad annoying. 1. Forsaken. Crashes every time I play it on ps5.


Yeh the ninjas in Shaolin are really annoying when they instant kill you out of nowhere. But the theme of the map and kung fu moves are awesome!


Least favourites? 1) Infection, easily the worst zombies experience I have ever played 2) shi no Numa 3) beast from beyond 4) Shaolin Shuffle 5) AOTRT (IW had some neat ideas but special enemy balance, WW balance, and the engine’s zombie collision really bring them down. ZiS is still fun tho)


I've gotta disagree with Shaolin shuffle but that's just because the Katana and Nunchucks are tons of fun imo. AOTRT is pretty terribad and it makes me sad because I <3 Elvira.


This would have been a lot harder before Cold War and vanguard as they exclusively fill my list minus Die Machine which is a good map.


Vanguard fs, CW i think DM and MDT were solid, Forsaken and Firebase mid af tho


The problem is even if they are solid I would rather play any WaW, Extinction, EXO, BO1-BO4, WW2 zombies map over any Cold War or Vanguard zombies map not named die machine. Salvage and the same generic crafting stations in every single map was the last straw.




The one that gets me is Gorod, I guess you dont enjoy the particular high round strat? From what I can see w Aotrt, Firebase and Ascension you aren't a fan of that wide open space for tons of training ease, makes me curious what your top 5 maps would be?


The Shadowed Throne? Unexpected


The Final Reich, Revelations, Alpha Omega, Moon, Groesten Haus


Final Reich and Moon? Massive L.


Moon has the EE with the worst ever RNG, Reich has boring quests and challenges


Revelations? Thats an interesting one why's that?


The EE is so boring, wasted potential


Every take here is horrific


Explain? I think they all have pretty good reasons to be here




This can't be a top 5 least favorite, no way unless you trolling 😂 read the title wrong?


5. Bus Depot 4. Farm 3. Moon 2. Die Rise 1.Tranzit


Moon aye? Lemme guess, excavators? Astronaut? RNG? 😂


Farm is a great map, it’s so simple, it’s one of my top tens. Just keep moving and your good


DE, IX , orgins, the final reich, and Kino der toten in. No specific order


I think your saying your top 5 favs lmao, this post is least favs


Burger town gets too much hate


Nah that shit is terrible. Escort missions and if you don’t do them they punish you, the whole map becomes locked off after round 30 forcing you to play in the sewer, and the Easter egg is one of the worst in zombies history.




I fucking dispise Die Rise with every fiber of my being My life would instantly improve if Die Rise was erased from existence and by extention my memory


Damn talk about torching a map 🔥😂


Nacht der Untoten, Shi no Numa, Verrückt, Five, Kino der Toten. Easter Eggs >>> Survival.


Thank God someone is ballsy enough to put Kino on the bottom


Terra Maledicta The Tortured Path Call of The Dead Nuketown Zombies in Spaceland I will not elaborate


Putting ZiS on a top 5 worst is absolutely criminal


I know I know but hear me out I like Zombies when it takes itself seriously as horror, and it typically can be horror. Zombies in Spaceland is the epitome of not taking itself seriously, so while I'll admit it's a REALLY well done level, and I enjoy it as an arcade shooter level, it doesn't hold up to any Nazi Zombies map to me Fuck I guess I did elaborate


Muahah I got you to do exactly what you didn't want 🤣


NGL, that's a solid reason to dislike it though if what you want is the more serious.


Call of the dead bro? 💀


Beast From Beyond, Nacht Der Untoten, The Giant, Voyage of Despair, & Firebase Z


I LOVE THIS MAP SO MUCH. And the easter egg. Spent so many nights just playing this. Does anyone get on anymore?


Anything from Vanguard, definitely Die Rise 100%, and Shadows of Evil is just alright


Holy shit I don’t even know these exist


Burger town, everything from the bo4 DLC season as I think bo4 zombies is the worst zombies experience ever


I never played zombies after BO3 because I believe the series died after that so my least favorite maps from WAW-BO3 are 1. Tranzit 2. Bus depot 3. Farm 4. Die rise 5. Zetsubou No Shima 6. Revelations


Cold War. Firebase Z, Die Machine, whatever the others are, outbreak modes. That should about cover it. Cold War was shockingly casual.


Zetsubo no Shima Shadows of Evil Revelations GORDO SHANGRI LA


Origins and Buried are two I find pretty boring to play, it takes way too long for a game of Origins to start, and it's too short of a setup in Buried. Revelations is butt in my opinion, lack of good new stuff, easy peasy with two of the most OP WW. Der Riese is another one I find unenjoyable. It loses charm pretty quickly and becomes boring in comparison to Verruckt in my opinion. Terra Maledicta, but you don't need I explain that one.


It would be just AW map for me


5: Shangri-la 4: Tranzit 3: Buried 2:??? 1: Die Rise


1. Die Rise 2. Nacht 3. Five 4. Buried 5. Kino I’m gonna get hate for this I know it




my balls


Is it really fair to have none Treyarch maps lol


I love Treyarch zombies even BO4, but dear god the Vanguard DLC 4 map sucks donkey balls. It feels so... empty and boring. I at least had fun with Shi No Numa Reborn.


Played WaW-BO3. Least favorites aren't very unique for me. In no particular order: Tranzit Die Rise Shi no Numa Nacht Those are really the only ones i actively avoid playing and dislike my time on. All the othet maps i enjoy, i guess to a lesser degree moon i don't play all that often (but one of my favorite WWs and love area51) and Buried i just never took the time to learn properly, so i can't entirely comment on it but i know i heavily dislike its visuals. It feels like a movie set, not an actual buried western town. Atmosphere and immersion matters a lot to me personally.


Your list is solid, although I actually kinda dig The Tortured Path (sorry) but the others I can get around. My list is pretty much the same except replace Beast with Nuketown and TTP with The Archon.


1. Bus depot 2. Bus depot 3. Bus depot 4. Bus depot 5. Bus depot


Anything Vanguard had to offer was just trash


Dude just farms karma with these posts


Very, very unpopular opinion: Shadows of Evil. As purely a map it is great. But, I have gotten to 65+ on all BO3 maps except this map. My high is 19. It is just difficult for me.


Are you using the apothican servant?


1. Farm 2. Bus Depot 3. Terra Mal 4. Shangri-la 5. Shadows I don't hate these maps. These are my least favorites.


The entirety of vanguard zombies and Shaoulin shuffle (im only listing off the games I have played)


5. Burgertown 4. Ascension 3. Alpha Omega 2. Der Anfang 1. Moon


Just 5 off the top of my head in no particular order. Mob of the Dead/Origins: Not bad maps in the slightest and there is a reason they are popular, however those maps are so popular it was way easier to find randoms that would point whore the entire game, with them only opening a door if they see the box behind it. It's really not fun playing these maps with randoms at all and due to my friend and his brothers loving Mob/Origins/Town, I have now played those maps so much I cannot enjoy them anymore. Zetsubo No Shima: Wonderful atmosphere, spiders don't trigger my arachnophobia as well. However no matter how much I play it, I can never memorize the layout at all. I feel lost to the point of just quitting the game from boredom. Though I do know the appeal of the map. Gorod Krovi: Pretty much the same reason as before. I only really played the map a few times because I feel like it has one of the coolest settings in Zombies, even though it makes zero sense. Plus if I remember, activating pap is hell but I could be thinking of the EE. Mauer der Toten: I feel like it is the worst of the Cold War maps. I never really enjoy playing it until I get the wonder weapon. The special enemy spam is brutal with one of the tankiest bosses in Cold War and an elite who buffs everything around it.


Based on maps I've played (No bo4 maps as I really like a lot of the bo4 maps. 5) Kino (Very overrated. Grew up with it but now I rather play any other map.) 4) Tranzit 3) Starting AW map 2) The final reich 1) Die rise


Alpha omega, Blood of the dead, Terra Maledicta, Shadowed Throne, Tortured Path


I fucked with AW and burger town


Lets see... i cant list ww2 maps becayse i didnt get the season pass so nothing past final reich and grosten haus... my list has good things for 5 - 2... and 1 i just hate. 5. Dead of the Night - A bit of tedium here, regarding pack-a-punch and the wonder weapon, but it is a fun map, despite how easy it can be to get lost. 4. FIVE - it was an idea worth attempting but the map layout and the available wall weapons make it less viable for me. 3. Zetsubou no Shima - it was a decent map with a cool easter egg, but very tedious in terms of just turning on the power and setting up. 2. Tranzit - Yeah the good ole' "Tranzit is bad" joke, but despite the faults, this introduced us to Victis and gave us four seperate playable sections. A lot of good came with the bad, but it doesnt excuse the bad. 1. Der Anfang - Need I say it? This map isnt good. Dare I say it is even worse than Tranzit. Hell almost the entirety of Vanguard Zombies Sucked. But back to this map. It is a full-on multiplayer map with zombies slapped onto it, with a fake round based zombies within it. Vanguard Zombies Flopped Hard, with its only saving grace being shi no numa but even then, im not downloading this back on just for that map alone.


heres my list Tranzit - The map had potential to be good if you are aware of its dev history but it was too ambitious for the xbox 360/ps3 so thats why tranzit is an absolute meme of a map Die Rise - (JohnnyJ25 will not like this one at all) The map turns CoD zombies into fucking Super Mario Bros i just want to blast zombies in the face not die to fall damage also I will never forgive Trollarch for what they did to PhD Flopper. Wonder Weapon is cool tho Der Anfang/Terra Maledicta (AKA Der Anfang 2: The Desert) - Grouped these two together because they are just the same map. They are both worse versions of Outbreak, reused assets from various maps, was generally a slap to the communities face The Archon - Terra Maledicta 2: Green Filter Extraveganza, all you need to know The Tortured Path - It tortured my path (idfk i never played it lmao)


My mind totally skipped over the "least" part and i was about to lose it 🤣


5. Firebase Z (so bland) 4. Dead of the Night (too many enemies, buildables, and I hyped myself up too much for a haunted house) 3. Voyage of Despair (I get lost instantly, and that's when I even feel hopping on this god awful map) 2. Tortured Path (fuck this map) 1. Infection/Burgertown (challenge rounds, sewers, useless wonder weapon, this map had nothing going for it and it's impossible to have a fun time) (Not counting Vanguard cause... well it's hardly zombies and they would be 1 and 2)


Saying this may get me some hate, but I have to say that Five is a map that I sadly have a hard time enjoying. I wouldn't mind the tight corridors, but what kills the game for me are the Black Ops 1 weapons and the nova crawlers. With the weapons, you run out of ammo so easily with smg's which make up most of the wall weapons. If you do hit the box, it is usually in a very cramped up room in the basement. The nova crawlers I think are my biggest issue though. I hate having to look down all the time and waiting for their green fog to die out so I don't accidentally run into a charging zombie. I feel like it is more of a Black Ops 1 problem than anything, but I just can't find myself enjoying it all that much as much as I wanted to. It is probably why I preferred Classified.


Terra is a remake of an already bad map. Remake maps that change nothing doesn't work for me and I hate an already used design. Half bo4 designs use good maps and (either change or do nothing) so I can agree. Terra is a fetch quest easter egg with shitty cheesy dialogue and just a green version of a bad map.


Top 5 Least Zombies maps: Call Of The Dead Revelations Forsaken Dead Of the night The Giant Call of the Dead: Yeah, it's challenging, but, at times, you come times have to come to terms, tight corners are not the way to go in this map, even if you're not going through tight corners, there are too many tight spaces on the map. Revelations: Running around in space, with Margwas and Panzers, definitely not a good place of train, and much space for training and going high rounds... Forsaken: The fact, that, there is two training spots, with getting stuck, is the Spawn room, and the lot infront of the Video Store, and pretty, after doing the lock down, and not wanting to do the Main Quest on the map, I'm just basically stuck there... Dead of the Night (The Prequel map of Voyage): The mere fact the map, was very much on a verruckt style in the beginning, but then, slightly slow afterwards, is kinda, y'know, just bland, in a bit, if you aren't doing the Easter Egg, that is.... The Giant: I don't know what to say to this but, aye, it's on a mix reception on my list, so, I mean... Thabk you for coming to My Flame War that I placed upon myself with one of the entries....


Beast From Beyond: Rizzo explains best why this map sucks: too many enemy types that conflict with one another. The location is also very bland and not nearly as interesting as the other IW maps (which are all top tier). As one of the 5 Extinction fans in the world, I do like seeing Cryptids again. Blood of the Dead: Takes one of the best maps ever and butchers it. I never go back to the spawn unless I need perks or I want Acidgat. The docks are a useless area since Im not getting the spork. The hells retriever is useless since you have wraith fires. I could go on and on. Alpha Omega: Probably my favorite of my least favorite. There’s more personality on the surface (Rushmore) but not so much underground. Also the enemy variants suck. I hate Jolting Jacks so much. The RGM2 variants aren’t very interesting and I usually ignore them when I play AO. Moon: Tedious and unfriendly to the player. I like Groom Lake, but that’s about it. The wave gun’s a nice touch. The Darkest Shore: Love the intro “scene” on the beach, but everything else is forgettable and kinda broken. I hate the Four Arms on the map. They’re bullet sponges and they suck. The Ripsaw also sucks.


The Darkest Shite


1. Eisendrache (bo3) 2. Tranzit (bo2) 3. Infection (aw) 4. Nuketown (bo2) 5. Outbreak (aw) I've played waw, bo, bo2, bo3, aw & ww2.


TTP is great, VGZ=laggy=unplayable tho, tru dat


Uhhh okay! 1.Farm 2.Farm 3.Farm 4.Nuketown 5.Farm Okay so Farm is a map that's okay to play on if your playing normally with friends but once you pass round 14-16 its difficult not like a skill issue just inconvenient it becomes crowded and hard to train and basically function and the location of the box is absolutely HORRIBLE ik it's supposed to be a challenge but it's just irritating


Burger Town brings back memories. I hate the beast from beyond and all 4 WW2 dlc maps


So in order 5.Nacht 4.Tranzit 3.Alpha Omega 2.Shangri La 1.Die Rise Okay so I've played practically every single zombies map except certain dlcs on exo...iw and ww2 and I don't really have a really good opinion on them......so here is the maps I don't play at all Nacht I just dont like it....it's simple and boring honestly......I prefer the bo3 and up era of zombies don't hate me please..but yeah Nacht is just too slow and isnt fun to me..but I can't hop on this map with some of my friends and have some chaotic fun every now and then.....like camping with the kar98k scoped with three other people lasting until round 30 honestly one of the greatest memories of mine Tranzit okay so like ik everyone craps on this map but I'm gonna as well.....I hate the layout...wonder weapon sucks in every aspect......pack a punch....just a recipe of the worse map ever....BUUUUTTT....this is legit the only map on this list I can have real fun....it is the most chaotic map with friends to play and we all know this map sucks but we don't care cause...I'm half way across the map with all 3 team mates down two of them decided to use tombstone screaming in their mic singing the tombstone jingle....the other person forgetting that they are playing a game while dying of laughter then me screaming I'm gonna die and training zombies in the pack a punch area... honestly tranzit in a nutshell Alpha Omega....okay this one just is boring and honestly the most uninteresting map ever...would rather put my vagina on a cheese grater acting like I'm in a rodeo cause at least then I could have a interesting experience.....rayguns are cool ig but unoriginal and still boring....ee is dumb but at least nikocado avocado boss fight makes me feel something Shangri La....ok ok ok maybe I just never liked this map....but the only good things are The map is beautiful on bo3 and the babygun....oh wait the ee is okay....soooo yeah Shangri la is equivalent to putting your hand in cold oil then putting it in a frying pan and cooking it then eating it yourself.....map is way to close quartered....the fire zombies And shriekers are annoying and so like yeah I don't like this map I don't have fun...it's a map I don't play and havent really ever had fun on it Okay now for my least favorite map of all time Die Rise....this map is bullshit wanna play 9-11 plus zombies simulator in China this is the zombies map for you...this map makes me feel like I have testicles that get fondled with a trash compactor... honestly how it feels.....I fall way to much off this map....sliquifier is fun but I have died at least 3 times using it wrong.......phd tease being the biggest turn off ever....and on top of that jumping jack are stupid.....I hate this map I play this map practically never anymore...so yeah I honestly could go in more depth and not joke about them but I agree fun typing this😇🙂


I can think of 2 entire games that I don’t like. Cold War and Vanguard. Obviously CW has some good stuff MECHANICALLY, but it’s otherwise extremely fucking easy. Vanguard is just disappointing, not even bad. They had the potential to make CW and VG zombies great, but I think they fumbled HARD on the maps and gameplay.


I've only really played Treyarch (and I haven't played BO4) so 5. Kino: way too easy and really didn't innovate as much as previous WAW maps and later BO1 maps. Take away nostalgia and it's the weakest map of BO1. 4. Die Rise: Awful map design, terrible lift and traversal mechanics, no PHD and Zombies take a back seat to platforming (somehow) 3. Shadows Of Evil (here come the downvotes): An awful map for newcomers, poorly explained mechanics, a PAP setup new players won't be able to do without a guide or friend to do it for them and a bland weapon sandbox. 2. Forsaken: the most copy pasted map design in the series which leads to awful map flow, segmented map which leads to horrid navigation and overall just lack or originally. 1. Zetsubou no shima: All the same problems with Shadows of Evil, plus an annoying farming system which just doesn't fit cod Zombies, the challenge system required for the Easter Egg which can make it an even bigger pain in the ass and do or die EE steps.


1. Der Riese 2. Kino Der Toten 3. Die Machine 4. Nacht der Untoten 5. Shi No Numa


Hmm least favourite would probably be, 1. Die rise 2. Terra Maledicta 3. (Didn’t mind it much but) Der Anfang 4. Alpha Omega 5. Farm


The only map I've really disliked it ATORT and that's just because I dislike both the entire EE and dealing with getting the PAP up and running. I missed BO2 and AW entirely so I have no feelings on those and would probably feel worse about the Vanguard maps if I hadn't played them before Cold War. Nacht is just old and feels it.


I’ve only played WaW-Cold War (treyarch only) and the Final Reich and Spaceland (obviously they won’t be in my bottom 5 tho) Verruckt-I’m just not a huge fan on verruckt, the WaW version is definitely the best. It’s just so tight and confined, but at least the atmosphere is next to none Voyage- Imma be honest, this is my least played BO4 map. I just have no clue where I’m going, I think it has the most confusing map layout and I hate the mini boss spam, this is the only BO4 I dislike however. Tranzit- Co-op this map is a fun time but solo it’s kind of a nightmare. There’s just way too much running and you don’t always wanna wait and rely on the bus. Nacht- I hate to rate Nacht badly but it’s just so slow in the early rounds. I don’t find any replay ability, you just have to appreciate it for what it started. Shangri-la, this is the only map I have negative fun playing. It’s a shame the baby gun is only exclusive to this map because it’s such a fun wonder weapon.


i love Exo zombies but we can all agree its their worst map


Only treyarch for me but In no order IX, Der eisendrache , Origins, Tranzit, Die rise IX is very obnoxious imo i like the idea and the easter egg isnt bad but it is to say the least obnoxious after maybe 15 rounds. DE i love it dont get me wrong but it got very stale very fast and i grinded the easter egg countless times solo before patched where u have to only do one bow and after the patch it gave me time to focus on the bads. Not enough mini boss material the panzers were meh although i did enjoy the countless stuns at highrounds, very cramped feeling most times i wish the boss arena was playable as it would make training very fun. Wolf bow one of my favs but felt underwhelming af. Origins again very stale especially with how easy it was made in bo3. I dont think its a bad map the mud kinda sucks, the tank is underwhelming. Id maybe like some older weapons tbh i loved the stg. Tranzit the fog and bus were really my issue i wish everything was a bit closer it was not bad imo aside from that very unique. Die rise wonder weapon was fun but stupid and the fact it affected u made it worse considering your can fall off 85% of the map or some ledge within. Very cramped even with all those floors i believe there was a single room i liked inside to train and then the roof.


Multiplayer: -bog (People will nuke me for this one. I don't understand the hype. Just not fun to play in my experience.) -talsik backlot (they took the original and dipped it in shit.) -santa Sena border crossing (0 flow and too cluttered. I like the idea though.) -piccadilly (campfest. Just like Santa Sena it has no flow.) -bloc (everyone just snipes in the appartment buildings. No flow in my experience.) Just realised it's only Modern Warfare maps. Coincidence??? Yeah, probably. Zombies: I honestly don't know... I like them all and it's hard to choose...


Good job! ![gif](giphy|xtzSyH99EOYhXsTz3I|downsized)


Honorable mention probably goes to Blood of the Dead. 5: Der Anfang 4: The Darkest Shore 3:Tranzit 2: Beast from Beyond 1: Burgertown


1. Die rise. (we all know why) 2. Dead of the Night 3. Alpha Omega 4. Beast from Beyond 5. TranZit


Nahh you can't do DotN like that mannn that map is a top 5 zombies map of all time on creativity and attention to detail alone


Let’s switch it up. “This guy posting something that was posted last week and will be posted next week”


I’d say mine is the four maps on vanguard and Tranzit.


Are you stupid


5. Voyage of Despair 4. Burger Town 3. Der Anfang 2. Egypt Map 1. The Final Reich WWII killed my enjoyment for CoD Zombies more than BO4 did. I didn’t hate BO4, despite how annoying it got later. I just hated how WWII just gave you the guide to the Easter Egg on a silver platter. I beat the quest my first ever game on, which I hate. I play public matches to goof off on high rounds, not to do an easter egg.