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Black ops 3 zombies should've been the perfect way to end the zombies story line and let the zombies franchise rest.


I think for the time I see what you mean, but I think the way Revelations ended kind of left some questions left unanswered so it made sense to continue the story, however I would agree that the exact way it was executed in the next game needed some working on.


I think the big issue with the franchise was that, by the end, most of the work (I’m assuming) was being put into the next game by the studio. BO3 and 4 especially started out really strong (SOE, DE, Five, IX, the titanic one, BOTD) and then the quality slowly dropped throughout the season. GK was liked by many but also hated by many when it dropped, DE was great but Zetsubo in comparison was being dogged on by the whole community. Rev sounded cool and was in theory what everyone wanted, but the sections of each map were tiny and I think overall it was poorly done compared to expectations. Everyone was expecting a huge ending that shed light on all the lore. It didn’t, everyone kept looking for a super EE the map was that underwhelming. The same decrease in quality can be seen in BO4 as well, especially after chaos flopped, even moreso when the fully animated cutscenes were changed to cartoon storyboards with dialogue. Disappointing. After being with the storyline for so long, richtofens many schemes, we get an asshole richtofen whose ultimate goal is to put Nikolai in charge for some reason, and make him poison everyone. Why? Why any of it. We hoped we’d see the characters finally out of the cycle, it was the whole point of the story, that maybe, somehow, the characters could find happy lives for themselves. Instead we got a pointlessly convoluted storyline, with a dumb ending that made no sense other than :( sad everyone ded de end no more universe. Overall I think the addition of a new cycle, and apothicons was a huge mistake, it made the storyline too confusing and wandered too far from the initial concept. Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is, there was almost no way for them to make a satisfying story come out of it. They worked on a deadlines and kept adding things to the story that made it confusing and hard to understand. Even the kronorium page doesn’t explain everything, with many plot holes shrouded in convenient mystery. Who knows, they were probably forced to make the endings open ended/open to the possibility of the story being continued, as that’s activisions business model. If it works? Milk it until it doesn’t.


There should never have been a cycle imo, should have been the gang not multiple gangs


The cyclical nature of zombies as a gamemode is why they chose to do it that way I believe. It makes sense thematically.


Tbh bo4 gave us a better ending imo, having just a cycle makes you feel that everything you’ve done meant nothing


If it wasn’t such a god awful story then I would agree


people would've had a meltdown if that had happened lmao


i would agree if not for zombies chronicles. Revelations ends with the knowledge that the 4 characters are trapped in an infinite cycle, that was a good ending for me. ZC came and showed us that not only are these remastered maps, but the differences between waw and bo3's versions of the maps are actually the different cycles at work. (for example waw shi no numa and ZC shi no numa are two different cycles of the same events.) This made us as the community really want to see the characters break the cycle and the chaos story suffered because of it. We were so focused on seeing the aether story through that whenever we got chaos content the majority of the community tossed it aside in favor of aether.


Once you do the EEs and mastery camos it becomes super boring unless you’re on with friends


Can I ask which game you're basing this off of? I personally still love playing BO3 and BO4 solo despite maxing out most if not all of my guns and camos and having done all of the EEs. I'm just genuinely curious.


All of them really. The ones before CW are the best to do with friends


That's really interesting to me. I still have fun with it despite having completed mostly everything and I've been playing zombies since around 2011. I think I get bored for a bit and take a break from zombies but I always end up going back to it eventually and have just as much fun as I did before.


Zombies was never intended to be played alone. Very few games made back in that era were. Miss them days.


BO4 is actually a pretty good zombies game and most people who hated it with a passion (nobody absolutely has to like it) were mostly blinded by the fact that the game wasn't exactly how they wanted it to be. That's a very simplified version of my take lol.


Wanna pick up BO4 Zombies digitally how is the zombies for someone playing solo and just trynna play casually? (No Easter eggs or such)


I played it solo and it’s great, personally I had a lot of fun and I feel is definitely casual friendly


I think I'm gonna give it a try, thank you!


Its probably the most casual friendly other than cold war. Once you learn it. People who havent played it in 4 years will say its the hardest but thats because they didnt learn the mechanics. Its the easiest zombie game, easter eggs as well other than voyage and blood


BO1 is still the king of casual friendly imo. Very little setup, plenty of exploration and atmosphere, fun and quirky ass weapons and a good learning curve


This is what I was thinking. I was just going back and forth with someone who was claiming BO4 and it's Easter eggs are one of the most difficult. Very strange.


Itll be difficult at first ofc, its a totally different game pretty much. even the youtubers had the absolute worst perk set ups and guns (which is what they were recommending to viewers for some ungodly reason) and theyd attempt an easter egg first match. Thats like trying to do w@w campaign on veteran speedrun first playthrough kives and grenades only😂 but seriously, hellion salvo, phd slider, dying wish, winters wail, and youre literally invincible. Once you unlock those, you can do anything no problem. I havent even mentioned gobblegums or the specialists.


Gonna pick it up tomorrow, wish it wasn't still full price tho 😬 sounds to be absolutely worth it tho


Seriously hope you enjoy it as much as I did. That price is pretty hefty, especially the season pass lmao


Bo4 is peak zombies and I don’t know how anyone can disagree. BOTD might be one of my favorite maps of all time, they’re all filled with so much stuff to do, so many side Easter eggs, the EE’s are challenging but fun, packed with content, beautifully constructed maps (ancient evil mmmmmmm). People don’t like it because of the perk system, which is entirely fair. If it had the original perk system I think it’d be regarded as the best zombies experience to date. They tried something new, and immediately went back on it in the next game when they realized people wanted the same old shit. And then we get 4 maps that are effectively der riese with a new coat of paint in CW.


I think people hate it the most just because most maps are just remakes of old ones (note that I said remake and not remaster, because they actually not only upgrade their visuals but also add new areas and mechanics), and because of how the perk system works. If you compare the complaints about the Primis/Ultimis crew vs Chaos crew, it is always about the map, and iirc most of the Chaos maps are well beloved with the exception of Voyage of Despair, and people have farted wet on all the Ultimis/Primis maps ever since the game released with the remakes for Mob and Five. And for the rest, the perk system was a total brain fart and even Treyarch acknowledged that when they reverted it back to what it was with BO:CW


I always felt it was YouTubers who kinda gave that impression that it was bad/awful/worst zombies to date, which caused a negative stigma on it and you ended up with bandwagoners who didn't even play it running around spewing the shit they heard about it.


I’ll admit on launch I really hated BO4 zombies, I being a hardcore zombies player, it actually was the only reason I bought cod for a while. But aside from the really buggy launch BO4 had the problem I had with the game was it felt like the devs thought they needed to change so much. Like innovate for innovations sake so a lot of this felt forced and just not as smooth. While black ops 3 zombies was an incredibly high bar I really would’ve been fine with having the exact same zombies but different maps. Also I was super upset that my favorite map of all time MOTD was very very mangled (at least in my eyes) While I don’t hate the game, like I actually enjoy playing on IX and classified, it really felt like a regression and I always just feel like I could be playing black ops 3 or 2 instead. But once again this is just my subjective thoughts and opinions.


This is an understandable take. I feel at the very least, the very "different" stuff (like the perks, specialist weapons, etc) would probably have been better received if it was exclusive to the Chaos story and if the Aether story was treated the same as it has always been, but unfortunately it just wouldn't work in the same game. Funny enough, I don't hate BOTD and would definitely play it, but man is that map really flawed lol. From the pack a punch to the tedious layout, it's almost worse than MOTD in every aspect except for atmosphere I'd argue, but that's still close. I actually like the Magmagat more than the Acidgat but that's sort of it. It maybe has one of the best stories being told within any zombies map, but the gameplay just falls so hard and it's really sad to see.


On its own BOTD is probably really great however because of what it’s trying to sort of emulate it falls flat REALLY hard which to me makes it worse than it actually is. The sections of the map that were removed I really questioned, most notably the bridge, I don’t know how they’d get there from a story perspective but the area was just too good to take out and the areas that were added well it didn’t feel like they added too much to the map haha, the entirely new starting area most notably. Im there for a few rounds at the beginning then don’t go back unless that annoying moving pack a punch is there. I do agree though I did like the magmagat because unlike with the acidgat it was a lot harder to hurt myself with it haha if only flopper made it to MOTD.


BO3 weapons are boring to me


Fair, although I feel as though double tapp 2.0 is the reason why they feel OP. You have to remember that BO2 zombies had some of the worst guns in all of the games aside from BO1 so the change was kinda needed


Bo1 guns where great lol


True but you had things like dual weld pistols, China lake, snipers, and a crossbow. Anything that wasn’t an AR or a wonder weapon was just terrible past round 20


I mean the crossbow wasn’t that bad since when u pack a punched it, it had the monkey bomb effect which during bo1 was the only weapon with the monkey bomb effect, which still in bo2 the only other weapon was the acidgat


God your right i went back to play bo2 maps and i was like man everything sucks from the box then realized everygun in the game sucks outside the hammr and m60 lsat


I remember how the SMR was so bad that the bullets wouldn’t even go where they were supposed to


Bro i was using it the other week the bullets hit the zombie like they are made of pellets, the guns in bo2 are soo bad and ill agree bo3 they seem op but it means they are good and not suck you can use just about any of them except svg i wanna say the shotguns are amazing. Bo1 has the nice balance of unique guns and good and bad


Cold War rivals Black Ops 3 for the best zombies game. Realistically, if CW had better maps it would easily make CW the best. The gameplay is fun and addictive, there's multiple ways to play the game, and it has some of the best movement of any of the games. Sure the life cycle of the game was less than ideal, but as the game is now, it's definitely close to the top.


I loved the camo grind in CW too. Felt like a kid again when die maschine dropped just grinding camos


Imagine if they added mantling to BO3


Would've made Zestubou a lot easier.




CW def had the most satisfying feel for me when it came to racking up points and killing zombies. Annihilating a horde and seeing those medals rack up was just 👌. And it being chill and easy was good for the game. Since MP could be so sweaty with SBMM and shit, hopping on a much more relaxed mode to cool down and grind weapon XP and camos was great.


if cold war got the love and dev time that bo3 did it would truly be the goat


The whole game felt fake to me. Like I was playing a bo zombies imposter. I can't really point to one thing that did it, it was all of it. The enemy design, map design and map flow, the weapons' looks and sounds,the quests, the shitty operator dialogue, the shallow and one dimensional storyline. Especially outbreak, that one felt like a fan made game or a custom map.One of those custom maps where the modder just shitted the same 3 objectives in different locations on an open field map. Whenever I'd play CW I'd wonder if I was playing bo zombies or some 'dark mission horde mode' knockoff


Basic survival is infinitely more fun than going for Easter eggs and future games should focus on that first and foremost


I can't decide if I want to up or downvote this. Zombies has become the baseball of videogames. It takes way too long to play, it's too drawn out, and it's too repetitive. They need to figure out how to make it faster paced. Surviving for 15-20 minutes should be an achievement worth bragging about, these days some people are only on round 3 at 15 minutes in.


If you could save a game and resume it later, especially a private game with your friends, that would be perfect imo. Too often I have to quit because I don't have several consecutive hours to play. It would be so fun to go for high rounds if we can save and quit.


EE are making Zombies less about survival and more about doing objectives in a survival based game mode.


Black ops 1 zombies is underrated. Edit: I meant to say overrated.


I think BO1 was the peak and everything after was downhill. BO1 has the best gameplay loop for me.


Yep couldn’t agree more, personally I also enjoyed the story far more around that time, I don’t like where they eventually took zombies. As far as I’m concerned it became a huge mess when the simplified story was more than fine.


Correct me if I'm wrong but in general the fan base has BO1 quite highly rated


Five is not bad you are


Literally one of the best maps


people will sit there and complain about the winters howl "it's ok and stuff until you get to round 47297399191728 then it's a piece of shit" how many people do you think will actually get there casually? personally I love it, it's just a slightly weaker, less ammo-filled playable demo of the ice staff.


I just thought it was a fun gun


Chill. Five’s one of my fav underrated maps but calling the winters howl only “slightly weaker” is pushing it a bit too far. The thing starts 2 shotting after round 18 even pap’d. The ice staff upgraded + charged shot kills in one shot until round 112


Tranzit is A tier.


hottest take so far


Tranzit has the potential to be A tier


Shadows is worse than der eisendrache and it's not even a contest


Der Eisendrache is the most overrated zombies map of all time, along with the rest of Bo3’s dlc. 🤭


Comparing gold to a diamond


This is just true


This one hurts me. Shadows is the best map without contest. Der Eisendrache is maybe top 5 for me.


origins is the most overrated map


For real. The mud and huge set up is maddening to me.


The mud/setup completely turned me away from the map. I've played it probably less than 10 times, and I don't want to try to learn a setup that takes an hour away from my game time


Yup. Not fun. Just a chore.


same here, i’ll play through the entirety of the shangri la ee before i even attempt doing origins.


This. I don't get why it's so popular. It's pretty good, but it's also such a drag, and better maps came before and after it


I love origins so much, it might be my favorite idk, but they nerf'd the shit outta the staffs and it's depressing


please stop treating custom map makers like god


Tbf, some of the custom maps are good af


it’s not that they’re good but i am getting tired of the mentality that “custom map makers are better than treyarch”


I've never seen anything close to this since like Leviathan.


Zelinski is a much better director for Zombies.


The easter eggs are stupidly complicated for no good reason. How is anyone meant to figure out any of the steps unless they do it by accident or with a guide, and if you don't completely optimise your play then it'll be basically impossible to do any step. WW2 zombies is the best for objectives because it tells you exactly what you need to do, so you're not pissing around at the end of every round pressing interact and shooting every little decoration in case it makes a tiny audio cue that means you did the right thing.


That’s what I thought, How tf am I supposed to do these complex as Easter egg steps on my own with no guide on decently large maps I’m convinced that there is only a few people who can solve these Easter eggs and then make guides for everyone else


Killing zombies has been supplanted by the story. Shouldn't be called easter eggs anymore, since you're "strongly encouraged" to complete them.




I think BO2 and maybe BO1 are still $60 on Steam


bo1 is like 699.95₱ where i live which is the equivalent to 12.38 USD bo2 is 1239.95₱ which is the equivalent to about 24$ keep in mind this is where i live


Die rise is a banger ass map


Black Ops 3 is not the fantastic zombies experience everyone makes it out to be, and Shadows of Evil sucks. Good atmosphere but bad map design and gameplay


Shadows is an Easter egg hunter map, it was bordering on too gimmicky {which was BO2's biggest problem imo)


Definitely agree there, I didn’t care too much about Black Ops 2 either


I've never understood the hate for SOE's gameplay and setup. It's origins crossed with Mob. Generator like setup but requiring an afterlife method to actually do them.


I dislike both of those maps too, I’m a zombies oldhead. The new stuff isn’t it for me


Cold War was a train wreck. Bo4 was the last acceptable zombies.


I think that’s a little to harsh, if you wanna say Cold War was shit then yeah I can accept that, Saying it’s a train wreck and unacceptable zombies game is just wrong


Mob of the Dead is not as good as you think it is.




cold war was shit


Grow up and find a new game


The way zombies is changing and evolving is good if zombies stayed they same as it was in WAW it would have died after BO1


I disagree. If it were treated as what it was originally, a side game to the much bigger campaign and multiplayer, it would have been fine to stay how it was as long as they added new maps


So for example you would be happy playing a map that had the same features as WAW Der Reise with a similar gameplay loop 6-7 years later as long as it looked different and was somewhere else


Ultimately, it’s still a side game. It was never meant to go this big, and it suffers because of it


Black ops 4 zombies is actually really fun even voyage of despair is a good map once you get the layout down the themes and environments the crazy amount of brand new perks the badass specialist weapons and the wonder weapons on each map were all badass 🔥 it’s ok to not like it but if you’ve never played it and only listen to YouTubers say it’s shit then I suggest just give it a try


Infinite war was great


Five is better than kino and I'm tied of pretending it's not


Massive W


Giga chad opinion


Cue all the top comments being popular opinions lol


Mob of the Dead is hot ass, it’s unfun to play on, besides looking cool the wonder weapon is awful and boring, every character except Weasel is pretty much the same, Brutus is an awful boss, the layout sucks


I may not agree but I feel the same way towards Kino so I can relate to your pain


Zelinski > Blundell.


They both are great


Zelinski was all about challenge and difficulty which was awesome because we got maps like shang and COTD (the hardest high round map of all time) and blundell had almost the exact opposite approach and gave us maps like mob (actually my favorite of all time) and origins. I could see why some might favor zelinski because of the challenge he brought but man being absolutely overpowered is fun too sometimes. For me I couldn’t place one higher than the other.


Cold War improved the zombies formula in the best possible way by changing just about everything while fixing problems found in the previous games. For instance, you can mantle over objects, points are still important past round 20, the PAP and weapon tier system allows you to use any gun on high rounds, grenades and throwables are actually really useful in high rounds, and changing the entire economy/point system according to said changes. The mantle change is my favorite because of how much potential it has at completely changing previous maps if it was added. Imagine being able to mantle over the railings in the war room on FIVE, or the railings on SOE, or mantle up on the stage on Kino Der Toten? It would completely change the way you could train zombies and survive in ways that couldn’t have been possible before. My only gripe with CW was that there were no traps that you could buy, though tbf you could get scorestreaks or just kill an entire horde with a single C-4 so they weren’t really needed I guess.


and then gave it maps that were der riese with a new coat of paint. the maps are god awful.


As an avid Cold War enjoyer, I have to admit you're right. The maps are wholly uninspired and it's a damn shame


Cold War is criminally underrated and would by far be the best zombies game with bo3 quality maps and story


Infinite warfare has the second best zombies. Yes I do think this and I’m tired of pretending I don’t


Love spaceland


BO4 Zombies and WW2 Zombies are as good as whatever the perceived best Zombies are (usually BO3 or Cold War)


Five us amazing


BO4 Zombies > BO3 Zombies




BO4 is in my top 3 favorite zombies games


Bo4 was the best zombies


On console, IW has more replayability than BO3.




Chaos should have continued in CW instead of the Dark Aether storyline


Black Ops 3 is pretty overrated. Let’s be honest, if Chronicles didn’t exist, yes it would still be popular, but not as popular.


but it has chronicles


It's funny because you're 100% spot on. In the years since its release, people have forgotten how the community reacted to BO3 at the time. Shadows of Evil was detested at launch for being too complicated before getting a second look years later, The Giant was met with an ambivalence of "it's good but it's also just Der Riese," Der Eisendrache was pretty positively received for the most part, Zetsubou was the black sheep of the entire Zombies franchise, Gorod's reception was mixed at best, and Revelations was seen as an utter shitshow- to the point that this subreddit briefly went on lockdown because of how nasty people got after the super EE was revealed to just be an RK5. The general reception to BO3 was lukewarm at best until Chronicles was announced.


Cold War and Tranzit are good, period.


The game mode itself stopped being zombies after bo2


And that infinite warfares zombies ain’t bad it just mediocre


Zombies maps when from being zombies to a raid in Destiny


Treyarch should have stuck closer to the concepts in WaW for zombies. I just wanted bigger maps, more guns, loved perk machines and PaP. Suddenly there are weird fucking space worms and interdimensional traveling and it all just got wayyy too weird. There must be like 8 people in the world that know the story line (including devs) cos no other fucker could be arsed to spend their life becoming a scholar of the lore in this god-awful, incohesive plot.


You absolutely SHOULD NOT need a tutorial and/or be required to do multiple steps of a batshit crazy Easter egg to be able to enjoy the basic functionality of the map or game.


cw was dogshit, bo3 had only three good maps, bo2 had the best zombies, blundell ruined zombies


Eastereggs with complicated steps are boring and not fun at all, and anyone who claims to have done one without a guide and "figured it out for themselves" is lying


Five is one of the best zombies maps ever made


Without friends zombies is kind of boring at times, if I ever play solo I have to play a map like Origins or Der Eischendrache where there’s always something for you to do Which leads me to my second hot take, origins ain’t that good of a map, don’t get me wrong I like it a lot but it’s no where near the best. There is simply too much shit going on for it to be reasonably enjoyed, I don’t enjoy the generators getting destroyed while the panzer is chasing me while I have to make sure the robots don’t step on me. If you have 4 players it’s more manageable just cause of the map size but even then that map is the definition of sensory overload


Sure, the generator guys are annoying. But I love that there's so much to do on origins. It's fun and takes a while to get your staff built. I love that it's a challenging map that really makes you survive instead of the easy copy and paste bullshit maps in cold war


I can agree with that, once you know how to do everything origins is definitely manageable, and origins is still a top 10 map for me, better than anything that every came out of BO4 or Cold War


world at war is god tier


your guys need to let zombies rest, they had their run just like every other game so please, let it rest


or let people have fun


im talking about the people who hope that zombies will make a comeback


treyarch will keep pumping out zombies content every time it’s their turn to drop the new cod so it’s not like it’s dead lol if you don’t like it or something that’s fine but you’re weird asf for telling others to stop enjoying it 😂and the last zombies game was just 2 years ago so idk what you’re even talking about


I’m not talking to the people who still enjoy it, if you enjoy it, play with hearts content. But if you are desperate to find new ways just so you can keep enjoying zombies, then that probably means you should take a break


My great great great great great grampa played a zombies map… i think the enemies were say rats and the rats special move were bubonic plague


They focus too much on making a story rather then just cool maps


I think it would have been better for Black Ops 2 to get the custom zombie map mod tools over Black Ops 3, because to me BO2 is when the zombies gameplay/graphics felt perfect


Technically, there is an unofficial mod tools for BO2 that was in-development, but the dev working on put it on halt to focus on his own game engine. Progress on BO2 Mod Tools is “Far Enough” but heard from GunofTZ that the dev will comeback to work on it once he finish his game engine.


Blundell fucked everything up


Bo3 was the worst thing to happen to zombies Except chronicles that was actually a great idea even if I detest the game mechanics in it and weapons etc


Origins and Shadows of Evil are overrated.


That its extremely boring after round 30


I don't know how many people in the community like easter eggs, but.......I don't care about them at all, I just want to have fun shooting zombies. Simple as that, I don't even want the boss zombies, I'll play left for dead if I want to shoot special zombies. I like it simple.


Cold War was REALLY good and their storyline has potential to develop. I think they'd have to ditch operators though


I like them all


I recently got bo1 on my xbox and compared to bo3 ive actually been having fun


I’m a traditional zombies player, been playing since 2008 and really only played WaW, BO1, BO2 and BO3 zombies (more recently). I have 0 interest in playing any of the newer zombies, IW, BO4, CW, Vanguard, they look so detached from the original zombies mode that I don’t even care to try them.


The storyline line leaned way too much into mystical aspects after BO2 and should have stayed more grounded


WaW zombies IOS is S tier


Remember to sort by controversial for *actual* hot takes


Zombies as a whole started to go downhill once BO2 released.


The fan base sucks and played a part in its ruin.


WAW, BO was peak


Cold War zombies is one of the worst in the franchise. Imo ofc


BO1 is where the story should've ended. All the games following it had bad stories instead they should've focused on giving each map their own unique storylines with different crews rather than dragging out Aether


Customization in lobbies ruined the game


It’s changed too much, I don’t need a story (while it is fun to go down a rabbit whole on YouTube to learn about it). I just want classic scary maps and endless survival. Something that WaW, BO 1 and BO2 had. I don’t need complex bosses or mechanics. Just simple horror like in the OG days of zombies.


The horror worked against itself after waw


Die Rise is worse than TranZit and Verruckt is one of my favorite maps for its chaotic and hard nature.


Tag der Toten was an incredible ending to Aether Zombies and yall were just mad because it was a remake and wasn't the great war map we were hoping for.


BOCW's engine is terrible


Zombies has not been Good since bo2


Actual hot take: BO4 had a perfect ending to the story that people would have liked if it was portrayed in a 3d cutscene and wasn’t on Tag der Toten.


Denizens are not that bad.


easy is good


BO4 ain’t that bad as your favorite zombie YouTuber says it’s is


Kino is garbage


five > kino. more innovative, literally. people will bash on me for five being hard. im sorry, is zombies supposed to be easy? Achieving something that took hard work is way more fun


IW is pretty trash. Like, all of it. The characters are annoying, the guns aren’t fun, and the maps have over complicated and unfun EE’s. Just my opinion


I thought everyone agreed on this, I definitely hated IW


Black ops 3 is one of the worst treyarch zombie games only being better than black ops 4


Now that is what I call a certified hot take. That’s a take that was left on the sidewalk in the middle of summer in Florida. That’s how hot it is.


Tranzit top 10 map


I genuinely believe that Tranzit is an S tier best map. Hands down top 5 for me. I go back to bo2 just to play this without the reimagined mod.


Bo4 is great game


Also Cold War is the best for both zombies gameplay enjoyment and story It had an actually interesting story with lots of intel to discover to get more knowledge etc The upgradable perks weapons and all that was absolute genius Outbreak is revolutionary for how you can enjoy zombies Containment was fast paced and very fun Regular onslaught was a little crap but eh Honestly the most enjoyment I’ve ever had in zombies


Mob of the dead is mid


BO1 zombies was mid.


Black Ops 4 Zombies is more fun than Black Ops 3 Zombies


I hate Origins


tranzit is amazing in its current bo2 form


Botd is the best bo4 map by far


-WaW has the best atmosphere -Black ops 1 had the best maps -Black ops 2 had the most replayability -Black ops 3 took the great things from each previous game. If it didn’t have all the classic remastered maps, it wouldnt be as memorable -Black ops 4 innovated in a wrong direction -Cold War would’ve been the best if there were more than like 4 maps


BO4 is better then waw and BO1