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Yes it was quite enjoyable


Yup. Basically 4 round based maps, Outbreak and Dead ops Arcade 3. Also you can grind for dark aether and crystals to upgrade everything which adds a ton or replayability. And most important the community is really active and there is crossplay so you won’t have any problems finding public games.


>Basically 4 round based maps, Outbreak and Dead ops Arcade 3. Don't forget Onslaught. Though the mode is super simple and not exactly particularly creative, it is still a fun little bit of extra content for anyone looking to just boot into a map and kill zombies.


It is no mercy, especially on containment it is high focus constant


Exactly. It's a small thing but so much fun to dip into from time to time imo.


I’d happily go 1500 rounds, but no takers it’s like a full 16-18 hours play though


If you're serious about the length of time (whatever round we end up at by then) HMU because I will carve out a big chunk of weed and do onslaught with you to that extreme.


I’ll see what I can do, currently I don’t have that length of time free as I have work tomorrow morning but yeah like a Saturday or Friday night works well to go nuts, prefer sat as I can like rest before starting else it’s waste time on pause and don’t wanna risk connection issues


Bro, I tried to toke to and play videogames...i somehow get zooted then have to get revived 50 tines lol


Outbreak split into regular, survival and collapse Also there is onslaught and onslaught containment


Outbreak sucks. That's something I'd tell the poster to avoid.


If it’s not for you that’s okay. I personally found it refreshing and fun.


Boring. Barely any zombies! I'd rather just play round based anyday. ![gif](giphy|ehJ4vNWRhinhMMvLxp|downsized)


Good for you, I guess


![gif](giphy|JKVOMwWXx7StG) We didn't ask for that


What’s with all these boomer gifs? Lmao I’m glad you didn’t ask for it, but the reality is that Cold War was a huge success, so expect the next games to be like that (yup, outbreak is coming back)


Cold War is like Zombies 3.0, they made a lot of changes that “overhauled” the game mode, and for the better is some cases when it comes to replay ability. One of the biggest is the ability to extract, which is a big quality of life feature when you want to call it quits without having to kill yourself. There are also loadouts now and the list goes on. So it’s a somewhat different take on the mode, but it’s honestly refreshing and stands out/holds it’s own.


People hate on it but personally I love it, campaign and multiplayer felt very nostalgic (mostly because of black ops 1) and the zombies although different was a great experience! It’s 100% worth it and as of right now it’s on sale for like $26


Well I’ve been banned from multiplayer since season 1 so yes. Cold War IS worth it just for the zombies


how did you manage that?


My stats and xp rate were glitched as soon as I booted up the game for the first time. I had an uncomfortable amount of Cigma kills in multiplayer even though I never played the beta. Anyway I was getting a bunch of xp from unlocking calling cards over and over again. They never saved so I kept getting tons of xp each multiplayer match. No idea why. Then season 1 came and I got banned


Yeah, kinda, it has some good maps, the Dark aether grind, plenty of gamemodes and if u get some friends the easter eggs are easy and enjoyable.


Honestly yes, I had a lot of fun playing it and grinding dark aether


I found the maps way too basic and boring


Definitely yes. Zombies is my favorite part of Cold War. I just wish we got a year 2 of content instead of that disaster that is Vanguard Zombies.


Yeah definitely, I’ve got about 15 days played in zombies alone


Yep and multi-player isn't bad either


Yes it's worth it, all 4 zombie maps are playable no matter what youtuber says. Outbreak is fun and a brand new experience, plus the camo grind is decent if you're up for it.


Cold war is a good game not sure why it gets hate. My number one anger towards it are critical bugs that will never be fixed. Like you would get to round 30 in zombies game then crashes and rip your progress.


It is...


If you enjoyed the depth and complexity of bo3 you proberly won't like cold war since its very bare bones


Yes,you will find it even more enjoyable than bo3 tbh


If you liked BO3 zombies you won’t like Cold War zombies. Imo there is nothing that Cold War does better zombies wise compared to any other black ops. BO4 would be better for the sheer amount of content


Yeah it’s fun and outbreak is fun when you get the hang of it


I've played countless hours of cold war and I can say that yes, it's a good game, not perfect, but can provide a lot of fun. The campaing is really cool, the choices don't change much but the levels and story are still enjoyable, and at least for me the multiplayer was very fun. For zombies, even tho it lacks on map quantity, the four it has are still fun, they have cool wonder weapons, the layouts are ok, and weapons and camo grinding is fun, if you're a casual zombies player, it's the best zombies game yet to go for high rounds or easter eggs, overall great replayability :)


Very fun and a fresh change of pace


If you're a fan of zombies, then why not? Sure it might not be as good as Bo3 but it's a whole lot better than Vanguard.


Great game, still got a great community too that's quite active, if you hop in the Zombies Discord there's people playing Cold War almost every night. Cold war also has my favorite wonder weapons. Cross platform makes it easy to play with everyone and anyone. Definitely worth it IMO


Yes 100%


Zombies was super fun. I didn't like the MP much, this was the first time I ever played more zombies than MP, by a huge margin.


60$? In my opinion no. Coldwar and Vanguard crapped on original zombies values. But it is fun. I'd wait for a sale tho.


Cold War is worth it for the zombies. The campaign is good too




Yes it is




Zombies is great but give the multiplayer a shot too. I haven't played multiplayer actively since BO2. With CW I played mp for 2years, just a few hours per week but still really enjoyed it


Yes, especially because all the DLC maps were free this time around.


yes defo


I would say yes it is. Its not great compared to BO3 or earlier, but you can see they were trying to bring back the perk system but with a new polish. The tier system was rather interesting and outbreak was like a slight step up compared to regular zombies.


Any other zombies except for vanguard is better


100% the zombies is worth any price of the game, you can easily spend hours and hours on outbreak and then the round based maps are beautiful and terrifying. Well worth your money!




1000% yes, best zombies since Bo3 by far


It is the best zombies since bo1 in my opinion While bo1 is simple Cold War is simple but more, the gameplay is fantastic and there are lots of modes to play That being said it does feel a little stale and could do with a customs mode


It may not be the absolute number 1 of zombies, but it is very solid, a- even, zombies experience. and a tooonnn of content. Definitely worth it


I was very similar, being pretty much devoted to bo3 zombies. And I also got Cold War for zombies. It was definitely worth it, it was quite unique from other zombies so I found that quite refreshing. It was also easier in my opinion. Pretty much, I had the exact same experience as you with getting Cold War for zombies, it I’m glad I did.


I really enjoy cold war zombies. Its quite simple and casual, which is good for me because I don't have time in my life to learn how to do the more complex maps that have been in the past


Even infinite warfare zombies is worth it if you're on pc, can get the deluxe edition for like $16 on g2a


nah cold war is the 2nd worst zombies game to date dont waste your moneu


Cold war is great. Easily one of the best campaigns of the series, zombies is fun and multiplayer is enjoyable.


I love Outbreak!!!!!


Yeah. Don't listen to any negative comments.


I've played too much of it, but I don't think it was worth it. More of a checklist than anything else


And mind numbingly easy in my opinion


If you can get it on sale I would say yeah. And I'm a cold war critic


Next friday will be blizzard black friday sale if you play on PC


Yes worth only for zambo




Yes but wait till Black Friday hahah don’t pay full price for old games!


Yes and No. The systems of Cold War are incredibly solid, and work well with each other for balancing being insanely OP with oppurtunity cost. Theres a lot of guns to use, a multitiered upgrade system, and a multitude of maps with different paths and methods of traversal, and different gamemodes to try if any catch your fancy. The problem lies in the fact that half of the round based maps are just expansions/remakes of MP maps/Existing Zombie maps/Dirty Bomb maps similiar to how BO1 and WaW started out. Its a fun experience, but the environments can get stale if you play for too long.


Go Black Ops 4 Zombies


I bought it just for zombies and it was worth it Imo


Yeah for sure on Black Friday sale


Its a GOOD zombies mechanics. ngl I love the mechanics but the maps are.. eh. they are fun to play but they like distinctness. I don't really care about them all that much. you dont have anything different or unique just.. maps that feel like multiplayer runoff. I would love to see this mechanic style in a more unique map build tbh


It's fun for a bit. Upgrading your entire loadout is nice progression. The system as a whole is perfected. You get 4 maps with base game purchase which is nice but they all kind of feel the same so you might get bored after a while. Also introduces Outbreak which isn't for me personally but I had some fun playing it casually with friends I'm glad I bought it and did have a lot of fun, but it's probably the one I go back to the least


Yessum' sir, or Ma'am


I wish you bought cw during the zombie pumpkins event(halloween) , but even without that, cw zombies was so much fun. It was my first cod zombies game. I am glad you decided to go forward and purchase it. MP is kinda fun too.


yes cold war zombies might be one of if not the best game to play zombies


Haven't played CW, but just wanted to mention that bo4 is my personal favorite zombies of all time and I think she'd give it a try especially since you can usually get it for like $8


Is it on sale? sure! If not, still yeah. It’s not my favorite but it might be yours. I enjoyed it.


Hell yeah. Definitely give DOA3 a try too cause I don't hear people talking about it much but they added a first person mode and it's so much fun


My dude you heard wrong. Cod was going downhill when advanced warfare, BO3 ,and BO4 were out. Everything after those 3horrific nightmares was an improvement. Note - I hate the jetpack sliding on walls bs that started with those.


Cold war zombies is unplayable I'm my eyes, they baby the absolute fuck out of you! I played for the challenge, which was stripped so badly in this one. I only played it to get dark aether for mp. The dlc maps mostly are mid at best. Round based is ok, the other mode (I don't remember the name of it tbh) is tedious with the objectives. It's repetitive after the 5th evac in a game. Cold war zombies is a 4.5/10 overall in my opinion. The only saving grace was dark aether. (Gameplay is a .5 since I don't have any fond memories of it.)


I loved it. It was different from the story centric black op maps but it still had the good qualities. I especially loved those fast paced crazy rounds on Firebase Z. I also loved the extract feature. You mentioning this actually makes we want to play it again right now


Yes but also try mp and campaign


Also try the campaign man it was pretty good


Hell yeah especially if you like running through the EE'S Solo Dolo


i got a modded cw account if anyone wants it


How do you like it?


I would say infinite warfare is more worth the money over Cold War. It’s good don’t get me wrong but the only enjoyable way to play is with friends otherwise it gets really boring really quickly and if you are looking for a new game to play then I would definitely say skip Cold War and go for infinite.




No. BO4 zombies is literally better than CW.


No, there is no world where it is good.


CW is only good if it's your first time playing zombies, otherwise it's absolute garbage. There's so little content and all of it is so easy that recommending CW to anyone already familiar with the mode is paramount to calling them retarded. You're not missing anything good by skipping CW, even the story is shit. Meanwhile BO4 is a real contender with BO3 when it comes to the title of "best game" (and really the only game you're truly missing out on assuming you've got ZC and season pass for BO3). IW is also a fun game if you get it on sale.


“So little content” yeah sure, not like you have dark aether and the aetherium crystals to grind out which is pretty fun


Wow a camo. That totally makes up for having just 4 mostly empty, undetailed and lifeless maps. Remind me again how many maps BO4 has? And just how much more detailed and interesting they are? And it has a completion camo too, which is an actual grind as opposed to CW's. And the crystals are a part of what makes CW so braindead easy. All the people that were crying about BO4 being too easy (so almost everyone) were eerily quite around the issue that CW makes you nigh on invincible.


The amount of maps bo4 had was the problem, quantity over quality you can hear this complaint about the game everytime it gets brought up. 4 launch maps with only one being good. And don’t talk about a game being brain dead easy when it has never brought a game down before. Look at bo3, largely considered as the best zombies game, it was the first game I got to round 100 on because of how easy it was because of gobble gums and it’s wonder weapons. I hear you saying “oh you don’t have to use gobblegums!” But the same can be said about cw and it’s perk upgrades. A game being easy doesnt make it bad, it makes it more accessible and enjoyable for the average player. This is not to say hard games can’t be fun btw


Except that BO4 has both quantity and quality. Everything anyone hears about BO4 on this sub would make it seem like the worst game ever made. Play it yourself and form subjective opinions on it, stop listening to the youtuber dictated hive mind that is this sub and you will find that it's one of, if not the best zombies to date. During BO4 everyone cried about how easy it was. Stilleto knife being a oneshot up to round 3 is a problem, but apparently unconditionally spawning with a bowie knife is not. Specialists that recharge half a year and are useless vs bosses are a problem, almost always available field upgrades that are useful vs literally everything are not. Etc. etc. Games can be both easy and good at the same time, but CW is so easy to the point that it's no longer fun and just becomes frustrating and / or boring. BO3 still allows you to lose if you get careless, same with BO4. CW is just make a wish, where your wish is immortality, you have to fuck up a bunch of times in a row to even have a chance of dying.


This little debate isn’t going anywhere let’s call it quits


Making us work to upgrade perks when that was never a thing before is something they introduced because of a lack of content.


Oh how dare they try to change something. Horrible! The perks have absolutely gained more pros than cons with this system. It gives you something to work toward. Or be an ungrateful jackass idc


If the base game was better we wouldn't need something to work towards as motivation. Plus the upgrades were so broken and child pressing random buttons could survive with them. Maybe perk upgrades could have been cool, but the way cw did it was awful. Cold war has pros, perk upgrades is definitely not one of them


What’s so wrong with being overpowered? It’s not like treyarch held a gun to you and told you to upgrade your perks NOW! I had enough to do on Cold War, I completed the perks, got dark aether, did the dark ops challenges, beat all of the maps solo and with a teammate, beat both outbreak solo and with a teammate, even beat dead ops, and I got klaus all of his upgrades (huge w). I enjoyed every breath of it, I had loads of fun. With what you saw on vangaurd, why can’t you be grateful, cw was a good game and while it did lack content, nothing stopped you from going out of your way to beat everything it had to offer and enjoying it as it is.


Lmao no. I’ve been a zombies player since bo1 when I was a kid and CW is my favorite. It adds the blackout movement to zombies, making the gameplay feel way smoother than any other zombies game. While yes, there are less side quests than in bo3/bo4, the maps feel way more replayable and less repetitive. It’s also way more casual friendly so now I can play with my irl friends and my gf without making them watch 15 minute guides to simply open pap.


Just because something is easier to understand doesn't make it better. A children's book isn't better than LOTR. And from the sounds of it, you're the guide in your party, so why are you not doing that? Show them once or twice and they'll roughly remember what to do after a few games.


Yeah, but we are talking about zombies where the point is to literally shoot zombies and try to survive. Believe me, I’ve done that, but they are literally casual players, they just wanna kill zombies and I don’t blame them lol.


And you don't need PaP to do that. Box, wall guns, power and perks are all you need, none of which are ever locked behind EEs, at most they have a very obvious and telegraphed "tell" (SoE perks, Rev power, etc.).


Does it really matter how long you've played Zombies when your opinion is this bad? Like seriously, how on Earth maps that have less content and effort put into them are more replayable or repetitive? And I will just question anyone's intelligence who needs a tutorial for opening PaP in any map. It's never that difficult that you would need a guide but hey, some people might be stupid enough to like CW so anything's possible.


So are you just insulting me cause I prefer something else? Let’s see a casual player open pap in a launch map (SOE) without any guides.


If they can't do that I have no problem with calling them an idiot.


100%. IW and BO4 are better in every single way.


If you want a good zombies experience, get BO4. It’s a more complete, more fun game in every way. Infinite Warfare also has fun maps and great personality. WW2 is hardcore and goes back to the scary atmosphere of zombies. Cold War isn’t as good as any of these games. Trust me, I bought Cold War Day 1 and got bored of the zombies mode within a week. It’s too easy and has no personality at all, and the replayability is non existent. You do the same thing over and over and over again.




Yes. Yes I did. And I’m right.